def plot(self, columns=None, loc=None, iloc=None, **kwargs):
        A wrapper around plotting. Matplotlib plot arguments can be passed in, plus:

        columns: string or list-like, optional
          If not empty, plot a subset of columns from the ``cumulative_hazards_``. Default all.

        iloc: slice, optional
          specify a location-based subsection of the curves to plot, ex:
                 ``.plot(iloc=slice(0,10))`` will plot the first 10 time points.
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

        assert loc is None or iloc is None, "Cannot set both loc and iloc in call to .plot"

        def shaded_plot(ax, x, y, y_upper, y_lower, **kwargs):
            base_line, = ax.plot(x, y, drawstyle="steps-post", **kwargs)
            ax.fill_between(x, y_lower, y2=y_upper, alpha=0.25, color=base_line.get_color(), linewidth=1.0, step="post")

        def create_df_slicer(loc, iloc):
            get_method = "loc" if loc is not None else "iloc"

            if iloc is None and loc is None:
                user_submitted_ix = slice(0, None)
                user_submitted_ix = loc if loc is not None else iloc

            return lambda df: getattr(df, get_method)[user_submitted_ix]

        subset_df = create_df_slicer(loc, iloc)

        if not columns:
            columns = self.cumulative_hazards_.columns
            columns = _to_list(columns)

        ax = kwargs.pop("ax")

        x = subset_df(self.cumulative_hazards_).index.values.astype(float)

        for column in columns:
            y = subset_df(self.cumulative_hazards_[column]).values
            index = subset_df(self.cumulative_hazards_[column]).index
            y_upper = subset_df(self.confidence_intervals_[column].loc["upper-bound"]).values
            y_lower = subset_df(self.confidence_intervals_[column].loc["lower-bound"]).values
            shaded_plot(ax, x, y, y_upper, y_lower, label=column, **kwargs)

        plt.hlines(0, index.min() - 1, index.max(), color="k", linestyles="--", alpha=0.5)

        return ax
    def plot(self, columns=None, loc=None, iloc=None, **kwargs):
        A wrapper around plotting. Matplotlib plot arguments can be passed in, plus:

        columns: string or list-like, optional
          If not empty, plot a subset of columns from the ``cumulative_hazards_``. Default all.

        iloc: slice, optional
          specify a location-based subsection of the curves to plot, ex:
                 ``.plot(iloc=slice(0,10))`` will plot the first 10 time points.
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

        assert loc is None or iloc is None, "Cannot set both loc and iloc in call to .plot"

        def shaded_plot(ax, x, y, y_upper, y_lower, **kwargs):
            base_line, = ax.plot(x, y, drawstyle="steps-post", **kwargs)
            ax.fill_between(x, y_lower, y2=y_upper, alpha=0.25, color=base_line.get_color(), linewidth=1.0, step="post")

        def create_df_slicer(loc, iloc):
            get_method = "loc" if loc is not None else "iloc"

            if iloc is None and loc is None:
                user_submitted_ix = slice(0, None)
                user_submitted_ix = loc if loc is not None else iloc

            return lambda df: getattr(df, get_method)[user_submitted_ix]

        subset_df = create_df_slicer(loc, iloc)

        if not columns:
            columns = self.cumulative_hazards_.columns
            columns = _to_list(columns)

        ax = kwargs.pop("ax")

        x = subset_df(self.cumulative_hazards_).index.values.astype(float)

        for column in columns:
            y = subset_df(self.cumulative_hazards_[column]).values
            index = subset_df(self.cumulative_hazards_[column]).index
            y_upper = subset_df(self.confidence_intervals_[column].loc["upper-bound"]).values
            y_lower = subset_df(self.confidence_intervals_[column].loc["lower-bound"]).values
            shaded_plot(ax, x, y, y_upper, y_lower, label=column, **kwargs)

        plt.hlines(0, index.min() - 1, index.max(), color="k", linestyles="--", alpha=0.5)

        return ax
Example #3
    def plot(self, columns=None, parameter=None, **errorbar_kwargs):
        Produces a visual representation of the coefficients, including their standard errors and magnitudes.

        columns : list, optional
            specify a subset of the columns to plot
            pass in additional plotting commands to matplotlib errorbar command

        ax: matplotlib axis
            the matplotlib axis that be edited.

        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

        ax = errorbar_kwargs.pop("ax")
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("c", "k")
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("fmt", "s")
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("markerfacecolor", "white")
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("markeredgewidth", 1.25)
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("elinewidth", 1.25)
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("capsize", 3)

        z = inv_normal_cdf(1 - self.alpha / 2)

        params_ = self.params_.copy()
        standard_errors_ = self.standard_errors_.copy()

        if columns is not None:
            params_ = params_.loc[:, columns]
            standard_errors_ = standard_errors_.loc[:, columns]
        if parameter is not None:
            params_ = params_.loc[parameter]
            standard_errors_ = standard_errors_.loc[parameter]

        columns = params_.index

        hazards = params_.loc[columns].to_frame(name="coefs")
        hazards["se"] = z * standard_errors_.loc[columns]

        if isinstance(hazards.index, pd.MultiIndex):
            hazards = hazards.groupby(level=0, group_keys=False).apply(
                lambda x: x.sort_values(by="coefs", ascending=True))
            hazards = hazards.sort_values(by="coefs", ascending=True)

        yaxis_locations = list(range(len(columns)))

        best_ylim = ax.get_ylim()
                  len(columns) + 1,

        if isinstance(columns[0], tuple):
            tick_labels = ["%s: %s" % (c, p) for (p, c) in hazards.index]
            tick_labels = [i for i in hazards.index]

        plt.yticks(yaxis_locations, tick_labels)
        plt.xlabel("log(accelerated failure rate) (%g%% CI)" %
                   ((1 - self.alpha) * 100))

        return ax
Example #4
    def plot(self, columns=None, parameters=None, **errorbar_kwargs):
        Produces a visual representation of the coefficients, including their standard errors and magnitudes.

        columns : list, optional
            specify a subset of the columns (variables from the training data) to plot
        parameter : list, optional
            specify a subset of the parameters to plot
            pass in additional plotting commands to matplotlib errorbar command

        ax: matplotlib axis
            the matplotlib axis that be edited.

        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

        ax = errorbar_kwargs.pop("ax")
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("c", "k")
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("fmt", "s")
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("markerfacecolor", "white")
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("markeredgewidth", 1.25)
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("elinewidth", 1.25)
        errorbar_kwargs.setdefault("capsize", 3)

        z = inv_normal_cdf(1 - self.alpha / 2)

        params_ = self.params_.copy()
        standard_errors_ = self.standard_errors_.copy()

        if columns is not None:
            assert isinstance(columns, list), "columns must be a list"
            params_ = params_.loc[:, columns]
            standard_errors_ = standard_errors_.loc[:, columns]
        if parameters is not None:
            assert isinstance(parameters, list), "parameter must be a list"
            params_ = params_.loc[parameters]
            standard_errors_ = standard_errors_.loc[parameters]

        columns = params_.index

        hazards = params_.loc[columns].to_frame(name="coefs")

        hazards["se"] = z * standard_errors_.loc[columns]
        hazards = hazards.swaplevel(1, 0).sort_index()

        yaxis_locations = list(range(len(columns) - 1, -1, -1))

        ax.errorbar(hazards["coefs"], yaxis_locations, xerr=hazards["se"], **errorbar_kwargs)

        # set zero hline
        best_ylim = ax.get_ylim()
        ax.vlines(0, -2, len(columns) + 1, linestyles="dashed", linewidths=1, alpha=0.65)

        if isinstance(columns[0], tuple):
            tick_labels = ["%s: %s" % (p, c) for (p, c) in hazards.index]
            tick_labels = [i for i in hazards.index]

        plt.yticks(yaxis_locations, tick_labels)
        plt.xlabel("log(accelerated failure rate) (%g%% CI)" % ((1 - self.alpha) * 100))

        return ax