def _neg_log_likelihood(x: Vector, y: float, beta: Vector) -> float:
    The negative log-likelihood for logistic regression w.r.t. a single data point
    if y == 1:
        return -math.log(logistic(dot(x, beta)))
        return -math.log(1 - logistic(dot(x, beta)))
Example #2
def biarc_h(p0, t0, p1, t1, r):
    t0 = unit(t0)
    t1 = unit(t1)
    chord = point(p0) - point(p1)

    f = dot(t0, t1)
    g = dot(chord, r * t0 + t1)
    r = (1 / 3) * (f + 1) / 2 + 1 * (1 - (f + 1) / 2)

    c = dot(chord, chord)
    b = 2 * dot(chord, r * t0 + t1)
    a = 2 * r * (dot(t0, t1) - 1)

    if a == 0:
        c2 = lerp(0.5, p0, p1)
        w1 = dot(t0, unit(c2 - p0))
        w2 = dot(t1, unit(p1 - c2))
        return hom(t0, w1), hom(c2, 1), hom(-t1, -w2), 0, 0

    D = b * b - 4 * a * c
    if D < 0:
        print(D, "<0")
        beta = norm2(chord) / 4 * dot(chord, t0)
        sqD = D**.5
        beta1 = (-b - sqD) / 2 / a
        beta2 = (-b + sqD) / 2 / a

        if beta1 > 0 and beta2 > 0:
            print(beta1, beta2, ">0")
            return None, None, None, 0, 0
        beta = max(beta1, beta2)

    if beta < 0:
        print(beta, "<0")
        return None, None, None, 0, 0

    alpha = beta * r
    ab = alpha + beta
    c1 = point(p0) + alpha * t0
    c3 = point(p1) - beta * t1
    c2 = (beta / ab) * point(c1) + (alpha / ab) * point(c3)

    print(alpha, beta)

    w1 = dot(t0, unit(c2 - p0))
    w2 = dot(t1, unit(p1 - c2))
    return hom(c1, w1), hom(c2, 1), hom(c3, w2), 0, 0
def _negative_log_partial_j(x: Vector, y: float, beta: Vector,
                            j: int) -> float:
    The jth partial derivative of a single datapoint produced by y = logistic(dot(x, beta))
    # TODO: why this value?
    return -(y - logistic(dot(x, beta))) * x[j]
Example #4
def circparam(p0, p1, p2):
    chord = p2 - p0
    n = perp2(unit(p1 - p0))
    dotnc = dot(chord, n)

    rad = norm2(chord) / (2 * dotnc)
    center = p0 + n * rad
Example #5
def dv_gradient(data: List[Vector], w: Vector) -> Vector:
    Given a dataset and direction, compute the gradient of the directional variance relative to that direction
    # if variance is sum of squares, do we just want to sum 2 * i in the dot projections?
    dir_w = direction(w)
    return [sum(2 * dot(v, dir_w) * v[i] for v in data)
            for i in range(len(w))]
Example #6
    def offset(self, o):
        b = deepcopy(self)

        pt0 = perp2(b.t0)
        pt1 = perp2(b.t1)

        c1 = proj(b.bp[0])
        c2 = proj(b.bp[1])
        c3 = proj(b.bp[2])

        t2 = unit(c3 - c1)
        pt2 = perp2(t2)

        cc1 = unit(c2 - b.p0)
        cc2 = unit(b.p1 - c2)

        dp1 = dot(b.t0, cc1)
        dp2 = dot(b.t1, cc2)

        #t2  = unit(pt0 + refl(pt0,cc1))
        #t3  = unit(pt1 + refl(pt1,cc2))
        t2 = perp2(cc1)
        t3 = perp2(cc2)

        b.p0 = b.p0 + o * pt0
        b.p1 = b.p1 + o * pt1

        c2 = c2 + o * pt2
        c1 = c1 + o / dp1 * t2
        c3 = c3 + o / dp2 * t3

        w1 = b.bp[0][2]  #dot( b.t0,unit(c2 - b.p0))
        w2 = b.bp[2][2]  #dot( b.t1,unit(b.p1 - c2))
        w1 = dot(b.t0, cc1)
        w2 = dot(b.t1, cc2)

        alpha = norm(c1 - c2)
        beta = norm(c3 - c2)
        b.r = alpha / beta

        b.bp = (hom(c1, w1), hom(c2, 1), hom(c3, w2), alpha, beta)

        b.h1 = [hom(b.p0, 1), b.bp[0], b.bp[1]]
        b.h2 = [b.bp[1], b.bp[2], hom(b.p1, 1)]

        return b
Example #7
def rot(u, orientation='+'):
    '''Rotation of 2d scalar --> 2d vector. Default is counter-clockwise rot.'''
    assert isinstance(u, Expr), 'Can only take rot of scalar'
    assert xyz[2] not in u.atoms(), 'Scalar must be function of x, y only'

    R = Tensor([[0, -1], [1, 0]])
    R = R if orientation == '+' else -R
    return dot(R, grad(u))
Example #8
def directional_variance(data: List[Vector], w: Vector) -> float:
    Given a dataset and a vector w from which to take a direction, return the variance in the data along that direction
    dir_w = direction(w)
    # key insight: the dot product of two orthogonal vectors is zero. dot product against a magnitude vector is the portion 
    # of the magnitude of the query vector in THAT direction
    dot_projections: Vector = [dot(v, dir_w) for v in data]
    return variance(dot_projections)  # books code doesn't center mean but that should be ok, we already centered it
Example #9
	def test():
		mats1 = [sp.eye(3) for i in range(5)]
		mats2 = [spm(np.arange(9).reshape(3,3)) for i in range(5)]
		dst1 = DST(mats1)
		dst2 = DST(mats2)

		res = dot(dst1,dst2)

		assert np.all(map(lambda mm:mm[0].all()==mm[1].all(), zip(dst1.mats,dst2.mats)))
Example #10
def covariance(xs: Vector, ys: Vector) -> float:
    """return the covariance of two vectors"""
    assert xs and ys and len(xs) == len(
        ys), 'vectors must exist and have equal length'
    x_mean, y_mean = mean(xs), mean(ys)
    x_bar, y_bar = [x - x_mean for x in xs], [y - y_mean for y in ys]
    # now we have two vectors of the form x_i - x_mean, the total covariance
    # is a dot product sum((x_i - x_mean)*(y_i - y_mean)) / length (length alone shouldn't dictate covariance)
    return dot(x_bar, y_bar) / (len(xs) - 1)  # Note the Bessel correction
Example #11
def cos_sim(vec1, vec2):
    Computes cosine similarity between two document vectors

    Notes: input vectors can be numpy.ndarray,
    scipy.sparse or Gensim BoW
    versor1 = lg.to_unit(vec1)
    versor2 = lg.to_unit(vec2)
    return, versor2)
Example #12
def curl(u):
    '''Curl of 3d vector --> vector. Curl 2d vecror --> scalar.'''
    assert isinstance(u, Vector), 'Need vector for curl'
    if len(u) == 3:
        return -Vector([Dx(u[1], xyz[2]) - Dx(u[2], xyz[1]),
                        Dx(u[2], xyz[0]) - Dx(u[0], xyz[2]),
                        Dx(u[0], xyz[1]) - Dx(u[1], xyz[0])])
        R = Tensor([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])
        return div(dot(R, u))
Example #13
def computeScores(votes, weighting):
	The score a candidate receives is the dot product of the ranked votes he/she received with the weighting vector
	Input: dict[str -> arr], arr
	Output: dict[str -> num]
    scores = {}
    for key in votes.keys():
        scores[key] = round([key], weighting), 2)
    return scores
Example #14
def circarc(t, v, ps):
    n1, l1 = unit_length(vector(ps[1], ps[0]))
    n2, l2 = unit_length(vector(ps[1], ps[2]))
    l = min(l1, l2)

    p0 = hom(point(ps[1]) - l * v * n1, 1)
    p2 = hom(point(ps[1]) - l * v * n2, 1)

    w = dot(n1, unit((p2[0] - p0[0], p2[1] - p0[1])))

    p1 = hom(point(ps[1]), w)

    x = bezier2(t, [p0, p1, p2])

    return proj(x)
Example #15
def biarc(p0, t0, p1, t1, r):
    t0 = unit(t0)
    t1 = unit(t1)
    chord = point(p0) - point(p1)

    f = dot(t0, t1)
    g = dot(chord, r * t0 + t1)
    r = (1 / 3) * (f + 1) / 2 + 1 * (1 - (f + 1) / 2)

    c = dot(chord, chord)
    b = 2 * dot(chord, r * t0 + t1)
    a = 2 * r * (dot(t0, t1) - 1)

    if a == 0:
        return None, None, None, 0, 0

    D = b * b - 4 * a * c
    if D < 0:
        print(D, "<0")
        beta = norm2(chord) / 4 * dot(chord, t0)
        sqD = D**.5
        beta1 = (-b - sqD) / 2 / a
        beta2 = (-b + sqD) / 2 / a

        if beta1 > 0 and beta2 > 0:
            print(beta1, beta2, ">0")
            return None, None, None, 0, 0
        beta = max(beta1, beta2)

    if beta < 0:
        print(beta, "<0")
        return None, None, None, 0, 0

    alpha = beta * r
    ab = alpha + beta
    c1 = point(p0) + alpha * t0
    c3 = point(p1) - beta * t1
    c2 = (beta / ab) * point(c1) + (alpha / ab) * point(c3)


    return c1, c2, c3, alpha, beta
def cosine_similarity(v, w):
    return dot(v, w) / math.sqrt(dot(v, v) * dot(w, w))
def transform_vector(vector, components):
    return [dot(vector, component) for component in components]
def project(vector, direction_vector):
    projection_length = dot(vector, direction_vector)
    return scalar_multiply(projection_length, direction_vector)
def directional_variance_row(row, vector):
    """the variance of the row in the direction determined by the vector"""
    return dot(row, direction(vector))**2
def predict(x_i, beta):
    return dot(x_i, beta)
Example #21
def arc(p0, p1, p2):
    w = - p0), la.unit(p2 - p0))
    return [la.hom(p0, 1), la.hom(p1, w), la.hom(p2, 1)]
    x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(rescaled_x, y, 0.33)

    # maximize log likelihood on the training data
    fn = partial(logistic_log_likelihood, x_train, y_train)
    gradient_fn = partial(logistic_log_gradient, x_train, y_train)

    beta_0 = [random.random() for _ in range(3)]

    beta_hat = maximize_batch(fn, gradient_fn, beta_0)
    print beta_hat

    tp = fp = tn = fn = 0
    for x_i, y_i in zip(x_test, y_test):
        predict = logistic(dot(beta_hat, x_i))

        if y_i == 1 and predict >= 0.5:  # true positive
            tp += 1
        elif y_i == 1:  # false negative
            fn += 1
        elif predict >= 0.5:  # false positive
            fp += 1
        else:  # true negative
            tn += 1

    precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    recall = tp / (tp + fn)

    print tp, fp, tn, fn
    print precision, recall
 def test_dot_product(self):
     self.assertEqual(8,[1, 2, 0, -1], [4, 4, 4, 4]))
def directional_variance_gradient_row(row, vector):
    """the contribution of this row to the gradient of the direction(vector) variance"""
    return [2 * component * dot(row, direction(vector)) for component in row]
Example #25
# Script for benchmarking OOC matrix matrix multiplication (only 2D supported)

import shutil, os.path
from time import time
import blaze

from linalg import dot

# Remove pre-existent data directories
for d in ('a', 'b', 'out'):
    if os.path.exists(d):

# Create simple inputs
t0 = time()
a = blaze.ones(blaze.dshape('2000, 2000, float64'),
print "Time for matrix a creation : ", round(time() - t0, 3)
t0 = time()
b = blaze.ones(blaze.dshape('2000, 3000, float64'),
print "Time for matrix b creation : ", round(time() - t0, 3)

# Do the dot product
t0 = time()
out = dot(a, b, outname='out')
print "Time for ooc matmul : ", round(time() - t0, 3)
print "out:", out
def ridge_penalty(beta, alpha):
    """alpha is the penalty strength hyperparameter (often called lambda but in python it's a reserved word)"""
    return alpha * dot(beta[1:], beta[1:])
def matrix_product_entry(A, B, i, j):
    return dot(get_row(A, i), get_column(B, j))
Example #28
def sum_of_squares(xs: Vector) -> float:
    Return the sum of the square of each element in xs
    # this is equivalent to x dot x
    return dot(xs, xs)
def covariance(vector1, vector2):
    if len(vector1) <= 1:
        return 0
    return dot(de_mean(vector1), de_mean(vector2)) / (len(vector1) - 1)
def logistic_log_partial_ij(x_i, y_i, beta, j):
    """j is the index of the derivative"""
    return (y_i - logistic(dot(x_i, beta))) * x_i[j]
                          23.39, 30.93, 15.03, 21.67, 31.09, 33.29, 22.61, 26.89, 23.48, 8.38, 27.81, 32.35, 23.84]

    beta = estimate_beta(x, daily_minutes_good)  # [30.63, 0.972, -1.868, 0.911]
    print "beta", rounded(beta)
    print "r-squared", rounded(multiple_r_squared(x, daily_minutes_good, beta))

    close_to_100 = [99.5 + random.random() for _ in range(101)]
    far_from_100 = ([99.5 + random.random()] +
                    [random.random() for _ in range(50)] +
                    [200 + random.random() for _ in range(50)])

    print "medians for bootstrapped tight distribution", [round(val, 2) for val in sorted(bootstrap_statistic(close_to_100, median, 100))]
    print "medians for bootstrapped extreme distribution", [round(val, 2) for val in sorted(bootstrap_statistic(far_from_100, median, 100))]

    bootstrap_betas = bootstrap_statistic(zip(x, daily_minutes_good),
    bootstrap_standard_errors = [standard_deviation([beta[i] for beta in bootstrap_betas]) for i in range(4)]

    print bootstrap_standard_errors

    for alpha in (0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10):
        beta_0 = estimate_beta_ridge(x, daily_minutes_good, alpha=alpha)
        print alpha, ' : ', rounded(beta_0), rounded(dot(beta_0[1:], beta_0[1:])), rounded(multiple_r_squared(x, daily_minutes_good, beta_0))
def cosine_similarity(v, w):
    return dot(v, w) / math.sqrt(dot(v, v) * dot(w, w))
Example #33
def predict(x_i, beta):
    return dot(x_i, beta)
Example #34
                    [random.random() for _ in range(50)] +
                    [200 + random.random() for _ in range(50)])

    print "medians for bootstrapped tight distribution", [
        round(val, 2)
        for val in sorted(bootstrap_statistic(close_to_100, median, 100))
    print "medians for bootstrapped extreme distribution", [
        round(val, 2)
        for val in sorted(bootstrap_statistic(far_from_100, median, 100))

    bootstrap_betas = bootstrap_statistic(zip(x, daily_minutes_good),
                                          estimate_sample_beta, 100)
    bootstrap_standard_errors = [
        standard_deviation([beta[i] for beta in bootstrap_betas])
        for i in range(4)

    print bootstrap_standard_errors

    for alpha in (0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10):
        beta_0 = estimate_beta_ridge(x, daily_minutes_good, alpha=alpha)
        print alpha, ' : ', rounded(beta_0), rounded(
            dot(beta_0[1:], beta_0[1:])), rounded(
                multiple_r_squared(x, daily_minutes_good, beta_0))
def logistic_log_likelihood_i(x_i, y_i, beta):
    if y_i == 1:
        return math.log(logistic(dot(x_i, beta)))
        return math.log(1 - logistic(dot(x_i, beta)))
Example #36
def ridge_penalty(beta, alpha):
    """alpha is the penalty strength hyperparameter (often called lambda but in python it's a reserved word)"""
    return alpha * dot(beta[1:], beta[1:])
def directional_variance_row(row, vector):
    """the variance of the row in the direction determined by the vector"""
    return dot(row, direction(vector)) ** 2
Example #38
def project2(v: Vector, w: Vector) -> Vector:
    """return the projection of v onto the direction w"""
    projection_length = dot(v, w)
    return scalar_multiply(projection_length, w)
Example #39
def transform_vector(v: Vector, span: List[Vector]) -> Vector:
    transform the vector to live in the span of the components passed in
    return [dot(v, w) for w in span]
def directional_variance_gradient_row(row, vector):
    """the contribution of this row to the gradient of the direction(vector) variance"""
    return [2 * component * dot(row, direction(vector)) for component in row]
Example #41
# Script for benchmarking OOC matrix matrix multiplication (only 2D supported)

import shutil, os.path
from time import time
import blaze

from linalg import dot

# Remove pre-existent data directories
for d in ('a', 'b', 'out'):
    if os.path.exists(d):

# Create simple inputs
t0 = time()
a = blaze.ones(blaze.dshape('2000, 2000, float64'),
print "Time for matrix a creation : ", round(time()-t0, 3)
t0 = time()
b = blaze.ones(blaze.dshape('2000, 3000, float64'),
print "Time for matrix b creation : ", round(time()-t0, 3)

# Do the dot product
t0 = time()
out = dot(a, b, outname='out')
print "Time for ooc matmul : ", round(time()-t0, 3)
print "out:", out
def transform_vector(vector, components):
    return [dot(vector, component) for component in components]
def project(vector, direction_vector):
    projection_length = dot(vector, direction_vector)
    return scalar_multiply(projection_length, direction_vector)