def get_pose_from_image(file_path): image = cv2.imread(file_path) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # conversion to rgb # create pose estimator image_size = image.shape pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image_size, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() # estimation pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) # close model pose_estimator.close() # Save to JSON if pose_2d is None: pose_2d = [] else: pose_2d = pose_2d.tolist() if pose_3d is None: pose_3d = [] else: pose_3d = pose_3d.tolist() results = {'2d': pose_2d, '3d': pose_3d} file_name, file_ext = splitext(file_path) with open(join('/shared/estimations', basename(file_name) + '.json'), 'w') as results_file: print 'Writing to file ' + file_path + '.json' results_file.write(json.dumps(results))
def upload_file(): if request.method == 'POST': code = request.get_data() img = base64.b64decode(code.decode().split(',')[1]) fstr = IMAGE_FILE_DIR + '/' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + '.jpg' file = open(fstr, 'wb') file.write(img) image = cv2.imread(fstr) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # conversion to rgb # create pose estimator image_size = image.shape pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image_size, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() # estimation pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) # close model pose_estimator.close() # Show 2D and 3D poses file.close() print(pose_2d) draw_limbs(in_image, data_2d, joint_visibility) return (base64.b64encode(in_image), 200)
def vmdlifting(image_file, vmd_file, position_file): image_file_path = realpath(DIR_PATH) + '/' + image_file image = cv2.imread(image_file_path) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # conversion to rgb # create pose estimator image_size = image.shape pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image_size, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() # estimation pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) # close model pose_estimator.close() if (position_file is not None): # dump 3d joint position data to position_file fout = open(position_file, "w") for pose in pose_3d: for j in range(pose.shape[1]): print(j, pose[0, j], pose[1, j], pose[2, j], file=fout) fout.close() # head position & face expression head_rotation, expression_frames = head_face_estimation(image_file_path) pos2vmd(pose_3d, vmd_file, head_rotation, expression_frames)
def main(): start = time.time() image = cv2.imread(IMAGE_FILE_PATH) #image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # conversion to rgb # create pose estimator image_size = image.shape pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image_size, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() try: # estimation pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) timeElapsed = time.time() - start print("Execution time in Seconds: ", timeElapsed) # Show 2D and 3D poses display_results(image, pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d) except ValueError: print( 'No visible people in the image. Change CENTER_TR in packages/lifting/utils/ ...' ) # close model pose_estimator.close()
def parse_rosbag(): rospy.init_node("parse_rosbag", anonymous=True) participant_name = rospy.get_param("~participant") # can make this for multiple people topic_names = rospy.get_param('~topic_names') # Fetch image_topic for topic in topic_names: if 'image_raw' in topic: image_topic = topic # Process all ROSBAG recordings for each participant. for file_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(BAG_DIR_PATH)): if participant_name in file_name: print("Processing " + file_name + "...") last_mocap_msgs = {} # Used to downsample motion capture to camera sampling rate modelInitialized = False bag_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(BAG_DIR_PATH), file_name) bag = rosbag.Bag(bag_file_path) msgs = bag.read_messages(topic_names) csv_dir = os.path.join(CSV_DIR_PATH) csv_file_name = file_name.split('.bag')[0] + ".csv" with open(os.path.join(csv_dir, csv_file_name), 'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar=' ', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) write_csv_field_names(csv_writer, UCL_JOINT_NAMES, topic_names) for subtopic, msg, t in msgs: # Downsample to rate of camera. Take last sample for motion capture. if subtopic == image_topic: image = CvBridge().imgmsg_to_cv2(msg) if not modelInitialized: pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image.shape, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) pose_estimator.initialise() modelInitialized = True print("Processing " + file_name + "...") # Run 'lifting from the deep algorithm' pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) # Write motion capture and 'Lifting from the deep' output to .csv. write_data_to_csv(csv_writer, pose_3d, last_mocap_msgs, topic_names, t) else: last_mocap_msgs[subtopic] = msg # Save most recent sample for downsampling # close model for lifting from the deep' algorithm pose_estimator.close()
def main(argv): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(FLAGS.VIDEO_FILE_PATH) width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) image_size = (height, width, 3) ret, image = pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image_size, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) pose_estimator.initialise() frame_num = 0 poses = {} with open(FLAGS.JSON_OUTPUT, 'w') as outfile: try: while (True): ret, image = if (ret == False): print("End of video") break image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # conversion to rgb try: # estimation pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate( image) print( str( int( cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) * 100 / cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))) + "%") poses[str(frame_num)] = pose_3d.tolist() #print(poses[str(frame_num)]) if (FLAGS.DISPLAY): # Show 2D and 3D poses display_results(image, pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d) except ValueError: print( 'No visible people in the image. Change CENTER_TR in packages/lifting/utils/ ...' ) frame_num += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass json.dump(poses, outfile) # close model pose_estimator.close()
def estimate_image(): image = cv2.imread(IMAGE_FILE_PATH) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # conversion to rgb # create pose estimator image_size = image.shape pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image_size, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() # estimation pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) # close model pose_estimator.close() # Show 2D and 3D poses display_results(image, pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d)
def estimate_video_and_save_pkl(): pose_list = [] cap = cv2.VideoCapture(PROJECT_PATH + '/data/videos/test_video.mp4') if (cap.isOpened() == False): print("Error opening video stream or file") # create pose estimator pose_estimator = PoseEstimator((480, 640, 3), SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() count = 0 while cap.isOpened(): count += 1 if count == 300: break print('count:{}'.format(str(count))) ret_val, frame = frame = cv2.resize(frame, (640, 480)) try: # estimation start = time.time() pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(frame) finish = time.time() - start print("time:", finish) except: continue pose_list.append(pose_3d[0]) # close model pose_estimator.close() with open( PROJECT_PATH + '/data/videos/' + '3d_joints_{}'.format(str(time.time())), 'wb') as fo: pickle.dump(pose_list, fo)
def main(image): image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # conversion to rgb # create pose estimator image_size = image.shape pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image_size, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() # estimation pose_2d, visibility = pose_estimator.estimate(image) # close model pose_estimator.close() # Show 2D and 3D poses # print pose_2d # display_results(image, pose_2d, visibility) if len(pose_2d) == 0: return [] return pose_2d[0]
image = size_image(image) plt2d=None plt3d=None try: #if True: pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) if 'display' in args: plt3d,plt2d=display_results(image, pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d) lift={} lift["pose2d"]=pose_2d.round(2).tolist() lift["pose3d"]=pose_3d.round(2).tolist() lift["visibility"]=visibility.tolist() #cv2.imshow('req',plt3d) #cv2.waitKey(0) zmqa.send(socket,plt3d,extra=lift) except: #else: print "!@*!! error:", sys.exc_info()[0] lift={} lift['error']=str(sys.exc_info()[0]) lift['fname']=fname zmqa.send(socket,None,extra=lift) # close model pose_estimator.close()
def vmdlifting_multi(video_file, vmd_file, position_file): video_file_path = realpath(video_file) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file_path) pose_3d_list = [] head_rotation_list = [] expression_frames_list = [] idx = 0 while (cap.isOpened()): # Capture frame-by-frame ret, frame = # 読み込みがなければ終了 if ret == False: break print("frame load idx={0}".format(idx)) image = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # conversion to rgb # 念のため、フレーム画像出力 image_file_path = "{0}/frame_{1:012d}.png".format( dirname(video_file_path), idx) cv2.imwrite(image_file_path, image) # create pose estimator image_size = image.shape pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image_size, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() # estimation pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) # close model pose_estimator.close() if (position_file is not None): # dump 3d joint position data to position_file fout = open(position_file, "w") for pose in pose_3d: for j in range(pose.shape[1]): print(j, pose[0, j], pose[1, j], pose[2, j], file=fout) fout.close() # head position & face expression head_rotation, expression_frames = head_face_estimation( image_file_path) head_rotation_list.append(head_rotation) expression_frames_list.append(expression_frames) pose_3d_list.append(pose_3d) idx += 1 # When everything done, release the capture cap.release() pos2vmd_multi(pose_3d_list, vmd_file, head_rotation_list, expression_frames_list)
def estimate_video(): fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v') video_writer1 = cv2.VideoWriter( PROJECT_PATH + '/data/videos/test_result_{}.mp4'.format(str(time.time())), fourcc, 30.0, (640, 480)) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(PROJECT_PATH + '/data/videos/test_video.mp4') import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') pose_list = [] def animate(pose): assert (pose.ndim == 2) assert (pose.shape[0] == 3) ax.clear() for c in _CONNECTION: col = '#%02x%02x%02x' % joint_color(c[0]) ax.plot([pose[0, c[0]], pose[0, c[1]]], [pose[1, c[0]], pose[1, c[1]]], [pose[2, c[0]], pose[2, c[1]]], c=col) for j in range(pose.shape[1]): col = '#%02x%02x%02x' % joint_color(j) ax.scatter(pose[0, j], pose[1, j], pose[2, j], c=col, marker='o', edgecolor=col) # smallest = pose.min() # largest = pose.max() # print('smallest:', smallest) # -885.36476784 # print('largest:', largest) # 809.97294291 # # ax.set_xlim3d(smallest, largest) # ax.set_ylim3d(smallest, largest) # ax.set_zlim3d(smallest, largest) ax.set_xlim3d(-1000, 1000) ax.set_ylim3d(-1000, 1000) ax.set_zlim3d(-1000, 1000) if (cap.isOpened() == False): print("Error opening video stream or file") import matplotlib.animation as manimation FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers['ffmpeg'] metadata = dict(title='Movie Test', artist='Matplotlib', comment='Movie support!') writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=30, metadata=metadata) # create pose estimator pose_estimator = PoseEstimator((480, 640, 3), SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() count = 0 while cap.isOpened(): count += 1 if count == 300: break print('count:{}'.format(str(count))) ret_val, frame = frame = cv2.resize(frame, (640, 480)) try: # estimation start = time.time() pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(frame) print(time.time() - start) except: continue pose_list.append(pose_3d[0]) draw_limbs(frame, pose_2d, visibility) video_writer1.write(frame) # close model pose_estimator.close() with writer.saving( fig, PROJECT_PATH + '/data/videos/test_result_3d_{}.mp4'.format(str(time.time())), 100): for i in range(len(pose_list)): animate(pose_list[i]) writer.grab_frame()
def main(): # Get video IDs (VIDs) already processed VIDsDONE = [x.split('/')[-1][:-4] for x in glob.glob('./*.npz')] print VIDsDONE # Extract 3D joints for all VIDs for dir_path in sorted(glob.glob('/home/jo356/rds/hpc-work/P3/ImgSeq/*')): VID = dir_path.split('/')[-1] # Skip VIDs that were already processed if VID in VIDsDONE: continue print VID # If the first frame is missing, then record the number of first frames missing and later when a non-missing frame comes in, include it (1 + N_first_skipped)-times N_first_skipped = 0 joints_3D = [] # Count missing/skipped frames cnt = 0 img_filenames = sorted(glob.glob(dir_path + '/*.jpg')) # Create pose estimator pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(IMAGE_SIZE, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # Load model pose_estimator.initialise() for frame_num, img_filename in enumerate(img_filenames): image = cv2.imread(img_filename) # Conversion to RGB image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Estimation try: pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) joints_3D.append(pose_3d[0].T) if N_first_skipped > 0: for i in range(N_first_skipped): joints_3D.append(pose_3d[0].T) N_first_skipped = 0 #print pose_3d #print pose_3d[0].T #print np.reshape( np.reshape(pose_3d[0], (17, 3)), (3,17) ) #print "wrong reshaping !!!" print img_filename.split('/')[-1] # Frame missing => pose was not recognised/estimated reliably except ValueError: cnt += 1 print img_filename.split('/')[-1], " is missing" # If the first frame is missing or a non-missing frame still did not come in, then just record the number to replicate later when a non-missing frame comes in if frame_num == 0 or N_first_skipped > 0: N_first_skipped += 1 # Replicate previous frame else: joints_3D.append(joints_3D[-1]) # Treated as above except: print "2D joints not identified:", sys.exc_info()[0] cnt += 1 print img_filename.split('/')[-1], " is missing" # If the first frame is missing or a non-missing frame still did not come in, then just record the number to replicate later when a non-missing frame comes in if frame_num == 0 or N_first_skipped > 0: N_first_skipped += 1 # Replicate previous frame else: joints_3D.append(joints_3D[-1]) # print pose_2d # print pose_3d # print visibility # Close model pose_estimator.close() np.savez('./' + VID + '.npz', joints_3D=np.reshape(joints_3D, (-1, 17, 3)), skipped_frames=cnt) print "Skipped frames: ", cnt, " / ", len(img_filenames)
def vmdlifting(image_file, vmd_file, center_enabled=False): image_file_path = realpath(image_file) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(image_file_path) initialized = False positions_list = [] head_rotation_list = [] visibility_list = [] frame_num = 0 print("pose estimation start") while (cap.isOpened()): ret, image = if not ret: break image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # conversion to rgb #debug_img = "debug/" + str(frame_num) + ".png" #cv2.imwrite(debug_img, image) # create pose estimator image_size = image.shape if not initialized: pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image_size, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() initialized = True # pose estimation try: pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) except Exception as ex: frame_num += 1 continue if pose_2d is None or visibility is None or pose_3d is None: frame_num += 1 continue dump_positions(pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d) positions = convert_position(pose_3d) #print(positions) adjust_center(pose_2d, positions, image) #print(positions) positions_list.append(positions) visibility_list.append(visibility[0]) print("frame_num: ", frame_num) frame_num += 1 # close model pose_estimator.close() refine_position(positions_list) bone_frames = [] frame_num = 0 for positions, visibility in zip(positions_list, visibility_list): if positions is None: frame_num += 1 continue bf = positions_to_frames(positions, visibility, frame_num, center_enabled) bone_frames.extend(bf) frame_num += 1 showik_frames = make_showik_frames() writer = VmdWriter() writer.write_vmd_file(vmd_file, bone_frames, showik_frames)
def main(): # class definition # cmpr_results = get_statistics() # data flower # NOTE: to read data from camera set data flow input to "0" dflower_1 = data_flow(ap.VIDEO_PATH + ap.Vid_dir_1 + ap.VIDEO_NAME_1) # dflower_2 = data_flow(ap.VIDEO_PATH + ap.Vid_dir_2 + ap.VIDEO_NAME_2) images_1 = dflower_1.flow_from_video() # comparing two different results # images_2 = dflower_2.flow_from_video() # IMAGE_FILE_PATH = '/home/ali/CLionProjects/PoseEstimation/full_flow/data/images/' # img_list = glob.glob(IMAGE_FILE_PATH + '*.jpg') # Model setting std_shape = (1280, 720, 3) pose_estimator = PoseEstimator( std_shape, PROJECT_PATH + ap.SAVED_SESSIONS_DIR + ap.SESSION_PATH, PROJECT_PATH + ap.SAVED_SESSIONS_DIR + ap.PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() # loading postprocessors # ppop = smoothing_prediction(ap.start, ap.end) # stdsp = stats(ap.VIDEO_NAME_1, ap.start, ap.end) # flowing data ret = True ii = 0 num_keypoints = 17 pose_2d_s = [] pose_3d_s = [] visibility_s = [] image_s = [] # while ret: # create pose estimator try: while ii < ap.start: ii += 1 next(images_1) # next( images_2 ) continue image_1 = cv2.resize(next(images_1), (std_shape[1], std_shape[0])) # image_2 = cv2.resize( next( images_2 ), (std_shape[1], std_shape[0]) ) ii += 1 except: ret = False # for item in img_list: # image = cv2.cvtColor( cv2.resize( cv2.imread( item ), (std_shape[1], std_shape[0]) ) , cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB ) # image_size = image_1.shape # (720, 1280, 3) # estimation try: if ii % 2 == 0: continue pose_2d_1, visibility_1, pose_3d_1 = pose_estimator.estimate( image_1) # pose_2d_2, visibility_2, pose_3d_2 = pose_estimator.estimate(image_2) # pose_2d_s.append(pose_2d_1[0]) pose_3d_s.append(pose_3d_1[0]) visibility_s.append(visibility_1) image_s.append(image_1) # writing images # img = Image.fromarray( image_1 ) # + 'imagespng/' + 'img_frame_' + str(ii) + '.png') print('frame number: ', ii) # except: print('No player detected yet... ') continue # Single 2D and 3D poses representation print('Processing the frame {0}'.format(ii)) if ii > ap.end: break if ap.viz: display_results(image_1, pose_2d_1, visibility_1, pose_3d_1, ii) # collecting data # cmpr_results.get_result( pose_3d_1[0], pose_3d_2[0] ) # display_results(image_2, pose_2d_2, visibility_2, pose_3d_2, ii) # fig, fig_2 = comparing_result( pose_3d_1[0], pose_3d_2[0] ) # # # working on 2D and 3D correspondness # postprocessing the poses # getting the data # stdsp.get_data() # optimized_pose = [] # posposj = [pose_3d_s[i][:,13] for i in range(len(pose_3d_s))] # ppop.optimize_pose(13, posposj) # for j in range(num_keypoints): # posposj = [pose_3d_s[i][:,j] for i in range(len(pose_3d_s))] # optimized_pose.append( ppop.optimize_pose(j, posposj) ) # ppop.do_post_process(optimized_pose) # stdsp.update_state(optimized_pose) # stdsp.save_stats() # saving images and 2d poses with open( ap.RESULTS + 'pickles/' + ap.VIDEO_NAME_1.split('.')[0] + '_pose2Ds.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(pose_2d_s, f) with open( ap.RESULTS + 'pickles/' + ap.VIDEO_NAME_1.split('.')[0] + '_pose3Ds.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(pose_3d_s, f) with open( ap.RESULTS + 'pickles/' + ap.VIDEO_NAME_1.split('.')[0] + '_image_s.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(image_s, f) # # optimized_pose = np.array(optimized_pose).transpose(2,0,1) # plotting the smoothed poses ... # plotting frame by frame #path_to_ref_pos = ['golf_03_best_pos.pickle', 'golf_04_best_pos.pickle'] # stdsp.load_opt_stat(path_to_ref_pos) # stdsp.comparing_poses(optimized_pose) #indx = [] # stdsp.draw_3D_smooth( optimized_pose, pose_2d_s, image_s ) # close model pose_estimator.close()
def main(): for i in TEST_IMAGE_LIST: image = cv2.imread(i) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # conversion to rgb # create pose estimator image_size = image.shape pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(image_size, SESSION_PATH, PROB_MODEL_PATH) # load model pose_estimator.initialise() try: # estimation print('START') pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d = pose_estimator.estimate(image) print('=================================') print(str(i)) print('pose 3d:', pose_3d) print('pose_2d:', pose_2d) angle_target_2d = pose_2d[0].copy() angle_target_3d = pose_3d[0].copy() #投影頭部的點到 x-z 平面 angle_2d = calculate_angle_2d( [angle_target_3d[0][8], angle_target_3d[2][8]], [angle_target_3d[0][10], angle_target_3d[2][10]]) print(angle_2d) #3D頭部 standard_v = np.array([0, 0, -1]) v_t = np.array([ angle_target_3d[0][8] - angle_target_3d[0][10], angle_target_3d[1][8] - angle_target_3d[1][10], angle_target_3d[2][8] - angle_target_3d[2][10] ]) print('====頭的角度===', vg.angle(standard_v, v_t)) #3D肩膀 vector = np.array([abs(angle_target_3d[0][6] - angle_target_3d[0][3]), \ abs(angle_target_3d[1][6] - angle_target_3d[1][3]),\ abs(angle_target_3d[2][6] - angle_target_3d[2][3])])\ if vector[0] > vector[1] and vector[0] > vector[2]: standard_v = np.array([1, 0, 0]) elif vector[1] > vector[0] and vector[1] > vector[2]: standard_v = np.array([0, -1, 0]) else: print('判斷肩膀正面側面出現問題!預設正面') standard_v = np.array([1, 0, 0]) v_t = np.array([ angle_target_3d[0][11] - angle_target_3d[0][14], angle_target_3d[1][11] - angle_target_3d[1][14], angle_target_3d[2][11] - angle_target_3d[2][14] ]) print('====肩膀的角度===', vg.angle(standard_v, v_t)) #3D脊椎(脊椎中間連線頸椎中間與脊椎中間連線屁股中間) # standard_v = np.array([angle_target_3d[0][7] - angle_target_3d[0][8], # angle_target_3d[1][7] - angle_target_3d[1][8], # angle_target_3d[2][7] - angle_target_3d[2][8]]) # v_t = np.array([angle_target_3d[0][7] - angle_target_3d[0][0], # angle_target_3d[1][7] - angle_target_3d[1][0], # angle_target_3d[2][7] - angle_target_3d[2][0]]) # print('====脊椎的角度===', vg.angle(standard_v, v_t)) #3D脊椎(雙腳中間連線脊椎終點與脊椎中間連線頸椎中點) # foot_center_x = (angle_target_3d[0][3] + angle_target_3d[0][6])/2 # foot_center_y = (angle_target_3d[1][3] + angle_target_3d[1][6])/2 # foot_center_z = (angle_target_3d[2][3] + angle_target_3d[2][6])/2 # standard_v = np.array([foot_center_x - angle_target_3d[0][0], # foot_center_y - angle_target_3d[1][0], # foot_center_z - angle_target_3d[2][0]]) # v_t = np.array([angle_target_3d[0][8] - angle_target_3d[0][0], # angle_target_3d[1][8] - angle_target_3d[1][0], # angle_target_3d[2][8] - angle_target_3d[2][0]]) # print('====脊椎的角度===', vg.angle(standard_v, v_t)) #馬術的3D脊椎(雙腳中間連線脊椎終點與脊椎中間連線頸椎中點) standard_v = np.array([0, 0, 1]) v_t = np.array([ angle_target_3d[0][8] - angle_target_3d[0][0], angle_target_3d[1][8] - angle_target_3d[1][0], angle_target_3d[2][8] - angle_target_3d[2][0] ]) print('====脊椎的角度===', vg.angle(standard_v, v_t)) #3D左膝蓋 standard_v = np.array([ angle_target_3d[0][5] - angle_target_3d[0][4], angle_target_3d[1][5] - angle_target_3d[1][4], angle_target_3d[2][5] - angle_target_3d[2][4] ]) v_t = np.array([ angle_target_3d[0][5] - angle_target_3d[0][6], angle_target_3d[1][5] - angle_target_3d[1][6], angle_target_3d[2][5] - angle_target_3d[2][6] ]) print('====左膝蓋的角度===', vg.angle(standard_v, v_t)) #3D右膝蓋 standard_v = np.array([ angle_target_3d[0][2] - angle_target_3d[0][1], angle_target_3d[1][2] - angle_target_3d[1][1], angle_target_3d[2][2] - angle_target_3d[2][1] ]) v_t = np.array([ angle_target_3d[0][2] - angle_target_3d[0][3], angle_target_3d[1][2] - angle_target_3d[1][3], angle_target_3d[2][2] - angle_target_3d[2][3] ]) print('====右膝蓋的角度===', vg.angle(standard_v, v_t)) #投影法 # Show 2D and 3D poses display_results(image, pose_2d, visibility, pose_3d) except ValueError: print( 'No visible people in the image. Change CENTER_TR in packages/lifting/utils/ ...' ) # close model pose_estimator.close()