def test_match_has_correct_positions_basic(self):
        idx = index.get_index()
        querys = u'''Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
                     Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
                     Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).'''
        matches = idx.match(query=querys, min_score=0)

        rule = [r for r in idx.rules_by_rid if r.identifier() == 'gpl-2.0_49.RULE'][0]
        m1 = LicenseMatch(rule=rule, _type='chunk1', qspans=[Span(0, 7)], ispans=[Span(0, 7)])
        m1.lines = Span(1, 1)
        m2 = LicenseMatch(rule=rule, _type='chunk2', qspans=[Span(8, 15)], ispans=[Span(0, 7)])
        m2.lines = Span(2, 2)
        m3 = LicenseMatch(rule=rule, _type='chunk3', qspans=[Span(16, 23)], ispans=[Span(0, 7)])
        m3.lines = Span(3, 3)

        assert [m1, m2, m3] == matches
    def test_match_works_for_apache_rule(self):
        idx = index.get_index()
        querys = u'''I am not a license.
            The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
        matches = idx.match(query=querys, min_score=100)

        rule = [r for r in idx.rules_by_rid if r.identifier() == 'apache-2.0_8.RULE'][0]
        m1 = LicenseMatch(rule=rule, _type='chunk1', qspans=[Span(5, 20)], ispans=[Span(0, 15)])
        m1.lines = Span(2, 3)
        assert [m1] == matches