Example #1
def run(args):
  Run a test with the specified parameters, and return the HTTP Archive
  (HAR) File represented as a dictionary.
    har_gen = FlowProfiler(args.testfile, int(args.iterations))   \
              if args.iterations else FlowProfiler(args.testfile)

    # profiling_results is a list of lists containing HARs for each page in a run
    profiling_results = har_gen.profile()

    if args.average:
        return [merge_by_average(page_results) \
                for page_results in zip(*profiling_results)]
        return profiling_results[-1]
Example #2
def run(args):
  Run a test with the specified parameters, and return the HTTP Archive
  (HAR) File represented as a dictionary.
  har_gen = FlowProfiler(args.testfile, int(args.iterations))   \
            if args.iterations else FlowProfiler(args.testfile)

  # profiling_results is a list of lists containing HARs for each page in a run
  profiling_results = har_gen.profile()

  if args.average:
    return [merge_by_average(page_results) \
            for page_results in zip(*profiling_results)]
    return profiling_results[-1]
Example #3
        help='Do profiling task the specified number of times')
        help='Output the average results of the iterations')
        help='Call make_report.py to make a report and open it')

    args = arg_parser.parse_args()

    har_gen = FlowProfiler(args.testfile, int(
        args.iterations)) if args.iterations else FlowProfiler(args.testfile)

    # profiling_results is a list of lists containing HARs for each page in a run
    profiling_results = har_gen.profile()

    if args.average:
        chosen_result = [
            for page_results in zip(*profiling_results)
        chosen_result = profiling_results[-1]

    result_text = json.dumps(chosen_result)
    filename = args.filename or 'data_{0}.json'.format(int(time.time()))
Example #4
        ('startedDateTime', ['str', 'unicode']),
        ('time',            ['int']),
        ('request',         ['dict'], lambda x: validate_request(x,i)),
        ('response',        ['dict'], lambda x: validate_response(x, i)),
        ('cache',           ['dict'], lambda x: validate_cache(x,i)),
        ('timings',         ['dict'], lambda x: validate_resource_timings(x,i))])

  assert 'log' in har, 'HAR file must contain a "log" field'

  validation_funcs = {'version': (['str', 'unicode'], lambda x: validate_str_is_number(x)),
                      'creator': ('dict', validate_har_creator),
                      'browser': ('dict', validate_browser),
                      'pages':   ('list', validate_pages),
                      'entries': ('list', validate_entries)}

  for field, (type, func) in validation_funcs.iteritems():
    validate_field((har['log'], 'log'), field, type, func)

gen = FlowProfiler('../bin/sampleinput/limobilelogin.json')
hars = gen.make()

for har in hars:
  # remove unicode strings from dictionary to make type verification easier
  har = json.loads(json.dumps(har))
  print json.dumps(har)
  print '\n'
Example #5
DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), 'report')

if __name__ == '__main__':
  arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  arg_parser.add_argument('-d', '--outputdir', help='Write JSON file to specified directory')
  arg_parser.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help="Used specified name for JSON file")
  arg_parser.add_argument('-u', '--urls', help='Comma separated URLs to profile')
  arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--testfile', required=True, help='Use specified JSON test file to determine test actions')
  arg_parser.add_argument('-i', '--iterations', help='Do profiling task the specified number of times')
  arg_parser.add_argument('-a', '--average', action='store_true', help='Output the average results of the iterations')
  arg_parser.add_argument('-p', '--report', action='store_true', help='Call make_report.py to make a report and open it')

  args = arg_parser.parse_args()

  har_gen = FlowProfiler(args.testfile, int(args.iterations)) if args.iterations else FlowProfiler(args.testfile)

  # profiling_results is a list of lists containing HARs for each page in a run
  profiling_results = har_gen.profile()

  if args.average:
    chosen_result = [merge_by_average(page_results) for page_results in zip(*profiling_results)]
    chosen_result = profiling_results[-1]

  result_text = json.dumps(chosen_result)
  filename = args.filename or 'data_{0}.json'.format(int(time.time()))

  if args.outputdir:
    output_file = os.path.join(args.outputdir, filename)
Example #6
        ('startedDateTime', ['str', 'unicode']),
        ('time',            ['int']),
        ('request',         ['dict'], lambda x: validate_request(x,i)),
        ('response',        ['dict'], lambda x: validate_response(x, i)),
        ('cache',           ['dict'], lambda x: validate_cache(x,i)),
        ('timings',         ['dict'], lambda x: validate_resource_timings(x,i))])

  assert 'log' in har, 'HAR file must contain a "log" field'

  validation_funcs = {'version': (['str', 'unicode'], lambda x: validate_str_is_number(x)),
                      'creator': ('dict', validate_har_creator),
                      'browser': ('dict', validate_browser),
                      'pages':   ('list', validate_pages),
                      'entries': ('list', validate_entries)}

  for field, (type, func) in validation_funcs.iteritems():
    validate_field((har['log'], 'log'), field, type, func)

gen = FlowProfiler('../bin/sampleinput/sample.json')
hars = gen.profile()

for har in hars:
  # remove unicode strings from dictionary to make type verification easier
  har = json.loads(json.dumps(har))
  print json.dumps(har)
  print '\n'