Example #1
class AxisFieldRF_Gap(AbstractRF_Gap):
	The RF gap representation that uses the RF axis field. User have to provide the 
	input file with this field. This function should be normalized to the integral of 1.
	The absolute value of the field will be calculated as cavAmp*E0L*Field(z).
	The three point tracker RfGapThreePointTTF will be used to track the Bunch instance.
	The  longitudinal step during the tracking z_step should be defined externally. The 
	default value is 1 cm. The minimal and maximal longitudinal coordinates z_min
	and z_max could be used directly from the axis field file or can be corrected 
	externally to avoid overlapping of electric fields from neighboring gaps.
	The instance of this class has the reference to the BaseRF_Gap instance and uses 
	it as a source of information.
	#---- static test bunch for the design phase calculation 
	static_test_bunch = Bunch()
	def __init__(self, baserf_gap):
		Constructor for the axis field RF gap. 
		E0L parameter is in GeV. Phases are in radians.
		self.baserf_gap = baserf_gap
		#---- aperture parameters
		if(baserf_gap.hasParam("aperture") and baserf_gap.hasParam("aprt_type")):
		#---- axis field related parameters
		self.axis_field_func = None
		self.z_step = 0.01
		self.z_min = 0.
		self.z_max = 0.
		self.z_tolerance = 0.000001    # in meters
		self.phase_tolerance = 0.001   # in degrees
		#---- gap_phase_vs_z_arr keeps [pos,phase] pairs after the tracking
		self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr = []
		#---- The position of the particle during the run. 
		#---- It is used for the path length accounting.
		self.part_pos = 0.
		#---- The RF gap model - three points model
		self.cppGapModel = RfGapThreePointTTF()

	def setLinacTracker(self, switch = True):
		This method will switch RF gap model to slower one where transformations 
		coefficients are calculated for each particle in the bunch.
			self.cppGapModel = RfGapThreePointTTF_slow()			
			self.cppGapModel = RfGapThreePointTTF()

	def readAxisFieldFile(self,dir_location = "", file_name = "", z_step = 0.01):
		Method. Reads the axis field from the file. User have to call this method.
		There is no other source of information about the axis field.
		if(file_name == ""):
			self.axis_field_func = RF_AxisFieldsStore.addAxisField(self.baserf_gap.getParam("EzFile"),dir_location)
			self.axis_field_func = RF_AxisFieldsStore.addAxisField(file_name,dir_location)
		z_min = self.axis_field_func.getMinX()
		z_max = self.axis_field_func.getMaxX()
		self.z_step = z_step
	def getAxisFieldFunction(self):
		It returns the axis field function.
		return self.axis_field_func
	def setAxisFieldFunction(self,axis_field_func):
		It sets the axis field function.
		self.axis_field_func = axis_field_func	
	def getZ_Step(self):
		Returns the longitudinal step during the tracking.
		return self.z_step
	def setZ_Step(self,z_step):
		if(self.axis_field_func == None):
			msg = "Class AxisFieldRF_Gap: You have to get the axis field from a file first!"
			msg = msg + os.linesep
			msg = "Call readAxisFieldFile(dir_location,file_name) method first!"
		length = self.getLength()
		nParts = int(length*1.0000001/z_step)
		if(nParts < 1): nParts = 1
		self.z_step = length/nParts
		#---- this will set the even distribution of the lengths between parts

	def getZ_Min_Max(self):
		Returns the tuple (z_min,z_max) with the limits of the axis field.
		These parameters define the length of the node. The center of the node
		is at 0.
		return (self.z_min,self.z_max)

	def setZ_Min_Max(self,z_min,z_max):
		Sets the actual longitudinal sizes of the node. It is used for small correction
		of the length to avoid fields overlapping from neighbouring gaps.
		self.z_min = z_min
		self.z_max = z_max
		length = self.z_max - self.z_min

	def getEzFiled(self,z):
		Returns the Ez field on the axis of the RF gap in V/m. 
		rfCavity = self.getRF_Cavity()
		E0L = 1.0e+9*self.getParam("E0L")
		rf_ampl = rfCavity.getAmp()
		Ez = E0L*rf_ampl*self.axis_field_func.getY(z)	
		return Ez

	def getRF_Cavity(self):
		Returns the parent RF Cavity.
		return self.getParam("rfCavity")
	def track(self, paramsDict):
		The AxisFieldRF_Gap class implementation of
		the AccNode class track(probe) method.
		User have to track the design bunch first to setup all gaps arrival time. 
		rfCavity = self.getRF_Cavity()
		if(not rfCavity.isDesignSetUp()):
			sequence = self.getSequence()
			accLattice = sequence.getLinacAccLattice()
			msg  = "The AxisFieldRF_Gap class. "
			msg += "You have to run trackDesign on the LinacAccLattice"
			msg += "first to initialize all RF Cavities' phases!"
			msg += os.linesep
			if(accLattice != None):				
				msg = msg + "Lattice =" + accLattice.getName()				
				msg = msg + os.linesep
			if(sequence != None):				
				msg = msg + "Sequence =" + sequence.getName()				
				msg = msg + os.linesep
			msg = msg + "RF Cavity =" + rfCavity.getName()				
			msg = msg + os.linesep
			msg = msg + "Name of element=" + self.getName()
			msg = msg + os.linesep
			msg = msg + "Type of element=" + self.getType()
			msg = msg + os.linesep
		nParts = self.getnParts()
		index = self.getActivePartIndex()
		part_length = self.getLength(index)		
		bunch = paramsDict["bunch"]		
		syncPart = bunch.getSyncParticle()	
		eKin_in = syncPart.kinEnergy()
		E0L = 1.0e+9*self.getParam("E0L")
		modePhase = self.baserf_gap.getParam("mode")*math.pi
		frequency = rfCavity.getFrequency()	
		rf_ampl = rfCavity.getAmp()
		arrival_time = syncPart.time()
		designArrivalTime = rfCavity.getDesignArrivalTime()
		phase_shift = rfCavity.getPhase() - rfCavity.getDesignPhase()
		phase = rfCavity.getFirstGapEtnrancePhase() + phase_shift
		phase = math.fmod(frequency*(arrival_time - designArrivalTime)*2.0*math.pi + phase,2.0*math.pi)		
		if(index == 0):
			self.part_pos = self.z_min 
			self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr = [[self.part_pos,phase],]
		zm = self.part_pos
		z0 = zm + part_length/2
		zp = z0 + part_length/2
		Em = E0L*rf_ampl*self.axis_field_func.getY(zm)
		E0 = E0L*rf_ampl*self.axis_field_func.getY(z0)
		Ep = E0L*rf_ampl*self.axis_field_func.getY(zp)			
		#---- advance the particle position
		self.part_pos += part_length/2	
		#call rf gap model to track the bunch
		time_middle_gap = syncPart.time() - arrival_time
		delta_phase = math.fmod(2*math.pi*time_middle_gap*frequency,2.0*math.pi)
		#---- this part is the debugging ---START---
		#eKin_out = syncPart.kinEnergy()
		#s  = "debug pos[mm]= %7.2f "%(self.part_pos*1000.)
		#s += " ekin= %9.6f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
		#s += " phase = %9.2f "%(phaseNearTargetPhaseDeg((phase+delta_phase)*180./math.pi,0.))
		#s += " dE= %9.6f "%((eKin_out-eKin_in)*1000.)		
		#print s
		#---- this part is the debugging ---STOP---
		#---- advance the particle position
		self.part_pos += part_length/2
		time_middle_gap = syncPart.time() - arrival_time
		delta_phase = math.fmod(2*math.pi*time_middle_gap*frequency,2.0*math.pi)
		#---- this part is the debugging ---START---
		#eKin_out = syncPart.kinEnergy()
		#s  = "debug pos[mm]= %7.2f "%(self.part_pos*1000.)
		#s += " ekin= %9.6f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
		#s += " phase = %9.2f "%(phaseNearTargetPhaseDeg((phase+delta_phase)*180./math.pi,0.))
		#s += " dE= %9.6f "%((eKin_out-eKin_in)*1000.)
		#print s
		#---- this part is the debugging ---STOP---
		#---- Calculate the phase at the center
		if(index == (nParts - 1)):
			pos_old = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[0][0]			
			phase_gap = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[0][1]
			ind_min = -1
			for ind in range(1,len(self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr)):
				[pos,phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
				if(math.fabs(pos) >= math.fabs(pos_old)):
					ind_min = ind -1
					phase_gap = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind_min][1]
					phase_gap = phaseNearTargetPhase(phase_gap,0.)
					self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind_min][1] = phase_gap
				pos_old = pos
			#---- wrap all gap part's phases around the central one
			if(ind_min > 0):
				for ind in range(ind_min-1,-1,-1):
					[pos,phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
					[pos,phase_gap1] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind+1]
					self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind][1] = phaseNearTargetPhase(phase_gap,phase_gap1)
				for ind in range(ind_min+1,len(self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr)):
					[pos,phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
					[pos,phase_gap1] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind-1]				
					self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind][1] = phaseNearTargetPhase(phase_gap,phase_gap1)

	def trackDesign(self, paramsDict):
		The method is tracking the design synchronous particle through the RF Gap.
		If the gap is a first gap in the cavity we put the arrival time as 
		a cavity parameter. The pair of the cavity design phase and this arrival time 
		at the first gap are used during the real bunch tracking.
		nParts = self.getnParts()
		index = self.getActivePartIndex()
		part_length = self.getLength(index)
		bunch = paramsDict["bunch"]
		syncPart = bunch.getSyncParticle()
		eKin_in = syncPart.kinEnergy()
		#---- parameter E0L is in GeV, but cppGapModel = RfGapThreePointTTF() uses fields in V/m
		E0L = 1.0e+9*self.getParam("E0L")
		modePhase = self.baserf_gap.getParam("mode")*math.pi
		rfCavity = self.getRF_Cavity()
		rf_ampl = rfCavity.getDesignAmp()
		arrival_time = syncPart.time()
		frequency = rfCavity.getFrequency()
		phase = rfCavity.getFirstGapEtnrancePhase()
		#---- calculate the entance phase
		if(self.isFirstRFGap() and index == 0):
			phase = self.__calculate_first_part_phase(bunch)
			#print "debug firs gap first part phase=",phase*180./math.pi," arr time=",arrival_time
			first_gap_arr_time = rfCavity.getDesignArrivalTime()
			#print "debug name=",self.getName()," delta_phase=",frequency*(arrival_time - first_gap_arr_time)*360.0," phase=",phase*180/math.pi
			phase = math.fmod(frequency*(arrival_time - first_gap_arr_time)*2.0*math.pi+phase,2.0*math.pi)		
		if(index == 0):
			self.part_pos = self.z_min 
			self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr = [[self.part_pos,phase],]
		#print "debug design name=",self.getName()," index=",index," pos=",self.part_pos," arr_time=",arrival_time," phase=",phase*180./math.pi," freq=",frequency
		zm = self.part_pos
		z0 = zm + part_length/2
		zp = z0 + part_length/2
		Em = E0L*rf_ampl*self.axis_field_func.getY(zm)
		E0 = E0L*rf_ampl*self.axis_field_func.getY(z0)
		Ep = E0L*rf_ampl*self.axis_field_func.getY(zp)
		#---- advance the particle position
		self.part_pos += part_length/2	
		#call rf gap model to track the bunch
		time_middle_gap = syncPart.time() - arrival_time
		delta_phase = math.fmod(2*math.pi*time_middle_gap*frequency,2.0*math.pi)
		#---- this part is the debugging ---START---
		#eKin_out = syncPart.kinEnergy()
		#s  = "debug pos[mm]= %7.2f "%(self.part_pos*1000.)
		#s += " ekin= %9.6f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
		#s += " phase = %9.2f "%(phaseNearTargetPhaseDeg((phase+delta_phase)*180./math.pi,0.))
		#s += " dE= %9.6f "%((eKin_out-eKin_in)*1000.)		
		#print s
		#---- this part is the debugging ---STOP---
		#---- advance the particle position
		self.part_pos += part_length/2
		time_middle_gap = syncPart.time() - arrival_time
		delta_phase = math.fmod(2*math.pi*time_middle_gap*frequency,2.0*math.pi)
		#---- this part is the debugging ---START---
		#eKin_out = syncPart.kinEnergy()
		#s  = "debug pos[mm]= %7.2f "%(self.part_pos*1000.)
		#s += " ekin= %9.6f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
		#s += " phase = %9.2f "%(phaseNearTargetPhaseDeg((phase+delta_phase)*180./math.pi,0.))
		#s += " dE= %9.6f "%((eKin_out-eKin_in)*1000.)
		#print s
		#---- this part is the debugging ---STOP---
		#---- Calculate the phase at the center
		if(index == (nParts - 1)):
			pos_old = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[0][0]			
			phase_gap = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[0][1]
			ind_min = -1
			for ind in range(1,len(self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr)):
				[pos,phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
				if(math.fabs(pos) >= math.fabs(pos_old)):
					ind_min = ind -1
					phase_gap = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind_min][1]
					phase_gap = phaseNearTargetPhase(phase_gap,0.)
					self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind_min][1] = phase_gap
				pos_old = pos
			#---- wrap all gap part's phases around the central one
			if(ind_min > 0):
				for ind in range(ind_min-1,-1,-1):
					[pos,phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
					[pos,phase_gap1] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind+1]
					self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind][1] = phaseNearTargetPhase(phase_gap,phase_gap1)
				for ind in range(ind_min+1,len(self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr)):
					[pos,phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
					[pos,phase_gap1] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind-1]				
					self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind][1] = phaseNearTargetPhase(phase_gap,phase_gap1)

	def calculate_first_part_phase(self,bunch_in):
		The privat method should be exposed to the AxisField_and_Quad_RF_Gap class
		phase_start = self.__calculate_first_part_phase(bunch_in)
		return phase_start

	def __calculate_first_part_phase(self,bunch_in):
		rfCavity = self.getRF_Cavity()
		#---- the design phase at the center of the RF gap 
		#---- (this is from a thin gap approach)
		frequency = rfCavity.getFrequency()
		modePhase = self.baserf_gap.getParam("mode")*math.pi
		phase_cavity = rfCavity.getPhase()
		#---- parameter E0L is in GeV, but cppGapModel = RfGapThreePointTTF() uses fields in V/m
		E0L_local = 1.0e+9*rfCavity.getAmp()*self.getParam("E0L")		
		#---- we have to find the phase_start 
		#---- which is the phase at the distance z_min before the gap center
		#---- z_min by defenition is negative
		bunch = AxisFieldRF_Gap.static_test_bunch
		syncPart = bunch.getSyncParticle()
		eKin_init = syncPart.kinEnergy()		
		#print "debug eKin[MeV]= %9.5f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
		beta = syncPart.beta()
		phase_adv = 2.0*math.pi*frequency*math.fabs(self.z_min)/(beta*speed_of_light)
		#print "debug phase diff at start=",phase_adv*180./math.pi
		phase_start = phaseNearTargetPhase(phase_cavity - phase_adv,0.)
		#print "debug phase at start=",phase_start*180./math.pi
		phase_cavity_new = phase_cavity + 10*self.phase_tolerance
		while(math.fabs(phase_cavity_new-phase_cavity) > self.phase_tolerance*math.pi/180.):
			z_old = self.z_min
			z = self.z_min + self.z_step
			while(z < 0.):
				if((z+ self.z_step) > 0.): 
					z = 0.
					if(math.fabs(z - z_old) < self.z_tolerance):
				half_step = (z - z_old)/2
				zm = z_old
				z0 = zm + half_step
				zp = z0 + half_step
				time_gap = syncPart.time()
				delta_phase = 2*math.pi*time_gap*frequency 
				Em = E0L_local*self.axis_field_func.getY(zm)
				E0 = E0L_local*self.axis_field_func.getY(z0)
				Ep = E0L_local*self.axis_field_func.getY(zp)
				#s  = "debug z[mm]= %7.2f "%(z0*1000.)
				#s += " ekin= %9.5f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
				#s += " phase = %9.2f "%(phaseNearTargetPhaseDeg((phase_start+delta_phase+modePhase)*180./math.pi,0.))
				#print s	
				#time_gap = syncPart.time()
				#delta_phase = 2*math.pi*time_gap*frequency 				
				#s  = "debug z[mm]= %7.2f "%(zp*1000.)
				#s += " ekin= %9.5f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
				#s += " phase = %9.2f "%(phaseNearTargetPhaseDeg((phase_start+delta_phase+modePhase)*180./math.pi,0.))
				#print s			
				z_old = z
				z =  z_old + self.z_step
			time_gap = syncPart.time()
			delta_phase =2*math.pi*time_gap*frequency 
			phase_cavity_new = phaseNearTargetPhase(phase_start+delta_phase,0.)
			#s  = " phase_diff = %8.4f "%(delta_phase*180./math.pi)
			#s += " phase_cavity = %8.4f "%(phase_cavity*180./math.pi)
			#s += " new = %8.4f "%(phase_cavity_new *180./math.pi)
			#s += " phase_start = %8.4f "%(phase_start*180./math.pi)
			#s += " eKin[MeV]= %9.5f "%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
			#s += " dE[MeV]= %9.6f "%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000. - 2.5)
			#print "debug "+s
			phase_start -= 0.8*(phase_cavity_new - phase_cavity)
		#---- undo the last change in the while loop
		phase_start += 0.8*(phase_cavity_new - phase_cavity)
		#print "debug phase_start=",phase_start*180./math.pi
		return phase_start
Example #2
class AxisField_and_Quad_RF_Gap(AbstractRF_Gap):
	The class represents the part of the RF gap. It uses the part (longitudinally) 
	of the RF axis field that can be overlapped by quadrupole magnet field.
	It is almost copy of the AxisFieldRF_Gap class, but it describes the part of 
	the whole RF gap because the axis field could cover the dipole correctors or
	BPMs, and it has to be cut in peaces. It also could overlap the neighboring 
	quadrupoles, therefore it should account for the tracking inside quad fields. 
	The method setAsFirstRFGap(True/False) will be called by RF cavity.
	User have to provide the instance of the AxisFieldRF_Gap at the constructor.
	The instance of this class has the axis field for the whole gap.
    def __init__(self, axis_field_rf_gap):
		Constructor for the axis field RF gap. 
		The axis_field_rf_gap is the instance of the AbstractRF_Gap class.
		E0L parameter is in GeV. Phases are in radians.
        AbstractRF_Gap.__init__(self, axis_field_rf_gap.getName())
        self.axis_field_rf_gap = axis_field_rf_gap
        self.addParam("E0TL", self.axis_field_rf_gap.getParam("E0TL"))
        self.addParam("mode", self.axis_field_rf_gap.getParam("mode"))
        self.addParam("rfCavity", self.axis_field_rf_gap.getParam("rfCavity"))
        self.addParam("E0L", self.axis_field_rf_gap.getParam("E0L"))
        self.addParam("EzFile", self.axis_field_rf_gap.getParam("EzFile"))
        #---- aperture parameters
        if (axis_field_rf_gap.hasParam("aperture")
                and axis_field_rf_gap.hasParam("aprt_type")):
            self.addParam("aperture", axis_field_rf_gap.getParam("aperture"))
            self.addParam("aprt_type", axis_field_rf_gap.getParam("aprt_type"))
        #---- axis field related parameters
        self.z_step = 0.01
        self.z_min = 0.
        self.z_max = 0.
        #---- gap_phase_vs_z_arr keeps [pos,phase] pairs after the tracking
        self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr = []
        #---- The position of the particle during the run.
        #---- It is used for the path length accounting.
        self.part_pos = 0.
        #---- The RF gap model - three points model
        self.cppGapModel = RfGapThreePointTTF()
        #---- If we going to use the longitudinal magnetic field component of quad
        self.useLongField = False
        #---- quadrupole field sources
        #----quads_fields_arr is an array of [quad, fieldFunc, z_center_of_field]
        self.quads_fields_arr = []
        #---- If it is true then the this tracking will be in the reversed lattice
        self.reversed_lattice = False

    def setLinacTracker(self, switch=True):
		This method will switch RF gap model to slower one where transformations 
		coefficients are calculated for each particle in the bunch.
        BaseLinacNode.setLinacTracker(self, switch)
        AbstractRF_Gap.setLinacTracker(self, switch)
        if (switch):
            self.cppGapModel = RfGapThreePointTTF_slow()
            self.cppGapModel = RfGapThreePointTTF()

    def setUseLongitudinalFieldOfQuad(self, use):
		If we going to use the longitudinal magnetic field component of quad
        self.useLongField = use

    def getUseLongitudinalFieldOfQuad(self):
		If we going to use the longitudinal magnetic field component of quad
        return self.useLongField

    def getAxisFieldRF_Gap(self):
		It returns the  AxisFieldRF_Gap instance for this gap.
        return self.axis_field_rf_gap

    def getBaseRF_Gap(self):
		It returns the BaseRF_Gap instance for this gap.
        return self.axis_field_rf_gap.baserf_gap

    def reverseOrderNodeSpecific(self):
		This method is used for a lattice reversal and a bunch backtracking
		This is a node type specific method. The implementation of the abstract
		method of AccNode class from the top level lattice package. 
        self.reversed_lattice = not self.reversed_lattice
        #---- Here the order of quads does not matter
        for quad_ind in range(len(self.quads_fields_arr)):
            [quad, fieldFunc,
             z_center_of_field] = self.quads_fields_arr[quad_ind]
            self.quads_fields_arr[quad_ind][2] = -z_center_of_field
        (self.z_min, self.z_max) = (-self.z_max, -self.z_min)

    def isNodeInReversedLattice(self):
		Returns True if this node in the reversed lattice or False if it otherwise.
        return self.reversed_lattice

    def addQuad(self, quad, fieldFunc, z_center_of_field):
		Adds the quad with the field function and the position.
		The position of the quad is relative to the center of 
		the parent rf gap node.
        self.quads_fields_arr.append([quad, fieldFunc, z_center_of_field])

    def getQuads(self):
		Returns the list of quads in this node.
        quads = []
        for [quad, fieldFunc, z_center_of_field] in self.quads_fields_arr:
        return quads

    def getPosAndQuad_Arr(self):
		Return the array with pairs: the quad and the position of its center.
        quad_arr = []
        for [quad, fieldFunc, z_center_of_field] in self.quads_fields_arr:
            quad_arr.append([quad, z_center_of_field])
        return quad_arr

    def getTotalField(self, z_from_center):
		Returns the combined field of all overlapping quads.
		z_from_center - is a distance from the center of the parent RF gap node.
        z = z_from_center
        G = 0.
        if (z < self.z_min or z > self.z_max): return G
        for [quad, fieldFunc, z_center_of_field] in self.quads_fields_arr:
            if (fieldFunc != None):
                gl = quad.getParam("dB/dr") * quad.getLength()
                G += gl * fieldFunc.getFuncValue(z - z_center_of_field)
                G += quad.getTotalField(z - z_center_of_field)
        return G

    def getTotalFieldDerivative(self, z_from_center):
		Returns the combined derivative of the field of all overlapping quads.
		z_from_center - is a distance from the center of the parent RF gap node.
        z = z_from_center
        GP = 0.
        if (z < self.z_min or z > self.z_max): return GP
        for [quad, fieldFunc, z_center_of_field] in self.quads_fields_arr:
            if (fieldFunc != None):
                gl = quad.getParam("dB/dr") * quad.getLength()
                GP += gl * fieldFunc.getFuncDerivative(z - z_center_of_field)
                GP += 0.
        return GP

    def getZ_Step(self):
		Returns the longitudinal step during the tracking.
        return self.z_step

    def setZ_Step(self, z_step):
        if (self.axis_field_rf_gap.axis_field_func == None):
            msg = "Class AxisFieldRF_Gap: You have to get the axis field from a file first!"
            msg += os.linesep
            msg += "Call readAxisFieldFile(dir_location,file_name) method first!"
            msg += "Stop."
        length = self.getLength()
        nParts = int(length * 1.0000001 / z_step)
        if (nParts < 1): nParts = 1
        self.z_step = length / nParts
        #---- this will set the even distribution of the lengths between parts

    def getZ_Min_Max(self):
		Returns the tuple (z_min,z_max) with the limits of the axis field.
		These parameters define the length of the node. The center of the node
		is at 0.
        return (self.z_min, self.z_max)

    def setZ_Min_Max(self, z_min, z_max):
		Sets the actual longitudinal sizes of the node. It is used for small correction
		of the length to avoid fields overlapping from neighbouring gaps.
        self.z_min = z_min
        self.z_max = z_max
        length = self.z_max - self.z_min

    def getEzFiled(self, z):
		Returns the Ez field on the axis of the RF gap in V/m. 
        rfCavity = self.getRF_Cavity()
        E0L = 1.0e+9 * self.getParam("E0L")
        rf_ampl = rfCavity.getAmp()
        Ez = self.getEzFiledInternal(z, rfCavity, E0L, rf_ampl)
        return Ez

    def getEzFiledInternal(self, z, rfCavity, E0L, rf_ampl):
		Returns the Ez field on the axis of the RF gap in V/m. 
        if (self.reversed_lattice): z *= -1
        Ez = E0L * rf_ampl * self.axis_field_rf_gap.axis_field_func.getY(z)
        return Ez

    def getRF_Cavity(self):
		Returns the parent RF Cavity.
        return self.getParam("rfCavity")

    def track(self, paramsDict):
		The AxisFieldRF_Gap class implementation of
		the AccNode class track(probe) method.
		User have to track the design bunch first to setup all gaps arrival time. 
        rfCavity = self.getRF_Cavity()
        if (not rfCavity.isDesignSetUp()):
            sequence = self.getSequence()
            accLattice = sequence.getLinacAccLattice()
            msg = "The AxisFieldRF_Gap class. "
            msg += "You have to run trackDesign on the LinacAccLattice"
            msg += "first to initialize all RF Cavities' phases!"
            msg += os.linesep
            if (accLattice != None):
                msg = msg + "Lattice =" + accLattice.getName()
                msg = msg + os.linesep
            if (sequence != None):
                msg = msg + "Sequence =" + sequence.getName()
                msg = msg + os.linesep
            msg = msg + "RF Cavity =" + rfCavity.getName()
            msg = msg + os.linesep
            msg = msg + "Name of element=" + self.getName()
            msg = msg + os.linesep
            msg = msg + "Type of element=" + self.getType()
            msg = msg + os.linesep
        nParts = self.getnParts()
        index = self.getActivePartIndex()
        part_length = self.getLength(index)
        bunch = paramsDict["bunch"]
        syncPart = bunch.getSyncParticle()
        eKin_in = syncPart.kinEnergy()
        momentum = syncPart.momentum()
        E0L = 1.0e+9 * self.getParam("E0L")
        modePhase = self.axis_field_rf_gap.baserf_gap.getParam(
            "mode") * math.pi
        frequency = rfCavity.getFrequency()
        rf_ampl = rfCavity.getAmp()
        arrival_time = syncPart.time()
        designArrivalTime = rfCavity.getDesignArrivalTime()
        phase_shift = rfCavity.getPhase() - rfCavity.getDesignPhase()
        phase = rfCavity.getFirstGapEtnrancePhase() + phase_shift
        phase = math.fmod(
            frequency * (arrival_time - designArrivalTime) * 2.0 * math.pi +
            phase, 2.0 * math.pi)
        if (index == 0):
            self.part_pos = self.z_min
            self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr = [
                [self.part_pos, phase],
        zm = self.part_pos
        z0 = zm + part_length / 2
        zp = z0 + part_length / 2
        Em = self.getEzFiledInternal(zm, rfCavity, E0L, rf_ampl)
        E0 = self.getEzFiledInternal(z0, rfCavity, E0L, rf_ampl)
        Ep = self.getEzFiledInternal(zp, rfCavity, E0L, rf_ampl)
        #------- track through a quad
        G = self.getTotalField((zm + z0) / 2)
        GP = 0.
        if (self.useLongField == True):
            GP = self.getTotalFieldDerivative((zm + z0) / 2)
        if (abs(G) != 0.):
            kq = G / (3.335640952 * momentum)
            #------- track through a quad
            step = part_length / 2
            self.tracking_module.quad1(bunch, step / 4.0, kq)
            self.tracking_module.quad2(bunch, step / 2.0)
            self.tracking_module.quad1(bunch, step / 2.0, kq)
            self.tracking_module.quad2(bunch, step / 2.0)
            self.tracking_module.quad1(bunch, step / 4.0, kq)
            if (abs(GP) != 0.):
                kqP = GP / (3.335640952 * momentum)
                self.tracking_module.quad3(bunch, step, kqP)
            self.tracking_module.drift(bunch, part_length / 2)
        self.part_pos += part_length / 2
        #call rf gap model to track the bunch
        time_middle_gap = syncPart.time() - arrival_time
        delta_phase = math.fmod(2 * math.pi * time_middle_gap * frequency,
                                2.0 * math.pi)
        self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr.append([self.part_pos, phase + delta_phase])
        #---- this part is the debugging ---START---
        #eKin_out = syncPart.kinEnergy()
        #s  = "debug pos[mm]= %7.2f "%(self.part_pos*1000.)
        #s += " ekin= %9.6f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
        #s += " phase = %9.2f "%(phaseNearTargetPhaseDeg((phase+delta_phase)*180./math.pi,0.))
        #s += " dE= %9.6f "%((eKin_out-eKin_in)*1000.)
        #print s
        #---- this part is the debugging ---STOP---
        self.cppGapModel.trackBunch(bunch, part_length / 2, Em, E0, Ep,
                                    frequency, phase + delta_phase + modePhase)
        #------- track through a quad
        G = self.getTotalField((z0 + zp) / 2)
        GP = 0.
        if (self.useLongField == True):
            GP = self.getTotalFieldDerivative((z0 + zp) / 2)
        if (abs(G) != 0.):
            kq = G / (3.335640952 * momentum)
            step = part_length / 2
            self.tracking_module.quad1(bunch, step / 4.0, kq)
            self.tracking_module.quad2(bunch, step / 2.0)
            self.tracking_module.quad1(bunch, step / 2.0, kq)
            self.tracking_module.quad2(bunch, step / 2.0)
            self.tracking_module.quad1(bunch, step / 4.0, kq)
            if (abs(GP) != 0.):
                kqP = GP / (3.335640952 * momentum)
                self.tracking_module.quad3(bunch, step, kqP)
            self.tracking_module.drift(bunch, part_length / 2)
        #---- advance the particle position
        self.part_pos += part_length / 2
        time_middle_gap = syncPart.time() - arrival_time
        delta_phase = math.fmod(2 * math.pi * time_middle_gap * frequency,
                                2.0 * math.pi)
        self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr.append([self.part_pos, phase + delta_phase])
        #---- this part is the debugging ---START---
        #eKin_out = syncPart.kinEnergy()
        #s  = "debug pos[mm]= %7.2f "%(self.part_pos*1000.)
        #s += " ekin= %9.6f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
        #s += " phase = %9.2f "%(phaseNearTargetPhaseDeg((phase+delta_phase)*180./math.pi,0.))
        #s += " dE= %9.6f "%((eKin_out-eKin_in)*1000.)
        #print s
        #---- this part is the debugging ---STOP---
        #---- Calculate the phase at the center
        if (index == (nParts - 1)):
            pos_old = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[0][0]
            phase_gap = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[0][1]
            ind_min = -1
            for ind in range(1, len(self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr)):
                [pos, phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
                if (math.fabs(pos) >= math.fabs(pos_old)):
                    ind_min = ind - 1
                    phase_gap = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind_min][1]
                    phase_gap = phaseNearTargetPhase(phase_gap, 0.)
                    self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind_min][1] = phase_gap
                pos_old = pos
            #---- wrap all gap part's phases around the central one
            if (ind_min > 0):
                for ind in range(ind_min - 1, -1, -1):
                    [pos, phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
                    [pos, phase_gap1] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind + 1]
                    self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind][1] = phaseNearTargetPhase(
                        phase_gap, phase_gap1)
                for ind in range(ind_min + 1, len(self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr)):
                    [pos, phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
                    [pos, phase_gap1] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind - 1]
                    self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind][1] = phaseNearTargetPhase(
                        phase_gap, phase_gap1)

    def trackDesign(self, paramsDict):
		The method is tracking the design synchronous particle through the RF Gap.
		If the gap is a first gap in the cavity we put the arrival time as 
		a cavity parameter. The pair of the cavity design phase and this arrival time 
		at the first gap are used during the real bunch tracking.
        nParts = self.getnParts()
        index = self.getActivePartIndex()
        part_length = self.getLength(index)
        bunch = paramsDict["bunch"]
        syncPart = bunch.getSyncParticle()
        eKin_in = syncPart.kinEnergy()
        #---- parameter E0L is in GeV, but cppGapModel = RfGapThreePointTTF() uses fields in V/m
        E0L = 1.0e+9 * self.getParam("E0L")
        modePhase = self.axis_field_rf_gap.baserf_gap.getParam(
            "mode") * math.pi
        rfCavity = self.getRF_Cavity()
        rf_ampl = rfCavity.getDesignAmp()
        arrival_time = syncPart.time()
        frequency = rfCavity.getFrequency()
        phase = rfCavity.getFirstGapEtnrancePhase()
        #---- calculate the entance phase
        if (self.isFirstRFGap() and index == 0):
            phase = self.axis_field_rf_gap.calculate_first_part_phase(bunch)
            #print "debug firs gap first part phase=",phase*180./math.pi," arr time=",arrival_time
            first_gap_arr_time = rfCavity.getDesignArrivalTime()
            #print "debug name=",self.getName()," delta_phase=",frequency*(arrival_time - first_gap_arr_time)*360.0," phase=",phase*180/math.pi
            phase = math.fmod(
                frequency *
                (arrival_time - first_gap_arr_time) * 2.0 * math.pi + phase,
                2.0 * math.pi)
        #print "debug design name=",self.getName()," arr_time=",arrival_time," phase=",phase*180./math.pi," E0TL=",E0TL*1.0e+3," freq=",frequency
        if (index == 0):
            self.part_pos = self.z_min
            self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr = [
                [self.part_pos, phase],
        zm = self.part_pos
        z0 = zm + part_length / 2
        zp = z0 + part_length / 2
        Em = self.getEzFiledInternal(zm, rfCavity, E0L, rf_ampl)
        E0 = self.getEzFiledInternal(z0, rfCavity, E0L, rf_ampl)
        Ep = self.getEzFiledInternal(zp, rfCavity, E0L, rf_ampl)
        #---- advance the particle position
        self.tracking_module.drift(bunch, part_length / 2)
        self.part_pos += part_length / 2
        #call rf gap model to track the bunch
        time_middle_gap = syncPart.time() - arrival_time
        delta_phase = math.fmod(2 * math.pi * time_middle_gap * frequency,
                                2.0 * math.pi)
        self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr.append([self.part_pos, phase + delta_phase])
        #---- this part is the debugging ---START---
        #eKin_out = syncPart.kinEnergy()
        #s  = "debug pos[mm]= %7.2f "%(self.part_pos*1000.)
        #s += " ekin= %9.6f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
        #s += " phase = %9.2f "%(phaseNearTargetPhaseDeg((phase+delta_phase)*180./math.pi,0.))
        #s += " dE= %9.6f "%((eKin_out-eKin_in)*1000.)
        #print s
        #---- this part is the debugging ---STOP---
        self.cppGapModel.trackBunch(bunch, part_length / 2, Em, E0, Ep,
                                    frequency, phase + delta_phase + modePhase)
        self.tracking_module.drift(bunch, part_length / 2)
        #---- advance the particle position
        self.part_pos += part_length / 2
        time_middle_gap = syncPart.time() - arrival_time
        delta_phase = math.fmod(2 * math.pi * time_middle_gap * frequency,
                                2.0 * math.pi)
        self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr.append([self.part_pos, phase + delta_phase])
        #---- this part is the debugging ---START---
        #eKin_out = syncPart.kinEnergy()
        #s  = "debug pos[mm]= %7.2f "%(self.part_pos*1000.)
        #s += " ekin= %9.6f"%(syncPart.kinEnergy()*1000.)
        #s += " phase = %9.2f "%(phaseNearTargetPhaseDeg((phase+delta_phase)*180./math.pi,0.))
        #s += " dE= %9.6f "%((eKin_out-eKin_in)*1000.)
        #print s
        #---- this part is the debugging ---STOP---
        #---- Calculate the phase at the center
        if (index == (nParts - 1)):
            pos_old = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[0][0]
            phase_gap = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[0][1]
            ind_min = -1
            for ind in range(1, len(self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr)):
                [pos, phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
                if (math.fabs(pos) >= math.fabs(pos_old)):
                    ind_min = ind - 1
                    phase_gap = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind_min][1]
                    phase_gap = phaseNearTargetPhase(phase_gap, 0.)
                    self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind_min][1] = phase_gap
                pos_old = pos
            #---- wrap all gap part's phases around the central one
            if (ind_min > 0):
                for ind in range(ind_min - 1, -1, -1):
                    [pos, phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
                    [pos, phase_gap1] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind + 1]
                    self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind][1] = phaseNearTargetPhase(
                        phase_gap, phase_gap1)
                for ind in range(ind_min + 1, len(self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr)):
                    [pos, phase_gap] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind]
                    [pos, phase_gap1] = self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind - 1]
                    self.gap_phase_vs_z_arr[ind][1] = phaseNearTargetPhase(
                        phase_gap, phase_gap1)