def contacts_and_accounts(self, size, tenant): # create various contacts ContactFactory.create_batch(size, tenant=tenant) # create accounts with zero contact AccountFactory.create_batch(size, tenant=tenant) # create account with multi contacts function_factory(tenant).create_batch(size, account=AccountFactory(tenant=tenant))
def notes(self, size, tenant): NoteFactory.create_batch(size, tenant=tenant) # create multiple notes for single subject and multi author NoteFactory.create_batch(size, tenant=tenant, subject=AccountFactory(tenant=tenant)) # create multiple notes for single subject and single author NoteFactory.create_batch(size, tenant=tenant, author=LilyUserFactory(tenant=tenant), subject=AccountFactory(tenant=tenant))
def contacts_and_accounts(self, size, tenant): # create various contacts ContactFactory.create_batch(size, tenant=tenant) # create accounts with zero contact AccountFactory.create_batch(size, tenant=tenant) # create account with multi contacts function_factory(tenant).create_batch( size, account=AccountFactory(tenant=tenant)) # create account with assigned_to function_factory(tenant).create_batch( size, account=AccountFactory(tenant=tenant, assigned_to=LilyUserFactory(tenant=tenant)))
def accounts_account(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update({ 'size': kwargs.get('size', self.batch_size) / 2, 'tenant': kwargs.get('tenant', self.tenant), 'assigned_to': kwargs.get('assigned_to') if kwargs.get('assigned_to') else iterator(self.users_user), }) accounts_with_users = AccountFactory.create_batch(**kwargs) del kwargs['assigned_to'] accounts_without_users = AccountFactory.create_batch(**kwargs) self.stdout.write('Done with accounts_account.') return accounts_with_users + accounts_without_users
def _create_object_stub(self, with_relations=False, size=1, **kwargs): """ Create an object dict with relation dicts using factories. """ object_list = [] for iteration in range(0, size): obj = self.factory_cls.stub(**kwargs).__dict__ del obj['tenant'] if with_relations: # If relations are needed, override them, because a dict is needed instead of an instance. obj['phone_numbers'] = [PhoneNumberFactory.stub().__dict__, ] obj['social_media'] = [SocialMediaFactory.stub().__dict__, ] obj['addresses'] = [AddressFactory.stub().__dict__, ] obj['email_addresses'] = [EmailAddressFactory.stub().__dict__, ] obj['accounts'] = [AccountFactory.stub().__dict__, ] obj['accounts'][0]['status'] = {'id': AccountStatusFactory.create(tenant=self.user_obj.tenant).id} obj['tags'] = [TagFactory.stub().__dict__, ] del obj['accounts'][0]['tenant'] object_list.append(obj) if size > 1: return object_list else: # If required size is 1, just give the object instead of a list. return object_list[0]
def _create_object_stub(self, with_relations=False, size=1, **kwargs): """ Create an object dict with relation dicts using factories. """ # Set a default tenant of the user. kwargs['tenant'] = self.user_obj.tenant if not kwargs.get('tenant') else kwargs['tenant'] object_list = [] account = AccountFactory(**kwargs) assigned_to = LilyUserFactory(**kwargs) next_step = DealNextStepFactory(**kwargs) why_customer = DealWhyCustomerFactory(**kwargs) found_through = DealFoundThroughFactory(**kwargs) contacted_by = DealContactedByFactory(**kwargs) status = DealStatusFactory(**kwargs) why_lost = DealWhyLostFactory(**kwargs) for iteration in range(0, size): obj = self.factory_cls.stub(**kwargs).__dict__ del obj['tenant'] del obj['contact'] # The minimum viable deal instance needs these relations, so always make them. obj['account'] = { 'id':, } obj['assigned_to'] = { 'id':, } obj['next_step'] = { 'id':, } obj['why_customer'] = { 'id':, } obj['found_through'] = { 'id':, } obj['contacted_by'] = { 'id':, } obj['status'] = { 'id':, } obj['why_lost'] = { 'id':, } if with_relations: # If relations are needed, override them, because a dict is needed instead of an instance. obj['tags'] = [TagFactory.stub().__dict__, ] obj['notes'] = [NoteFactory.stub().__dict__, ] object_list.append(obj) if size > 1: return object_list else: # If required size is 1, just give the object instead of a list. return object_list[0]
def accounts_account(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update( { "size": kwargs.get("size", self.batch_size) / 2, "tenant": kwargs.get("tenant", self.tenant), "assigned_to": kwargs.get("assigned_to") if kwargs.get("assigned_to") else iterator(self.users_user), } ) accounts_with_users = AccountFactory.create_batch(**kwargs) del kwargs["assigned_to"] accounts_without_users = AccountFactory.create_batch(**kwargs) self.stdout.write("Done with accounts_account.") return accounts_with_users + accounts_without_users
def _create_object_stub_with_relations(self): """ Create an object dict with relation dicts using factories. """ contact = self.factory_cls.stub().__dict__ contact['phone_numbers'] = [ PhoneNumberFactory.stub().__dict__, ] contact['social_media'] = [ SocialMediaFactory.stub().__dict__, ] contact['addresses'] = [ AddressFactory.stub().__dict__, ] contact['email_addresses'] = [ EmailAddressFactory.stub().__dict__, ] contact['accounts'] = [ AccountFactory.stub().__dict__, ] contact['tags'] = [ TagFactory.stub().__dict__, ] del contact['tenant'] del contact['accounts'][0]['tenant'] return contact
def contacts_and_accounts(self, size, tenant): # create various contacts ContactFactory.create_batch(size, tenant=tenant) # create accounts with zero contact AccountFactory.create_batch(size, tenant=tenant) # create account with multi contacts FunctionFactory.create_batch( size, tenant=tenant, account=AccountFactory(tenant=tenant), ) # create account with assigned_to FunctionFactory.create_batch( size, tenant=tenant, account=AccountFactory( tenant=tenant, assigned_to=LilyUserFactory(tenant=tenant) ), )
def test_contact_closed_deals_cases_account(self): """ Test having a contact attached to a contact with no cases or deals. """ assigned_to_user = LilyUserFactory.create(tenant=self.user_obj.tenant, is_active=True) account = AccountFactory.create(tenant=self.user_obj.tenant, assigned_to=assigned_to_user) Function.objects.create(account=account, # Make api call. response = self.user.get(reverse(self.search_url, kwargs={'number': self.phone_number.number})) # Verify response. self._verify_response(response, assigned_to_user)
def test_update_modified(self): """ Test that the modified date of a case gets set properly. """ tenant = TenantFactory.create() account = AccountFactory.create(tenant=tenant) modified = account.modified time.sleep(1) self.assertEqual(modified, account.modified) self.assertNotEqual(modified, account.modified)
def test_contact_closed_deals_cases_account(self): """ Test having a contact attached to a contact with no cases or deals. """ assigned_to_user = LilyUserFactory.create(tenant=self.user_obj.tenant, is_active=True) account = AccountFactory.create(tenant=self.user_obj.tenant, assigned_to=assigned_to_user) Function.objects.create(account=account, # Make api call. response = self.user.get( reverse(self.search_url, kwargs={'number': self.phone_number.number})) # Verify response. self._verify_response(response, assigned_to_user)
def _create_object_stub(self, with_relations=False, size=1, **kwargs): """ Create an object dict with relation dicts using factories. """ # Set a default tenant of the user. kwargs['tenant'] = self.user_obj.tenant if not kwargs.get('tenant') else kwargs['tenant'] object_list = [] casetype = CaseTypeFactory(**kwargs) casestatus = CaseStatusFactory(**kwargs) for iteration in range(0, size): obj = self.factory_cls.stub(**kwargs).__dict__ del obj['tenant'] # The minimum viable case instance needs these relations, so always make them. obj['type'] = { 'id': } obj['status'] = { 'id': } if with_relations: # If relations are needed, override them, because a dict is needed instead of an instance. obj['account'] = AccountFactory.stub().__dict__ obj['contact'] = ContactFactory.stub().__dict__ obj['assigned_to'] = LilyUserFactory.stub().__dict__ del obj['account']['tenant'] del obj['contact']['tenant'] del obj['assigned_to']['tenant'] del obj['created_by'] else: # Delete the related objects, since they can't be serialized. del obj['account'] del obj['assigned_to'] del obj['created_by'] object_list.append(obj) if size > 1: return object_list else: # If required size is 1, just give the object instead of a list. return object_list[0]
def _create_object_stub(self, with_relations=False, size=1, **kwargs): """ Create an object dict with relation dicts using factories. """ # Set a default tenant of the user. kwargs['tenant'] = self.user_obj.tenant if not kwargs.get('tenant') else kwargs['tenant'] object_list = [] account = AccountFactory(**kwargs) casetype = CaseTypeFactory(**kwargs) casestatus = CaseStatusFactory(**kwargs) for iteration in range(0, size): obj = self.factory_cls.stub(**kwargs).__dict__ del obj['tenant'] # The minimum viable case instance needs these relations, so always make them. obj['account'] = { 'id':, } obj['type'] = { 'id': } obj['status'] = { 'id': } if with_relations: # If relations are needed, override them, because a dict is needed instead of an instance. obj['assigned_to'] = LilyUserFactory.stub().__dict__ del obj['assigned_to']['tenant'] del obj['created_by'] else: # Delete the related objects, since they can't be serialized. del obj['assigned_to'] del obj['created_by'] object_list.append(obj) if size > 1: return object_list else: # If required size is 1, just give the object instead of a list. return object_list[0]