Example #1
    def __init__(self, mode='init', login=False):
        if mode:
            self.mode = mode
        if login:
            self.login = True
            self.acc = LinkedInAccount()

        self.base_url = 'http://' + CountryCode.code + '.linkedin.com'
        self.allowed_domains = ['www.linkedin.com', CountryCode.code + '.linkedin.com']

        self.deny_re = r''
        for char in CountryCode.code:
            self.deny_re += r'[^' + char + r']+'
        self.deny_re = r'http://+' + self.deny_re + r'\.linkedin\.com'
Example #2
class LinkedPySpider(BaseSpider):
    name = 'linkedin'
    q = Queue.Queue()
    db = Database()
    logged = False
    mode = 'init'
    handle_httpstatus_list = ['403',]

    # Initialize spider and set mode
    def __init__(self, mode='init', login=False):
        if mode:
            self.mode = mode
        if login:
            self.login = True
            self.acc = LinkedInAccount()

        self.base_url = 'http://' + CountryCode.code + '.linkedin.com'
        self.allowed_domains = ['www.linkedin.com', CountryCode.code + '.linkedin.com']

        self.deny_re = r''
        for char in CountryCode.code:
            self.deny_re += r'[^' + char + r']+'
        self.deny_re = r'http://+' + self.deny_re + r'\.linkedin\.com'

    # First requests
    def start_requests(self):
        yield Request(self.base_url, callback=self.run_before_login, meta = {'dont_merge_cookies': True})
        if self.login:
            yield Request('https://www.linkedin.com/uas/login', dont_filter = True, callback=self.parse_login, errback=self.err_back)

    def run_before_login(self, response):
        if self.mode == 'init':
        if not self.login:
            return self.run()

    # login simulation request 
    def parse_login(self, response):
        account = self.acc.get()
        print account
        request = FormRequest.from_response(response,
                formname = 'login',
                formdata={'session_key': account['key'], 'session_password': account['password']},
                callback=self.check_login, errback=self.err_back)
        yield request

    def err_back(self, response):
        log.msg("Login failed, Try another account!!!", level=log.ERROR)

        self.logged = False
        #return Request('https://www.linkedin.com/uas/login', dont_filter = True, callback=self.parse_login)
    # check if login successfully 
    def check_login(self, response):
        # check login succeed before going on
        if "logout" in response.body:
            log.msg("Login successful!!!", level=log.INFO)
            self.logged = True
            return self.run()

    # change country code into www
    def www_domain(self, url):
        pub_re = [r'/pub/[a-z\-]+/[a-z0-9]+/[a-z0-9]+/[a-z0-9]+',
        for pub in pub_re:
            if re.search(pub, url):
                    return url.replace(CountryCode.code, 'www', 1)
        return url

    def post_err_back(self, response):
        log.msg("430 Forbidden, Try another account!!!", level=log.ERROR)
        self.logged = False
        return self.run()
    # main loop for running request concurrently. Obtaining URLs from Database instance
    def run(self):
        flag = False
        while True:
                if not self.q.empty():
                        if self.login and not self.logged:
                            yield Request('https://www.linkedin.com/uas/login', dont_filter = True, callback=self.parse_login)
                            url = self.q.get()
                            url = self.www_domain(url)
                            yield Request(url, dont_filter = False, callback=self.my_parse, errback=self.post_err_back)
                    flag = True

                if flag:
                    urls = self.db.feed(self.mode)
                    if urls == -1:
                        log.msg('No work available yet, Mission completed...', level=log.INFO)
                        for url in urls:
                        flag = False
            except (KeyboardInterrupt):

    # Parsing new URLs and passing to extract html if needs
    def my_parse(self, response):

        log.msg('Parsing urls from %s' % response.url, level=log.INFO)

        # http://my.linkedin.com/directory/people/a.html
        lx1 = SgmlLinkExtractor(
                allow= '(' + self.base_url + ')?' + r'/directory/people/([a-z]|\@)\.html',
        # http://my.linkedin.com/directory/people/my/A1.html
        lx2 = SgmlLinkExtractor(
                allow= '('+ self.base_url + ')?' + r'/directory/people/my/[A-Z]\d+\.html',
        # http://my.linkedin.com/directory/people/my/ahamid-3.html
        # http://my.linkedin.com/directory/people/my/aan.html
        lx3 = SgmlLinkExtractor(
                allow= '(' + self.base_url + ')?' + r'/directory/people/my/[a-z]+(\-\d+)?\.html',
        # http://my.linkedin.com/pub/zarita-a-baharum/23/9a2/756
        lx4 = SgmlLinkExtractor(
                allow= '(' + self.base_url +')?' + r'/pub/[a-z\-]+/[a-z0-9]+/[a-z0-9]+/[a-z0-9]+',
        # http://www.linkedin.com/in/levananh
        lx5 = SgmlLinkExtractor(
                allow= '(' + self.base_url + ')?' + r'/in/[a-z0-9]+$',

            l1 = lx1._extract_links(response.body, response.url, 'utf-8')
            l1 = lx1._process_links(l1)

            l2 = lx2._extract_links(response.body, response.url, 'utf-8')
            l2 = lx2._process_links(l2)

            l3 = lx3._extract_links(response.body, response.url, 'utf-8')
            l3 = lx3._process_links(l3)

            l4 = lx4._extract_links(response.body, response.url, 'utf-8')
            l4 = lx4._process_links(l4)

            l5 = lx5._extract_links(response.body, response.url, 'utf-8')
            l5 = lx5._process_links(l5)

            links = [URL(main_url = response.url, found_urls = l1[i].url) for i in range(len(l1))]
            links.extend([URL(main_url = response.url, found_urls = l2[i].url) for i in range(len(l2))])
            links.extend([URL(main_url = response.url, found_urls = l3[i].url) for i in range(len(l3))])
            links.extend([URL(main_url = response.url, found_urls = clean_url(l4[i].url)) for i in range(len(l4))])
            links.extend([URL(main_url = response.url, found_urls = clean_url(l5[i].url)) for i in range(len(l5))])
            s = 'http://' + CountryCode.code
            if s in response.url:
                links.append(URL(main_url = response.url, found_urls = '$'))


        pub_re = [r'/pub/[a-z\-]+/[a-z0-9]+/[a-z0-9]+/[a-z0-9]+',
        for pub in pub_re:
            if re.search(pub, response.url):
                self.extract(response) # extract profiles

    # Extracting all information of public profiles on response
    def extract(self, response):
        log.msg('Extract comments from %s' % response.url, level=log.INFO)
        response.replace(url = response.url.replace('www', CountryCode.code, 1),body = response.body_as_unicode())
        hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
        # profiles
        p = Profile()

        title = hxs.select('//p[@class="title"]/text()')
        if not title: 
            title = hxs.select('//p[@class="headline-title title"]/text()')
        if title:
            p['title'] = title.extract()[0].strip().replace('--', '')

        p['first_name'] = hxs.select('//span[@class="given-name"]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
        p['last_name'] = hxs.select('//span[@class="family-name"]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
        location = hxs.select('//span[@class="locality"]/a/text()').extract()
        if not location:
            location = hxs.select('//span[@class="locality"]/text()').extract()
        location = location[0].strip().split(',')
        country = ''
        if len(location) == 3:
            p['locality'] = location[0].strip()
            p['region'] = location[1].strip()
            country = location[2].strip()
        elif len(location) == 2:
            p['locality'] = location[0].strip()
            p['region'] = location[1].strip()
        elif len(location) == 1:
            p['locality'] = location[0].strip()

        if not country:
            p['country'] = CountryCode.country

        desc_short = hxs.select('//p[@class=" description summary"]/descendant-or-self::*/text()').extract()
        if desc_short:
            desc_short = '\n'.join(d.strip() for d in desc_short)
            desc_short = desc_short.replace('&', '&') 
            desc_short = desc_short.replace('=>', ' =>') 
            p['desc_short'] = desc_short

        profile_pic = hxs.select('//div[@class="photo-wrap-lg"]/a/img/@src').extract()
        if not profile_pic:
             profile_pic = hxs.select('//div[@id="profile-picture"]/img/@src').extract()
        if profile_pic:
            p['profile_pic'] = profile_pic[0].strip()

        num_connection = hxs.select('//div[@class="member-connections"]/strong/text()').extract()
        if not num_connection:
            num_connection = hxs.select('//dd[@class="overview-connections"]/p/strong/text()').extract()

        num_connection = num_connection[0].strip().replace('+', '')
        p['num_connection'] = num_connection

        recomandations = hxs.select('//dl[@id="overview"]/dd/p/strong/text()').extract()
        for num in recomandations:
            rec_num = int(num.replace('+', ''))
            if rec_num != int(num_connection):
                p['recomandations'] = rec_num

        department = hxs.select('//dd[@class="industry"]/a/text()').extract()
        if not department:
            department = hxs.select('//dd[@class="industry"]/text()').extract()

        if department:
            p['department'] = department[0].strip().replace('&', '&')
        profile_url = hxs.select('//dl[@class="public-profile"]//dd/a/@href').extract()
        if profile_url:
            profile_url = profile_url[0].strip()
            if not re.search(r'http://' + CountryCode.code, profile_url, re.M):
                log.msg("Filted out: %s" % profile_url, level=log.DEBUG)
            profile_url = response.url

        p['profile_url'] = profile_url.replace('www', CountryCode.code, 1)

        email = re.search(r'mailto\:(\b[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}\b)', response.body, re.M)
        if email:
            p['email'] = email.group(1)
        phone = re.search(r'<dt>Phone:</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>([\+0-9 ]+)<span', response.body, re.M)
        if phone:
            p['phone'] = phone.group(1)
        address = re.search(r'<dt>Address:</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>([a-zA-z ,]+)</p>', response.body, re.M)    
        if address:
            p['address'] = append.group(1)
        im = re.search(r'<dt>IM: </dt>\n<dd>\n<p>([\w \!()]+)</p>', response.body, re.M)    
        if im:
            p['im'] = im.group(1)
        birthday = re.search(r'<dt>Birthday:</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>(\w+ \d+, \d+)</p>', response.body, re.M)    
        if birthday:
            p['birthday'] = birthday.group(1)
        marital_status = re.search(r'<dt>Marital status:</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>(\w+)</p>', response.body, re.M)    
        if marital_status:
            p['marital_status'] = marital.group(1)

        twitter_username = re.search(r'http://twitter\.com/(\w+)', response.body, re.M)
        if not twitter_username:
            twitter_username = re.search(r'/redirect\?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Etwitter%2Ecom%2F(\w+)\&', response.body, re.M)
        if twitter_username:
            p['twitter_username'] = twitter_username.group(1)

        fb = ''
        linkedin = ''
        fbid = ''
        g_plus = ''
        quora = ''
        tagged = ''
        g = ''
        twit = ''
        typ = ''

        # education
        edu_list = []
        vcalendar = hxs.select('//div[@id="profile-education"]//div[@class="content vcalendar"]/div/div')
        for vcard in vcalendar:
            edu = Education()
            date_start = vcard.select('.//abbr[@class="dtstart"]/text()').extract()
            if date_start:
                edu['date_start'] = date_start[0].strip()
            date_end = vcard.select('.//abbr[@class="dtend"]/text()').extract()
            if date_end:
                edu['date_end'] = date_end[0].strip()
            degree = vcard.select('.//span[@class="degree"]/text()').extract()
            if degree:
                edu['degree'] = degree[0].strip().replace('&amp;', '&')
            organization = vcard.select('.//h3[@class="summary fn org"]/a/text()').extract()
            if not organization:
                organization = vcard.select('.//h3[@class="summary fn org"]/text()').extract()

            if organization:
                edu['organization'] = organization[0].strip().replace('&amp;', '&')


        p['education'] = edu_list

        # skills
        skills_list = []
        skills_table = hxs.select('//ol[@class="skills"]')
        if skills_table:
            skill_rows = skills_table.select('li[@class="competency show-bean  "]/span/a/text()').extract()
            for skills in skill_rows:
                skill = skills.split(',')
                for s in skill:
                    ski = Skill()
                    ski['skill'] = s.strip().replace('&amp;', '&')
            skills_rows = skills_table.select('li[@class="competency show-bean  extra-skill"]/span/a/text()').extract()
            if skills:
                for skills in skill_rows:
                    skill = skills.split(',')
                    for s in skill:
                        ski = Skill()
                        ski['skill'] = s.strip().replace('&amp;', '&')

        if not skills_list:
            skills = hxs.select('//ol[@class="skills-with-endorsements"]/li')
            if skills:
                for i in xrange(len(skills)):
                    ski = skills[i].select('.//span[@class="endorse-item-name-text"]/text()').extract()
                    no_endorsements = skills[i].select('.//span[@class="num-endorsements"]/text()').extract()
                    s = Skill()
                    s['skill'] = ski[0].strip().replace('&amp;', '&')
                    s['no_endorsements'] = no_endorsements[0]
                    if i == 0:
                        s['first_skill_ind'] = 1 
                        s['first_skill_ind'] = 0 

            skills = hxs.select('//ol[@class="skills-with-endorsements compact-view"]/li')
            if skills:
                for i in xrange(len(skills)):
                    ski = skills[i].select('.//span[@class="endorse-item-name-text"]/text()').extract()
                    no_endorsements = skills[i].select('.//span[@class="num-endorsements"]/text()').extract()
                    s = Skill()
                    s['skill'] = ski[0].strip().replace('&amp;', '&')
                    s['no_endorsements'] = no_endorsements[0]
                    s['first_skill_ind'] = 0 

        p['skills'] = skills_list

        # specialities
        specialities_list = []
        specialties = hxs.select('//div[@id="profile-specialties"]//p/text()').extract()
        if specialties:
            for s in specialties:
                spe = Specialty()
                s = s.strip()
                if s[0] == '-':
                    s = s[1:].strip().capitalize()
                spe['specialty'] = s.replace('&amp;', '&')

        p['specialties'] = specialities_list

        # experience
        experience_list = []
        vcalendar = hxs.select('//div[@id="profile-experience"]//div[@class="content vcalendar"]/div/div/div')

        for vcard in vcalendar:
        #    print vcard.extract()
            title = vcard.select('.//span[@class="title"]/text()').extract()
            if not title:
                title = vcard.select('.//strong[@class="title"]/a/text()').extract()

            if title:
                exp = Experience()
                exp['title'] = title[0].strip()
                date_start = vcard.select('.//abbr[@class="dtstart"]/text()').extract()
                if date_start:
                    exp['date_start'] = date_start[0].strip()
                date_end = vcard.select('.//abbr[@class="dtend"]/text()').extract()
                if date_end:
                    exp['date_end'] = date_end[0].strip()

                description = vcard.select('.//p[@class=" description current-position"]/descendant-or-self::*/text()').extract()
                if not description:
                    description = vcard.select('.//p[@class=" description past-position"]/descendant-or-self::*/text()').extract()
                if description:
                    if isinstance(description, list):
                        description = '\n'.join(d.strip() for d in description)
                        description = description[0].strip()

                    exp['description'] = description.replace('&amp;', '&')

                organization = vcard.select('.//span[@class="org summary"]/text()').extract()
                if not organization:
                    organization = vcard.select('.//h4/strong/a[@name="company"]/text()').extract()

                if organization:
                    exp['organization'] = organization[0].strip().replace('&amp;', '&')


        p['experience'] = experience_list

        # websites
        websites_list = []
        # http://www.linkedin.com/redir/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ehpc%2Eco%2Ejp&urlhash=0AVF 
        # http://www.linkedin.com/redir/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcuongnv%2Ecom&urlhash=DRTZ
        websites = hxs.select('//li[@class="website"]/a')
        for w in websites:
            web = Website()
            website = 'http://www.linkedin.com' + w.select('.//@href').extract()[0]
            cate = w.select('.//text()').extract()[0].strip()

            web['website'] = website
            web['cate'] = cate

        p['websites'] = websites_list    
        # interests
        interests_list = []
        interests = hxs.select('//dd[@class="interests"]/p/a/text()').extract()
        for interest in interests:
            inter = Interest()
            inter['interest'] = interest.strip()

        p['interests'] = interests_list    
        # groups    
        groups_list = []
        groups = hxs.select('//div[@class="group-data"]')
        for group in groups:
            g = Group()
            g['group_url'] = 'http://www.linkedin.com' + group.select('.//a/@href').extract()[0]
            g['organization'] = group.select('.//a/strong[@class="fn org"]/text()').extract()[0].strip().replace('&amp;', '&')

        p['groups'] = groups_list    

        # honors
        honors_list = []
        honors = hxs.select('//dd[@class="honors"]/p/text()').extract()
        for honor in honors:
            h = Honor()
            h['honor'] = honor.strip()

        p['honors'] = honors_list    

        #print p

        # choose mode
        if self.mode == 'update':