Example #1
    def encode(message):
        if not all(x < p for x in message):
            raise Exception(
                "Message is improperly encoded as integers < p. It was:\n%r" %

        def row(i, b):
            return [Fp(i**(j)) for j in range(k)] + [Fp(b)]

        system = [row(i, message[i]) for i in range(k)]

        interpolated = someSolution(system, freeVariableValue=1)
        thePoly = Poly(interpolated)
        print("The polynomial encoding the message is:")
        return [thePoly(Fp(i)) for i in range(n)]
    def solveSystem(encodedMessage, debug=False):
        for e in range(maxE, 0, -1):
            ENumVars = e + 1
            QNumVars = e + k

            def row(i, a, b):
                return ([b * a**j for j in range(ENumVars)] +
                        [-1 * a**j for j in range(QNumVars)] + [0]
                        )  # the "extended" part of the linear system

            system = (
                [row(i, a, b) for (i, (a, b)) in enumerate(encodedMessage)] +
                [[0] * (ENumVars - 1) + [1] + [0] * (QNumVars) + [1]])
            # ensure coefficient of x^e in E(x) is 1

            if debug:
                print("\ne is %r" % e)
                print("\nsystem is:\n\n")
                for row in system:
                    print("\t%r" % (row, ))

            solution = someSolution(system, freeVariableValue=1)
            E = Poly([solution[j] for j in range(e + 1)])
            Q = Poly([solution[j] for j in range(e + 1, len(solution))])

            if debug:
                print("\nreduced system is:\n\n")
                for row in system:
                    print("\t%r" % (row, ))

                print("solution is %r" % (solution, ))
                print("Q is %r" % (Q, ))
                print("E is %r" % (E, ))

            P, remainder = Q.__divmod__(E)
            if remainder == 0:
                return Q, E

        raise Exception("found no divisors!")
    def solveSystem(encodedMessage, debug=True):
        for e in range(maxE, 0, -1):
            ENumVars = e
            QNumVars = e + k

            def row(i, x, r):
                return ([r * x**j for j in range(ENumVars)] +
                        [-1 * x**j
                         for j in range(QNumVars)] + [-r * x**ENumVars]
                        )  # the "extended" part of the linear system

            system = ([
                row(i, a, b) for (i, (a, b)) in enumerate(encodedMessage)
            # Add one more row in the end ensure coefficient of x^e in E(x) is 1

            if debug:
                print("\nSystem of equations is:\n\n")
                for row in system:
                    print("\t%r" % (row, ))

            solution = someSolution(system, freeVariableValue=1)
            E = Poly([solution[j] for j in range(ENumVars)] + [Fp(1)])
            Q = Poly([solution[j] for j in range(ENumVars, len(solution))])

            if debug:
                print("\nReduced system is:\n\n")
                for row in system:
                    print("\t%r" % (row, ))

                print("Solution is %r" % (solution, ))
                print("Q is %r" % (Q, ))
                print("E is %r" % (E, ))

            P, remainder = Q.__divmod__(E)
            if remainder == 0:
                return Q, E

        raise Exception("found no divisors!")
Example #4
   def solveSystem(encodedMessage, debug=False):
      for e in range(maxE, 0, -1):
         ENumVars = e+1
         QNumVars = e+k
         def row(i, a, b):
            return ([b * a**j for j in range(ENumVars)] +
                    [-1 * a**j for j in range(QNumVars)] +
                    [0]) # the "extended" part of the linear system

         system = ([row(i, a, b) for (i, (a,b)) in enumerate(encodedMessage)] +
                   [[0] * (ENumVars-1) + [1] + [0] * (QNumVars) + [1]])
                     # ensure coefficient of x^e in E(x) is 1

         if debug:
            print("\ne is %r" % e)
            print("\nsystem is:\n\n")
            for row in system:
               print("\t%r" % (row,))

         solution = someSolution(system, freeVariableValue=1)
         E = Poly([solution[j] for j in range(e + 1)])
         Q = Poly([solution[j] for j in range(e + 1, len(solution))])

         if debug:
            print("\nreduced system is:\n\n")
            for row in system:
               print("\t%r" % (row,))

            print("solution is %r" % (solution,))
            print("Q is %r" % (Q,))
            print("E is %r" % (E,))

         P, remainder = Q.__divmod__(E)
         if remainder == 0:
            return Q, E

      raise Exception("found no divisors!")
Example #5
from finitefield.finitefield import FiniteField
from linearsolver.linearsolver import someSolution

FF = FiniteField(13)
A = [
    [FF(4), FF(2), FF(9), FF(1)],
    [FF(4), FF(3), FF(6), FF(1)],
    [FF(2), FF(11), FF(5), FF(1)],

B = someSolution(A)
Example #6
from finitefield.finitefield import FiniteField
from linearsolver.linearsolver import someSolution

FF = FiniteField(13)
A = [
[FF(4), FF(2), FF(9), FF(1)],
[FF(4), FF(3), FF(6), FF(1)],
[FF(2), FF(11), FF(5), FF(1)],

B = someSolution(A)