def get_um_sharing_model(): LOG.debug( "[] [get_um_sharing_model] Getting information about current user and device..." ) # get 'my' device_id device_id = __get_current_device_id() if device_id == -1: return None else: return cimi.get_sharing_model_by_device(device_id)
def __check_service_instance_id(service_instance_id): for sid in QoS_SERVICE_INSTANCES_LIST: if sid == service_instance_id: LOG.warning( "[] [__check_notification] service instance [" + service_instance_id + "] is being processed") return False LOG.debug( "[] [__check_notification] service instance [" + service_instance_id + "] is NOT being processed") return True
def update_service_instance(service_instance_id, service_instance): LOG.debug( "[] [update_service_instance] Updating resource ... (" + service_instance_id + ", " + str(service_instance) + ")") res = cimi.update_service_instance(service_instance_id, service_instance) if not res: LOG.error( "[] [update_service_instance] Error during the edition of the service_instance object" ) return None return res
def __deploy_COMPSs_in_agent(service, service_instance, agent_ip): LOG.debug( "[] [__deploy_COMPSs_in_agent] Deploying COMPSs service instance [" + service_instance['id'] + "] in new agent [" + agent_ip + "] ...") try: # 1. create NEW AGENT LOG.debug( "[] [__deploy_COMPSs_in_agent] Creating new service instance agent [" + agent_ip + "]") new_agent = { "device_id": "-", "app_type": service['exec_type'], "ports": service['exec_ports'], "url": agent_ip, "status": STATUS_CREATED_NOT_INITIALIZED, "compss_app_id": "-", "allow": True, "container_id": "-", "master_compss": False, "agent_param": "not-defined" } # 2. DEPLOY COMPSs in NEW AGENT LOG.debug( "[] [__deploy_COMPSs_in_agent] allocate service in remote agent [" + new_agent['url'] + "]") resp_deploy = connector.lifecycle_deploy(service, service_instance, new_agent) if resp_deploy is not None: new_agent['status'] = resp_deploy['status'] new_agent['container_id'] = resp_deploy['container_id'] new_agent['ports'] = resp_deploy['ports'] LOG.debug( "[] [__deploy_COMPSs_in_agent] service deployed in remote agent: [agent=" + str(new_agent) + "]") # executes / starts service resp_start = connector.lifecycle_operation(service, new_agent, "start") if resp_start is not None: new_agent['status'] = resp_start['status'] LOG.debug( "[] [__deploy_COMPSs_in_agent] execute service in remote agent: [agent=" + str(new_agent) + "]") return True, new_agent else: LOG.error( "[] [__deploy_COMPSs_in_agent] allocate service in remote agent: NOT DEPLOYED" ) new_agent['status'] = "not-deployed" except: LOG.exception( "[] [__deploy_COMPSs_in_agent] Exception. Returning False ..." ) return False, None
def __get_agent(): "[] [__get_agent] Getting 'my' device ID ..." ) agent = cimi.get_agent_info() LOG.debug("[] [__get_agent] agent=" + str(agent)) if not agent is None and agent != -1: return agent else: return None
def getServiceInstanceReport(service_instance_id): LOG.debug("[lifecycle.app_funcs] [getServiceInstanceReport] " + service_instance_id) try: service_instance_report = data_adapter.get_service_instance_report(service_instance_id) if not service_instance_report is None and service_instance_report != -1: return common.gen_response_ok('Service Operation Report content', 'service_instance_id', service_instance_id, 'report', service_instance_report) else: LOG.warning("[lifecycle.app_funcs] [getServiceInstanceReport] service_instance_report is None") return common.gen_response(500, "service_instance_report is None", "service_instance_id", service_instance_id) except: LOG.exception('[lifecycle.app_funcs] [getServiceInstanceReport] Exception') return common.gen_response(500, 'Exception', 'service_instance_id', service_instance_id)
def __deploy_docker_compss(service, service_instance, agent): LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.adapter] [__deploy_docker_compss] " + str(service) + ", " + str(agent)) try: # service image / location. Examples: "mf2c/compss-agent:latest", "mf2c/compss-mf2c:1.0" service_image = service['exec'] # port(s); COMPSs exposes port 8080 ports = agent['ports'] # ip ip = agent['url'] # ip_leader ip_leader = service_instance[ 'device_ip'] # TODO create a 'exec_device_ip' container1, agents_ports = docker_client.create_docker_compss_container( service_image, ip, ports, ip_leader) if container1 is not None: db.SERVICE_INSTANCES_LIST.append({ "type": SERVICE_COMPSS, "container_main": container1['Id'], "container_2": "-" }) LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.adapter] [__deploy_docker_compss] container: " + str(container1)) # update agent properties agent['container_id'] = container1['Id'] agent['agent_param'] = "-" agent['ports'] = agents_ports agent['status'] = STATUS_WAITING return common.gen_response_ok('Deploy service in agent', 'agent', str(agent), 'service', str(service)) else: LOG.error( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.adapter] [__deploy_docker_compss] Could not connect to DOCKER API" ) agent['status'] = STATUS_ERROR return common.gen_response(500, 'Error when connecting to DOCKER API', 'agent', str(agent), 'service', str(service)) except: LOG.exception( '[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.adapter] [__deploy_docker_compss] Exception' ) return common.gen_response(500, 'Exception: __deploy_docker_compss()', 'agent', str(agent), 'service', str(service))
def thr_operation_service_local(operation, service, agent): try: LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.operations] [thr_operation_service_local] service operation: " + operation + " (localhost)") if operation == OPERATION_START: LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.operations] [thr_operation_service_local] start service locally: " + str(service) + ", agent: " + str(agent)) apps_adapter.start_service_agent(service, agent) elif operation == OPERATION_STOP: LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.operations] [thr_operation_service_local] stop service locally: " + str(service) + ", agent: " + str(agent)) apps_adapter.stop_service_agent(service, agent) elif operation == OPERATION_TERMINATE: LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.operations] [thr_operation_service_local] terminate service locally: " + str(service) + ", agent: " + str(agent)) apps_adapter.terminate_service_agent(service, agent) except: LOG.exception( "[lifecycle.operations] [thr_operation_service_local] Exception")
def db_si_getrecord(id): try: records = [r for r in DB_LM_SERVICE_INSTANCES if r['id'] == id] LOG.debug("[] [db_si_get] records: " + str(records)) if len(records) >= 1: return records[0] else: LOG.warning( '[] [db_si_get] No records found') except: LOG.exception('[] [db_si_get] Exception') return None
def start_job_in_agents(service_instance, body): ceiClass = body['ceiClass'] className = body['className'] hasResult = body['hasResult'] methodName = body['methodName'] parameters = body['parameters'] LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job_in_agents] [service_instance=" + str(service_instance) + "], [parameters=" + str(parameters) + "]") try: # create resource xml xml_resources_content = "" for agent in service_instance['agents']: if agent['status'] == STATUS_STARTED: xml_resources_content += gen_resource(agent['url'], agent['ports']) if not xml_resources_content: LOG.error( '[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job_in_agents] xml_resources_content is empty: agents status != STATUS_STARTED' ) return False xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" \ "<startApplication>" \ " <ceiClass>" + ceiClass + "</ceiClass>" \ " <className>" + className + "</className>" \ " <hasResult>" + str(hasResult) + "</hasResult>" \ " <methodName>" + methodName + "</methodName>" \ " <parameters>" + parameters + "</parameters>" \ " <resources>" + xml_resources_content + "</resources>" \ " <serviceInstanceId>" + service_instance['id'].replace("service-instance/", "") + "</serviceInstanceId>" \ "</startApplication>" LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job_in_agents] [xml=" + xml + "]") master_agent = data_adapter.serv_instance_find_master(service_instance) compss_port = master_agent['ports'][0] res = requests.put("http://" + master_agent['url'] + ":" + str(compss_port) + "/COMPSs/startApplication", data=xml, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}) LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job_in_agents] response: " + str(res) + ", " + str(res.json())) if res.ok: LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job_in_agents] res.text: " + str(res.text)) data_adapter.serv_instance_store_appid_in_master( service_instance, str(res.json())) return True except: LOG.exception( '[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job_in_agents] Exception' ) return False
def create_docker_container(service_image, service_name, service_command, prts): LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [create_docker_container] [service_name=" + service_name + "], " "[service_command=" + service_command + "], [service_image=" + service_image + "], " "[ports=" + str(prts) + "]") # connect to docker api lclient = get_client_agent_docker() try: if lclient: # check if image already exists in agent or download image __download_docker_image(lclient, service_image) LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [create_docker_container] Creating container ..." ) prts_list = list(prts) ports_dict = pmngr.create_ports_dict(prts) LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [create_docker_container] ports_dict: " + str(ports_dict)) LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [create_docker_container] prts: " + str(prts)) LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [create_docker_container] prts_list: " + str(prts_list)) # create a new container: 'docker run' container = lclient.create_container( service_image, # command=service_command, name=service_name, tty=True, ports=prts_list, host_config=lclient.create_host_config( port_bindings=ports_dict)) return container else: LOG.error( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [create_docker_container] Could not connect to DOCKER API" ) return None except: LOG.exception( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [create_docker_container] Exception" ) return None
def __download_docker_image(lclient, service_image, service_image_tag=None): # check if image already exists in agent l_images = lclient.images(name=service_image) # if not, download image if not l_images or len(l_images) == 0: LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [__download_docker_image] call to 'import_image' [" + service_image + "] ...") if service_image_tag is not None: lclient.import_image( tag=service_image_tag, image=service_image) # (tag="latest", image="ubuntu") else: lclient.import_image(image=service_image) # (image="ubuntu")
def get_all_service_instances(): try: res = requests.get(config.dic['CIMI_URL'] + '/' + RSRC_SERVICE_INSTANCE, headers=CIMI_HEADER, verify=False) LOG.debug("[] [get_all_service_instances] response: " + str(res) + ", " + str(res.json())) if res.status_code == 200: return res.json()['serviceInstances'] LOG.warning("[] [get_all_service_instances] No service instances retrieved; Returning None ...") except: LOG.exception("[] [get_all_service_instances] Exception; Returning None ...") return None
def thr(notification): try: LOG.debug( "[] [thr] Handling SLA violations [" + str(notification) + "] ...") # TODO #... time.sleep(10) LOG.debug( "[] [thr] SLA violations handled") except: LOG.error('[] [thr] Exception')
def __deploy_docker_image(service, agent): LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.adapter] [__deploy_docker_image] " + str(service) + ", " + str(agent)) try: # service image / location. Examples: "yeasy/simple-web" service_image = service['exec'] # service_name examples: "simple-web-test" service_name = service['name'] + "-" + str(uuid.uuid4()) # command. Docker examples: "/bin/sh -c 'python'" service_command = "" # port(s) ports = agent['ports'] container1 = docker_client.create_docker_container( service_image, service_name, service_command, ports) if container1 is not None: db.SERVICE_INSTANCES_LIST.append({ "type": SERVICE_DOCKER, "container_main": container1['Id'], "container_2": "-" }) LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.adapter] [__deploy_docker_image] container: " + str(container1)) # update agent properties agent['container_id'] = container1['Id'] agent['agent_param'] = "-" agent['status'] = STATUS_WAITING return common.gen_response_ok('Deploy service in agent', 'agent', str(agent), 'service', str(service)) else: LOG.error( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.adapter] [__deploy_docker_image] Could not connect to DOCKER API" ) agent['status'] = STATUS_ERROR return common.gen_response(500, 'Error when connecting to DOCKER API', 'agent', str(agent), 'service', str(service)) except: LOG.exception( '[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.adapter] [__deploy_docker_image] Exception' ) return common.gen_response(500, 'Exception: __deploy_docker_image()', 'agent', str(agent), 'service', str(service))
def gen_resource(url, ports): try: LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [gen_resource] Getting first element from list (compss_port) ..." ) compss_port = ports[0] LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [gen_resource] compss_port: " + str(compss_port)) xml = "<externalResource>" \ " <adaptor></adaptor>" \ " <description>" \ " <memorySize>4.0</memorySize>" \ " <memoryType>[unassigned]</memoryType>" \ " <operatingSystemDistribution>[unassigned]</operatingSystemDistribution>" \ " <operatingSystemType>[unassigned]</operatingSystemType>" \ " <operatingSystemVersion>[unassigned]</operatingSystemVersion>" \ " <pricePerUnit>-1.0</pricePerUnit>" \ " <priceTimeUnit>-1</priceTimeUnit>" \ " <processors>" \ " <architecture>[unassigned]</architecture>" \ " <computingUnits>2</computingUnits>" \ " <internalMemory>-1.0</internalMemory>" \ " <name>MainProcessor</name>" \ " <propName>[unassigned]</propName>" \ " <propValue>[unassigned]</propValue>" \ " <speed>-1.0</speed>" \ " <type>CPU</type>" \ " </processors>" \ " <storageSize>-1.0</storageSize>" \ " <storageType>[unassigned]</storageType>" \ " <value>0.0</value>" \ " <wallClockLimit>-1</wallClockLimit>" \ " </description>" \ " <name>" + url + "</name>" \ " <resourceConf xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:type=\"ResourcesExternalAdaptorProperties\">" \ " <Property>" \ " <Name>Port</Name>" \ " <Value>" + str(compss_port) + "</Value>" \ " </Property>" \ " </resourceConf>" \ "</externalResource>" return xml except: LOG.exception( '[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [gen_resource] Exception') return False
def start_job(service_instance, body): ceiClass = body['ceiClass'] className = body['className'] hasResult = body['hasResult'] methodName = body['methodName'] parameters = body['parameters'] service_instance_id = service_instance['id'] agent = service_instance['agents'][0] LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job] service_instance_id=" + service_instance_id + ", agent=" + str(agent) + ", body=" + str(body)) try: # create resource xml xml_resource = gen_resource(agent['url'], agent['ports']) # create xml xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" \ "<startApplication>" \ " <ceiClass>" + ceiClass + "</ceiClass>" \ " <className>" + className + "</className>" \ " <hasResult>" + str(hasResult) + "</hasResult>" \ " <methodName>" + methodName + "</methodName>" \ " <parameters>" + parameters + "</parameters>" \ " <resources>" + xml_resource + "</resources>" \ " <serviceInstanceId>" + service_instance['id'].replace("service-instance/", "") + "</serviceInstanceId>" \ "</startApplication>" LOG.debug("[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job] [xml=" + xml + "]") master_agent = data_adapter.serv_instance_find_master(service_instance) compss_port = agent['ports'][0] LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job] PUT http://" + agent['url'] + ":" + str(compss_port) + "/COMPSs/startApplication") res = requests.put("http://" + agent['url'] + ":" + str(compss_port) + "/COMPSs/startApplication", data=xml, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}) if res.ok: LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job] response (json): " + str(res) + ", " + str(res.json()) + ", " + str(res.text)) data_adapter.serv_instance_store_appid_in_master( service_instance, str(res.json())) return True else: LOG.error( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job] Response from COMPSs: " + str(res)) except: LOG.exception( '[lifecycsle.modules.apps.compss.adapter] [start_job] Exception') return False
def create_docker_compose_container(service_name, service_command): LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [create_docker_compose_container] Creating docker-compose containers [service_name=" + service_name + "], [service_command=" + service_command + "] ...") try: # connect to docker api lclient = get_client_agent_docker() if lclient: # check if image already exists in agent or download image __download_docker_image(lclient, config.dic['DOCKER_COMPOSE_IMAGE'], config.dic['DOCKER_COMPOSE_IMAGE_TAG']) # create a new container: 'docker run' container = lclient.create_container( config.dic['DOCKER_COMPOSE_IMAGE'], command=service_command, name=service_name, tty=True, volumes=[ config.dic['WORKING_DIR_VOLUME'], config.dic['DOCKER_SOCKET_VOLUME'] ], host_config=lclient.create_host_config( binds={ config.dic['WORKING_DIR_VOLUME']: { 'bind': config.dic['WORKING_DIR_VOLUME'], 'mode': 'rw', }, '/var/run/docker.sock': { 'bind': config.dic['DOCKER_SOCKET_VOLUME'], 'mode': 'rw', } }), working_dir=config.dic['WORKING_DIR_VOLUME']) return container else: LOG.error( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [create_docker_compose_container] Could not connect to DOCKER API" ) return None except: LOG.exception( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [create_docker_compose_container] Exception" ) return None
def get_user_profile(): LOG.log(TRACE, "[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_user_profile] Getting user-profile from localhost ...") try:"[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_user_profile] HTTP GET: " + str(config.dic['URL_AC_USER_MANAGEMENT']) + "/user-profile") r = requests.get(str(config.dic['URL_AC_USER_MANAGEMENT']) + "/user-profile", verify=config.dic['VERIFY_SSL']) LOG.log(TRACE, "[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_user_profile] response: " + str(r) + ", " + str(r.json())) json_data = json.loads(r.text) LOG.debug("[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_user_profile] json_data=" + str(json_data)) if r.status_code == 200: return json_data LOG.error("[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_user_profile] Error: status_code=" + str(r.status_code) + "; Returning None ...") except: LOG.exception("[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_user_profile] Exception; Returning None ...") return None
def add_container_to_network(id): try: LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [add_container_to_network] " "[NETWORK_COMPSs=" + config.dic['NETWORK_COMPSs'] + "], [id=" + id + "]") lclient = get_client_agent_docker() LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [add_container_to_network] resp: " + str( lclient.connect_container_to_network( id, config.dic['NETWORK_COMPSs']))) except: LOG.exception( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.docker.client] [add_container_to_network] [" + id + "]: Exception") return False
def get_current(val): LOG.log(TRACE, "[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_current] Getting current " + val + " from localhost - UM: Checking avialability ...") try:"[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_current] HTTP GET: " + str(config.dic['URL_AC_USER_MANAGEMENT']) + "/current/" + val) r = requests.get(str(config.dic['URL_AC_USER_MANAGEMENT']) + "/current/" + val, verify=config.dic['VERIFY_SSL']) LOG.log(TRACE, "[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_current] response: " + str(r) + ", " + str(r.json())) json_data = json.loads(r.text) LOG.debug("[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_current] json_data=" + str(json_data)) if r.status_code == 200: return json_data LOG.error("[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_current] Error: status_code=" + str(r.status_code) + "; Returning None ...") except: LOG.exception("[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [get_current] Exception; Returning None ...") return None
def __select_agents_service_default(service_instance): # docker swarm ==> deploy in first available agent if len(service_instance['agents']) > 0: list_of_agents = [service_instance['agents'][0]] LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.agent_decision] [__select_agents_service_default] first agent: " + str(list_of_agents)) service_instance['agents'] = list_of_agents # docker swarm: not-enough-resources-found else: return service_instance, "not-enough-resources-found" LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.agent_decision] [__select_agents_service_default] agents FINAL list: " + str(service_instance['agents'])) return service_instance, "ok"
def is_port_free(port): try: if port < 10000: LOG.warning( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.ports_mngr] [is_port_free] Ports (" + str(port) + ") under 10000 are nor allowed") return False if data_adapter.db_get_port_mapped(port) is None and tryPort(port): LOG.debug( "[lifecycle.modules.apps.ports_mngr] [is_port_free] Port (" + str(port) + ") is free") return True except: LOG.exception("[lifecycle.modules.apps.ports_mngr] [is_port_free] [" + str(port) + "]: Exception") return False
def set_um_properties(apps=0): LOG.log(TRACE, "[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [set_um_properties] localhost - local UM: Updating UM properties ...") try:"[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [set_um_properties] HTTP PUT: " + str(config.dic['URL_AC_USER_MANAGEMENT']) + "/sharing-model") r = requests.put(str(config.dic['URL_AC_USER_MANAGEMENT']) + "/sharing-model", json={"apps_running": apps}, verify=config.dic['VERIFY_SSL']) LOG.log(TRACE, "[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [set_um_properties] response: " + str(r) + ", " + str(r.json())) if r.status_code == 200: json_data = json.loads(r.text) LOG.debug('[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [set_um_properties] json_data=' + str(json_data)) return json_data LOG.error("[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [set_um_properties] Error: status_code=" + str(r.status_code) + "; Returning None ...") except: LOG.exception("[lifecycle.connectors.atos.user_manager] [set_um_properties] Exception; Returning None ...") return None
def db_si_del(id): try: record = db_si_getrecord(id) if record is not None: LOG.debug( "[] [db_si_del] deleted records: " + str(DB_LM_SERVICE_INSTANCES.delete(record))) # save changes on disk DB_LM_SERVICE_INSTANCES.commit() return True else: LOG.warning( '[] [db_si_del] Service Instance was not found in DB' ) return False except: LOG.exception('[] [db_si_del] Exception') return False
def db_si_getall(): try: records = DB_LM_SERVICE_INSTANCES() LOG.debug( "[] [db_si_getall] Getting all records ... total=" + str(len(records))) if len(records) >= 1: list_of_records = [] for r in records: list_of_records.append(r['service_instance']) return list_of_records else: LOG.warning( '[] [db_si_getall] No records found') except: LOG.exception('[] [db_si_getall] Exception') return None
def del_from_DB_DOCKER_PORTS(port): try: record = get_from_DB_DOCKER_PORTS(port) if record is not None: LOG.debug( "[] [del_from_DB_DOCKER_PORTS] deleted records: " + str(DB_DOCKER_PORTS.delete(record))) # save changes on disk DB_DOCKER_PORTS.commit() return True else: LOG.warning( '[] [del_from_DB_DOCKER_PORTS] Port was not found in DB' ) return False except: LOG.exception( '[] [del_from_DB_DOCKER_PORTS] Exception') return False
def operation_service(service_instance_id, operation): LOG.debug("[lifecycle.operations] [operation_service] operation=" + operation + ", service_instance_id=" + service_instance_id) try: # 1. get service_instance object service_instance = data_adapter.get_service_instance( service_instance_id) if service_instance is None or service_instance == -1: return common.gen_response( 500, 'Error getting service instance object', 'service_instance_id', service_instance_id) if operation == OPERATION_STOP_TERMINATE: service_instance['status'] = STATUS_TERMINATING # execute thread t = threading.Thread(target=__thr_stop_terminate_service, args=(service_instance, )) t.start() else: # submit operation thread if operation == OPERATION_START: service_instance['status'] = STATUS_STARTING elif operation == OPERATION_STOP: service_instance['status'] = STATUS_STOPPING elif operation == OPERATION_TERMINATE: service_instance['status'] = STATUS_TERMINATING # execute thread t = threading.Thread(target=__thr_operation_service, args=( service_instance, operation, )) t.start() # response return common.gen_response_ok( "Service " + operation + " operation is being processed ...", "service_instance", service_instance) except: LOG.exception('[lifecycle.operations] [operation_service] Exception') return common.gen_response(500, 'Exception', 'service_instance_id', service_instance_id)
def get_from_DB_DOCKER_PORTS(port): try: # debug DB # print_records(DB_DOCKER_PORTS) records = [r for r in DB_DOCKER_PORTS if r['port'] == port] LOG.debug( "[] [get_from_DB_DOCKER_PORTS] records: " + str(records)) #records = DB_DOCKER_PORTS(port=port) if len(records) >= 1: return records[0] else: LOG.warning( '[] [get_from_DB_DOCKER_PORTS] No records found' ) except: LOG.exception( '[] [get_from_DB_DOCKER_PORTS] Exception') return None
def deploy_service(service, agent): LOG.debug("[lifecycle.modules.apps.kubernetes.adapter] [deploy_service] " + str(service) + ", " + str(agent)) try: ''' :oauth-token (config/get-openshift-oauth-token) :insecure? true :content-type :json :accept :json :param auth: (optional) Auth tuple to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. requests.get('', auth=HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'pass')) ''' headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} # deployment r =['K8S_PROXY'] + "/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/" + config.dic['K8S_NAMESPACE'] + "/deployments", headers=headers, json=shemas.genDeploymentDict(service['name']), verify=config.dic['VERIFY_SSL']) # service r =['K8S_PROXY'] + "/api/v1/namespaces/" + config.dic['K8S_NAMESPACE'] + "/services", headers=headers, json=shemas.genServiceDict(service['name']), verify=config.dic['VERIFY_SSL']) # app name is stored in 'container_id' field agent['container_id'] = service['name'] agent['status'] = STATUS_WAITING except: LOG.exception( '[lifecycle.modules.apps.kubernetes.adapter] [deploy_service] Exception' ) return common.gen_response(500, 'Exception: deploy_service()', 'agent', str(agent), 'service', str(service))