Example #1
 def add(self, newItem):
     '''inserts new item after items of greater or equal priority or ahead of items of lesser priority. 
     A has greater priority than B if A < B
     Assumes newItem is a comparable (see Comparable class)
     if self.isEmpty() or newItem >= self.rear.data:
         # new item goes to rear, use super class method and pass self into first argument position
         LinkedQueue.add(self, newItem)
         # search for position where the new item is less
         probe = self.front
         # step through nodes until newItem is less than or equal to probe.data
         while newItem >= probe.data:
             trailer = probe
             probe = probe.next
         # instantiate new Node for new item to go into the queue
         newNode = Node(newItem, probe)
         if probe == self.front:
             # new item goes to front
             self.front = newNode
             # new item goes between two nodes
             trailer.next = newNode
         self.size += 1