def development_status(): global dev_status global customclassifiers_bool lifeeasy.clear() print('Choose a development status from the following') print('') print('Alpha') print('Beta') print('Stable') print('') print( 'Or press [enter] to add a custom one when adding classifiers...' ) print('') print('') dev_status_try = input('> ') if dev_status_try.lower() == 'alpha': dev_status = 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha' elif dev_status_try.lower() == 'beta': dev_status = 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta' elif dev_status_try.lower() == 'stable': dev_status = 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable' elif dev_status_try == '': customclassifiers_bool = True else: print("Sorry but I couldn't recognize the status.") lifeeasy.sleep(1) print('Please try again...') lifeeasy.sleep(1) development_status()
def console_output(): ''' Internal Function used to display statistics during processing the images.\n Might be disabled and thus main function analyze_episode could be optimized for better performance but I prefer seeing what's going on. ''' total_fps = 0 total_frames = 'N/A' total_frames_frame = 0 total_frames_frames = 0 for element in fps_dict: total_fps += fps_dict[element] single_thread_stats = '' for element in frames_stats_dict: total_frames_frame += frames_stats_dict[element]['frame'] total_frames_frames += frames_stats_dict[element]['total_frames'] try: try: thread_percentage = int(frames_stats_dict[element]['frame']) * 100 / int(frames_stats_dict[element]['total_frames']) thread_percentage = round(thread_percentage, 1) except: thread_percentage = 'n/a' try: frames_per_second = str(fps_dict[element]) except: frames_per_second = 'n/a' single_thread_stats = single_thread_stats + 'Episode ' + str(element) + ': Frame ' + str(frames_stats_dict[element]['frame']) + '/' + str(int(frames_stats_dict[element]['total_frames'])) + ' (' + str(thread_percentage) + '%) ・ Analyze Speed: ' + frames_per_second + 'FPS ・ Status: ' + frames_stats_dict[element]['status'] + '\n' except: try: thread_percentage = int(frames_stats_dict[element]['frame']) * 100 / int(frames_stats_dict[element]['total_frames']) thread_percentage = round(thread_percentage, 1) except: thread_percentage = 'n/a' single_thread_stats = single_thread_stats + 'Episode ' + str(element) + ': Frame ' + str(frames_stats_dict[element]['frame']) + '/' + str(int(frames_stats_dict[element]['total_frames'])) + ' (' + str(thread_percentage) + '%) ・ Analyze Speed: 0FPS ・ Status: Starting\n' try: total_frames_percentage = total_frames_frame * 100 / total_frames_frames total_frames_percentage = round(total_frames_percentage, 2) except: total_frames_percentage = 'n/a' total_frames = str(total_frames_frame) + '/' + str(int(total_frames_frames)) lifeeasy.sleep(0.1) lifeeasy.clear() try: remaining_frames = total_frames_frames - total_frames_frame remaining_time = remaining_frames / int(total_fps) eta = str(timedelta(seconds=remaining_time)) except: eta = 'N/A' print(f'Anime: {anime}\nFrame: {total_frames} ({str(total_frames_percentage)}%)\nAnalyze Speed: {str(total_fps)}FPS\nRemaining Time (ETA): {eta[:-7]}\n\nActive Threads\nーーーーーーーーーーーー\n{single_thread_stats}\nErina Project\n©Anime no Sekai - 2020') if stop_command_output == False: thread = threading.Thread(target=console_output) thread.daemon = True thread.start()
def first_confirmation(): print('Make sure to have your package uploaded to GitHub') lifeeasy.sleep(1) print('Make sure to make a release of this package on GitHub') lifeeasy.sleep(1) print('') print('') user_choice = input('Press [enter] to coninue or enter [quit] to abort...') if user_choice.lower() == "quit": return 1 else: return 0
def start(): global cleaning_dir global destination_dir global destination_dir_name global unique_number global number_of_items lifeeasy.clear() if __file__ == '__main__': print("What's the folder you want to clean today?") cleaning_dir = input('> ') else: cleaning_dir = lifeeasy.working_dir() if cleaning_dir.lower() == 'cancel' or cleaning_dir.lower( ) == 'stop' or cleaning_dir.lower() == 'quit' or cleaning_dir.lower( ) == 'exit': goodbye(nothing=True) elif filecenter.isdir(cleaning_dir): if cleaning_dir[-1] != '/' or cleaning_dir[-1] != '\\': if filecenter.os_name() == 'nt': cleaning_dir = cleaning_dir + '\\' else: cleaning_dir = cleaning_dir + '/' for _ in filecenter.files_in_dir(cleaning_dir): number_of_items += 1 destination_dir_name = 'Cleaned' while filecenter.exists(cleaning_dir + destination_dir_name): destination_dir_name = destination_dir_name + ' ' + str( unique_number) unique_number += 1 destination_dir = cleaning_dir + destination_dir_name filecenter.make_dir(destination_dir) decide_mode() else: lifeeasy.display_action('It seems like you mistyped the path', delay=0.1) print('Please retry entering the path to your folder') lifeeasy.sleep(2) start()
def ask_for_github_release(): global download_url print( 'What is the URL of your GitHub release? (it ends with .tar.gz)' ) download_url_try = input('> ') print('') if lifeeasy.request_statuscode(method='get', url=download_url_try) == 200: download_url = download_url_try else: print( "It seems that you mistyped the URL or that the repository is private..." ) lifeeasy.sleep(2) print( "Please put your GitHub repository visibility in public and retry..." ) print('') lifeeasy.sleep(2) ask_for_github_release()
def decide_mode(): lifeeasy.clear() print('Available options') print('') print('nosort > nothing will be sorted in your cleaned up folder') print( 'type > each file will be sorted and put in a folder according to its type' ) print('') print('') print('') print('How do you want to sort your cleaned folder?') decision = input('> ') if decision.lower() == 'cancel' or decision.lower( ) == 'stop' or decision.lower() == 'quit' or decision.lower() == 'exit': goodbye(nothing=True) elif decision.lower() == 'nosort' or decision.lower( ) == 'osort' or decision.lower() == 'nsort' or decision.lower( ) == 'noort' or decision.lower() == 'nosrt' or decision.lower( ) == 'nosot' or decision.lower() == 'nosor': lifeeasy.display_title('Cleaning your folder') lifeeasy.display_body(['Chosen mode: No Sorting']) lifeeasy.display(wait=0.5) nosort() elif decision.lower() == 'type' or decision.lower( ) == 'ype' or decision.lower() == 'tpe' or decision.lower( ) == 'tye' or decision.lower() == 'typ': lifeeasy.display_title('Cleaning your folder') lifeeasy.display_body(['Chosen mode: Type Sorting']) lifeeasy.display(wait=0.5) sort_by_type() else: print('Sorry I did not understand.') lifeeasy.sleep(2) lifeeasy.clear() decide_mode()
def create_information(): lifeeasy.change_working_dir(filecenter.get_correct_path(destination_dir)) print(destination_dir) lifeeasy.sleep(3) information_file = open('cleaning_information.txt', 'w+') information_file.write('Here are the information about this folder.\n') information_file.write('\n') information_file.write('Cleaned the: {date} {time}\n'.format(, time=lifeeasy.current_time())) information_file.write('\n') information_file.write('\n') information_file.write('\n') information_file.write('Cleaned folder: {}\n'.format(cleaning_dir)) information_file.write('Result folder: {}\n'.format(destination_dir)) information_file.write('\n') information_file.write( 'Number of items in given folder: {}\n'.format(number_of_items)) information_file.write( 'Number of moved items: {}\n'.format(number_of_moved_items)) information_file.write('\n') information_file.write('\n') information_file.write('Generated by Folder Cleaner\n') information_file.write('©Anime no Sekai - 2020\n') information_file.close()
from subprocess import check_output # Using this import just to install the dependencies if not. # I will only use my library lifeeasy and will not import anything else after it is installed. # IMPORTS try: import lifeeasy except: print('It is the first time launching the program') print('Installing the dependencies...') command_output = check_output(["pip", "install", "lifeeasy"], universal_newlines=True) import lifeeasy print('Successfully installed the dependencies!') lifeeasy.sleep(2) print('System Information') print("System: " + lifeeasy.system()) print("Node name: " + lifeeasy.node()) print("Release: " + lifeeasy.release()) print("Version: " + lifeeasy.version()) print("Machine: " + lifeeasy.machine()) print("Boot Time: " + lifeeasy.boot_time()) print('') input('Press [enter] to continue...') lifeeasy.clear() print("Processor (CPU): " + lifeeasy.processor()) print("Number of physical cores: " + str(lifeeasy.number_of_physical_cores())) print("Number of cores: " + str(lifeeasy.number_of_cores())) print("CPU Max Freq.: " + str(lifeeasy.cpu_max_frequency()))
def add_animes_to_database(auto_analyze=True): global anime global fps_dict global frames_stats_dict global queue for file in filecenter.files_in_dir(erina_add_animes_path): if file == '.DS_Store': continue if file == '.gitkeep': continue if filecenter.type_from_extension(filecenter.extension_from_base(file)) == 'Folder': anime = file if anime == '': print('No anime folder found.') quit() if '-a' in sys.argv or '--auto' in sys.argv or auto_analyze == True: anilist_filename = erinacache.anilist_search_caching(anime) anilist_id = anilist_filename.replace('.erina', '') season = '1' else: print('What is the AniList ID for ' + anime + '?') anilist_id = input('> ') print('Which season is it?') season = input('> ') def analyze_episode(episode): """ Internal Function that is ran by multiple thread to analyze each frame of an anime episode and create a file with its hash. Erina Project © Anime no Sekai - 2020 """ global fps_dict global frames_stats_dict global queue queue += 1 episode_number = erina_aniep.episode_from_filename(episode, anime) frames_stats_dict[episode_number] = {'frame': 0, 'total_frames': 0, 'status': 'Starting'} video = cv2.VideoCapture(erina_add_animes_path + anime + '/' + episode) frame_count = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) framerate = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) duration = frame_count/framerate success, image = count = 0 fps = 0 start_loop_fps = 0 end_loop_fps = 0 start_loop_time = process_time() from_dict = {} first_frame_dict = {} new_database_path = erina_database_path + anime + '/' + episode_number if filecenter.isdir(new_database_path) == False: filecenter.make_dir(new_database_path) skip = False while success: if skip == False: hashing_image = Image.fromarray(image) image_hash = imagehash.average_hash(hashing_image) second = count/framerate try: from_second = from_dict[str(image_hash)] at_second = (float(from_second) + second) / 2 except: from_dict[str(image_hash)] = second from_second = second at_second = second try: first_frame = first_frame_dict[str(image_hash)] except: first_frame_dict[str(image_hash)] = count first_frame = count database_content = [] database_content.append('AniList ID: ' + anilist_id) database_content.append('Anime: ' + anime) database_content.append('Season: ' + season) database_content.append('Episode: ' + episode_number) database_content.append('First Frame: ' + str(first_frame)) database_content.append('Last Frame: ' + str(count)) database_content.append('From: ' + str(from_second)) database_content.append('To: ' + str(second)) database_content.append('At: ' + str(at_second)) database_content.append('Hash: ' + str(image_hash)) database_content.append('Hashing Algorithm: Average Hash (aHash)') database_content.append('Filename: ' + episode) database_content.append('Episode Framerate: ' + str(framerate)) database_content.append('Episode Duration: ' + str(duration)) database_content.append('Episode Frame Count: ' + str(frame_count)) database_content.append('') database_content.append('Analyze Date: ' + str(datetime.timestamp( lifeeasy.write_file(str(image_hash) + '.erina', database_content, new_database_path) frames_stats_dict[episode_number] = {'frame': count, 'total_frames': frame_count, 'status': 'Active'} count += 1 end_loop_fps += 1 end_loop_time = process_time() if end_loop_time - start_loop_time > 1: fps = int(end_loop_fps - start_loop_fps) fps_dict[episode_number] = fps start_loop_time = process_time() start_loop_fps = end_loop_fps if skip == True: skip = False success, image = else: skip = True success = video.grab() queue -= 1 frames_stats_dict[episode_number] = {'frame': count, 'total_frames': frame_count, 'status': 'Done'} fps_dict.pop(episode_number, None) start_time = process_time() for episode in filecenter.files_in_dir(erina_add_animes_path + anime): if filecenter.type_from_extension(filecenter.extension_from_base(episode)) != 'Video': continue else: print('Opening new thread...') thread = threading.Thread(target=analyze_episode, args=(episode,)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() stop_command_output = False def console_output(): ''' Internal Function used to display statistics during processing the images.\n Might be disabled and thus main function analyze_episode could be optimized for better performance but I prefer seeing what's going on. ''' total_fps = 0 total_frames = 'N/A' total_frames_frame = 0 total_frames_frames = 0 for element in fps_dict: total_fps += fps_dict[element] single_thread_stats = '' for element in frames_stats_dict: total_frames_frame += frames_stats_dict[element]['frame'] total_frames_frames += frames_stats_dict[element]['total_frames'] try: try: thread_percentage = int(frames_stats_dict[element]['frame']) * 100 / int(frames_stats_dict[element]['total_frames']) thread_percentage = round(thread_percentage, 1) except: thread_percentage = 'n/a' try: frames_per_second = str(fps_dict[element]) except: frames_per_second = 'n/a' single_thread_stats = single_thread_stats + 'Episode ' + str(element) + ': Frame ' + str(frames_stats_dict[element]['frame']) + '/' + str(int(frames_stats_dict[element]['total_frames'])) + ' (' + str(thread_percentage) + '%) ・ Analyze Speed: ' + frames_per_second + 'FPS ・ Status: ' + frames_stats_dict[element]['status'] + '\n' except: try: thread_percentage = int(frames_stats_dict[element]['frame']) * 100 / int(frames_stats_dict[element]['total_frames']) thread_percentage = round(thread_percentage, 1) except: thread_percentage = 'n/a' single_thread_stats = single_thread_stats + 'Episode ' + str(element) + ': Frame ' + str(frames_stats_dict[element]['frame']) + '/' + str(int(frames_stats_dict[element]['total_frames'])) + ' (' + str(thread_percentage) + '%) ・ Analyze Speed: 0FPS ・ Status: Starting\n' try: total_frames_percentage = total_frames_frame * 100 / total_frames_frames total_frames_percentage = round(total_frames_percentage, 2) except: total_frames_percentage = 'n/a' total_frames = str(total_frames_frame) + '/' + str(int(total_frames_frames)) lifeeasy.sleep(0.1) lifeeasy.clear() try: remaining_frames = total_frames_frames - total_frames_frame remaining_time = remaining_frames / int(total_fps) eta = str(timedelta(seconds=remaining_time)) except: eta = 'N/A' print(f'Anime: {anime}\nFrame: {total_frames} ({str(total_frames_percentage)}%)\nAnalyze Speed: {str(total_fps)}FPS\nRemaining Time (ETA): {eta[:-7]}\n\nActive Threads\nーーーーーーーーーーーー\n{single_thread_stats}\nErina Project\n©Anime no Sekai - 2020') if stop_command_output == False: thread = threading.Thread(target=console_output) thread.daemon = True thread.start() console_output() lifeeasy.sleep(3) while queue != 0: lifeeasy.sleep(1) stop_command_output = True lifeeasy.sleep(3) print('') end_time = process_time() print('Total time: ' + str(end_time - start_time) + ' seconds') if '-a' not in sys.argv and '--auto' not in sys.argv and auto_analyze == False: print('') print(f'Caching AniList API with the ID {str(anilist_id)}...') erinacache.anilist_caching(int(anilist_id)) print(f'{anime} has been added to the database')
def setup(customurl=False, force_upgrade=False): global package_name global upgrade global custom_setup upgrade = force_upgrade setup = [] # AUTHOR author = input('Who is the author? ') print('') def naming_package(): global package_name global upgrade # NAME package_name = input("What's the name of your package? ") print('') lifeeasy.display_action('Verification', delay=0.1) name_verification = lifeeasy.request( '' + package_name + '/', 'get') if name_verification.status_code == 404: print('The name is available!') elif name_verification.status_code == 200: request = lifeeasy.request( '' + package_name + '/json', 'get') request_json = json.loads(request.text) if request_json['info']['author'] == author: print('upload mode: upgrade') print('Do you want to change some metadatas or keep them?') user_choice = input( 'press [enter] to continue with current metadatas or type [continue] to continue modifying the metadatas... ' ) if user_choice.lower() == 'continue' or user_choice.lower( ) == 'ontinue' or user_choice.lower( ) == 'cntinue' or user_choice.lower( ) == 'coninue' or user_choice.lower( ) == 'contnue' or user_choice.lower( ) == 'contiue' or user_choice.lower( ) == 'contine' or user_choice.lower() == 'continu': upgrade = False else: upgrade = True else: print('This name is already taken!') print('Please try giving another name to the package...') print('') naming_package() else: print('An error occured with the name verification...') return 1 if upgrade == False: if naming_package() == 1: return 1 else: # NAME package_name = input("What's the name of your package? ") print('') # VERSION version = input("What's the version of " + package_name + '? ') print('') if upgrade == False: # DESCRIPTION print('Write a little summary/description of ' + package_name) desc = input('> ') print('') # EMAIL email = input('What is his ' + author + "'s email? ") print('') # LICENSE print('Warning: the license name is case-sensitive!') package_license = input('What is the license for ' + package_name + ' ? ') package_license_classifier = 'License :: OSI Approved :: ' + package_license + ' License' print('') request = lifeeasy.request( '' + author + '/' + package_name, 'get') if request.status_code == 404: # GITHUB REPO print("What is the GitHub repository for this package?") url = input('> ') print('') else: url = '' + author + '/' + package_name # ARCHIVE if url[-1] == '/': download_url_try = url + 'archive/' + version + '.tar.gz' else: download_url_try = url + '/archive/' + version + '.tar.gz' request = lifeeasy.request(method='get', url=download_url_try) if request.status_code == 200: download_url = download_url_try else: if url[-1] == '/': download_url_try = url + 'archive/v' + version + '.tar.gz' else: download_url_try = url + '/archive/v' + version + '.tar.gz' request = lifeeasy.request(method='get', url=download_url_try) if request.status_code == 200: download_url = download_url_try else: github_release = input( "What is the name of the GitHub release? ") print('') if url[-1] == '/': download_url_try = url + 'archive/' + github_release + '.tar.gz' else: download_url_try = url + '/archive/' + github_release + '.tar.gz' request = lifeeasy.request(method='get', url=download_url_try) if request.status_code == 200: download_url = download_url_try else: def ask_for_github_release(): global download_url print( 'What is the URL of your GitHub release? (it ends with .tar.gz)' ) download_url_try = input('> ') print('') request = lifeeasy.request(method='get', url=download_url_try) if request.status_code == 200: download_url = download_url_try else: print( "It seems that you mistyped the URL or that the repository is private..." ) lifeeasy.sleep(2) print( "Please put your GitHub repository visibility in public and retry..." ) print('') lifeeasy.sleep(2) ask_for_github_release() ask_for_github_release() # CUSTOM URL if customurl == True: print('What is the URL of the website for this package?') url = input('> ') print('') # KEYWORDS print('Enter a comma-separated list of keywords for your package') keywords = input('> ') keywords = keywords.split(',') print('') # DEPENDENCIES print('Enter a comma-separated list of dependencies for your package') dependencies = input('> ') dependencies = dependencies.replace(' ', '') dependencies = dependencies.split(',') print('') # PYTHON VERSIONS print( 'Enter a comma-separated list of supported Python version numbers for this package' ) print('(i.e 3,3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,3.8)') python_versions = input('> ') print('') python_versions = python_versions.replace(' ', '') python_versions = python_versions.split(',') versions_classifiers = [] for python_version in python_versions: versions_classifiers.append('Programming Language :: Python :: ' + python_version) dev_status = 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta' def development_status(): global dev_status global customclassifiers_bool lifeeasy.clear() print('Choose a development status from the following') print('') print('Alpha') print('Beta') print('Stable') print('') print( 'Or press [enter] to add a custom one when adding classifiers...' ) print('') print('') dev_status_try = input('> ') if dev_status_try.lower() == 'alpha': dev_status = 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha' elif dev_status_try.lower() == 'beta': dev_status = 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta' elif dev_status_try.lower() == 'stable': dev_status = 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable' elif dev_status_try == '': customclassifiers_bool = True else: print("Sorry but I couldn't recognize the status.") lifeeasy.sleep(1) print('Please try again...') lifeeasy.sleep(1) development_status() development_status() # CUSTOM CLASSIFIERS custom_classifiers = [] if customclassifiers_bool == True: lifeeasy.clear() print("What are the custom classifiers that you want to add?") print('') print("You need to enter your classifiers one-by-one") print("You need to write the full classifier") print( "When you are done press [enter] again without entering anything." ) print('') print('') user_choice = input('> ') if user_choice != '': custom_classifiers.append(user_choice) while user_choice != '': lifeeasy.clear() print("What are the custom classifiers that you want to add?") print('') print("You need to enter your classifiers one-by-one") print("You need to write the full classifier") print( "When you are done press [enter] again without entering anything." ) print('') print('') user_choice = input('> ') if user_choice != '': custom_classifiers.append(user_choice) else: package_infos = lifeeasy.request( '' + package_name + '/json', 'get') package_infos = json.loads(package_infos.text) package_license = package_infos['info']['license'] desc = package_infos['info']['summary'] author = package_infos['info']['author'] email = package_infos['info']['author_email'] url = package_infos['info']['home_page'] def ask_for_github_release(): global download_url print( 'What is the URL of your GitHub release? (it ends with .tar.gz)' ) download_url_try = input('> ') print('') if lifeeasy.request_statuscode(method='get', url=download_url_try) == 200: download_url = download_url_try else: print( "It seems that you mistyped the URL or that the repository is private..." ) lifeeasy.sleep(2) print( "Please put your GitHub repository visibility in public and retry..." ) print('') lifeeasy.sleep(2) ask_for_github_release() ask_for_github_release() download_url = package_infos['info']['download_url'] keywords_string = package_infos['info']['keywords'] keywords = keywords_string.split(',') dependencies = package_infos['info']['requires_dist'] classifiers = package_infos['info']['classifiers'] # CUSTOM SETUP if custom_setup == True: print('Add your custom setup sections (comma-separated)') setup_customized = input('> ') if len(setup_customized) == 0: custom_setup = False lifeeasy.clear() print('Building your setup file') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) print('adding imports') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('from setuptools import setup') # README if filecenter.exists(lifeeasy.working_dir() + '/'): print('adding the package readme') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('from os import path') setup.append( "with open(path.join(path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)), ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:" ) setup.append(" readme_description =") long_description_type = 'text/markdown' elif filecenter.exists(lifeeasy.working_dir() + '/'): print('adding the package readme') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('from os import path') setup.append('') setup.append( "with open(path.join(path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)), ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:" ) setup.append(" readme_description =") setup.append('') setup.append('') long_description_type = 'text/markdown' else: long_description_type = '' # Need to add more readme type print('creating the setup class') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('setup(') print('adding the package name') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('name = "' + package_name + '",') print('adding the packages name') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('packages = ["' + package_name + '"],') print('adding the package version') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('version = "' + version + '",') print('adding the package license') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('license = "' + package_license + '",') print('adding the package description') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('description = "' + desc + '",') print('adding the package author') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('author = "' + author + '",') print('adding the package email') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('author_email = "' + email + '",') print('adding the package url') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('url = "' + url + '",') print('adding the package download url') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('download_url = "' + download_url + '",') print('adding the package keywords') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('keywords = ' + str(keywords) + ',') print('adding the package dependencies') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('install_requires = ' + str(dependencies) + ',') print('creating the package classifiers') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) if upgrade == False: classifiers = [] classifiers.append(dev_status) classifiers.append(package_license_classifier) classifiers.extend(versions_classifiers) classifiers.extend(custom_classifiers) print('adding the package classifiers') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('classifiers = ' + str(classifiers) + ',') print('adding the package readme') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('long_description = readme_description,') print('adding the package readme type') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append('long_description_content_type = "' + long_description_type + '",') setup.append('include_package_data=True,') if custom_setup == True: print('adding your custom setup sections') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append(setup_customized) print('finishing...') lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(0.126, 0.31)) setup.append(')') print('creating the file...') lifeeasy.write_file('', setup) lifeeasy.sleep(random.uniform(1.5, 2.3)) return 0