def graficar(path, kepler_id=None, Q=None): """ Grafica la curva de luz de un archivo .fits """ if isdir(path): colors = ['b+', 'g+', 'r+', 'c+', 'm+', 'y+', 'k+'] color_index = 0 archivos = listdir(path) for archivo in archivos: arreglo = lightcurve(join(path, archivo)) plt.plot(arreglo[0], arreglo[3], colors[color_index % len(colors)]) color_index += 1 else: arreglo = lightcurve(path) plt.plot(arreglo[0], arreglo[3], 'r+') plt.ylabel('Flux') plt.xlabel('Time') if kepler_id and Q: plt.title('{0} for Q{1}'.format(kepler_id, Q)) # plt.savefig(archivo+".png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.gcf().clear()
def export_lightcurves(self, path=''): """ make a lightcurve file from each star in the stars list """ from lightcurve import lightcurve for star in self.stars: lightcurve(star, 'rp', path=self.path)
def fit_tmod2(params,LDparams,time,flux,error,fixed_dict,guess_params): period_d, rprs, T0, Ecc, ars, inc, omega, sec, fluxoffset = params if fixed_dict['period'] == True: period_d = guess_params[0] if fixed_dict['rprs'] == True: rprs = guess_params[1] if fixed_dict['T0'] == True: T0 = guess_params[2] if fixed_dict['Ecc'] == True: Ecc = guess_params[3] if fixed_dict['ars'] == True: ars = guess_params[4] if fixed_dict['inc'] == True: inc = guess_params[5] if fixed_dict['omega'] == True: omega = guess_params[6] if fixed_dict['sec'] == True: sec = guess_params[7] if fixed_dict['fluxoffset'] == False: flux = flux + fluxoffset if inc > np.pi / 2.: return 10**(12.) if omega > np.pi * 2.: return 10**(12.) mod_output = tmod.lightcurve(time, period_d, rprs, T0, Ecc, ars, inc, omega, LDparams, sec) return np.sum(get_chi2(flux, mod_output, error))
def update(i): filename = archivos[i].split('-')[0].replace('kplr', '') print "Revisando ", filename ax.set_title("Kepler ID: {}".format(filename)) arreglo = lightcurve(path + "/" + archivos[i]) ax.set_ylim(min(arreglo[3]), max(arreglo[3])) ax.set_xlim(min(arreglo[0]), max(arreglo[0])) sp.set_data(arreglo[0], arreglo[3]) return sp, None
def fit_tmod2(params,LDparams,time,flux,error,fixed_dict,guess_params): period_d,rprs,T0, Ecc,ars, inc, omega, sec, fluxoffset = params #fix things and stop params going crazy #here! if fixed_dict['period'] == True: period_d = guess_params[0] if fixed_dict['rprs'] == True: rprs = guess_params[1] if fixed_dict['T0'] == True: T0 = guess_params[2] if fixed_dict['Ecc'] == True: Ecc = guess_params[3] if fixed_dict['ars'] == True: ars = guess_params[4] if fixed_dict['inc'] == True: inc = guess_params[5] if fixed_dict['omega'] == True: omega = guess_params[6] if fixed_dict['sec'] == True: sec = guess_params[7] if fixed_dict['fluxoffset'] == False: flux = flux + fluxoffset if inc > np.pi / 2.: return 10**(12.) if omega > np.pi * 2.: return 10**(12.) mod_output = tmod.lightcurve(time,period_d,rprs,T0,Ecc,ars, inc, omega, LDparams, sec) model = mod_output #try ignoring unity elements in the model #mask = model != 1.0 #flux2 = flux[mask] #model2 = model[mask] #error2 = error[mask] chi2 = get_chi2(flux,model,error) return np.sum(chi2)
def fit_tmod(params, args): period_d, rprs, T0, Ecc, ars, inc, omega, sec, fluxoffset = params LDparams, time, flux, error, fixed_dict, guess_params = args #fix things and stop params going crazy #here! if fixed_dict['period'] == True: period_d = guess_params[0] if fixed_dict['rprs'] == True: rprs = guess_params[1] if fixed_dict['T0'] == True: T0 = guess_params[2] if fixed_dict['Ecc'] == True: Ecc = guess_params[3] if fixed_dict['ars'] == True: ars = guess_params[4] if fixed_dict['inc'] == True: inc = guess_params[5] if fixed_dict['omega'] == True: inc = guess_params[6] if fixed_dict['sec'] == True: inc = guess_params[7] if fixed_dict['fluxoffset'] == False: flux = flux + fluxoffset if inc > np.pi / 2.: return 10**(12.) if omega > np.pi * 2.: return 10**(12.) mod_output = tmod.lightcurve(time, period_d, rprs, T0, Ecc, ars, inc, omega, LDparams, sec) model = mod_output chi2 = get_chi2(flux, model, error) return chi2
def fit_tmod(params,args): period_d,rprs,T0, Ecc,ars, inc, omega, sec, fluxoffset = params LDparams,time,flux,error,fixed_dict,guess_params = args #fix things and stop params going crazy #here! if fixed_dict['period'] == True: period_d = guess_params[0] if fixed_dict['rprs'] == True: rprs = guess_params[1] if fixed_dict['T0'] == True: T0 = guess_params[2] if fixed_dict['Ecc'] == True: Ecc = guess_params[3] if fixed_dict['ars'] == True: ars = guess_params[4] if fixed_dict['inc'] == True: inc = guess_params[5] if fixed_dict['omega'] == True: inc = guess_params[6] if fixed_dict['sec'] == True: inc = guess_params[7] if fixed_dict['fluxoffset'] == False: flux = flux + fluxoffset if inc > np.pi / 2.: return 10**(12.) if omega > np.pi * 2.: return 10**(12.) mod_output = tmod.lightcurve(time,period_d,rprs,T0,Ecc,ars, inc, omega, LDparams, sec) model = mod_output chi2 = get_chi2(flux,model,error) return chi2
def keptransit(inputfile,outputfile,datacol,errorcol,periodini_d,rprsini,T0ini, Eccini,arsini,incini,omegaini,LDparams,secini,fixperiod,fixrprs,fixT0, fixEcc,fixars,fixinc,fixomega,fixsec,fixfluxoffset,removeflaggeddata,ftol=0.0001,fitter='nothing',norm=False, clobber=False, plot=True,verbose=0,logfile='logfile.dat',status=0,cmdLine=False): """ tmod.lightcurve(xdata,period,rprs,T0,Ecc,ars, incl, omega, ld, sec) input transit parameters are Period in days T0 rplanet / rstar a / rstar inclination limb darkening code number: 0 = uniform 1 = linear 2 = quadratic 3 = square root 4 = non linear LDarr: u -- linear limb-darkening (set NL=1) a, b -- quadratic limb-darkening (set NL=2) c, d -- root-square limb-darkening (set NL= -2) a1, a2, a3, a4 -- nonlinear limb-darkening (set NL=4) Nothing at all -- uniform limb-darkening (set NL=0) """ np.seterr(all="ignore") #write to a logfile hashline = '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' kepmsg.log(logfile,hashline,verbose) call = 'KEPTRANSIT -- ' call += 'inputfile='+inputfile+' ' call += 'outputfile='+outputfile+' ' call += 'datacol='+str(datacol)+' ' call += 'errorcol='+str(errorcol)+' ' call += 'periodini_d='+str(periodini_d)+' ' call += 'rprsini='+str(rprsini)+' ' call += 'T0ini='+str(T0ini)+' ' call += 'Eccini='+str(Eccini)+' ' call += 'arsini='+str(arsini)+' ' call += 'incini='+str(incini)+' ' call += 'omegaini='+str(omegaini)+' ' call += 'LDparams='+str(LDparams)+' ' call += 'secini='+str(secini)+' ' call += 'fixperiod='+str(fixperiod)+' ' call += 'fixrprs='+str(fixrprs)+' ' call += 'fixT0='+str(fixT0)+' ' call += 'fixEcc='+str(fixEcc)+' ' call += 'fixars='+str(fixars)+' ' call += 'fixinc='+str(fixinc)+' ' call += 'fixomega='+str(fixomega)+' ' call += 'fixsec='+str(fixsec)+' ' call += 'fixfluxoffset='+str(fixfluxoffset)+' ' call += 'removeflaggeddata='+str(removeflaggeddata)+' ' call += 'ftol='+str(ftol)+' ' call += 'fitter='+str(fitter)+' ' call += 'norm='+str(norm)+' ' plotit = 'n' if (plot): plotit = 'y' call += 'plot='+plotit+ ' ' overwrite = 'n' if (clobber): overwrite = 'y' call += 'clobber='+overwrite+ ' ' #chatter = 'n' #if (verbose): chatter = 'y' #call += 'verbose='+chatter+' ' call += 'logfile='+logfile kepmsg.log(logfile,call+'\n',verbose) kepmsg.clock('KEPTRANSIT started at',logfile,verbose) # test log file logfile = kepmsg.test(logfile) # clobber output file if clobber: status = kepio.clobber(outputfile,logfile,verbose) if kepio.fileexists(outputfile): message = 'ERROR -- KEPTRANSIT: ' + outputfile + ' exists. Use clobber=yes' status = kepmsg.err(logfile,message,verbose) # open input file if status == 0: instr, status = kepio.openfits(inputfile,'readonly',logfile,verbose) if status == 0: tstart, tstop, bjdref, cadence, status = kepio.timekeys(instr, inputfile,logfile,verbose,status) if status == 0: try: work = instr[0].header['FILEVER'] cadenom = 1.0 except: cadenom = cadence # fudge non-compliant FITS keywords with no values if status == 0: instr = kepkey.emptykeys(instr,file,logfile,verbose) # read table structure if status == 0: table, status = kepio.readfitstab(inputfile,instr[1],logfile,verbose) if status == 0: intime_o = table.field('time') influx_o = table.field(datacol) inerr_o = table.field(errorcol) try: qualflag = table.field('SAP_QUALITY') except: qualflag = np.zeros(len(intime_o)) if status == 0: intime, indata, inerr, baddata = cutBadData(intime_o, influx_o, inerr_o,removeflaggeddata,qualflag) if status == 0 and norm: #first remove outliers before normalizing threesig = 3.* np.std(indata) mask = np.logical_and(indata< indata + threesig,indata > indata - threesig) #now normalize indata = indata / np.median(indata[mask]) if status == 0: #need to check if LD params are sensible and in right format LDparams = [float(i) for i in LDparams.split()] incini = incini * np.pi / 180. omegaini = omegaini * np.pi / 180. if arsini*np.cos(incini) > 1.0 + rprsini: message = 'The guess inclination and a/r* values result in a non-transing planet' status = kepmsg.err(logfile,message,verbose) if status == 0: fixed_dict = fix_params(fixperiod,fixrprs,fixT0, fixEcc,fixars,fixinc,fixomega,fixsec,fixfluxoffset) #force flux offset to be guessed at zero fluxoffsetini = 0.0 if status == 0: guess_params = [periodini_d,rprsini,T0ini,Eccini,arsini, incini, omegaini, secini,fluxoffsetini] print('cleaning done: about to fit transit') if fitter == 'leastsq': fit_output = leastsq(fit_tmod,guess_params, args=[LDparams,intime,indata,inerr,fixed_dict,guess_params], full_output=True,ftol=ftol) elif fitter == 'fmin': fit_output = fmin(fit_tmod2,guess_params, args=[LDparams,intime,indata,inerr,fixed_dict,guess_params], full_output=True,ftol=ftol,xtol=ftol) elif fitter == 'anneal': fit_output = anneal(fit_tmod2,guess_params, args=[LDparams,intime,indata,inerr,fixed_dict,guess_params], full_output=True) if status == 0: if fixed_dict['period'] == True: newperiod = guess_params[0] print('Fixed period (days) = ' + str(newperiod)) else: newperiod = fit_output[0][0] print('Fit period (days) = ' + str(newperiod)) if fixed_dict['rprs'] == True: newrprs = guess_params[1] print('Fixed R_planet / R_star = ' + str(newrprs)) else: newrprs = fit_output[0][1] print('Fit R_planet / R_star = ' + str(newrprs)) if fixed_dict['T0'] == True: newT0 = guess_params[2] print('Fixed T0 (BJD) = ' + str(newT0)) else: newT0 = fit_output[0][2] print('Fit T0 (BJD) = ' + str(newT0)) if fixed_dict['Ecc'] == True: newEcc = guess_params[3] print('Fixed eccentricity = ' + str(newEcc)) else: newEcc = fit_output[0][3] print('Fit eccentricity = ' + str(newEcc)) if fixed_dict['ars'] == True: newars = guess_params[4] print('Fixed a / R_star = ' + str(newars)) else: newars = fit_output[0][4] print('Fit a / R_star = ' + str(newars)) if fixed_dict['inc'] == True: newinc = guess_params[5] print('Fixed inclination (deg) = ' + str(newinc* 180. / np.pi)) else: newinc = fit_output[0][5] print('Fit inclination (deg) = ' + str(newinc* 180. / np.pi)) if fixed_dict['omega'] == True: newomega = guess_params[6] print('Fixed omega = ' + str(newomega)) else: newomega = fit_output[0][6] print('Fit omega = ' + str(newomega)) if fixed_dict['sec'] == True: newsec = guess_params[7] print('Fixed seconary eclipse depth = ' + str(newsec)) else: newsec = fit_output[0][7] print('Fit seconary eclipse depth = ' + str(newsec)) if fixfluxoffset == False: newfluxoffset = fit_output[0][8] print('Fit flux offset = ' + str(newfluxoffset)) modelfit = tmod.lightcurve(intime,newperiod,newrprs,newT0,newEcc, newars,newinc,newomega,LDparams,newsec) if fixfluxoffset == False: modelfit += newfluxoffset #output to a file phi, fluxfold, modelfold, errorfold, phiNotFold = fold_data(intime, modelfit,indata,inerr,newperiod,newT0) make_outfile(instr,outputfile,phiNotFold,modelfit, baddata) # end time if (status == 0): message = 'KEPTRANSIT completed at' else: message = '\nKEPTRANSIT aborted at' kepmsg.clock(message,logfile,verbose) if plot and status == 0: do_plot(intime,modelfit,indata,inerr,newperiod,newT0,cmdLine)
""" Crea un FITS basado en los datos de una carpeta con FITS """ dire = sys.argv[1] archivos = listdir(dire) archivos.sort() datos = [] for i in range(20): #20 es la cantidad de caracteristicas que tienen las curvas de luz datos.append([]) for archivo in archivos: datos_ar = lightcurve.lightcurve(join(dire, archivo)) for i in range(len(datos)): datos[i].extend(datos_ar[i]) table_hdu =,archivos[0]))[1] columnas_lista = [str(i).split(';') for i in table_hdu.columns] columnas_lista = [[k.split('=')[1].strip()[1:-1] for k in i] for i in columnas_lista] columnas_astropy = [] for i in range(len(columnas_lista)): if len(columnas_lista[i]) == 3: #Sucede que esta caracteristica no tiene datos de unidades columnas_astropy.append(fits.Column(name=columnas_lista[i][0], format=columnas_lista[i][1], disp=columnas_lista[i][2], array=datos[i])) else: columnas_astropy.append(fits.Column(name=columnas_lista[i][0], format=columnas_lista[i][1], unit=columnas_lista[i][2], disp=columnas_lista[i][3], array=datos[i]))
def keptransitmodel(inputfile, datacol, errorcol, period_d, rprs, T0, Ecc, ars, inc, omega, LDparams, sec, norm=False, verbose=0, logfile='logfile.dat', status=0, cmdLine=False): #write to a logfile hashline = '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' kepmsg.log(logfile, hashline, verbose) call = 'KEPTRANSIT -- ' call += 'inputfile=' + inputfile + ' ' call += 'datacol=' + str(datacol) + ' ' call += 'errorcol=' + str(errorcol) + ' ' call += 'period_d=' + str(period_d) + ' ' call += 'rprs=' + str(rprs) + ' ' call += 'T0=' + str(T0) + ' ' call += 'Ecc=' + str(Ecc) + ' ' call += 'ars=' + str(ars) + ' ' call += 'inc=' + str(inc) + ' ' call += 'omega=' + str(omega) + ' ' call += 'LDparams=' + str(LDparams) + ' ' call += 'sec=' + str(sec) + ' ' #to finish # open input file if status == 0: instr, status = kepio.openfits(inputfile, 'readonly', logfile, verbose) if status == 0: tstart, tstop, bjdref, cadence, status = kepio.timekeys( instr, inputfile, logfile, verbose, status) if status == 0: try: work = instr[0].header['FILEVER'] cadenom = 1.0 except: cadenom = cadence # fudge non-compliant FITS keywords with no values if status == 0: instr = kepkey.emptykeys(instr, file, logfile, verbose) # read table structure if status == 0: table, status = kepio.readfitstab(inputfile, instr[1], logfile, verbose) # filter input data table if status == 0: try: nanclean = instr[1].header['NANCLEAN'] except: naxis2 = 0 try: for i in range(len(table.field(0))): if np.isfinite(table.field('barytime')[i]) and \ np.isfinite(table.field(datacol)[i]): table[naxis2] = table[i] naxis2 += 1 instr[1].data = table[:naxis2] except: for i in range(len(table.field(0))): if np.isfinite(table.field('time')[i]) and \ np.isfinite(table.field(datacol)[i]): table[naxis2] = table[i] naxis2 += 1 instr[1].data = table[:naxis2] # comment = 'NaN cadences removed from data' # status ='NANCLEAN',True,comment,instr[1],outfile,logfile,verbose) # read table columns if status == 0: try: intime = instr[1].data.field('barytime') + 2.4e6 except: intime, status = kepio.readfitscol(inputfile, instr[1].data, 'time', logfile, verbose) indata, status = kepio.readfitscol(inputfile, instr[1].data, datacol, logfile, verbose) inerr, status = kepio.readfitscol(inputfile, instr[1].data, errorcol, logfile, verbose) if status == 0: intime = intime + bjdref indata = indata / cadenom inerr = inerr / cadenom if status == 0 and norm: #first remove outliers before normalizing threesig = 3. * np.std(indata) mask = np.logical_and(indata < indata + threesig, indata > indata - threesig) #now normalize indata = indata / np.median(indata[mask]) if status == 0: #need to check if LD params are sensible and in right format LDparams = [float(i) for i in LDparams.split()] inc = inc * np.pi / 180. if status == 0: modelfit = tmod.lightcurve(intime, period_d, rprs, T0, Ecc, ars, inc, omega, LDparams, sec) if status == 0: phi, fluxfold, modelfold, errorfold, phiNotFold = fold_data( intime, modelfit, indata, inerr, period_d, T0) if status == 0: do_plot(intime, modelfit, indata, inerr, period_d, T0, cmdLine)
def keptransit(inputfile, outputfile, datacol, errorcol, periodini_d, rprsini, T0ini, Eccini, arsini, incini, omegaini, LDparams, secini,fixperiod, fixrprs, fixT0, fixEcc, fixars, fixinc, fixomega, fixsec, fixfluxoffset, removeflaggeddata, ftol=0.0001, fitter='nothing', norm=False, clobber=False, plot=True, verbose=False, logfile='keptransit.log'): """ tmod.lightcurve(xdata,period,rprs,T0,Ecc,ars, incl, omega, ld, sec) input transit parameters are Period in days T0 rplanet / rstar a / rstar inclination limb darkening code number: 0 = uniform 1 = linear 2 = quadratic 3 = square root 4 = non linear LDarr: u -- linear limb-darkening (set NL=1) a, b -- quadratic limb-darkening (set NL=2) c, d -- root-square limb-darkening (set NL= -2) a1, a2, a3, a4 -- nonlinear limb-darkening (set NL=4) Nothing at all -- uniform limb-darkening (set NL=0) Written by: Tom Barclay This code is intended to fit a transit model to a Kepler light curve. We assume that the data has been cleaned in some way to remove instrumental signals and stellar variability. Reference: The transit model a Mandel and Agol model <>. This code calls a module called lightcurve This code was created by Ian Crossfield <> and Susanne Aigraine. The lighcurve module has been modified by TSB in order to sample the model on a finer grid than the original data. """ #write to a logfile hashline = '--------------------------------------------------------------' kepmsg.log(logfile, hashline, verbose) call = ('KEPTRANSIT -- ' + ' inputfile={}'.format(inputfile) + ' outputfile={}'.format(outputfile) + ' datacol={}'.format(datacol) + ' errorcol={}'.format(errorcol) + ' periodini_d={}'.format(periodini_d) + ' rprsini={}'.format(rprsini) + ' T0ini={}'.format(T0ini) + ' Eccini={}'.format(Eccini) + ' arsini={}'.format(arsini) + ' incini={}'.format(incini) + ' omegaini={}'.format(omegaini) + ' LDparams={}'.format(LDparams) + ' secini={}'.format(secini) + ' fixperiod={}'.format(fixperiod) + ' fixrprs={}'.format(fixrprs) + ' fixT0={}'.format(fixT0) + ' fixEcc={}'.format(fixEcc) + ' fixars={}'.format(fixars) + ' fixinc={}'.format(fixinc) + ' fixomega={}'.format(fixomega) + ' fixsec={}'.format(fixsec) + ' fixfluxoffset={}'.format(fixfluxoffset) + ' removeflaggeddata={}'.format(removeflaggeddata) + ' ftol={}'.format(ftol) + ' fitter={}'.format(fitter) + ' norm={}'.format(norm) + ' plot={}'.format(plot) + ' clobber={}'.format(clobber) + ' verbose={}'.format(verbose) + ' logfile={}'.format(logfile)) kepmsg.log(logfile, call+'\n', verbose) kepmsg.clock('KEPTRANSIT started at', logfile, verbose) # clobber output file if clobber: kepio.clobber(outputfile, logfile, verbose) if kepio.fileexists(outputfile): errmsg = 'ERROR -- KEPTRANSIT: {} exists. Use clobber=yes'.format(outputfile) kepmsg.err(logfile, errmsg, verbose) # open input file instr =, 'readonly') tstart, tstop, bjdref, cadence = kepio.timekeys(instr, inputfile, logfile, verbose) try: work = instr[0].header['FILEVER'] cadenom = 1.0 except: cadenom = cadence # fudge non-compliant FITS keywords with no values instr = kepkey.emptykeys(instr, inputfile, logfile, verbose) # read table structure table = kepio.readfitstab(inputfile, instr[1], logfile, verbose) intime_o = table.field('time') influx_o = table.field(datacol) inerr_o = table.field(errorcol) try: qualflag = table.field('SAP_QUALITY') except: qualflag = np.zeros(len(intime_o)) intime, indata, inerr, baddata = cutBadData(intime_o, influx_o, inerr_o, removeflaggeddata, qualflag) if norm: #first remove outliers before normalizing threesig = 3.* np.std(indata) mask = np.logical_and(indata < indata + threesig, indata > indata - threesig) #now normalize indata = indata / np.median(indata[mask]) #need to check if LD params are sensible and in right format LDparams = [float(i) for i in LDparams.split()] incini = incini * np.pi / 180. omegaini = omegaini * np.pi / 180. if arsini * np.cos(incini) > 1.0 + rprsini: errmsg = ("The guess inclination and a/r* values result in a" " non-transing planet") kepmsg.err(logfile, errmsg, verbose) fixed_dict = fix_params(fixperiod, fixrprs, fixT0, fixEcc, fixars, fixinc, fixomega, fixsec, fixfluxoffset) #force flux offset to be guessed at zero fluxoffsetini = 0.0 guess_params = [periodini_d, rprsini, T0ini, Eccini, arsini, incini, omegaini, secini, fluxoffsetini] print('cleaning done: about to fit transit') if fitter == 'leastsq': fit_output = leastsq(fit_tmod, guess_params, args=(LDparams, intime, indata, inerr, fixed_dict, guess_params), full_output=True, ftol=ftol) elif fitter == 'fmin': fit_output = fmin(fit_tmod2,guess_params, args=(LDparams, intime, indata, inerr, fixed_dict, guess_params), full_output=True, ftol=ftol, xtol=ftol) elif fitter == 'basinhopping': fit_output = basinhopping(git_tmod2, guess_params, args=(LDparams, intime, indata, inerr, fixed_dict, guess_params), full_output=True, ftol=ftol, xtol=ftol) if fixed_dict['period']: newperiod = guess_params[0] print('Fixed period (days) = {}'.format(newperiod)) else: newperiod = fit_output[0][0] print('Fit period (days) = {}'.format(newperiod)) if fixed_dict['rprs']: newrprs = guess_params[1] print('Fixed R_planet / R_star = {}'.format(newrprs)) else: newrprs = fit_output[0][1] print('Fit R_planet / R_star = {}'.format(newrprs)) if fixed_dict['T0']: newT0 = guess_params[2] print('Fixed T0 (BJD) = {}'.format(newT0)) else: newT0 = fit_output[0][2] print('Fit T0 (BJD) = {}'.format(newT0)) if fixed_dict['Ecc']: newEcc = guess_params[3] print('Fixed eccentricity = {}'.format(newEcc)) else: newEcc = fit_output[0][3] print('Fit eccentricity = {}'.format(newEcc)) if fixed_dict['ars']: newars = guess_params[4] print('Fixed a / R_star = {}'.format(newars)) else: newars = fit_output[0][4] print 'Fit a / R_star = {}'.format(newars) if fixed_dict['inc']: newinc = guess_params[5] print 'Fixed inclination (deg) = {}'.format(newinc* 180. / np.pi) else: newinc = fit_output[0][5] print 'Fit inclination (deg) = {}'.format(newinc* 180. / np.pi) if fixed_dict['omega']: newomega = guess_params[6] print 'Fixed omega = {}'.format(newomega) else: newomega = fit_output[0][6] print 'Fit omega = {}'.format(newomega) if fixed_dict['sec']: newsec = guess_params[7] print 'Fixed seconary eclipse depth = {}'.format(newsec) else: newsec = fit_output[0][7] print 'Fit seconary eclipse depth = {}'.format(newsec) if not fixfluxoffset: newfluxoffset = fit_output[0][8] print('Fit flux offset = {}'.format(newfluxoffset)) modelfit = tmod.lightcurve(intime, newperiod, newrprs, newT0, newEcc, newars, newinc, newomega, LDparams, newsec) if not fixfluxoffset: modelfit += newfluxoffset #output to a file phi, fluxfold, modelfold, errorfold, phiNotFold = fold_data(intime, modelfit, indata, inerr, newperiod, newT0) make_outfile(instr, outputfile, phiNotFold, modelfit, baddata) # end time kepmsg.clock('KEPTRANSIT completed at', logfile, verbose) if plot: do_plot(intime, modelfit, indata, inerr, newperiod, newT0)
def keptransitmodel(inputfile,datacol,errorcol,period_d,rprs,T0, Ecc,ars,inc,omega,LDparams,sec,norm=False, verbose=0,logfile='logfile.dat',status=0,cmdLine=False): #write to a logfile hashline = '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' kepmsg.log(logfile,hashline,verbose) call = 'KEPTRANSIT -- ' call += 'inputfile='+inputfile+' ' call += 'datacol='+str(datacol)+' ' call += 'errorcol='+str(errorcol)+' ' call += 'period_d='+str(period_d)+' ' call += 'rprs='+str(rprs)+' ' call += 'T0='+str(T0)+' ' call += 'Ecc='+str(Ecc)+' ' call += 'ars='+str(ars)+' ' call += 'inc='+str(inc)+' ' call += 'omega='+str(omega)+' ' call += 'LDparams='+str(LDparams)+' ' call += 'sec='+str(sec)+' ' #to finish # open input file if status == 0: instr, status = kepio.openfits(inputfile,'readonly',logfile,verbose) if status == 0: tstart, tstop, bjdref, cadence, status = kepio.timekeys(instr, inputfile,logfile,verbose,status) if status == 0: try: work = instr[0].header['FILEVER'] cadenom = 1.0 except: cadenom = cadence # fudge non-compliant FITS keywords with no values if status == 0: instr = kepkey.emptykeys(instr,file,logfile,verbose) # read table structure if status == 0: table, status = kepio.readfitstab(inputfile,instr[1],logfile,verbose) # filter input data table if status == 0: try: nanclean = instr[1].header['NANCLEAN'] except: naxis2 = 0 try: for i in range(len(table.field(0))): if np.isfinite(table.field('barytime')[i]) and \ np.isfinite(table.field(datacol)[i]): table[naxis2] = table[i] naxis2 += 1 instr[1].data = table[:naxis2] except: for i in range(len(table.field(0))): if np.isfinite(table.field('time')[i]) and \ np.isfinite(table.field(datacol)[i]): table[naxis2] = table[i] naxis2 += 1 instr[1].data = table[:naxis2] # comment = 'NaN cadences removed from data' # status ='NANCLEAN',True,comment,instr[1],outfile,logfile,verbose) # read table columns if status == 0: try: intime = instr[1].data.field('barytime') + 2.4e6 except: intime, status = kepio.readfitscol(inputfile,instr[1].data,'time',logfile,verbose) indata, status = kepio.readfitscol(inputfile,instr[1].data,datacol,logfile,verbose) inerr, status = kepio.readfitscol(inputfile,instr[1].data,errorcol,logfile,verbose) if status == 0: intime = intime + bjdref indata = indata / cadenom inerr = inerr / cadenom if status == 0 and norm: #first remove outliers before normalizing threesig = 3.* np.std(indata) mask = np.logical_and(indata< indata + threesig,indata > indata - threesig) #now normalize indata = indata / np.median(indata[mask]) if status == 0: #need to check if LD params are sensible and in right format LDparams = [float(i) for i in LDparams.split()] inc = inc * np.pi / 180. if status == 0: modelfit = tmod.lightcurve(intime,period_d,rprs,T0,Ecc, ars,inc,omega,LDparams,sec) if status == 0: phi, fluxfold, modelfold, errorfold, phiNotFold = fold_data(intime, modelfit,indata,inerr,period_d,T0) if status == 0: do_plot(intime,modelfit,indata,inerr,period_d,T0,cmdLine)