Example #1
    def continue_cholesky(self, x, x_old, U_old, observed=True, nugget=None):

        U = C.continue_cholesky(x, x_old, U_old[, observed=True, nugget=None])

        Computes Cholesky factorization of self(z,z). Assumes the Cholesky
        factorization of self(x_old, x_old) has already been computed.


            -   `x`: The input array on which to evaluate the Cholesky factorization.

            -   `x_old`: The input array on which the Cholesky factorization has been

            -   `U_old`: The Cholesky factorization of C(x_old, x_old).

            -   `observed`: If 'True', any observations are taken into account
                when computing the Cholesky factor. If not, the unobserved
                version of self is used.

            -   `nugget`: The 'nugget' parameter, which will essentially be
                added to the diagonal of C(x,x) before Cholesky factorizing.

        # Concatenation of the old points and new points.
        xtot = vstack((x_old, x))

        # Number of old points.
        N_old = x_old.shape[0]

        # Number of new points.
        N_new = x.shape[0]

        U_new = self.__call__(x, x, regularize=False, observed=observed)

        # not really implemented yet.
        if nugget is not None:
            for i in xrange(N_new):
                U_new[i, i] += nugget[i]

        U = asmatrix(
            zeros((N_new + N_old, N_old + N_new), dtype=float, order='F'))
        U[:N_old, :N_old] = U_old

        offdiag = self.__call__(x=x_old,
        trisolve(U_old, offdiag, uplo='U', transa='T', inplace=True)
        U[:N_old, N_old:] = offdiag

        U_new -= offdiag.T * offdiag

        info = dpotrf_wrap(U_new)
        if info > 0:
            raise LinAlgError, "Matrix does not appear to be positive definite by row %i. Consider another Covariance subclass, such as NearlyFullRankCovariance." % info

        U[N_old:, N_old:] = U_new
        return U
Example #2
    def continue_cholesky(self, x, x_old, U_old, observed=True, nugget=None):

        U = C.continue_cholesky(x, x_old, U_old[, observed=True, nugget=None])

        Computes Cholesky factorization of self(z,z). Assumes the Cholesky
        factorization of self(x_old, x_old) has already been computed.


            -   `x`: The input array on which to evaluate the Cholesky factorization.

            -   `x_old`: The input array on which the Cholesky factorization has been

            -   `U_old`: The Cholesky factorization of C(x_old, x_old).

            -   `observed`: If 'True', any observations are taken into account
                when computing the Cholesky factor. If not, the unobserved
                version of self is used.

            -   `nugget`: The 'nugget' parameter, which will essentially be
                added to the diagonal of C(x,x) before Cholesky factorizing.

        # Concatenation of the old points and new points.
        xtot = vstack((x_old,x))

        # Number of old points.
        N_old = x_old.shape[0]

        # Number of new points.
        N_new = x.shape[0]

        U_new = self.__call__(x, x, regularize=False, observed=observed)

        # not really implemented yet.
        if nugget is not None:
            for i in xrange(N_new):
                U_new[i,i] += nugget[i]

        U = asmatrix(zeros((N_new + N_old, N_old + N_new), dtype=float, order='F'))
        U[:N_old, :N_old] = U_old

        offdiag = self.__call__(x=x_old, y=x, observed=observed, regularize=False)
        trisolve(U_old,offdiag,uplo='U',transa='T', inplace=True)
        U[:N_old, N_old:] = offdiag

        U_new -= offdiag.T*offdiag

        info = dpotrf_wrap(U_new)
        if info>0:
            raise LinAlgError, "Matrix does not appear to be positive definite by row %i. Consider another Covariance subclass, such as NearlyFullRankCovariance." %info

        U[N_old:,N_old:] = U_new
        return U
Example #3
    def cholesky(self, x, observed=True, nugget=None, return_eval_also=False):

        U = C.cholesky(x[, observed=True, nugget=None])

        Computes Cholesky factorization of self(x,x).


            -   `x`: The input array on which to evaluate the covariance.

            -   `observed`: If 'True', any observations are taken into account
                when computing the Cholesky factor. If not, the unobserved
                version of self is used.

            -   `nugget`: The 'nugget' parameter, which will essentially be
                added to the diagonal of C(x,x) before Cholesky factorizing.

        # Number of points in x.
        N_new = x.shape[0]

        U=self.__call__(x, x, regularize = False, observed = observed)
        if return_eval_also:
            C_eval = U.copy('F')

        if nugget is not None:
            for i in xrange(N_new):
                U[i,i] += nugget[i]

        # print self.params, x.shape, observed, nugget

        info = dpotrf_wrap(U)
        if info>0:
            raise LinAlgError, "Matrix does not appear to be positive definite by row %i. Consider another Covariance subclass, such as NearlyFullRankCovariance." % info

        if return_eval_also:
            return U, C_eval
            return U
Example #4
    def observe(self, obs_mesh, obs_V, output_type='r'):
        Observes self on obs_mesh with observation variance obs_V.
        Output_type controls the information returned:
        'r' : returns information needed by Realization objects.
        'o' : returns information needed by function observe.
        's' : returns information needed by the Gaussian process

        # print 'C.observe called'

        # Number of spatial dimensions.
        ndim = obs_mesh.shape[1]

        if self.ndim is not None:
            if not ndim == self.ndim:
                raise ValueError, "Dimension of observation mesh is not equal to dimension of base mesh."
            self.ndim = ndim

        # print ndim

        # =====================================
        # = If self hasn't been observed yet: =
        # =====================================
        if not self.observed:

            # If self has not been observed, get the Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            # and the side information and store it.

            # Rank so far is 0.
            m_old = 0

            # Number of observation points so far is 0.
            N_old = 0

            if output_type != 's':
                obs_dict = self.cholesky(obs_mesh,
                C_eval = self.__call__(obs_mesh, obs_mesh, regularize=False)
                U = C_eval.copy('F')
                for i in xrange(U.shape[0]):
                    U[i, i] += obs_V[i]
                info = dpotrf_wrap(U)
                if info > 0:
                    raise LinAlgError, "Matrix does not appear to be positive definite by row %i. Could not observe with assume_full_rank=True." % info
                obs_dict = {
                    'U': U,
                    'pivots': arange(U.shape[0]),
                    'U_new': U,
                    'C_eval': C_eval
            obs_dict_new = obs_dict

            # Rank of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            m_new = obs_dict['U'].shape[0]

            # Upper-triangular Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            self.full_Uo = obs_dict['U']
            # print (self.full_Uo[:,argsort(obs_dict['pivots'])].T*self.full_Uo[:,argsort(obs_dict['pivots'])] - self(obs_mesh,obs_mesh)).max()

            # Upper-triangular square Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh_*, obs_mesh_*). See documentation.
            self.Uo = obs_dict['U'][:, :m_new]

            # Pivots.
            piv_new = obs_dict['pivots']
            self.full_piv = piv_new
            self.obs_piv = piv_new[:m_new]

            # Remember full observation mesh.
            self.full_obs_mesh = obs_mesh

            # relevant slice is the positive-definite indices, which get into obs_mesh_*. See documentation.
            relevant_slice = self.obs_piv

            # obs_mesh_new is obs_mesh_* from documentation.
            obs_mesh_new = obs_mesh[relevant_slice, :]

            self.obs_mesh = obs_mesh_new
            self.obs_V = obs_V[piv_new]
            self.obs_len = m_new

        # =======================================
        # = If self has been observed already:  =
        # =======================================

            # If self has been observed, get the Cholesky factor of the _full_ observation mesh (new
            # and old observations) using continue_cholesky, along with side information, and store it.

            # Extract information from self's existing attributes related to the observation mesh..
            obs_old, piv_old = self.Uo, self.obs_piv

            # Rank of self's evaluation on the observation mesh so far.
            m_old = len(self.obs_piv)

            # Number of observations so far.
            N_old = self.full_obs_mesh.shape[0]

            # Number of new observations.
            N_new = obs_mesh.shape[0]

            # Call to self.continue_cholesky.
            obs_dict_new = self.continue_cholesky(
                    'U': self.full_Uo,
                    'pivots': self.full_piv
                assume_full_rank=output_type == 's',

            if output_type == 's':
                C_eval = obs_dict_new['C_eval']

            # Full Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh), where obs_mesh is the combined observation mesh.
            self.full_Uo = obs_dict_new['U']

            # Rank of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            m_new = self.full_Uo.shape[0]

            # Square upper-triangular Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh_*, obs_mesh_*). See documentation.
            self.Uo = self.full_Uo[:, :m_new]

            # Pivots.
            piv_new = obs_dict_new['pivots']
            self.obs_piv = piv_new[:m_new]
            self.full_piv = piv_new

            # Concatenate old and new observation meshes.
            self.full_obs_mesh = vstack((self.full_obs_mesh, obs_mesh))
            relevant_slice = piv_new[m_old:m_new] - N_old
            obs_mesh_new = obs_mesh[relevant_slice, :]

            # Remember obs_mesh_* and corresponding observation variances.
            self.obs_mesh = vstack(
                (self.obs_mesh, obs_mesh[relevant_slice, :]))
            self.obs_V = hstack((self.obs_V, obs_V[relevant_slice]))

            # Length of obs_mesh_*.
            self.obs_len = m_new

        self.observed = True
        # Output expected by Realization
        if output_type == 'r':
            return relevant_slice, obs_mesh_new, self.full_Uo[
                argsort(piv_new)[N_old:]], self.full_Uo[:m_old,

        # Ouptut expected by observe
        if output_type == 'o':
            return relevant_slice, obs_mesh_new

        # Output expected by the GP submodel
        if output_type == 's':
            return obs_dict_new['U_new'], obs_dict_new[
                'C_eval'], self.full_Uo[:m_old,
Example #5
    def observe(self, obs_mesh, obs_V, assume_full_rank=False):
        Observes self at obs_mesh with variance given by obs_V.

        Returns the following components of the Cholesky factor:

            -   `relevant_slice`: The indices included in the incomplete Cholesky factorization.
                These correspond to the values of obs_mesh that determine the other values,
                but not one another.

            -   `obs_mesh_new`: obs_mesh sliced according to relevant_slice.

            -   `U_for_draw`: An upper-triangular Cholesky factor of self's evaluation on obs_mesh
                conditional on all previous observations.

        The first and second are useful to Mean when it observes itself,
        the third is useful to Realization when it draws new values.

        # print 'C.observe called'

        # Number of spatial dimensions.
        ndim = obs_mesh.shape[1]

        if self.ndim is not None:
            if not ndim==self.ndim:
                raise ValueError, "Dimension of observation mesh is not equal to dimension of base mesh."
            self.ndim = ndim

        # print ndim

        # =====================================
        # = If self hasn't been observed yet: =
        # =====================================
        if not self.observed:

            # If self has not been observed, get the Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            # and the side information and store it.

            # Rank so far is 0.
            m_old = 0

            # Number of observation points so far is 0.
            N_old = 0

            if not assume_full_rank:
                obs_dict = self.cholesky(obs_mesh, apply_pivot = False, nugget = obs_V, regularize=False, rank_limit = self.rank_limit)
                C = self.__call__(obs_mesh,obs_mesh,regularize=False)
                for i in xrange(C.shape[0]):
                    C[i,i] += obs_V[i]
                info = dpotrf_wrap(C)
                if info>0:
                    raise LinAlgError, "Matrix does not appear to be positive definite by row %i. Could not observe with assume_full_rank=True." %info
                obs_dict = {'U': C,'pivots': arange(C.shape[0])}

            # Rank of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            m_new = obs_dict['U'].shape[0]

            # Upper-triangular Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            self.full_Uo = obs_dict['U']
            # print (self.full_Uo[:,argsort(obs_dict['pivots'])].T*self.full_Uo[:,argsort(obs_dict['pivots'])] - self(obs_mesh,obs_mesh)).max()

            # Upper-triangular square Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh_*, obs_mesh_*). See documentation.
            self.Uo = obs_dict['U'][:,:m_new]

            # Pivots.
            piv_new = obs_dict['pivots']
            self.full_piv = piv_new
            self.obs_piv = piv_new[:m_new]

            # Remember full observation mesh.
            self.full_obs_mesh = obs_mesh

            # relevant slice is the positive-definite indices, which get into obs_mesh_*. See documentation.
            relevant_slice = self.obs_piv

            # obs_mesh_new is obs_mesh_* from documentation.
            obs_mesh_new = obs_mesh[relevant_slice,:]

            self.obs_mesh = obs_mesh_new
            self.obs_V = obs_V[piv_new]
            self.obs_len = m_new

        # =======================================
        # = If self has been observed already:  =
        # =======================================

            # If self has been observed, get the Cholesky factor of the _full_ observation mesh (new
            # and old observations) using continue_cholesky, along with side information, and store it.

            # Extract information from self's existing attributes related to the observation mesh..
            obs_old, piv_old = self.Uo, self.obs_piv

            # Rank of self's evaluation on the observation mesh so far.
            m_old = len(self.obs_piv)

            # Number of observations so far.
            N_old = self.full_obs_mesh.shape[0]

            # Number of new observations.
            N_new = obs_mesh.shape[0]

            # Call to self.continue_cholesky.
            obs_dict_new = self.continue_cholesky(x=obs_mesh,
                                                x_old = self.full_obs_mesh,
                                                chol_dict_old = {'U': self.full_Uo, 'pivots': self.full_piv},
                                                apply_pivot = False,
                                                observed = False,
                                                nugget = obs_V,
                                                assume_full_rank = assume_full_rank,
                                                rank_limit = self.rank_limit)

            # Full Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh), where obs_mesh is the combined observation mesh.
            self.full_Uo = obs_dict_new['U']

            # Rank of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            m_new = self.full_Uo.shape[0]

            # Square upper-triangular Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh_*, obs_mesh_*). See documentation.

            # Pivots.
            piv_new = obs_dict_new['pivots']
            self.obs_piv = piv_new[:m_new]
            self.full_piv = piv_new

            # Concatenate old and new observation meshes.
            self.full_obs_mesh = vstack((self.full_obs_mesh, obs_mesh))
            relevant_slice = piv_new[m_old:m_new] - N_old
            obs_mesh_new = obs_mesh[relevant_slice,:]

            # Remember obs_mesh_* and corresponding observation variances.
            self.obs_mesh = vstack((self.obs_mesh, obs_mesh[relevant_slice,:]))
            self.obs_V = hstack((self.obs_V, obs_V[relevant_slice]))

            # Length of obs_mesh_*.
            self.obs_len = m_new

        self.observed = True
        return relevant_slice, obs_mesh_new, self.full_Uo[m_old:,argsort(piv_new)[N_old:]]
Example #6
    def observe(self, obs_mesh, obs_V, output_type='r'):
        Observes self on obs_mesh with observation variance obs_V.
        Output_type controls the information returned:
        'r' : returns information needed by Realization objects.
        'o' : returns information needed by function observe.
        's' : returns information needed by the Gaussian process

        # print 'C.observe called'

        # Number of spatial dimensions.
        ndim = obs_mesh.shape[1]

        if self.ndim is not None:
            if not ndim==self.ndim:
                raise ValueError, "Dimension of observation mesh is not equal to dimension of base mesh."
            self.ndim = ndim

        # print ndim

        # =====================================
        # = If self hasn't been observed yet: =
        # =====================================
        if not self.observed:

            # If self has not been observed, get the Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            # and the side information and store it.

            # Rank so far is 0.
            m_old = 0

            # Number of observation points so far is 0.
            N_old = 0

            if output_type != 's':
                obs_dict = self.cholesky(obs_mesh, apply_pivot = False, nugget = obs_V, regularize=False, rank_limit = self.rank_limit)
                C_eval = self.__call__(obs_mesh,obs_mesh,regularize=False)
                U = C_eval.copy('F')
                for i in xrange(U.shape[0]):
                    U[i,i] += obs_V[i]
                info = dpotrf_wrap(U)
                if info>0:
                    raise LinAlgError, "Matrix does not appear to be positive definite by row %i. Could not observe with assume_full_rank=True." %info
                obs_dict = {'U': U,'pivots': arange(U.shape[0]),'U_new':U,'C_eval':C_eval}
            obs_dict_new = obs_dict

            # Rank of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            m_new = obs_dict['U'].shape[0]

            # Upper-triangular Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            self.full_Uo = obs_dict['U']
            # print (self.full_Uo[:,argsort(obs_dict['pivots'])].T*self.full_Uo[:,argsort(obs_dict['pivots'])] - self(obs_mesh,obs_mesh)).max()

            # Upper-triangular square Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh_*, obs_mesh_*). See documentation.
            self.Uo = obs_dict['U'][:,:m_new]

            # Pivots.
            piv_new = obs_dict['pivots']
            self.full_piv = piv_new
            self.obs_piv = piv_new[:m_new]

            # Remember full observation mesh.
            self.full_obs_mesh = obs_mesh

            # relevant slice is the positive-definite indices, which get into obs_mesh_*. See documentation.
            relevant_slice = self.obs_piv

            # obs_mesh_new is obs_mesh_* from documentation.
            obs_mesh_new = obs_mesh[relevant_slice,:]

            self.obs_mesh = obs_mesh_new
            self.obs_V = obs_V[piv_new]
            self.obs_len = m_new

        # =======================================
        # = If self has been observed already:  =
        # =======================================

            # If self has been observed, get the Cholesky factor of the _full_ observation mesh (new
            # and old observations) using continue_cholesky, along with side information, and store it.

            # Extract information from self's existing attributes related to the observation mesh..
            obs_old, piv_old = self.Uo, self.obs_piv

            # Rank of self's evaluation on the observation mesh so far.
            m_old = len(self.obs_piv)

            # Number of observations so far.
            N_old = self.full_obs_mesh.shape[0]

            # Number of new observations.
            N_new = obs_mesh.shape[0]

            # Call to self.continue_cholesky.
            obs_dict_new = self.continue_cholesky(x=obs_mesh,
                                                x_old = self.full_obs_mesh,
                                                chol_dict_old = {'U': self.full_Uo, 'pivots': self.full_piv},
                                                apply_pivot = False,
                                                observed = False,
                                                nugget = obs_V,
                                                assume_full_rank = output_type=='s',
                                                rank_limit = self.rank_limit)

            if output_type=='s':
                C_eval = obs_dict_new['C_eval']

            # Full Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh), where obs_mesh is the combined observation mesh.
            self.full_Uo = obs_dict_new['U']

            # Rank of self(obs_mesh, obs_mesh)
            m_new = self.full_Uo.shape[0]

            # Square upper-triangular Cholesky factor of self(obs_mesh_*, obs_mesh_*). See documentation.

            # Pivots.
            piv_new = obs_dict_new['pivots']
            self.obs_piv = piv_new[:m_new]
            self.full_piv = piv_new

            # Concatenate old and new observation meshes.
            self.full_obs_mesh = vstack((self.full_obs_mesh, obs_mesh))
            relevant_slice = piv_new[m_old:m_new] - N_old
            obs_mesh_new = obs_mesh[relevant_slice,:]

            # Remember obs_mesh_* and corresponding observation variances.
            self.obs_mesh = vstack((self.obs_mesh, obs_mesh[relevant_slice,:]))
            self.obs_V = hstack((self.obs_V, obs_V[relevant_slice]))

            # Length of obs_mesh_*.
            self.obs_len = m_new

        self.observed = True
        # Output expected by Realization
        if output_type == 'r':
            return relevant_slice, obs_mesh_new, self.full_Uo[m_old:,argsort(piv_new)[N_old:]], self.full_Uo[:m_old, argsort(piv_new)[N_old:]]
        # Ouptut expected by observe
        if output_type == 'o':
            return relevant_slice, obs_mesh_new
        # Output expected by the GP submodel
        if output_type=='s':
            return obs_dict_new['U_new'], obs_dict_new['C_eval'], self.full_Uo[:m_old, argsort(piv_new)[N_old:]]