Example #1
def _load_index(_index_cache_file=index_cache_file):
    Return a LicenseIndex loaded from cache.
    from licensedcode.index import LicenseIndex

    with open(_index_cache_file, 'rb') as ifc:
        # Note: weird but read() + loads() is much (twice++???) faster than load()
        idx = LicenseIndex.loads(ifc.read())
    return idx
Example #2
def _load_index(_index_cache_file=index_cache_file):
    Return a LicenseIndex loaded from cache.
    from licensedcode.index import LicenseIndex

    with open(_index_cache_file, 'rb') as ifc:
        # Note: weird but read() + loads() is much (twice++???) faster than load()
        idx = LicenseIndex.loads(ifc.read())
    return idx
Example #3
def load_index(cache_file):
    Return a LicenseIndex loaded from cache.
    from licensedcode.index import LicenseIndex
    with open(cache_file, 'rb') as ifc:
        # Note: weird but read() + loads() is much (twice++???) faster than load()
            return LicenseIndex.loads(ifc.read())
            ex_type, ex_msg, ex_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            message = (str(ex_msg) +
                '\nERROR: Failed to load license cache (the file may be corrupted ?).\n'
                'Please delete "{cache_file}" and retry.\n'
                'If the problem persists, copy this error message '
                'and submit a bug report.\n'.format(**locals()))
            reraise(ex_type, message, ex_traceback)
Example #4
def get_or_build_index_from_cache(force_clear=False):
    Return a LicenseIndex loaded from cache. If the index is stale or does not exist,
    build a new index and caches it. Clear or purge the LicenseMatch cache as needed.
    from licensedcode.index import LicenseIndex
    from licensedcode.models import get_rules
        # acquire lock and wait until timeout to get a lock or die
        with yg.lockfile.FileLock(index_lock_file, timeout=LICENSE_INDEX_LOCK_TIMEOUT):
            current_checksum = None
            # if we have a saved cached index
            if exists(tree_checksum_file) and exists(index_cache_file):
                # load saved tree_checksum and compare with current tree_checksum
                with open(tree_checksum_file, 'rb') as etcs:
                    existing_checksum = etcs.read()
                current_checksum = tree_checksum()
                if current_checksum == existing_checksum:
                    # The cache is consistent with the latest code and data:
                    # we load index from cache
                    with open(index_cache_file, 'rb') as ifc:
                        # Note: loads() is much (twice++???) faster than load()
                        idx = LicenseIndex.loads(ifc.read())
                    return idx

            # Here, the cache is not consistent with the latest code and data:
            # It is either stale or non-existing: we need to cleanup/regen
            # regen the index
            idx = LicenseIndex(get_rules())
            with open(index_cache_file, 'wb') as ifc:

            # save the new checksums tree
            with open(tree_checksum_file, 'wb') as ctcs:
                ctcs.write(current_checksum or tree_checksum())

            return idx

    except yg.lockfile.FileLockTimeout:
        # TODO: unable to lock in a nicer way
Example #5
def load_index(cache_file, use_loads=False):
    Return a LicenseIndex loaded from cache.
    from licensedcode.index import LicenseIndex
    with open(cache_file, 'rb') as ifc:
        # Note: weird but read() + loads() is much (twice++???) faster than load()
            if use_loads:
                return LicenseIndex.loads(ifc.read())
                return LicenseIndex.load(ifc)
        except Exception as e:
            import traceback
            msg = (
                'ERROR: Failed to load license cache (the file may be corrupted ?).\n'
                'Please delete "{cache_file}" and retry.\n'
                'If the problem persists, copy this error message '
                'and submit a bug report.\n'.format(**locals()))
            msg += '\n' + traceback.format_exc()
            raise Exception(msg)
Example #6
def get_or_build_index_from_cache():
    Return a LicenseIndex loaded from cache or build a new index and caches it.
    from licensedcode.index import LicenseIndex
    from licensedcode.models import get_rules
        # acquire global lock file and wait until timeout to get a lock or die
        with yg.lockfile.FileLock(index_lock_file, timeout=60 * 3):
            # if we have a saved cached index
            if exists(tree_checksum_file) and exists(index_cache_file):
                # load saved tree_checksum and compare with current tree_checksum
                with open(tree_checksum_file, 'rb') as etcs:
                    existing_checksum = etcs.read()
                current_checksum = tree_checksum()
                #  if this cached index is current for the code and data
                if current_checksum == existing_checksum:
                    # load index from cache
                    with open(index_cache_file, 'rb') as ifc:
                        idx = LicenseIndex.loads(ifc.read())
                        return idx

            # here the cache is stale or non-existing: we need to regen the index
            idx = LicenseIndex(get_rules())
            with open(index_cache_file, 'wb') as ifc:

            # and save the checksums
            with open(tree_checksum_file, 'wb') as ctcs:

            return idx

    except yg.lockfile.FileLockTimeout:
        # handle unable to lock