def _UnitZ(angle): return tf.reshape([ tf.cos(angle), -tf.sin(angle), 0., tf.sin(angle), tf.cos(angle), 0., 0., 0., 1. ], shape=[3, 3])
def _rotate(bbox, theta): rotation_matrix = tf.reshape( [tf.cos(theta), -tf.sin(theta), tf.sin(theta), tf.cos(theta)], shape=(2, 2)) return tf.matmul(bbox, rotation_matrix)
def UnitY(angle): return tf.reshape([ tf.cos(angle), 0., tf.sin(angle), 0., 1., 0., -tf.sin(angle), 0., tf.cos(angle) ], shape=[3, 3])
def _UnitX(angle): return tf.reshape([ 1., 0., 0., 0., tf.cos(angle), -tf.sin(angle), 0., tf.sin(angle), tf.cos(angle) ], shape=[3, 3])
def BatchMakeRotationMatrix(yaw, clockwise=False): """Create a Nx3x3 rotation matrix from yaw. Args: yaw: float tensor representing a yaw angle in radians. clockwise: Whether to have the rotation be applied clockwise (True) or counter-clockwise (False). Defaults to counter-clockwise to maintain same semantics to MakeRotationMatrix. Returns: A [N, 3, 3] tensor corresponding to a rotation matrix. """ if clockwise: yaw = -yaw cos = tf.cos(yaw) sin = tf.sin(yaw) zero = tf.zeros_like(cos) one = tf.ones_like(cos) rotation_matrix = tf.stack( [cos, -sin, zero, sin, cos, zero, zero, zero, one], axis=-1) # pyformat: disable rotation_matrix = tf.reshape(rotation_matrix, [-1, 3, 3]) return rotation_matrix
def Value(self): p = self.params assert p.total_steps > 0 with tf.name_scope( decay_gap = p.initial_value - p.final_value return p.final_value + 0.5 * decay_gap * (1 + tf.cos(math.pi * tf.minimum( 1.0, tf.cast(py_utils.GetGlobalStep(), tf.float32) / p.total_steps)))
def FProp(self, theta, current_step): p = self.params assert p.total_steps > 0 assert p.initial_value > p.final_value with tf.name_scope( decay_gap = p.initial_value - p.final_value return p.final_value + 0.5 * decay_gap * (1 + tf.cos(math.pi * tf.minimum( 1.0, tf.cast(current_step, tf.float32) / p.total_steps)))
def BBoxCorners(bboxes): """Extract the corner points from a 7-DOF bbox representation. Args: bboxes: A [batch, num_boxes, 7] floating point bounding box representation ([x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, phi]). Returns: A [batch, num_boxes, 8, 3] floating point Tensor containing the corner (x, y, z) points for every bounding box. """ # Code adapted from vale/soapbox codebase. # # Corners in normalized box frame (unit cube centered at origin). # # Dimensions is [length, width, height]. corners = tf.constant([ [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], # top [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5], # top [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5], # top [0.5, -0.5, 0.5], # top [0.5, 0.5, -0.5], # bottom [-0.5, 0.5, -0.5], # bottom [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], # bottom [0.5, -0.5, -0.5], # bottom ]) batch, nb, _ = py_utils.GetShape(bboxes, 3) # Extract location, dimension, and rotation. location = bboxes[:, :, :3] dimensions = bboxes[:, :, 3:6] phi_world = bboxes[:, :, 6] # Convert rotation_phis into rotation matrices along unit z. cos = tf.cos(phi_world) sin = tf.sin(phi_world) zero = tf.zeros_like(cos) one = tf.ones_like(cos) rotations_world = tf.reshape( tf.stack([cos, -sin, zero, sin, cos, zero, zero, zero, one], axis=2), [batch, nb, 3, 3]) # Create axis-aligned corners from length/width/height. corners = tf.einsum('bni,ji->bnji', dimensions, corners) # Rotate the corners coordinates to the rotated world frame. corners = tf.einsum('bnij,bnkj->bnki', rotations_world, corners) # Translate corners to the world location. corners = corners + tf.reshape(location, (batch, nb, 1, 3)) return corners
def BatchMakeRotationMatrix(yaw): """Create a Nx3x3 rotation matrix from yaw. Args: yaw: float tensor representing a yaw angle in radians. Returns: A [N, 3, 3] tensor corresponding to a rotation matrix. """ cos = tf.cos(yaw) sin = tf.sin(yaw) zero = tf.zeros_like(cos) one = tf.ones_like(cos) rotation_matrix = tf.stack( [cos, sin, zero, -sin, cos, zero, zero, zero, one], axis=-1) # pyformat: disable rotation_matrix = tf.reshape(rotation_matrix, [-1, 3, 3]) return rotation_matrix
def BBoxCorners2D(bboxes): """Extract the corner points from a 5-DOF bbox representation. Args: bboxes: A [..., 5] floating point bounding box representation ([x, y, dx, dy, phi]). Returns: A [..., 4, 2] floating point Tensor containing the corner (x, y) points for every bounding box. """ corners = tf.constant([ [0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5], ]) leading_shape = py_utils.GetShape(bboxes)[:-1] # Extract location, dimension, and rotation. location = bboxes[..., :2] dimensions = bboxes[..., 2:4] phi_world = bboxes[..., 4] # Convert rotation_phis into rotation matrices along unit z. cos = tf.cos(phi_world) sin = tf.sin(phi_world) rotations_world = tf.reshape(tf.stack([cos, -sin, sin, cos], axis=-1), leading_shape + [2, 2]) # Create axis-aligned corners from length/width/height. corners = tf.einsum('...i,ji->...ji', dimensions, corners) # Rotate the corners coordinates to the rotated world frame. corners = tf.einsum('...ij,...kj->', rotations_world, corners) # Translate corners to the world location. corners = corners + tf.reshape(location, leading_shape + [1, 2]) return corners
def _XYZFromRangeImage(self, lidar_image, lidar_image_mask, extrinsics, inclinations, pixel_pose=None, frame_pose=None): """Extract the cartesian coordinates from the range image. Args: lidar_image: [H, W, C] range image Tensor. lidar_image_mask: [H, W] boolean indicating which 2d coordinates in the lidar image are present. extrinsics: [4, 4] float matrix representing transformation matrix to world coordinates. inclinations: [V] beam inclinations vector. pixel_pose: [64, 2650, 4, 4] tensor representing per pixel pose of GBR. frame_pose: [4, 4] matrix representing vehicle to world transformation. Returns: [H, W, 3] range image cartesian coordinates. """ height, width, channels = py_utils.GetShape(lidar_image, 3) conversion_dtype = tf.float32 lidar_image = tf.cast(lidar_image, conversion_dtype) extrinsics = tf.cast(extrinsics, conversion_dtype) inclinations = tf.cast(inclinations, conversion_dtype) inclinations = tf.reverse(inclinations, axis=[-1]) az_correction = py_utils.HasShape( tf.atan2(extrinsics[1, 0], extrinsics[0, 0]), []) ratios = (tf.cast(tf.range(width, 0, -1), dtype=conversion_dtype) - .5) / tf.cast(width, conversion_dtype) ratios = py_utils.HasShape(ratios, [width]) azimuth = (ratios * 2. - 1.) * np.pi - az_correction[..., tf.newaxis] azimuth = py_utils.HasShape(azimuth, [width]) lidar_image_mask = lidar_image_mask[..., tf.newaxis] lidar_image_mask = tf.tile(lidar_image_mask, [1, 1, channels]) lidar_image = tf.where(lidar_image_mask, lidar_image, tf.zeros_like(lidar_image)) lidar_image_range = lidar_image[..., 0] azimuth = py_utils.HasShape(azimuth[tf.newaxis, ...], [1, width]) inclinations = py_utils.HasShape(inclinations[..., tf.newaxis], [height, 1]) cos_azimuth = tf.cos(azimuth) sin_azimuth = tf.sin(azimuth) cos_incl = tf.cos(inclinations) sin_incl = tf.sin(inclinations) x = cos_azimuth * cos_incl * lidar_image_range y = sin_azimuth * cos_incl * lidar_image_range z = sin_incl * lidar_image_range lidar_image_points = tf.stack([x, y, z], -1) lidar_image_points = py_utils.HasShape(lidar_image_points, [height, width, 3]) rotation = extrinsics[0:3, 0:3] translation = extrinsics[0:3, 3][tf.newaxis, ...] # Transform the image points in cartesian coordinates to # the world coordinate system using the extrinsics matrix. # # We first flatten the points, apply rotation, then # reshape to restore the original input and then apply # translation. lidar_image_points = tf.matmul( tf.reshape(lidar_image_points, [-1, 3]), rotation, transpose_b=True) lidar_image_points = tf.reshape(lidar_image_points, [height, width, 3]) lidar_image_points += translation lidar_image_points = py_utils.HasShape(lidar_image_points, [height, width, 3]) # GBR uses per pixel pose. if pixel_pose is not None: pixel_pose_rotation = pixel_pose[..., 0:3, 0:3] pixel_pose_translation = pixel_pose[..., 0:3, 3] lidar_image_points = tf.einsum( 'hwij,hwj->hwi', pixel_pose_rotation, lidar_image_points) + pixel_pose_translation if frame_pose is None: raise ValueError('frame_pose must be set when pixel_pose is set.') # To vehicle frame corresponding to the given frame_pose # [4, 4] world_to_vehicle = tf.linalg.inv(frame_pose) world_to_vehicle_rotation = world_to_vehicle[0:3, 0:3] world_to_vehicle_translation = world_to_vehicle[0:3, 3] # [H, W, 3] lidar_image_points = tf.einsum( 'ij,hwj->hwi', world_to_vehicle_rotation, lidar_image_points) + world_to_vehicle_translation[tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :] return lidar_image_points
def ComputeLoss(self, theta, predictions, input_batch): """Computes loss and other metrics for the given predictions. Args: theta: A `.NestedMap` object containing variable values of this task. predictions: The output of `ComputePredictions`, contains: logits - [b, nx, ny, nz, na, 7 + num_classes]. na is the number of anchor boxes per cell. [..., :7] are (dx, dy, dz, dw, dl, dh, dt). input_batch: The input batch from which we accesses the groundtruth. Returns: Two dicts defined as BaseTask.ComputeLoss. """ p = self.params predicted_residuals = py_utils.HasShape( predictions.residuals, [-1, -1, -1, -1, p.num_anchors, 7]) predicted_class_logits = py_utils.HasShape( predictions.classification_logits, [-1, -1, -1, -1, p.num_anchors, p.num_classes]) bs, nx, ny, nz, na, _ = py_utils.GetShape(predicted_class_logits, 6) # Compute class and regression weights. class_weights = input_batch.assigned_cls_mask class_weights = py_utils.HasShape(class_weights, [bs, nx, ny, nz, na]) reg_weights = input_batch.assigned_reg_mask reg_weights = py_utils.HasShape(reg_weights, [bs, nx, ny, nz, na]) reg_weights = tf.expand_dims(reg_weights, -1) if p.loss_norm_type == LossNormType.NORM_BY_NUM_POSITIVES: # Compute number of positive anchors per example. foreground_mask = py_utils.HasShape(input_batch.assigned_reg_mask, [bs, nx, ny, nz, na]) # Sum to get the number of foreground anchors for each example. loss_normalization = tf.reduce_sum(foreground_mask, axis=[1, 2, 3, 4]) loss_normalization = tf.maximum(loss_normalization, tf.ones_like(loss_normalization)) # Reshape for broadcasting. loss_normalization = tf.reshape(loss_normalization, [bs, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) class_weights /= loss_normalization reg_weights /= loss_normalization # Classification loss. assigned_gt_labels = py_utils.HasShape(input_batch.assigned_gt_labels, [bs, nx, ny, nz, na]) class_loss = py_utils.SigmoidCrossEntropyFocalLoss( logits=predicted_class_logits, labels=tf.one_hot(assigned_gt_labels, p.num_classes), alpha=p.focal_loss_alpha, gamma=p.focal_loss_gamma) class_loss *= class_weights[..., tf.newaxis] class_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(class_loss) # Regression loss. anchor_localization_residuals = py_utils.HasShape( input_batch.anchor_localization_residuals, [bs, nx, ny, nz, na, 7]) # Location and dimensions loss. reg_loc_and_dims_loss = self._utils.ScaledHuberLoss( predictions=py_utils.HasShape(predicted_residuals[..., :6], [bs, nx, ny, nz, na, 6]), labels=anchor_localization_residuals[..., :6], delta=1 / (3.**2)) # Rotation loss with SmoothL1(sin(delta)). rot_delta = (predicted_residuals[..., 6:] - input_batch.anchor_localization_residuals[..., 6:]) if p.use_atan2_heading_loss: atan2_of_delta = tf.atan2(tf.sin(rot_delta), tf.cos(rot_delta)) reg_rot_loss = self._utils.ScaledHuberLoss( predictions=atan2_of_delta, labels=tf.zeros_like(atan2_of_delta), delta=1 / (3.**2)) else: # Rotation loss with SmoothL1(sin(delta)). reg_rot_loss = self._utils.ScaledHuberLoss( predictions=tf.sin(rot_delta), labels=tf.zeros_like(rot_delta), delta=1 / (3.**2)) # Direction loss if p.direction_classifier_weight > 0.0: # The target rotations are in the assigned_gt_bbox tensor, # which already has assigned a gt bounding box to every anchor. rot_target = input_batch.assigned_gt_bbox[..., 6] # If rotation is > 0, the class is 1, else it is 0. rot_dir = tf.cast(rot_target > 0., tf.int32) # Compute one-hot labels as a target. rot_dir_onehot = tf.one_hot(rot_dir, 2) # Manually handle loss reduction. dir_loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( onehot_labels=rot_dir_onehot, logits=predictions.predicted_dir, weights=tf.squeeze(reg_weights, axis=-1), reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE) # Reduce across all dimensions (we'll divide by the batch size below). dir_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(dir_loss) else: dir_loss_sum = 0.0 # Compute loss contribution from location and dimension separately. reg_loc_loss = reg_loc_and_dims_loss[..., :3] * reg_weights reg_loc_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(reg_loc_loss) reg_dim_loss = reg_loc_and_dims_loss[..., 3:6] * reg_weights reg_dim_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(reg_dim_loss) # Compute rotation loss contribution. reg_rot_loss *= reg_weights reg_rot_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(reg_rot_loss) # Num. predictions. # TODO(zhifengc): Consider other normalization factors. E.g., # of bboxes. preds = tf.cast(bs, class_loss_sum.dtype) # Normalize all of the components by batch size. reg_loc_loss = reg_loc_loss_sum / preds reg_dim_loss = reg_dim_loss_sum / preds reg_rot_loss = reg_rot_loss_sum / preds class_loss = class_loss_sum / preds dir_loss = dir_loss_sum / preds # Compute total localization regression loss. reg_loss = (p.location_loss_weight * reg_loc_loss + p.dimension_loss_weight * reg_dim_loss + p.rotation_loss_weight * reg_rot_loss) # Apply weights to normalized class losses. loss = (class_loss * p.classification_loss_weight + reg_loss * p.localization_loss_weight + dir_loss * p.direction_classifier_weight) metrics_dict = { 'loss': (loss, preds), 'loss/class': (class_loss, preds), 'loss/reg': (reg_loss, preds), 'loss/reg/rot': (reg_rot_loss, preds), 'loss/reg/loc': (reg_loc_loss, preds), 'loss/reg/dim': (reg_dim_loss, preds), 'loss/dir': (dir_loss, preds), } # Calculate dimension errors min_angle_rad = -np.pi if p.use_atan2_heading_loss else 0 gt_bboxes = self._utils_3d.ResidualsToBBoxes( input_batch.anchor_bboxes, anchor_localization_residuals, min_angle_rad=min_angle_rad, max_angle_rad=np.pi) predicted_bboxes = self._utils_3d.ResidualsToBBoxes( input_batch.anchor_bboxes, predicted_residuals, min_angle_rad=min_angle_rad, max_angle_rad=np.pi) dimension_errors_dict = self._BBoxDimensionErrors( gt_bboxes, predicted_bboxes, reg_weights) metrics_dict.update(dimension_errors_dict) per_example_dict = { 'residuals': predicted_residuals, 'classification_logits': predicted_class_logits, } return metrics_dict, per_example_dict
def ComputeLoss(self, theta, predictions, input_batch): """Compute loss for the sparse detector model v1. Args: theta: A `.NestedMap` object containing variable values of this task. predictions: A `.NestedMap` object containing residuals and classification_logits. input_batch: A `.NestedMap` expected to contain cell_center_xyz, cell_points_xyz, cell_feature, anchor_bboxes, anchor_localization_residuals, assigned_gt_labels, and assigned_cls_mask. See class doc string for details. Returns: Two dicts: - A dict containing str keys and (metric, weight) pairs as values, where one of the keys is expected to be 'loss'. - A dict containing arbitrary tensors describing something about each training example, where the first dimension of each tensor is the batch index. """ p = self.params batch_size, num_centers = py_utils.GetShape( input_batch.cell_center_xyz, 2) # Assert shapes of inputs. anchor_bboxes = py_utils.HasShape( input_batch.anchor_bboxes, [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, 7]) anchor_localization_residuals = py_utils.HasShape( input_batch.anchor_localization_residuals, [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, 7]) predicted_residuals = py_utils.HasShape( predictions.residuals, [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, 7]) assigned_gt_labels = py_utils.HasShape( input_batch.assigned_gt_labels, [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center]) predicted_classification_logits = py_utils.HasShape( predictions.classification_logits, [ batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, p.num_classes ]) # assigned_cls_mask is for weighting the classification loss. # Ignored targets will have their mask = 0; this happens when their IOU is # not high enough to be a foreground object and not low enough to be # background. class_weights = py_utils.HasShape( input_batch.assigned_cls_mask, [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center]) class_weights = tf.reshape( class_weights, [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, 1]) # Broadcast per class loss weights. For each anchor, there are num_classes # prediction heads, we weight the outputs of these heads by the per class # loss weights. per_class_loss_weight = tf.constant([[[p.per_class_loss_weight]]], dtype=tf.float32) per_class_loss_weight = py_utils.HasShape(per_class_loss_weight, [1, 1, 1, p.num_classes]) class_weights *= per_class_loss_weight class_weights = py_utils.HasShape(class_weights, [ batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, p.num_classes ]) # We use assigned_reg_mask for masking the regression loss. # Only foreground objects will have assigned_reg_mask = 1. reg_weights = py_utils.HasShape( input_batch.assigned_reg_mask, [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center]) reg_weights = tf.reshape( reg_weights, [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center, 1]) if p.loss_norm_type == LossNormType.NORM_BY_NUM_POS_PER_CENTER: # Compute number of positive anchors per example. foreground_mask = py_utils.HasShape( input_batch.assigned_reg_mask, [batch_size, num_centers, p.num_anchor_bboxes_per_center]) # Sum to get the number of foreground anchors for each example. loss_normalization = tf.reduce_sum(foreground_mask, axis=2) loss_normalization = tf.maximum(loss_normalization, tf.ones_like(loss_normalization)) # Reshape for broadcasting. loss_normalization = tf.reshape(loss_normalization, [batch_size, num_centers, 1, 1]) # Normalize so that the loss is independent of # centers. loss_normalization *= num_centers class_weights /= loss_normalization reg_weights /= loss_normalization classification_loss = py_utils.SigmoidCrossEntropyFocalLoss( logits=predicted_classification_logits, labels=tf.one_hot(assigned_gt_labels, p.num_classes), alpha=p.focal_loss_alpha, gamma=p.focal_loss_gamma) # Apply mask. classification_loss *= class_weights # TODO(jngiam): Consider normalizing by num_foreground_anchors for each # example instead. This would match the 1/N_positive normalization in # point pillars. # Reduce sum over centers, boxes and classes. classification_loss = tf.reduce_sum(classification_loss, axis=[1, 2, 3]) # Reduce mean over batch. classification_loss = tf.reduce_mean(classification_loss) # Localization regression loss with Huber loss (SmoothL1). regression_loc_and_dims_loss = self._utils_3d.ScaledHuberLoss( labels=anchor_localization_residuals[..., :6], predictions=predicted_residuals[..., :6], delta=p.huber_loss_delta) # TODO(jngiam): Consider other methods for rotation loss such as softmax # binning. # For the rotation loss, we use SmoothL1(sine(delta)), this enables the # rotation loss to be the same independent of direction. rotation_delta = (predicted_residuals[..., 6:] - anchor_localization_residuals[..., 6:]) if p.use_atan2_heading_loss: atan2_of_delta = tf.atan2(tf.sin(rotation_delta), tf.cos(rotation_delta)) regression_rotation_loss = self._utils.ScaledHuberLoss( predictions=atan2_of_delta, labels=tf.zeros_like(atan2_of_delta), delta=1 / (3.**2)) else: regression_rotation_loss = self._utils_3d.ScaledHuberLoss( labels=tf.zeros_like(rotation_delta), predictions=tf.sin(rotation_delta), delta=p.huber_loss_delta) reg_loc_loss = regression_loc_and_dims_loss[..., :3] reg_dim_loss = regression_loc_and_dims_loss[..., 3:6] gt_bboxes = self._utils_3d.ResidualsToBBoxes( anchor_bboxes, anchor_localization_residuals, min_angle_rad=-np.pi, max_angle_rad=np.pi) predicted_bboxes = self._utils_3d.ResidualsToBBoxes( anchor_bboxes, predicted_residuals, min_angle_rad=-np.pi, max_angle_rad=np.pi) # Apply mask to individual losses. # # And then reduce sum over centers, boxes, residuals, and batch # and divide by the batch_size. regression_rotation_loss *= reg_weights reg_rot_loss = tf.reduce_sum(regression_rotation_loss) / batch_size reg_loc_loss *= reg_weights reg_loc_loss = tf.reduce_sum(reg_loc_loss) / batch_size reg_dim_loss *= reg_weights reg_dim_loss = tf.reduce_sum(reg_dim_loss) / batch_size # Do not create corner loss graph if weight is 0.0 # TODO(bcyang): Remove condition after fixing corner loss NaN issue if p.corner_loss_weight != 0.0: reg_corner_loss = self._utils_3d.CornerLoss( gt_bboxes=gt_bboxes, predicted_bboxes=predicted_bboxes) reg_corner_loss = tf.expand_dims(reg_corner_loss, axis=-1) reg_corner_loss *= reg_weights reg_corner_loss = tf.reduce_sum(reg_corner_loss) / batch_size else: reg_corner_loss = 0.0 # Sum components of regression loss. regression_loss = (p.location_loss_weight * reg_loc_loss + p.dimension_loss_weight * reg_dim_loss + p.rotation_loss_weight * reg_rot_loss + p.corner_loss_weight * reg_corner_loss) # Compute total loss. total_loss = (p.loss_weight_localization * regression_loss + p.loss_weight_classification * classification_loss) metrics_dict = py_utils.NestedMap({ 'loss': (total_loss, batch_size), 'loss/regression': (regression_loss, batch_size), 'loss/regression/loc': (reg_loc_loss, batch_size), 'loss/regression/dim': (reg_dim_loss, batch_size), 'loss/regression/rot': (reg_rot_loss, batch_size), 'loss/regression/corner': (reg_corner_loss, batch_size), 'loss/classification': (classification_loss, batch_size), }) # Calculate dimension errors dimension_errors_dict = self._BBoxDimensionErrors( gt_bboxes, predicted_bboxes, reg_weights) metrics_dict.update(dimension_errors_dict) per_example_dict = py_utils.NestedMap({ 'residuals': predicted_residuals, 'classification_logits': predicted_classification_logits, 'predicted_bboxes': predicted_bboxes, 'gt_bboxes': gt_bboxes, 'reg_weights': reg_weights, }) return metrics_dict, per_example_dict