Example #1
class CLightningWallet(Wallet):
    def __init__(self):
        if LightningRpc is None:  # pragma: nocover
            raise ImportError(
                "The `pylightning` library must be installed to use `CLightningWallet`."

        self.rpc = getenv("CLIGHTNING_RPC")
        self.ln = LightningRpc(self.rpc)

        # check description_hash support (could be provided by a plugin)
        self.supports_description_hash = False
            answer = self.ln.help("invoicewithdescriptionhash")
            if answer["help"][0]["command"].startswith(
                    "invoicewithdescriptionhash msatoshi label description_hash",
                self.supports_description_hash = True

        # check last payindex so we can listen from that point on
        self.last_pay_index = 0
        invoices = self.ln.listinvoices()
        for inv in invoices["invoices"][::-1]:
            if "pay_index" in inv:
                self.last_pay_index = inv["pay_index"]

    def create_invoice(
            amount: int,
            memo: Optional[str] = None,
            description_hash: Optional[bytes] = None) -> InvoiceResponse:
        label = "lbl{}".format(random.random())
        msat = amount * 1000

            if description_hash:
                if not self.supports_description_hash:
                    raise Unsupported("description_hash")

                params = [msat, label, description_hash.hex()]
                r = self.ln.call("invoicewithdescriptionhash", params)
                return InvoiceResponse(True, label, r["bolt11"], "")
                r = self.ln.invoice(msat,
                return InvoiceResponse(True, label, r["bolt11"], "")
        except RpcError as exc:
            error_message = f"lightningd '{exc.method}' failed with '{exc.error}'."
            return InvoiceResponse(False, label, None, error_message)

    def pay_invoice(self, bolt11: str) -> PaymentResponse:
        r = self.ln.pay(bolt11)
        return PaymentResponse(True, r["payment_hash"],
                               r["msatoshi_sent"] - r["msatoshi"], None)

    def get_invoice_status(self, checking_id: str) -> PaymentStatus:
        r = self.ln.listinvoices(checking_id)
        if not r["invoices"]:
            return PaymentStatus(False)
        if r["invoices"][0]["label"] == checking_id:
            return PaymentStatus(r["invoices"][0]["status"] == "paid")
        raise KeyError("supplied an invalid checking_id")

    def get_payment_status(self, checking_id: str) -> PaymentStatus:
        r = self.ln.call("listpays", {"payment_hash": checking_id})
        if not r["pays"]:
            return PaymentStatus(False)
        if r["pays"][0]["payment_hash"] == checking_id:
            status = r["pays"][0]["status"]
            if status == "complete":
                return PaymentStatus(True)
            elif status == "failed":
                return PaymentStatus(False)
            return PaymentStatus(None)
        raise KeyError("supplied an invalid checking_id")

    async def paid_invoices_stream(self) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
        stream = await trio.open_unix_socket(self.rpc)

        i = 0
        while True:
            call = json.dumps({
                "method": "waitanyinvoice",
                "id": 0,
                "params": [self.last_pay_index],

            await stream.send_all(call.encode("utf-8"))

            data = await stream.receive_some()
            paid = json.loads(data.decode("ascii"))

            paid = self.ln.waitanyinvoice(self.last_pay_index)
            self.last_pay_index = paid["pay_index"]
            yield paid["label"]

            i += 1
Example #2
class CLightningWallet(Wallet):
    def __init__(self):
        if LightningRpc is None:  # pragma: nocover
            raise ImportError(
                "The `pylightning` library must be installed to use `CLightningWallet`."

        self.rpc = getenv("CLIGHTNING_RPC")
        self.ln = LightningRpc(self.rpc)

        # check description_hash support (could be provided by a plugin)
        self.supports_description_hash = False
            answer = self.ln.help("invoicewithdescriptionhash")
            if answer["help"][0]["command"].startswith(
                    "invoicewithdescriptionhash msatoshi label description_hash",
                self.supports_description_hash = True

        # check last payindex so we can listen from that point on
        self.last_pay_index = 0
        invoices = self.ln.listinvoices()
        for inv in invoices["invoices"][::-1]:
            if "pay_index" in inv:
                self.last_pay_index = inv["pay_index"]

    async def status(self) -> StatusResponse:
            funds = self.ln.listfunds()
            return StatusResponse(
                sum([ch["channel_sat"] * 1000 for ch in funds["channels"]]),
        except RpcError as exc:
            error_message = f"lightningd '{exc.method}' failed with '{exc.error}'."
            return StatusResponse(error_message, 0)

    async def create_invoice(
        amount: int,
        memo: Optional[str] = None,
        description_hash: Optional[bytes] = None,
    ) -> InvoiceResponse:
        label = "lbl{}".format(random.random())
        msat = amount * 1000

            if description_hash:
                if not self.supports_description_hash:
                    raise Unsupported("description_hash")

                params = [msat, label, description_hash.hex()]
                r = self.ln.call("invoicewithdescriptionhash", params)
                return InvoiceResponse(True, label, r["bolt11"], "")
                r = self.ln.invoice(msat,
                return InvoiceResponse(True, label, r["bolt11"], "")
        except RpcError as exc:
            error_message = f"lightningd '{exc.method}' failed with '{exc.error}'."
            return InvoiceResponse(False, label, None, error_message)

    # WARNING: correct handling of fee_limit_msat is required to avoid security vulnerabilities!
    # The backend MUST NOT spend satoshis above invoice amount + fee_limit_msat.
    async def pay_invoice(self, bolt11: str,
                          fee_limit_msat: int) -> PaymentResponse:
        invoice = lnbits_bolt11.decode(bolt11)
        fee_limit_percent = fee_limit_msat / invoice.amount_msat * 100

        payload = {
            "bolt11": bolt11,
            "maxfeepercent": "{:.11}".format(fee_limit_percent),
            0  # so fee_limit_percent is applied even on payments with fee under 5000 millisatoshi (which is default value of exemptfee)

            r = self.ln.call("pay", payload)
        except RpcError as exc:
            return PaymentResponse(False, None, 0, None, str(exc))

        fee_msat = r["msatoshi_sent"] - r["msatoshi"]
        preimage = r["payment_preimage"]
        return PaymentResponse(True, r["payment_hash"], fee_msat, preimage,

    async def get_invoice_status(self, checking_id: str) -> PaymentStatus:
        r = self.ln.listinvoices(checking_id)
        if not r["invoices"]:
            return PaymentStatus(False)
        if r["invoices"][0]["label"] == checking_id:
            return PaymentStatus(r["invoices"][0]["status"] == "paid")
        raise KeyError("supplied an invalid checking_id")

    async def get_payment_status(self, checking_id: str) -> PaymentStatus:
        r = self.ln.call("listpays", {"payment_hash": checking_id})
        if not r["pays"]:
            return PaymentStatus(False)
        if r["pays"][0]["payment_hash"] == checking_id:
            status = r["pays"][0]["status"]
            if status == "complete":
                return PaymentStatus(True)
            elif status == "failed":
                return PaymentStatus(False)
            return PaymentStatus(None)
        raise KeyError("supplied an invalid checking_id")

    async def paid_invoices_stream(self) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
        stream = await trio.open_unix_socket(self.rpc)

        i = 0
        while True:
            call = json.dumps({
                "method": "waitanyinvoice",
                "id": 0,
                "params": [self.last_pay_index],

            await stream.send_all(call.encode("utf-8"))

            data = await stream.receive_some()
            paid = json.loads(data.decode("ascii"))

            paid = self.ln.waitanyinvoice(self.last_pay_index)
            self.last_pay_index = paid["pay_index"]
            yield paid["label"]

            i += 1