Example #1
def test_smash_spectra(specmr):
    # Try to stack 2 spectra with different wavelengths
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        stack = ltsu.smash_spectra(specmr)
    # Stack rebinned
    zarr = np.array([2.1, 2.2])
    rest_spec = ltsu.rebin_to_rest(specmr, zarr, 100 * u.km / u.s, debug=False)
    stack = ltsu.smash_spectra(rest_spec, method='average')
    # Test
    assert stack.totpix == 3716
    np.testing.assert_allclose(stack.flux[1].value, -3.32135105133, rtol=1e-5)
Example #2
def test_smash_spectra(specmr):
    # Try to stack 2 spectra with different wavelengths
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        stack = ltsu.smash_spectra(specmr)
    # Stack rebinned
    zarr = np.array([2.1,2.2])
    rest_spec = ltsu.rebin_to_rest(specmr, zarr, 100*u.km/u.s, debug=False)
    stack = ltsu.smash_spectra(rest_spec, method='average')
    # Test
    assert stack.totpix == 3716
    np.testing.assert_allclose(stack.flux[1].value, -3.32135105133, rtol=1e-5)
Example #3
def stack_spec(spec_file, dv=100 * u.km / u.s, cut_on_rho=4.):
    # Load
    xspec, tpe, spec_tbl = load_spec(spec_file)
    # Cut on separation (should do this much earlier in the process)
    if cut_on_rho is not None:
        warnings.warn("Cutting on rho in stack.  Should do this earlier")
        b_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['BG_RA'], dec=tpe['BG_DEC'], unit='deg')
        f_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['FG_RA'], dec=tpe['FG_DEC'], unit='deg')
        kpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(tpe['FG_Z'])  # kpc per arcmin
        ang_seps = b_coords.separation(f_coords)
        rho = ang_seps.to('arcmin') * kpc_amin / (1 + tpe['FG_Z'])
        cut_rho = rho.to('Mpc').value < cut_on_rho
        print("We have {:d} spectra after the cut.".format(np.sum(cut_rho)))
        xspec = xspec[cut_rho]
        tpe = tpe[cut_rho]
        spec_tbl = spec_tbl[cut_rho]
    # Remove those without continua
    has_co = spec_tbl['HAS_CO'].data
    co_spec = xspec[has_co]
    co_spec.normed = True  # Apply continuum
    #  May also wish to isolate in wavelength to avoid rejected pixels
    for ii in range(co_spec.nspec):
        co_spec.select = ii
        co = co_spec.co.value
        sig = co_spec.sig.value
        bad_pix = np.any([(co == 0.), (co == 1.), (sig <= 0.)], axis=0)
        co_spec.add_to_mask(bad_pix, compressed=True)

    # Rebin to rest
    zarr = tpe['FG_Z'][has_co]
    rebin_spec = lspu.rebin_to_rest(co_spec, zarr, dv)

    # Stack
    stack = lspu.smash_spectra(rebin_spec)

    # Plot
    tpep.plot_stack(stack, 'all_stack.pdf')
    tpep.plot_spec_img(rebin_spec, 'spec_img.pdf')
    # Return
Example #4
def tpe_stack_lris(dv=100 * u.km / u.s):
    """ Testing stacks with LRIS
    # Load sample
    ipos = this_file.rfind('/')
    if ipos == -1:
        path = './'
        path = this_file[0:ipos]
    tpe = Table.read(path + '/../TPE_DR12_31.2_spec.fits')
    # Load spectra
    # Coordiantes
    b_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['BG_RA'], dec=tpe['BG_DEC'], unit='deg')
    f_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['FG_RA'], dec=tpe['FG_DEC'], unit='deg')

    # Cut on impact parameter and BOSS
    kpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(tpe['FG_Z'])  # kpc per arcmin
    ang_seps = b_coords.separation(f_coords)
    rho = ang_seps.to('arcmin') * kpc_amin / (1 + tpe['FG_Z'])

    cut_Rlris = (rho.to('Mpc').value < 4) & (tpe['BG_LYA_INSTRUMENT'] == 'LRIS'
                                             )  # & (
    #tpe['FG_Z'] > 2.) # Some of these have too low z (just barely)

    # Cut
    gd_b_coords = b_coords[cut_Rlris]
    gd_tpe = tpe[cut_Rlris]

    # Grab these spectra from QPQ
    #   For boss, we are ok taking the first entry of each
    #   The returned set is aligned with the input coords
    qpq = IgmSpec(db_file=qpq_file, skip_test=True)

    IDs = qpq.qcat.match_coord(gd_b_coords, group='LRIS')
    meta = qpq['LRIS'].meta
    gcut = meta['GRATING'] == '1200/3400'  # There is one with B400
    B1200 = np.in1d(IDs, meta['PRIV_ID'][gcut])
    print("There are {:d} sources without B1200".format(np.sum(~B1200)))
    # Cut again
    gd_b_coords = gd_b_coords[B1200]
    gd_tpe = gd_tpe[B1200]
    gd_IDs = IDs[B1200]

    # Find the rows
    idx = cat_utils.match_ids(gd_IDs, meta['PRIV_ID'])
    rows = meta['GROUP_ID'][idx]

    spec, meta = qpq.coords_to_spectra(gd_b_coords, 'LRIS', all_spec=False)

    # Check for continua
    has_co = np.array([True] * spec.nspec)
    for ii in range(spec.nspec):
        # Select
        spec.select = ii
        # Match to lya
        lya = (1 + gd_tpe['FG_Z'][ii]) * 1215.67 * u.AA
        iwave = np.argmin(np.abs(spec.wavelength - lya))
        # Check for co
        #coval = spec.co[iwave]
        #print('spec: {:d} with co={:g}'.format(ii, coval))
        if np.isclose(spec.co[iwave], 0.) or np.isclose(spec.co[iwave], 1.):
            has_co[ii] = False

    # Slice to good co
    print("{:d} BOSS spectra with a continuum".format(np.sum(has_co)))
    co_spec = spec[has_co]
    co_spec.normed = True  # Apply continuum

    #  May also wish to isolate in wavelength to avoid rejected pixels
    for ii in range(co_spec.nspec):
        co_spec.select = ii
        co = co_spec.co.value
        bad_pix = np.any([(co == 0.), (co == 1.)], axis=0)
        co_spec.add_to_mask(bad_pix, compressed=True)

    # Rebin to rest
    zarr = gd_tpe['FG_Z'][has_co]
    rebin_spec = lspu.rebin_to_rest(co_spec, zarr, dv)

    # Stack
    stack = lspu.smash_spectra(rebin_spec)

    # Plot
    plot_stack(stack, 'LRIS_stack.pdf')

    return stack
Example #5
def tpe_stack_boss(dv=100 * u.km / u.s):
    """ Testing stacks with BOSS
    # Load sample
    ipos = this_file.rfind('/')
    if ipos == -1:
        path = './'
        path = this_file[0:ipos]
    tpe = Table.read(path + '/../TPE_DR12_31.2_spec.fits')
    # Load spectra
    igmsp = IgmSpec()
    # Coordiantes
    b_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['BG_RA'], dec=tpe['BG_DEC'], unit='deg')
    f_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['FG_RA'], dec=tpe['FG_DEC'], unit='deg')

    # Cut on impact parameter and BOSS
    kpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(tpe['FG_Z'])  # kpc per arcmin
    ang_seps = b_coords.separation(f_coords)
    rho = ang_seps.to('arcmin') * kpc_amin / (1 + tpe['FG_Z'])

    cut_Rboss = (rho.to('Mpc').value < 4) & (
        tpe['BG_LYA_INSTRUMENT'] == 'BOSS') & (
            tpe['FG_Z'] > 2.)  # Some of these have too low z (just barely)

    # Cut
    gd_b_coords = b_coords[cut_Rboss]
    gd_f_coords = f_coords[cut_Rboss]
    gd_tpe = tpe[cut_Rboss]

    # Grab these spectra from igmsp
    #   For boss, we are ok taking the first entry of each
    #   The returned set is aligned with the input coords
    spec, meta = igmsp.coords_to_spectra(gd_b_coords,

    # Check for continua
    has_co = np.array([True] * spec.nspec)
    for ii in range(spec.nspec):
        # Select
        spec.select = ii
        # Match to lya
        lya = (1 + gd_tpe['FG_Z'][ii]) * 1215.67 * u.AA
        iwave = np.argmin(np.abs(spec.wavelength - lya))
        # Check for co
        #coval = spec.co[iwave]
        #print('spec: {:d} with co={:g}'.format(ii, coval))
        if np.isclose(spec.co[iwave], 0.) or np.isclose(spec.co[iwave], 1.):
            has_co[ii] = False

    # Slice to good co
    print("{:d} BOSS spectra with a continuum".format(np.sum(has_co)))
    co_spec = spec[has_co]
    co_spec.normed = True  # Apply continuum

    #  May also wish to isolate in wavelength to avoid rejected pixels
    for ii in range(co_spec.nspec):
        co_spec.select = ii
        co = co_spec.co.value
        bad_pix = np.any([(co == 0.), (co == 1.)], axis=0)
        co_spec.add_to_mask(bad_pix, compressed=True)

    # Rebin to rest
    zarr = gd_tpe['FG_Z'][has_co]
    rebin_spec = lspu.rebin_to_rest(co_spec, zarr, dv)

    # Check 2D
    check_td = True
    if check_td:
        fx = rebin_spec.data['flux']
        sig = rebin_spec.data['sig']
        gds = sig > 0.
        fx[~gds] = 0.
        xdb.set_trace()  # xdb.ximshow(fx)

    # Stack
    stack = lspu.smash_spectra(rebin_spec)
    # Plot
    plot_stack(stack, 'BOSS_stack.pdf')

    return stack
Example #6
def stacks(spec, red, N, zbin, plot=False):
    :param spec: (numpy array) XSpectrum1D objects
    :param red: (numpy array) their redshift values (z)
    :param N: (int) number of bootstrap iterations
    :param zbin: (str) redshift bin "lowz" or "hiz"

    import numpy as np
    from astropy.io import fits
    from numpy import random as ran
    from linetools.spectra import utils as ltsu
    from linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d import XSpectrum1D

    print("Number of spectra provided =", spec.nspec)

    # the actual stack
    stack = ltsu.smash_spectra(spec)
    z_med = np.median(red)

    # the bootstrap
    R = (spec.nspec)  # restraints on the random variable
    N_stack = []
    N_z_med = []

    for i in np.arange(N):  # this might take a while

        if i % 10 == 0:
        choice = np.asarray(ran.randint(0, R, R))  # the shuffle

        rand_spec = np.asarray([spec[index] for index in choice])
        rand_red = np.asarray([red[index] for index in choice])

        rand_collate = ltsu.collate(rand_spec)  # collate and stack

    # matrix math to create the error array
    N_flux = np.array([entry.flux for entry in N_stack])
    N_matrix = np.array([N_flux[i] - stack.flux for i in range(N)])

    tranpose = np.transpose(N_matrix)  # matrix math
    covariance = np.dot(tranpose, N_matrix)
    sigma = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(covariance) / (N - 1))  # the final error array

    composite = XSpectrum1D(stack.wavelength, stack.flux, sig=sigma)
    # plot with bootstrap generated error
    if plot == True:

    # writing out the stack
    hdr = fits.Header()
    hdr["REDSHIFT"] = z_med
    hdr["NSPEC"] = spec.nspec
    header = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr)

    c_wave = fits.Column(name='WAVELENGTH', array=stack.wavelength, unit="angstroms", format="E")
    c_flux = fits.Column(name='FLUX', array=stack.flux, unit="relative flux", format="E")
    c_noise = fits.Column(name='FLUX_ERR', array=sigma, unit="relative flux", format="E")
    table = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([c_wave, c_flux, c_noise])

    full_hdu = fits.HDUList([header, table])
    full_hdu.writeto("../../fits/composites/" + zbin + "/composite.fits")

    # writing out the boostrap
    hdr = fits.Header()
    hdr["NSPEC"] = spec.nspec
    hdr["NBOOT"] = N
    header = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr)

    c_wave = fits.Column(name='WAVELENGTH', array=stack.wavelength, unit="angstroms", format="E")
    c_noise = fits.Column(name='FLUX_ERR', array=sigma, unit="relative flux", format="E")
    table = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([c_wave, c_noise])

    flux_data = fits.ImageHDU(N_flux, name="FLUX_ITERATIONS")

    full_hdu = fits.HDUList([header, table, flux_data])
    full_hdu.writeto("../../fits/bootstrap/" + zbin + "/stacks.fits")