def test_render__get_bulk_read_field__get(self): self.mocker.patch.object(Command, 'get_bulk_read_field').return_value = 'people' command = Command( 'READ_TASK', { 'method': 'GET', 'meta': { 'title': 'Read Task', 'domain': { 'id': 'tasks', 'name': 'Tasks Management', } }, 'access': { 'is_private': True, 'access_list': ['LEARNER'], }, 'path_conf': { 'path': '/tasks/{task_id}', 'parameters': [ { 'name': 'task_id', 'type': 'integer', }, ] }, 'schemas': { 'input_query': { 'schema': { 'hi': 'there' }, 'uri': '' }, 'input_body': None, 'output': { 'schema': { 'type': 'object', 'required': ['people'], 'properties': { 'people': { 'type': 'array', }, }, }, 'uri': '', }, }, 'examples': {}, }) assert command.render() == normalize_indentation( ''' /** * Read Task */ public readTask(taskId: any, params: X.ReadTaskQuery): Observable<X.ReadTaskResponse> { return this.client.get<X.ReadTaskResponse>(`/tasks/${taskId}`, { params, authorizationRequired: true }); } ''', 0) # noqa
def test_render_access__no_access(self): conf = deepcopy(CONF) conf['access'] = { 'access_list': [], 'is_private': False, } command = Command('BULK_READ_TASKS', conf) assert command.render_access('AccountType') == ( 'BULK_READ_TASKS: null')
def test_get_bulk_read_field__empty_schema(self): conf = deepcopy(CONF) conf['schemas'] = { 'output': { 'schema': {}, 'uri': 'hi/there', }, } command = Command('BULK_READ_TASKS', conf) assert command.get_bulk_read_field() is None
def test_render_facade__get(self): command = Command( 'READ_TASK', { 'method': 'GET', 'meta': { 'title': 'Read Task', 'domain': { 'id': 'tasks', 'name': 'Tasks Management', } }, 'access': { 'is_private': True, 'access_list': ['LEARNER'], }, 'path_conf': { 'path': '/tasks/{task_id}', 'parameters': [ { 'name': 'task_id', 'type': 'integer', }, ] }, 'schemas': { 'input_query': { 'schema': { 'hi': 'there' }, 'uri': '' }, 'input_body': None, 'output': { 'schema': { 'hi': 'there' }, 'uri': '' }, }, 'examples': {}, }) assert command.render_facade() == normalize_indentation( ''' readTask(taskId: any, params: X.ReadTaskQuery): Observable<X.ReadTaskResponse> { return this.tasksDomain.readTask(taskId, params); } ''', 0) # noqa
def test_render__post(self): command = Command( 'READ_TASK', { 'method': 'POST', 'meta': { 'title': 'Create Path', 'domain': { 'id': 'paths', 'name': 'Paths Management', } }, 'access': { 'is_private': True, 'access_list': ['LEARNER'], }, 'path_conf': { 'path': '/paths/', 'parameters': [] }, 'schemas': { 'input_query': None, 'input_body': { 'schema': { 'hi': 'there' }, 'uri': '' }, 'output': { 'schema': { 'hi': 'there' }, 'uri': '' }, }, 'examples': {}, }) assert command.render() == normalize_indentation( ''' /** * Create Path */ public readTask(body: X.ReadTaskBody): Observable<X.ReadTaskResponse> { return this.client .post<X.ReadTaskResponse>('/paths/', body, { authorizationRequired: true }) .pipe(filter(x => !_.isEmpty(x))); } ''', 0) # noqa
def test_render_access(self): conf = deepcopy(CONF) conf['access'] = { 'access_list': [ 'LEARNER', 'MENTOR', ], 'is_private': False, } command = Command('BULK_READ_TASKS', conf) assert command.render_access('AccountType') == ( 'BULK_READ_TASKS: [AccountType.LEARNER,AccountType.MENTOR]')
def test_render_facade__post(self): command = Command( 'READ_TASK', { 'method': 'POST', 'meta': { 'title': 'Create Path', 'domain': { 'id': 'paths', 'name': 'Paths Management', } }, 'access': { 'is_private': True, 'access_list': ['LEARNER'], }, 'path_conf': { 'path': '/paths/', 'parameters': [] }, 'schemas': { 'input_query': None, 'input_body': { 'schema': { 'hi': 'there' }, 'uri': '' }, 'output': { 'schema': { 'hi': 'there' }, 'uri': '' }, }, 'examples': {}, }) assert command.render_facade() == normalize_indentation( ''' readTask(body: X.ReadTaskBody): Observable<X.ReadTaskResponse> { return this.pathsDomain.readTask(body); } ''', 0) # noqa
def test_get_bulk_read_field(self): conf = deepcopy(CONF) conf['schemas'] = { 'output': { 'schema': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'tasks': { 'type': 'array', } } }, 'uri': 'hi/there', }, } command = Command('BULK_READ_TASKS', conf) assert command.get_bulk_read_field() == 'tasks'
def test_render_examples(self): conf = deepcopy(CONF) conf['examples'] = { '404 (NOT_FOUND)': { 'response': { 'where': 'here', 'error': 'not found', 'status': 404, }, }, '200 (YO)': { 'response': { 'id': 45, 'age': 879, }, }, } command = Command('BULK_READ_TASKS', conf) assert (remove_white_chars( command.render_examples()) == remove_white_chars( normalize_indentation( ''' /** * Examples for BULK_READ_TASKS */ export const BulkReadTasksExamples = { "200 (YO)": { "age": 879, "id": 45 }, "404 (NOT_FOUND)": { "error": "not found", "status": 404, "where": "here" } } ''', 0)))
def test_get_bulk_read_field__not_bulk_read_name(self): command = Command('READ_TASK', CONF) assert command.get_bulk_read_field() is None
def test_properties(self): command_signature = Mock() signature = self.mocker.patch( '') signature.return_value = command_signature ( request_query, request_body, response, request_query_interface, request_body_interface, response_interface, ) = Mock(), Mock(), Mock(), Mock(), Mock(), Mock() interface = self.mocker.patch( '') interface.TYPES.REQUEST_QUERY = 'REQUEST_QUERY' interface.TYPES.REQUEST_BODY = 'REQUEST_BODY' interface.TYPES.RESPONSE = 'RESPONSE' interface.side_effect = [ request_query_interface, request_body_interface, response_interface, ] self.mocker.patch.object(Command, 'get_bulk_read_field').return_value = None command = Command( 'READ_TASK', { 'method': 'POST', 'meta': { 'title': 'Read Task', 'description': 'Read Task Now', 'domain': { 'id': 'tasks', 'name': 'Tasks Management', } }, 'access': { 'is_private': True, 'access_list': ['LEARNER'], }, 'path_conf': { 'path': '/tasks/{task_id}', 'parameters': [{ 'name': 'task_id', 'type': 'integer', }] }, 'schemas': { 'input_query': { 'schema': request_query, 'uri': 'Q' }, 'input_body': { 'schema': request_body, 'uri': 'B' }, 'output': { 'schema': response, 'uri': 'R' }, }, 'examples': {}, }) assert command.method == 'post' assert command.camel_name == 'readTask' assert command.domain_id == 'tasks' assert command.domain_name == 'Tasks Management' assert command.title == 'Read Task' assert command.is_private is True assert command.authorization_required is True assert command.path == '/tasks/{task_id}' assert command.path_parameters == [{ 'name': 'task_id', 'type': 'integer' }] assert command.request_query == request_query_interface assert command.request_body == request_body_interface assert command.response == response_interface assert command.signature == command_signature assert signature.call_args_list == [ call( 'post', '/tasks/{task_id}', [{ 'name': 'task_id', 'type': 'integer' }], True, request_query_interface, request_body_interface, bulk_read_field=None, ) ] assert interface.call_args_list == [ call('READ_TASK', 'REQUEST_QUERY', request_query, 'Q'), call('READ_TASK', 'REQUEST_BODY', request_body, 'B'), call('READ_TASK', 'RESPONSE', response, 'R', bulk_read_field=None), ]
def test_header(self): # -- with title and description command = Command( 'READ_TASK', { 'method': 'GET', 'meta': { 'title': 'Read Task', 'description': 'Read Task Now', 'domain': { 'id': 'tasks', 'name': 'Tasks Management', } }, 'access': { 'is_private': True, 'access_list': ['LEARNER'], }, 'path_conf': { 'path': '/tasks', 'parameters': [] }, 'schemas': { 'input_query': None, 'input_body': None, 'output': { 'schema': {}, 'uri': '' }, }, 'examples': {}, }) assert command.header == normalize_indentation( ''' /** * Read Task */ ''', 0) # -- without description command = Command( 'READ_TASK', { 'method': 'GET', 'meta': { 'title': 'Bulk Read Paths', 'domain': { 'id': 'tasks', 'name': 'Tasks Management', } }, 'access': { 'is_private': True, 'access_list': ['LEARNER'], }, 'path_conf': { 'path': '/tasks', 'parameters': [] }, 'schemas': { 'input_query': None, 'input_body': None, 'output': { 'schema': {}, 'uri': '' }, }, 'examples': {}, }) assert command.header == normalize_indentation( ''' /** * Bulk Read Paths */ ''', 0)