def get_intersection_point_with(self, point: LidarPoint, angle: float) -> LidarPoint: """ Calculates the intersection between two this line and the line formed by a point and angle :param point: LidarPoint :param angle: float in radians :return: LidarPoint """ point2 = LidarPoint(x=point.x + math.cos(angle), y=point.y + math.sin(angle)) vector = LidarVector(point, point2) a1, b1, c1 = vector.get_abc() a2, b2, c2 = self.get_abc() if a1 == 0 and a2 == 0: return None elif b1 == 0 and b2 == 0: return None else: a = np.array([[a1, b1], [a2, b2]]) b = np.array([c1, c2]) intersection = np.linalg.solve(a, b) return LidarPoint(x=intersection[0], y=intersection[1])
def get_mid_points(self, min_wall_distance=300): x_s = (self.wall1.start.x + self.wall2.start.x) / 2 y_s = (self.wall1.start.y + self.wall2.start.y) / 2 x_t = (self.wall1.end.x + self.wall2.end.x) / 2 y_t = (self.wall1.end.y + self.wall2.end.y) / 2 if self.wall_type == WallType.HORIZONTAL: x_s -= min_wall_distance x_t += min_wall_distance else: y_s -= min_wall_distance y_t += min_wall_distance return LidarVector(start=LidarPoint(x_s, y_s), end=LidarPoint(x_t, y_t))
def get_distance_from_nearest_wall(wall_candidates: pd.DataFrame, pt: LidarPoint, theta: float) -> float: min_distance = None if math.cos(math.radians(theta)) > 0: wall_candidates = wall_candidates[(wall_candidates.xstart > pt.x) | (wall_candidates.xend > pt.x)] else: wall_candidates = wall_candidates[(wall_candidates.xstart <= pt.x) | (wall_candidates.xend <= pt.x)] if math.sin(math.radians(theta)) > 0: wall_candidates = wall_candidates[(wall_candidates.ystart > pt.y) | (wall_candidates.yend > pt.y)] else: wall_candidates = wall_candidates[(wall_candidates.ystart <= pt.y) | (wall_candidates.yend <= pt.y)] for _, wall in wall_candidates.iterrows(): wall_start = LidarPoint(wall.xstart, wall.ystart) wall_end = LidarPoint(wall.xend, wall.yend) theta1 = math.degrees(LidarVector(pt, wall_start).direction) theta2 = math.degrees(LidarVector(pt, wall_end).direction) if theta1 < 0: theta1 += 360 if theta2 < 0: theta2 += 360 if theta1 > theta2: theta1, theta2 = theta2, theta1 wall_start, wall_end = wall_end, wall_start if theta2 - theta1 > 180: theta1, theta2 = theta2 - 360, theta1 wall_start, wall_end = wall_end, wall_start if theta1 <= theta <= theta2 or theta1 <= theta - 360 <= theta2: wall_v = LidarVector(wall_start, wall_end) poi = wall_v.get_intersection_point_with(pt, math.radians(theta)) distance = LidarVector(pt, poi).distance if min_distance is None or distance < min_distance: min_distance = distance return min_distance
def get_wall_openings(self, min_wall_length=500) -> List[WallOpening]: if self.wall_openings is None: # Get short walls, walls with length < min_wall_length walls = self.get_walls().copy() walls['length'] = ((walls.xstart - walls.xend)**2 + (walls.ystart - walls.yend)**2)**0.5 walls = walls[walls.length < min_wall_length] walls['angle'] = walls.apply(lambda row: math.degrees( math.atan2(row.yend - row.ystart, row.xend - row.xstart)), axis=1) self.wall_openings = [] walls_seen = set() for _, wall1 in walls.iterrows(): w1 = LidarVector(start=LidarPoint(wall1.xstart, wall1.ystart), end=LidarPoint(wall1.xend, wall1.yend)) if w1.__str__() in walls_seen: continue else: walls_seen.add(w1.__str__()) temp_walls = walls.copy() temp_walls['distance'] = temp_walls.apply(lambda row: ( (row.xstart - wall1.xstart)**2 + (row.ystart - wall1.ystart)**2)**0.5, axis=1) temp_walls = temp_walls[temp_walls.distance > 0].sort_values( by='distance') wall2 = temp_walls.iloc[0] w2 = LidarVector(start=LidarPoint(wall2.xstart, wall2.ystart), end=LidarPoint(wall2.xend, wall2.yend)) if w2.__str__() in walls_seen: continue else: walls_seen.add(w2.__str__()) self.wall_openings.append(WallOpening(wall1=w1, wall2=w2)) return self.wall_openings
def generate_lidar_points(m_csv: str, lp_csv: str, fp_csv: str, num_points=500, verbose=False) -> pd.DataFrame: if not (os.path.exists(m_csv) and os.path.exists(fp_csv)): return pd.DataFrame(data=[]) angles, distances = [], [] walls = pd.read_csv(m_csv, names=['xstart', 'ystart', 'xend', 'yend']) pts = DroneMap( flight_path_csv=fp_csv, lidar_points_csv=lp_csv ).get_drone_positions() for i in range(len(pts)): pt = pts.iloc[i] if verbose: print("generating lidar points around ({:.4f}, {:.4f})".format(pt.x, pt.y)) angles.append(i) distances.append(num_points) for theta in np.linspace(start=0, stop=360, num=num_points, endpoint=False): min_distance = get_distance_from_nearest_wall( wall_candidates=walls, pt=LidarPoint(pt.x, pt.y), theta=theta ) angles.append(round(360 - theta, 4)) distances.append(min_distance) lp = pd.DataFrame( data=dict( angle=np.array(angles), distance=np.array(distances).astype(int) ) ) if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(lp_csv)): lp.to_csv(lp_csv, index=False, header=False) if verbose: print("Written the csv file: {}".format(os.path.realpath(lp_csv))) return lp
def get_optimum_flight_path(self, start: LidarPoint, end: LidarPoint = None, is_visit_all_rooms=False, plot=False, fp_csv=None, verbose=False, min_wall_distance=300) -> pd.DataFrame: connections = [] points = self.get_all_points() if verbose: print("generating nodes") if is_visit_all_rooms: nodes = self.get_nodes(start=start) else: nodes = self.get_nodes(start=start, end=end) for node in nodes: for neighbor in node.neighbors: vector = LidarVector(node, neighbor) if vector.start.x < vector.end.x: start_x, end_x = vector.start.x, vector.end.x else: end_x, start_x = vector.start.x, vector.end.x if vector.start.y < vector.end.y: start_y, end_y = vector.start.y, vector.end.y else: end_y, start_y = vector.start.y, vector.end.y p = points[(points.x >= start_x) & (points.x <= end_x) & (points.y >= start_y) & (points.y <= end_y)] if not len(p): connections.append((node, neighbor, vector.distance)) elif len(p) < 5: obs_x, obs_y = p.x.mean(), p.y.mean() distance = LidarVector(node, neighbor).get_distance_from( LidarPoint(obs_x, obs_y)) if distance > min_wall_distance: connections.append((node, neighbor, vector.distance)) else: obs1 = LidarPoint(obs_x, obs_y + min_wall_distance) obs2 = LidarPoint(obs_x, obs_y - min_wall_distance) lv11 = LidarVector(node, obs1) lv12 = LidarVector(obs1, neighbor) lv21 = LidarVector(node, obs2) lv22 = LidarVector(obs2, neighbor) connections.append((node, obs1, lv11.distance)) connections.append((obs1, neighbor, lv12.distance)) connections.append((node, obs2, lv21.distance)) connections.append((obs2, neighbor, lv22.distance)) x_s, y_s = [], [] if verbose: print("analyzing shortest path") if is_visit_all_rooms: paths = [] Graph(connections).shortest_path_traverse_all(start, paths=paths) best_path, best_distance = None, math.inf, best_dikstra_path = [] for bp, bc in paths: df_best_path = self.get_optimum_flight_path(start=bp[len(bp) - 1], end=end) prev_row = df_best_path.iloc[0] distance = 0 for _, curr_row in df_best_path[1:].iterrows(): distance += ((curr_row.x - prev_row.x)**2 + (curr_row.y - prev_row.y)**2)**0.5 prev_row = curr_row if distance < best_distance: best_path, best_distance = bp, distance best_dikstra_path = df_best_path for pos in best_path: x_s.append(pos.x) y_s.append(pos.y) for _, pos in best_dikstra_path.iterrows(): x_s.append(pos.x) y_s.append(pos.y) else: positions = Graph(connections).shortest_path(start, end) for pos in positions: x_s.append(pos.x) y_s.append(pos.y) df = pd.DataFrame(data=list(zip(x_s, y_s)), columns=['x', 'y']) if fp_csv is not None: fp_csv_dir = os.path.dirname(fp_csv) if not os.path.exists(fp_csv_dir): os.makedirs(fp_csv_dir) with open(fp_csv, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for i in range(len(df)): row = df.iloc[i] spamwriter.writerow([i, 1]) spamwriter.writerow([row.x / 1e3, row.y / 1e3]) if verbose: print("Written the csv file: {}".format( os.path.realpath(fp_csv))) if plot: df.plot(kind='line', x='x', y='y', color='r', if verbose: print("plotting results") self.visualize_lidar_points(drone_pos=False) return df
def get_walls(self, div=100): if self.walls is None: half_div = div / 2 df_points = self.get_all_points().copy() walls = set() for _, corner in self.get_all_corners().iterrows(): corner = LidarPoint(corner.x, corner.y) df = self.get_all_corners().copy() df['r'] = df.apply(lambda row: ((row.x - corner.x)**2 + (row.y - corner.y)**2)**0.5, axis=1) top_corner = df[(df.y > corner.y) & (abs(df.x - corner.x) < div)].sort_values( by='r')[:1] down_corner = df[(df.y < corner.y) & (abs(df.x - corner.x) < div)].sort_values( by='r')[:1] left_corner = df[(df.x < corner.x) & (abs(df.y - corner.y) < div)].sort_values( by='r')[:1] right_corner = df[(df.x > corner.x) & (abs(df.y - corner.y) < div)].sort_values( by='r')[:1] if len(top_corner) and len(down_corner): top_corner = LidarPoint(top_corner.iloc[0].x, top_corner.iloc[0].y) down_corner = LidarPoint(down_corner.iloc[0].x, down_corner.iloc[0].y) top_pts = df_points[(df_points.y < top_corner.y - half_div) & (df_points.y > corner.y + half_div) & (abs(df_points.x - corner.x) < div)] down_pts = df_points[ (df_points.y < corner.y - half_div) & (df_points.y > down_corner.y + half_div) & (abs(df_points.x - corner.x) < div)] if len(top_pts) > len(down_pts): v_corner = LidarPoint(top_corner.x, top_corner.y) else: v_corner = LidarPoint(down_corner.x, down_corner.y) elif len(top_corner): v_corner = LidarPoint(top_corner.iloc[0].x, top_corner.iloc[0].y) else: v_corner = LidarPoint(down_corner.iloc[0].x, down_corner.iloc[0].y) if len(right_corner) and len(left_corner): right_corner = LidarPoint(right_corner.iloc[0].x, right_corner.iloc[0].y) left_corner = LidarPoint(left_corner.iloc[0].x, left_corner.iloc[0].y) right_pts = df_points[ (df_points.x < right_corner.x - half_div) & (df_points.x > corner.x + half_div) & (abs(df_points.y - corner.y) < div)] left_pts = df_points[ (df_points.x < corner.x - half_div) & (df_points.x > left_corner.x + half_div) & (abs(df_points.y - corner.y) < div)] if len(right_pts) > len(left_pts): h_corner = LidarPoint(right_corner.x, right_corner.y) else: h_corner = LidarPoint(left_corner.x, left_corner.y) elif not len(right_corner): h_corner = LidarPoint(left_corner.iloc[0].x, left_corner.iloc[0].y) else: h_corner = LidarPoint(right_corner.iloc[0].x, right_corner.iloc[0].y) wall_corner = WallCorner(cc=corner, cv=v_corner, ch=h_corner) w = wall_corner.get_walls() if w[0] not in walls: walls.add(w[0]) if w[1] not in walls: walls.add(w[1]) x_start, y_start = [], [] x_end, y_end = [], [] for wl in walls: x_start.append(wl.start.x) y_start.append(wl.start.y) x_end.append(wl.end.x) y_end.append(wl.end.y) self.walls = pd.DataFrame( data=list(zip(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end)), columns=['xstart', 'ystart', 'xend', 'yend']).sort_values( by=['xstart', 'ystart', 'xend', 'yend' ]).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True).astype(int) return self.walls
print("plotting results") self.visualize_lidar_points(drone_pos=False) return df if __name__ == '__main__': dm = DroneMap(lidar_points_csv='./.cache/LIDARPoints.csv', flight_path_csv='./.cache/FlightPath.csv') """Visualize Lidar points""" # dm.visualize_lidar_points(by_scan_id=False) # dm.generate_mapping_csv(csv_file="./.cache/Mapping.csv") """Test for connectivity between two points""" # lp1 = LidarPoint(5e3, 4e3) # lp2 = LidarPoint(15e3, 14e3) # assert not dm.is_connected(lp1, lp2), "{} {} should not be connected".format(lp1, lp2) # lp1 = LidarPoint(5e3, 4e3) # lp2 = LidarPoint(7.5e3, 8e3) # assert dm.is_connected(lp1, lp2), "{} {} should be connected".format(lp1, lp2) """Get Wall Openings""" # print(dm.get_wall_openings()) """Get nodes of each room""" # nodes = dm.get_nodes(start=LidarPoint(7.5e3, 8e3), end=LidarPoint(17.5e3, 8e3)) # print(nodes) """Get Optimum Flight Path""" dm.get_optimum_flight_path( start=LidarPoint(7.5e3, 8e3), end=LidarPoint(17.5e3, 12e3), fp_csv='./.cache/fp.csv', )
print("missing flight path csv") elif args.lp_csv is None: print("missing lidar points csv") elif args.start_x is None: print("missing starting point x coordinate") elif args.start_y is None: print("missing starting point y coordinate") elif args.end_x is None: print("missing end point x coordinate") elif args.end_y is None: print("missing end point y coordinate") else: dm = DroneMap(lidar_points_csv=args.lp_csv, flight_path_csv='./.cache/FlightPath.csv') dm.get_optimum_flight_path( end=LidarPoint(args.end_x, args.end_y), start=LidarPoint(args.start_x, args.start_y), fp_csv=args.fp_csv, plot=True, is_visit_all_rooms=args.challenge == 3, verbose=args.verbose, ) elif args.challenge == 5: """ Challenge 5: Mapping Input: LidarPoints.csv, FlightPath.csv Output: Mapping.csv """ dm = DroneMap(lidar_points_csv=args.lp_csv, flight_path_csv=args.fp_csv)