def save_as(self): doc_file = '' + self.current_doc.doc_file if not doc_file: doc_file = '' + self.current_doc.doc_name if not os.path.splitext(doc_file)[1] == "." + \ uc2const.FORMAT_EXTENSION[uc2const.PDXF][0]: doc_file = os.path.splitext(doc_file)[0] + "." + \ uc2const.FORMAT_EXTENSION[uc2const.PDXF][0] if not os.path.lexists(os.path.dirname(doc_file)): doc_file = os.path.join(config.save_dir, os.path.basename(doc_file)) doc_file = dialogs.get_save_file_name(, self, doc_file) if doc_file: old_file = self.current_doc.doc_file old_name = self.current_doc.doc_name self.current_doc.set_doc_file(doc_file) try: except IOError: self.current_doc.set_doc_file(old_file, old_name) details = sys.exc_info()[1].__str__() + sys.exc_info( )[2].__str__() first = _('Cannot save document') sec = _('Please check file name and write permissions') msg = ("%s '%s'.") % (first, self.current_doc.doc_name) dialogs.msg_dialog(, self.appdata.app_name, msg, sec, details) return False config.save_dir = os.path.dirname(doc_file) events.emit(events.APP_STATUS, _('Document saved')) return True else: return False
def save_as(self): doc_file = '' + self.current_doc.doc_file if not doc_file: doc_file = '' + self.current_doc.doc_name if not os.path.splitext(doc_file)[1] == "." + \ uc2const.FORMAT_EXTENSION[uc2const.PDXF][0]: doc_file = os.path.splitext(doc_file)[0] + "." + \ uc2const.FORMAT_EXTENSION[uc2const.PDXF][0] if not os.path.lexists(os.path.dirname(doc_file)): doc_file = os.path.join(config.save_dir, os.path.basename(doc_file)) doc_file = dialogs.get_save_file_name(, self, doc_file) if doc_file: old_file = self.current_doc.doc_file old_name = self.current_doc.doc_name self.current_doc.set_doc_file(doc_file) try: except IOError: self.current_doc.set_doc_file(old_file, old_name) details = sys.exc_info()[1].__str__() + sys.exc_info()[2].__str__() first = _('Cannot save document') sec = _('Please check file name and write permissions') msg = ("%s '%s'.") % (first, self.current_doc.doc_name) dialogs.msg_dialog(, self.appdata.app_name, msg, sec, details) return False config.save_dir = os.path.dirname(doc_file) events.emit(events.APP_STATUS, _('Document saved')) return True else: return False
def do_cutting(self): cut_bbox = None ret = get_cut_dialog( if ret == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: #Collect all objects page = self.doc_presenter.methods.get_pages()[-1] objs = [] for layer in page.childs: for obj in layer.childs: objs.append(obj) if not objs: first = _('Cannot cutting in file') sec = _('There are no objects in document.') msg = ("%s '%s'.") % (first, config.output_file) msg_dialog(,, msg, sec) return try: saver = get_saver('file.plt') if config.cut_bbox: bbox = [] bbox += objs[0].cache_bbox for obj in objs: bbox = libgeom.sum_bbox(bbox, obj.cache_bbox) layer = page.childs[-1] cut_bbox = model.Rectangle(layer.config, layer, bbox) layer.childs.append(cut_bbox) cut_bbox.update() pd = ProgressDialog(_('Cutting...'), ret =, [ self.doc_presenter, config.output_file, True, { 'tolerance': config.tolerance } ]) if ret == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if not pd.error_info is None: pd.destroy() raise IOError(*pd.error_info) pd.destroy() else: pd.destroy() raise IOError(_('Error while saving'), config.output_file) except IOError: details = sys.exc_info()[1].__str__() + sys.exc_info( )[2].__str__() first = _('Cannot cutting!') sec = _('Please check file name and write permissions') msg = ("%s '%s'.") % (first, config.output_file) msg_dialog(,, msg, sec, details) if not cut_bbox is None: self.doc_presenter.methods.delete_object(cut_bbox)
def do_cutting(self): cut_bbox = None ret = get_cut_dialog( if ret == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: #Collect all objects page = self.doc_presenter.methods.get_pages()[-1] objs = [] for layer in page.childs: for obj in layer.childs: objs.append(obj) if not objs: first = _('Cannot cutting in file') sec = _('There are no objects in document.') msg = ("%s '%s'.") % (first, config.output_file) msg_dialog(,, msg, sec) return try: saver = get_saver('file.plt') if config.cut_bbox: bbox = [] bbox += objs[0].cache_bbox for obj in objs: bbox = libgeom.sum_bbox(bbox, obj.cache_bbox) layer = page.childs[-1] cut_bbox = model.Rectangle(layer.config, layer, bbox) layer.childs.append(cut_bbox) cut_bbox.update() pd = ProgressDialog(_('Cutting...'), ret =, [self.doc_presenter, config.output_file, True, {'tolerance':config.tolerance}]) if ret == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if not pd.error_info is None: pd.destroy() raise IOError(*pd.error_info) pd.destroy() else: pd.destroy() raise IOError(_('Error while saving'), config.output_file) except IOError: details = sys.exc_info()[1].__str__() + sys.exc_info()[2].__str__() first = _('Cannot cutting!') sec = _('Please check file name and write permissions') msg = ("%s '%s'.") % (first, config.output_file) msg_dialog(,, msg, sec, details) if not cut_bbox is None: self.doc_presenter.methods.delete_object(cut_bbox)
def insert_doc(self): doc_file = dialogs.get_open_file_name(, self, config.import_dir, _('Import file...')) if os.path.lexists(doc_file) and os.path.isfile(doc_file): try: self.current_doc.insert_doc(doc_file) except: details = sys.exc_info()[1].__str__() + sys.exc_info()[2].__str__() msg = _('Cannot import file') msg = "%s '%s'" % (msg, doc_file) sec = _('The file may be corrupted or not supported format') dialogs.msg_dialog(, self.appdata.app_name, msg, sec, details) return config.import_dir = os.path.dirname(doc_file)
def insert_doc(self): doc_file = dialogs.get_open_file_name(, self, config.import_dir, _('Import file...')) if os.path.lexists(doc_file) and os.path.isfile(doc_file): try: self.current_doc.insert_doc(doc_file) except: details = sys.exc_info()[1].__str__() + sys.exc_info( )[2].__str__() msg = _('Cannot import file') msg = "%s '%s'" % (msg, doc_file) sec = _('The file may be corrupted or not supported format') dialogs.msg_dialog(, self.appdata.app_name, msg, sec, details) return config.import_dir = os.path.dirname(doc_file)
def open(self, doc_file='', silent=False): if not doc_file: doc_file = dialogs.get_open_file_name(, self, config.open_dir) if os.path.lexists(doc_file) and os.path.isfile(doc_file): try: doc = PD_Presenter(self, doc_file, silent) except: details = sys.exc_info()[1].__str__() + sys.exc_info()[2].__str__() msg = _('Cannot open file') msg = "%s '%s'" % (msg, doc_file) sec = _('The file may be corrupted or not supported format') dialogs.msg_dialog(, self.appdata.app_name, msg, sec, details) return self.set_current_doc(doc) config.open_dir = os.path.dirname(doc_file) events.emit(events.APP_STATUS, _('Document opened'))
def open(self, doc_file='', silent=False): if not doc_file: doc_file = dialogs.get_open_file_name(, self, config.open_dir) if os.path.lexists(doc_file) and os.path.isfile(doc_file): try: doc = PD_Presenter(self, doc_file, silent) except: details = sys.exc_info()[1].__str__() + sys.exc_info( )[2].__str__() msg = _('Cannot open file') msg = "%s '%s'" % (msg, doc_file) sec = _('The file may be corrupted or not supported format') dialogs.msg_dialog(, self.appdata.app_name, msg, sec, details) return self.set_current_doc(doc) config.open_dir = os.path.dirname(doc_file) events.emit(events.APP_STATUS, _('Document opened'))
def save(self, doc=''): if not doc: doc = self.current_doc if not doc.doc_file: return self.save_as() ext = os.path.splitext(self.current_doc.doc_file)[1] if not ext == "." + uc2const.FORMAT_EXTENSION[uc2const.PDXF][0]: return self.save_as() if not os.path.lexists(os.path.dirname(self.current_doc.doc_file)): return self.save_as() try: events.emit(events.DOC_SAVED, doc) except: details = sys.exc_info()[1].__str__() + sys.exc_info()[2].__str__() msg = _('Cannot save file') msg = "%s '%s'" % (msg, self.current_doc.doc_file) sec = _('Please check file write permissions') dialogs.msg_dialog(, self.appdata.app_name, msg, sec, details) return False events.emit(events.APP_STATUS, _('Document saved')) return True