Example #1
    def updateResult(self):
        inputColumn0 = self.tableWidget.cellWidget(0, 4).value()  # number of legs
        inputColumn1 = self.tableWidget.cellWidget(1, 4).value()  # lives in water
        inputColumn2 = self.tableWidget.cellWidget(2, 4).value()  # can fly
        inputColumn3 = self.tableWidget.cellWidget(3, 4).value()  # has feathers
        inputColumn4 = self.tableWidget.cellWidget(4, 4).value()  # egg-laying

        outputVector = self.linearNetwork.response([inputColumn0, inputColumn1, inputColumn2, inputColumn3, inputColumn4])

        if self.checkBoxWinner.checkState() == Qt.Checked:
            winner = LinearNetwork.winner(outputVector, self.spinBoxThreshold.value())
            for i in xrange(len(outputVector)):
                self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(5, i + 1, QLabel())
            if winner != -1:
                cellWinner = self.tableWidget.cellWidget(5, winner + 1)
                cellWinner.setStyleSheet('background-color: red;')

                self.labelNeuron.setText('Neuron ' + str(winner + 1))
                self.labelType.setText('This is a ' + self.classNames[winner])
                self.labelNeuron.setText('(There is no winner.)')
                self.labelType.setText('Thiss is something strange!')

        for i in xrange(len(outputVector)):
            self.tableWidget.cellWidget(5, i + 1).setText(str(outputVector[i]))
Example #2
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(Widget, self).__init__(parent)

        buttonHelp1 = QPushButton('help')
        buttonHelp1.setToolTip('The table below, with the exception of the last row and column, describe the network\n' +
                               'in terms of the weight coefficient values. The value of a cell in the n-th row and m-th\n' +
                               'column is the weight of the n-th feature for the m-th animal class.\n\n' +
                               'As you can see, each animal class has its own neuron that recognizes it, and each of\n' +
                               'these neurons has inputs that receive individual feature values.\n\n' +
                               'The last column represents the input vector, and the last row contains the network\n' +
                               'output values.')
        buttonHelp2 = QPushButton('help')
        buttonHelp2.setToolTip('If you show the winner, you will see the neuron whose response was the strongest.\n' +
                               'This neuron indicates the animal class the examined object will most probably fall into.\n' +
                               'The table below, with the exception of the last row and column, describe the network\n' +
                               'in terms of the weight coefficient values. The value of a cell in the n-th row and m-th\n' +
                               'column is the weight of the n-th feature for the m-th animal class.\n\n' +
                               'As you can see, each animal class has its own neuron that recognizes it, and each of\n' +
                               'these neurons has inputs that receive individual feature values.\n\n' +
                               'The last column represents the input vector, and the last row contains the network\n' +
                               'output values.')

        hBoxLayout1 = QHBoxLayout()
        hBoxLayout1.addWidget(QLabel('The neural network in this example uses five features to recognize\n' +
                                     'three classes of animals. Its weight coefficients are predefined and shown in the table below.\n\n' +
                                     'To test the network behavior, enter the input signals in the rightmost column and read the output\n' +
                                     'values from the bottom row.'))

        self.checkBoxWinner = QCheckBox()
        self.checkBoxWinner.setText('Show the winner')

        hBoxLayout2 = QHBoxLayout()

        self.tableWidget = QTableWidget()
        self.labelNeuron = QLabel('(There is no winner.)')
        self.labelType = QLabel('This is something strange!')
        self.spinBoxThreshold = QDoubleSpinBox()

        self.groupBox = QGroupBox('Show the winner')
        gridLayout = QGridLayout()
        gridLayout.addWidget(QLabel('And the winner is...'), 0, 0)
        gridLayout.addWidget(self.labelNeuron, 0, 1)
        gridLayout.addWidget(QLabel('Because of this, the network claims:'), 1, 0)
        gridLayout.addWidget(self.labelType, 1, 1)
        gridLayout.addWidget(QLabel('Threshold:'), 2, 0)
        gridLayout.addWidget(self.spinBoxThreshold, 2, 1)

        vBoxLayout = QVBoxLayout()

        self.setWindowTitle('Simple linear neural network (example2)')

        self.classNames = ['mammal', 'bird', 'fish']

        self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Feature'] + self.classNames +  ['Input vector'])
        self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(0, 0, QLabel('number of legs'))
        self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(1, 0, QLabel('lives in water'))
        self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(2, 0, QLabel('can fly'))
        self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(3, 0, QLabel('has feathers'))
        self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(4, 0, QLabel('egg-laying'))
        self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(5, 0, QLabel('Output'))

        weights = [
            [   4,     0.01,   0.01,   -1,     -1.5 ],
            [   2,     -1,     2,      2.5,    2    ],
            [   -1,    3.5,    0.01,   -2,     1.5  ]

        for i in xrange(len(weights)):
            for j in xrange(len(weights[i])):
                self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(j, i + 1, QLabel('    ' + str(weights[i][j])))
        for i in xrange(len(weights)):
            self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(5, i + 1, QLabel(''))
        for i in xrange(len(weights[0])):
            doubleSpinBox = QDoubleSpinBox()
            doubleSpinBox.setRange(-15.0, 15.0)
            self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(i, 4, doubleSpinBox)
        self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(5, 4, QPushButton('Calculate'))
        self.linearNetwork = LinearNetwork(initialWeights=weights)
        self.connect(self.checkBoxWinner, SIGNAL('stateChanged(int)'), self.visibleGrid)
        self.connect(self.tableWidget.cellWidget(5, 4), SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.updateResult)
        self.resize(600, 400)