def __init__(self,win): = win self.drawGUI(win) self.locations = [(r,c) for r in range(45) for c in range(45)] self.model = LifeModel(45,45) self.animating = False # the model/display is not changing self.running = True # the application is running
def __init__(self): """Initializes the PyGame framework and various other elements. """ pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE) pygame.display.set_caption(WINDOW_CAPTION) # Create toolbar self.toolbar = pygame.surface.Surface((SCREEN_SIZE[0], TOOLBAR_HEIGHT)) # Initialize the model self.model = LifeModel(BOARD_SIZE, BOARD_SIZE) self.start = False self.done = False # Create the "Generation:" label object self.game_text = pygame.font.SysFont(FONT, FONT_SIZE) self.generation_label = self.game_text.render(GENERATION_TEXT, 1, BLACK) # Load the button images self.start_button = pygame.image.load(START_BUTTON).convert() self.clear_button = pygame.image.load(CLEAR_BUTTON).convert() # Initialize frame rate stuff self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.speed = FRAME_RATE
def test_find_neighbours_1(self): testmodel = LifeModel(10,10) testmodel.set_seed(1,1) # Check from (1, 0) # (1, 1) is 1 unit below (1,0) self.assertEquals(testmodel.find_neighbours(1, 0), 1)
def test_find_neighbours_none(self): testmodel = LifeModel(10,10) # Check from (1, 0) self.assertEquals(testmodel.find_neighbours(0,0), 0)
class LifeApp: def __init__(self,win): = win self.drawGUI(win) self.locations = [(r,c) for r in range(45) for c in range(45)] self.model = LifeModel(45,45) self.animating = False # the model/display is not changing self.running = True # the application is running def drawGUI(self, win): # draws gui components including: grid, runbutton, pausebutton, stepbutton # savebutton, loadbutton, clearbutton, quitbutton self.grid = GridView(win,Point(50,60), 2.1,45,45) self.runbutton = Button(win,Point(12.5,98),6,3,"Run") self.runbutton.activate() self.pausebutton = Button(win,Point(25,98),8.5,3,"Pause") self.pausebutton.activate() self.stepbutton = Button(win,Point(37.5,98),7,3,"Step") self.stepbutton.activate() self.savebutton = Button(win,Point(62.5,98),7,3,"Save") self.savebutton.activate() self.loadbutton = Button(win,Point(75,98),7,3,"Load") self.loadbutton.activate() self.clearbutton = Button(win,Point(50,98),7.5,3,"Clear") self.clearbutton.activate() self.quitbutton = Button(win,Point(87.5,98),6,3,"Quit") self.quitbutton.activate() def run(self,win): #defines the event loop while self.running: self.setButtonState() pt = if pt != None: self.handleEvent(pt) if self.animating: changes = self.model.step() self.updateView(changes) time.sleep(.1) def setButtonState(self): # sets proper activation of run and pause buttons if self.animating == True: self.runbutton.deactivate() self.pausebutton.activate() else: self.runbutton.activate() self.pausebutton.deactivate() def updateView(self,locations): # Sets checkboxes in locations of grid to reflect their state # in the life model. Locations is a list of (row,column) pairs. for r,c in self.locations: value = self.model.isAlive(r,c) self.grid.setChecked(r,c,value) def handleEvent(self, pt): # The user clicks at point pt, take appropriate action if self.quitbutton.clicked(pt): self.running = False elif self.runbutton.clicked(pt): self.animating = True elif self.pausebutton.clicked(pt): self.animating = False if self.grid.clicked(pt): self.on_grid() elif self.stepbutton.clicked(pt): self.on_step() elif self.loadbutton.clicked(pt): self.on_load() elif self.savebutton.clicked(pt): self.on_save() elif self.clearbutton.clicked(pt): self.on_clear() def on_step(self): # turns off animation # call step on your life model to get a list of changed locations # call your LifeApps updateView passing the list of changed locations self.animating = False x = self.model.step() self.updateView(x) def on_load(self): #loads a file and displays its saved string as checkboxes on the gridview self.animating = False fromFile=askopenfilename() self.model.loadString(open(fromFile).read()) self.updateView(self.locations) def on_save(self): #saves the current checkboxes drawn on the grid view as string to a specified file self.animating = False outFile=asksaveasfilename() f=open(outFile, 'w') f.write(str(self.model)) def on_grid(self): #allows the user to click on the grid i,j = self.grid.getLocation() oldValue = self.model.isAlive(i,j) self.model.setAlive(i,j, not oldValue) self.updateView([(i,j)]) def on_clear(self): #clears the grid to update it to its original state for r in range(45): for c in range(45): self.model.setAlive(r,c,False) self.updateView(self.locations)
class GameOfLife: """The core class of the game. Responsible for drawing the world and responding to user events. This is the view of the application. """ def __init__(self): """Initializes the PyGame framework and various other elements. """ pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE) pygame.display.set_caption(WINDOW_CAPTION) # Create toolbar self.toolbar = pygame.surface.Surface((SCREEN_SIZE[0], TOOLBAR_HEIGHT)) # Initialize the model self.model = LifeModel(BOARD_SIZE, BOARD_SIZE) self.start = False self.done = False # Create the "Generation:" label object self.game_text = pygame.font.SysFont(FONT, FONT_SIZE) self.generation_label = self.game_text.render(GENERATION_TEXT, 1, BLACK) # Load the button images self.start_button = pygame.image.load(START_BUTTON).convert() self.clear_button = pygame.image.load(CLEAR_BUTTON).convert() # Initialize frame rate stuff self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.speed = FRAME_RATE def game_loop(self): """Contains the core game loop that listens for events and manipulates the world accordingly. Also responsible for updating the screen. """ while self.done == False: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.done = True if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self.detect_button_events(pos) self.set_cell_state(pos) if self.start: self.model.next_generation() self.screen.fill(BLACK) self.screen.set_clip(0,0,SCREEN_SIZE[0], TOOLBAR_HEIGHT) self.draw_toolbar() self.screen.set_clip(0,TOOLBAR_HEIGHT,SCREEN_SIZE[0], SCREEN_SIZE[1]) self.draw_world() self.clock.tick(FRAME_RATE) pygame.display.flip() def detect_button_events(self, pos): """Detects when either of the two buttons are clicked and manipulates the world accordingly. """ if self.start_button.get_rect().move(START_BUTTON_LOC).collidepoint(pos): self.start = False if self.start else True if self.clear_button.get_rect().move(CLEAR_BUTTON_LOC).collidepoint(pos): self.start = False self.model.clear_world() def set_cell_state(self, pos): """Toggles the state of a cell. Green represents a live cell and white represents a dead cell. """ y = pos[0] // (CELL_SIZE+MARGIN) x = pos[1] // (CELL_SIZE+MARGIN) self.model.set_seed(x, y) def draw_toolbar(self): """Draws the toolbar to the screen.""" self.toolbar.fill(GREY) self.screen.blit(self.toolbar, (0,0)) self.screen.blit(self.generation_label, GENERATION_LABEL_LOC) gen = self.game_text.render(str(self.model.generation), 1, BLACK) self.screen.blit(gen, GENERATION_LOC) self.screen.blit(self.start_button, START_BUTTON_LOC) self.screen.blit(self.clear_button, CLEAR_BUTTON_LOC) def draw_world(self): """Draws the state of the world based on the state of each cell in the LifeModel. """ for x in range(BOARD_SIZE): for y in range(BOARD_SIZE): # If the cell is dead, color it white. # Else the cell is alive, color it green. if self.model.get_currentgrid_xy(x, y) == False: color = WHITE else: color = GREEN pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, color, [ \ MARGIN+(CELL_SIZE+MARGIN)* y, \ MARGIN+(CELL_SIZE+MARGIN)* x, \ CELL_SIZE, \ CELL_SIZE \ ]) def quit(self): """Called when the user presses the close button. Cleans up the PyGame framework. """ pygame.quit()