def collect_modules(mod): if licant.core.core.runtime["trace"]: print("trace: collect_modules( {} )".format( for md in mod.opts["mdepends"]: if isinstance(md, str): if md in mdepends: continue request_implementation(name=md, elif isinstance(md, tuple): nmod = mlibrary.get(md[0], md[1]) if md[0] in mdepends and mdepends[md[0]] is not nmod: licant.error( "This module added early and it's different: mod:{} now:{} early:{}".format( licant.util.yellow(, licant.util.yellow(nmod.impl), licant.util.yellow(mdepends[md[0]].impl), ) ) specify_implementation(name=md[0], mod=nmod, if "mdepends" in nmod.opts: # Сразу же выполняем обход по данному модулю collect_modules(nmod) else: licant.error("Very strange mpdepend")
def included_from(target, *args): if len(args) > 0: name = args[0] else: print("You should specify target name") return for m in sorted(collect_modules(mlibrary.get(name)), key=lambda x: print(, ":", m.included_from)
def print_collect_list(target, *args): if len(args) > 0: name = args[0] else: print("You should specify target name") return for m in sorted(collect_modules(mlibrary.get(name)), key=lambda x: if hasattr(m, "impl"): print("{}:{}".format(, m.impl)) else: print(
def include_modules(locopts, lst): retopts = locopts for simod in lst: imod = mlibrary.get(, simod.impl) retopts = retopts.merge(imod, "include") if "include_modules" in imod.opts: retopts = include_modules( retopts, imod.opts["include_modules"]) return retopts
def modmake(name, impl, baseopts): mod = mlibrary.get(name, impl) modopts = CXXModuleOptions(**mod.opts) locopts = baseopts.merge(modopts, "merge") adddeps = [] # mod.stack # Проходим по include_modules, рекурсивно формируем локальные опции. def include_modules(locopts, lst): retopts = locopts for simod in lst: imod = mlibrary.get(, simod.impl) retopts = retopts.merge(imod, "include") if "include_modules" in imod.opts: retopts = include_modules( retopts, imod.opts["include_modules"]) return retopts locopts = include_modules(locopts, locopts["include_modules"]) # Система модулей mdepends for imod in collect_modules(mod): locopts = locopts.merge(imod, "include") local_headers_targets = [] if len(locopts["local_headers"]): locopts["include_paths"].append( locopts["builddir"] + "/__LOCAL_HEADERS__/") for pair in locopts["local_headers"]: licant.make.source(pair[1]) tgtpath = os.path.join( locopts["builddir"], "__LOCAL_HEADERS__", pair[0] ) licant.make.copy(src=pair[1], tgt=tgtpath) local_headers_targets.append(tgtpath) licant.make.fileset(name + "__local_headers__", local_headers_targets) adddeps.append(name + "__local_headers__") locsrcs = sources_paths(locopts) locobjs = build_paths(locsrcs, locopts, "o") locdeps = build_paths(locsrcs, locopts, "d") cxxopts = cxx_options_from_modopts(locopts) if len(locopts["qt_ui"]) != 0: uidir = os.path.join(locopts.opts["builddir"], "ui") locui = qt_ui_paths(locopts) locuihxx = build_paths(locui, locopts, "h", builddir=uidir, prefix="ui_") link_qt_ui(locui, locuihxx, cxxopts, adddeps) adddeps.extend(locuihxx) if uidir not in locopts.opts["include_paths"]: locopts.opts["include_paths"].append(uidir) # Recompile with ui include path cxxopts = cxx_options_from_modopts(locopts) if len(locopts["qt_moc"]) != 0: locmoc = qt_moc_paths(locopts) locmoccxx = build_paths(locmoc, locopts, "h.cxx") locmocobjs = build_paths(locmoc, locopts, "h.cxx.o") locmocdeps = build_paths(locmoc, locopts, "h.cxx.d") link_qt_moc(locmoc, locmoccxx, cxxopts, adddeps) locsrcs.extend(locmoccxx) locobjs.extend(locmocobjs) locdeps.extend(locmocdeps) link_objects(locsrcs, locobjs, locdeps, cxxopts, adddeps) if len(locopts["objects"]) != 0: for t in locopts["objects"]: licant.make.source(t) locobjs.extend(locopts["objects"]) submodules_results = [] # print(locopts["modules"]) for smod in locopts["modules"]: submodules_results += modmake(, smod.impl, locopts) if locopts["type"] == "application": return ([executable(locobjs + submodules_results, locopts)], locopts) elif locopts["type"] == "shared_library": return ([dynlib(locobjs + submodules_results, locopts)], locopts) elif locopts["type"] == "static_library": return ([statlib(locobjs + submodules_results, locopts)], locopts) elif locopts["type"] == "objects": return (locobjs + submodules_results, locopts) else: print("Wrong type of assemble: {}".format(["type"]))) exit(-1)