Example #1
def pid(setpoint, ylist, previous_e, integral, Kp, Ki, Kd):
    """"PID controller to smoothly go to target(setpoint)"""
    # get measured value
    measured_value = lr.findy(lr.xlist(ylist)[-1] + 1, lr.xlist(ylist), ylist)
    # reset previous error
    previous_error = previous_e
    error = abs(setpoint - measured_value)
    # set newintegral
    newintegral = integral + error
    # I and D
    integral = (integral + error) / 0.1
    derivative = (error - previous_error) / 0.1
    # output and tuning
    output = (Kp * error) + (Ki * integral) + (Kd * derivative)
    return output, measured_value, error, newintegral
Example #2
def difference(data, change, maxchange):
    """"returns te amount time to change"""
    # receive data
    target = data[0][0]
    time_list = data[1][0][-6:]
    # make prediction for bedtime.
    predicted_bt = lr.findy(
        lr.xlist(time_list)[-1] + 1, lr.xlist(time_list), time_list)

    # Calculate bedtime offset to bedtime target.
    diff = target - predicted_bt
    bt_change = change * diff
    bt_change = abs(bt_change)

    # restrict to not go over the maxchange
    if bt_change > maxchange:
        bt_change = maxchange
    return predicted_bt, bt_change, maxchange
Example #3
def draw_pid_grapth(target, pid_data, errors, error_dict):
    """"draw graph"""
    # make x tiks
    x = lr.xlist(pid_data)

    # draw graph
    plt.plot(x, pid_data, label="with PID")
    plt.plot(x, errors, label="no PID")
    plt.axhline(y=target, linewidth=1, color='k')

    # make labels
    plt.xlabel("Time in days")
    plt.ylabel("diviation from target")
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Example #4
def integral(data):
    """"returns te amount time to change"""
    # set n for number of squars in riemann sum
    n = 100
    # receive data
    ylist = data[1][0]

    # calculate delta x, the 7 stands for the start of the PID influance
    deltax = len(ylist) - 0 / n

    i = 0
    intgrl = 0
    while i < len(ylist[7:]):
        # get y
        y = lr.findy(i, lr.xlist(ylist[7:]), ylist[7:]) - ylist[6]
        # calculate integral
        area = y * deltax
        intgrl += area

        i += deltax
    return intgrl
Example #5
def drawgrapth(profile, altered_profile):
    """"draw graph"""
    # make x tiks
    x = lr.xlist(altered_profile[1][0])

    # make y tiks
    altered_data = altered_profile[1][0]
    random_data = cl.lst_strip_day(profile[1][0])

    # make Ys ready for graph
    altered_data = cl.lst_strip_day(altered_data)
    random_data = cl.lst_strip_day(random_data)

    # draw graph
    plt.plot(x, altered_data, label="altered times")
    plt.plot(x, random_data, 'ro', label="unaltered times")
    plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 24, step=1))
    plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 61, step=7))
    # make labels
    plt.xlabel("Time in days")
    plt.ylabel("time of day")
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')