Example #1
def createstrm(name, imdbid, year, url):
    addon_id = links.link().muchm_id
    addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder, addon_id)
    addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("muchm_enabled")
    addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("muchm_pos")
    if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0' + addon_pos
    srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
    addonplay = links.link().muchm_play

    if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true':
        links.link().setSetting("muchm_enabled", 'false')
    if addon_getsettings == 'true':
        name = name + ' (' + year + ')'
        origname = name
        strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,
                                addon_pos + '.' + addon_id + '.strm')
        searchresponse = '<a href="(.+?)">%s</a>' % name.replace(
            '(', '\(').replace(')', '\)')
        name = name.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace(' ', '-')
        url = links.link().muchm_base % search.basic_search(
            links.link().muchm_search, name, imdbid, year, searchresponse,
        if url:
            playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(origname),
            basic.writefile(strmPath, 'w', playurl)
Example #2
def icesearch(title):
	if title.lower().startswith('the '): title2 = title.lower().replace('the ','')
	else: title2 = title
	if title2[0].isalpha(): url = links.link().ice_base + "/movies/a-z/" + title2[0].upper()
	else: url = links.link().ice_base + "/movies/a-z/1"
	html = basic.open_url(url)
	soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
	link = soup.find("a", href=re.compile("ip.php"), text=title)
	if link: return links.link().ice_base+link.parent["href"]
	else: return None
Example #3
def listmovies(url, index):
    basic.log(u"trakt.listmovies url: %s" % url)
    mainlist = []
    sendlist = []
    result = []
    threads = []
    order = 0
    if 'popular' in url:
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'trakt-api-version': '2',
            'trakt-api-key': links.link().trakt_apikey,
            'page': index,
            'limit': '25'
    elif 'trending' in url:
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'trakt-api-version': '2',
            'trakt-api-key': links.link().trakt_apikey,
            'page': index,
            'limit': '25'
    print headers, url
    jsonpage = basic.open_url_headers(url, headers)
    print 'jsonpage %s' % jsonpage
    j = json.loads(jsonpage)
    for list in j:
        order += 1
        if 'trending' in url:
            sendlist.append([order, list['movie']['ids']['tmdb']])
        elif 'popular' in url:
            sendlist.append([order, list['ids']['tmdb']])
    chunks = [sendlist[x:x + 5] for x in xrange(0, len(sendlist), 5)]
    for i in range(len(chunks)):
            threading.Thread(name='listmovies' + str(i),
    [i.start() for i in threads]
    [i.join() for i in threads]
    result = sorted(result, key=basic.getKey)
    for id, lists in result:
    basic.log(u"trakt.listmovies mainlist: %s" % mainlist)
    return mainlist
Example #4
def createstrm(name,imdbid,year,url):
	addon_id = links.link().wt_id
	addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder,addon_id)
	addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("wt_enabled")
	addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("wt_pos")
	if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0'+addon_pos
	srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
	addonplay = links.link().wt_play

	if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true': links.link().setSetting("wt_enabled",'false')
	if addon_getsettings == 'true':
		strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,addon_pos+'.'+addon_id+'.strm')
		url = search.basic_search(links.link().wt_search,name,imdbid,year,'<a href="(.+?)" class="movie-name">','NameYear')
		if url:
			playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(links.link().wt_base % url),urllib.quote_plus(name))
Example #5
def ytssearch(imdb_id):
		quality = []
		magnet = []
			yts = basic.open_url(links.link().yts_search % (imdb_id))
			jtys = json.loads(yts)
		except: return '',''
		if 'No movies found' in str(jtys): return '',''
		for j in jtys["data"]["movies"]:
			for i in j["torrents"]:
				magnet.append(links.link().yts_magnet % (i["hash"],j["title_long"]))
		return quality,magnet
	except BaseException as e: print '##ERROR-addonsresolver:ytssearch: '+str(imdb_id)+' '+str(e)
def createstrm(name,imdbid,year,url):
	addon_id = links.link().rato_id
	addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder,addon_id)
	addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("rato_enabled")
	addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("rato_pos")
	if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0'+addon_pos
	srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
	addonplay = links.link().rato_play
	if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings: links.link().setSetting("rato_enabled",'false')
	if addon_getsettings == 'true':
		strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,addon_pos+'.'+addon_id+'.strm')
		url = search.basic_search(links.link().rato_search,name,imdbid,year,'<span class="more-btn"><a href="(.+?)" >Ver Agora</a>','IMDB')
		if url:
			playurl = addonplay % (url,urllib.quote_plus(name))
def createstrm(name,imdbid,year,url):
	addon_id = links.link().muchm_id
	addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder,addon_id)
	addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("muchm_enabled")
	addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("muchm_pos")
	if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0'+addon_pos
	srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
	addonplay = links.link().muchm_play

	if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true': links.link().setSetting("muchm_enabled",'false')
	if addon_getsettings == 'true':
		name = name +' ('+year+')'	
		origname = name
		strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,addon_pos+'.'+addon_id+'.strm')
		searchresponse = '<a href="(.+?)">%s</a>' % name.replace('(','\(').replace(')','\)')
		name = name.replace('(','').replace(')','').replace(' ','-')		
		url = links.link().muchm_base % search.basic_search(links.link().muchm_search,name,imdbid,year,searchresponse,'Name')
		if url:
			playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(origname),urllib.quote_plus(url))
def createstrm(name,imdbid,year,url):
	addon_id = links.link().yify_id
	addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder,addon_id)
	addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("yify_enabled")
	addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("yify_pos")
	addonplay = links.link().yify_play	
	if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0'+addon_pos
	srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath

	if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true': links.link().setSetting("yify_enabled",'false')
	if addon_getsettings == 'true':
		strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,addon_pos+'.'+addon_id+'.strm')
		searchresponse = '"title":"%s","link":"(.+?)","post_content":".+?","image":".+?","year":"%s"' % (name,year)		
		url = search.basic_search(links.link().yify_search,name,imdbid,year,searchresponse,'Name')
		if url:
			playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(name+' ('+year+')'),urllib.quote_plus(url))
Example #9
def createstrm(name, imdbid, year, url):
    addon_id = links.link().wt_id
    addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder, addon_id)
    addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("wt_enabled")
    addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("wt_pos")
    if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0' + addon_pos
    srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
    addonplay = links.link().wt_play

    if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true':
        links.link().setSetting("wt_enabled", 'false')
    if addon_getsettings == 'true':
        strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,
                                addon_pos + '.' + addon_id + '.strm')
        url = search.basic_search(links.link().wt_search, name, imdbid, year,
                                  '<a href="(.+?)" class="movie-name">',
        if url:
            playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(
                links.link().wt_base % url), urllib.quote_plus(name))
            basic.writefile(strmPath, 'w', playurl)
Example #10
def results(url, auth=True, post=None):
        trakt_key = links.link().trakt_apikey
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'trakt-api-key': trakt_key,
            'trakt-api-version': '2'
        if not post == None: post = json.dumps(post)
        if (links.link().trakt_user == ''
                or links.link().trakt_password == ''):
        elif auth == False:
            token = auth_token(links.link().trakt_user,
                'trakt-user-login': links.link().trakt_user,
                'trakt-user-token': token
        request = urllib2.Request(url, data=post, headers=headers)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=30)
        result = response.read()
        return result
    except BaseException as e:
        basic.log(u"trakt.results ##Error: %s" % str(e))
def createstrm(name,imdbid,year,url):
	addon_id = links.link().abelhas_id
	addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder,addon_id)
	addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("abelhas_enabled")
	addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("abelhas_pos")
	if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0'+addon_pos
	srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
	addonplay = links.link().abelhas_search

	if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true': links.link().setSetting("abelhas_enabled",'false')
	if addon_getsettings == 'true':
		strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,addon_pos+'.'+addon_id+'.strm')
		playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(name+ ' ('+year+')'))
Example #12
def createstrm(name,imdbid,year,url):
	addon_id = links.link().salts_id
	addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder,addon_id)
	addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("salts_enabled")
	addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("salts_pos")
	if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0'+addon_pos
	srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
	addonplay = links.link().salts_play
	if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true': links.link().setSetting("salts_enabled",'false')
	if addon_getsettings == 'true':
		strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,addon_pos+'.'+addon_id+'.strm')
		playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(name),year,urllib.quote_plus(name).replace('+','-')+'-'+year)
Example #13
def createstrm(name,imdbid,year,url):
	addon_id = links.link().sdp_id
	addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder,addon_id)
	addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("sdp_enabled")
	addon_getsettingspref = links.link().getSetting("pref_sdp_source")	
	addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("sdp_pos")
	if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0'+addon_pos
	srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
	addonplay = links.link().sdp_search

	if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true': links.link().setSetting("sdp_enabled",'false')
	if addon_getsettings == 'true':
		strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,addon_pos+'.'+addon_id+'.strm')
		url = search.sdpsearch(name,imdbid)
		if url == 'MATCH':
			if addon_getsettingspref == 'All': automatic = ''
			elif addon_getsettingspref == 'Any': automatic = 'sim'
			else: automatic = addon_getsettingspref
			playurl= addonplay % (imdbid,urllib.quote_plus(name.replace(' ('+year+')','')),automatic)
def auth_token(trakt_user, trakt_password):
		trakt_key = links.link().trakt_apikey
		headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'trakt-api-key': trakt_key, 'trakt-api-version': '2'}
		post = json.dumps({'login': trakt_user, 'password': trakt_password})
		print headers,post
		request = urllib2.Request('https://api.trakt.tv/auth/login', data=post, headers=headers)
		response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=10)
		result = response.read()
		result = json.loads(result)
		auth = result['token']
		return auth
	except BaseException as e:
		basic.log(u"trakt.auth ##Error: %s" % str(e))
Example #15
File: trakt.py Project: teosan5/0
def auth_token(trakt_user, trakt_password):
		trakt_key = links.link().trakt_apikey
		headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'trakt-api-key': trakt_key, 'trakt-api-version': '2'}
		post = json.dumps({'login': trakt_user, 'password': trakt_password})
		print headers,post
		request = urllib2.Request('https://api.trakt.tv/auth/login', data=post, headers=headers)
		response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=10)
		result = response.read()
		result = json.loads(result)
		auth = result['token']
		return auth
	except BaseException as e:
		basic.log(u"trakt.auth ##Error: %s" % str(e))
def createstrm(name,imdbid,year,url):
	addon_id = links.link().stream_id
	addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder,addon_id)
	addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("stream_enabled")
	addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("stream_pos")
	if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0'+addon_pos
	srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
	addonplay = links.link().stream_play

	if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true': links.link().setSetting("stream_enabled",'false')
	if addon_getsettings == 'true':
		qual,magnet = search.ytssearch(imdbid)
		if magnet:
			for i in range(0,len(magnet)):
				strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,addon_pos+'.'+addon_id+'.'+qual[i]+'.strm')
				playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(magnet[i]))
Example #17
def createstrm(name, imdbid, year, url):
    addon_id = links.link().ice_id
    addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder, addon_id)
    addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("ice_enabled")
    addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("ice_pos")
    if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0' + addon_pos
    srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
    addonplay = links.link().ice_play

    if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true':
        links.link().setSetting("ice_enabled", 'false')
    if addon_getsettings == 'true':
        url = search.icesearch(name + ' (' + year + ')')
        if url:
            strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,
                                    addon_pos + '.' + addon_id + '.strm')
            playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(url))
            basic.writefile(strmPath, 'w', playurl)
Example #18
def createstrm(name, imdbid, year, url):
    addon_id = links.link().ice_id
    addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder, addon_id)
    addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("ice_enabled")
    addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("ice_pos")
    if len(addon_pos) == 1:
        addon_pos = "0" + addon_pos
    srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
    addonplay = links.link().ice_play

    if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == "true":
        links.link().setSetting("ice_enabled", "false")
    if addon_getsettings == "true":
        url = search.icesearch(name + " (" + year + ")")
        if url:
            strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath, addon_pos + "." + addon_id + ".strm")
            playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(url))
            basic.writefile(strmPath, "w", playurl)
Example #19
def createstrm(name, imdbid, year, url):
    addon_id = links.link().yify_id
    addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder, addon_id)
    addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("yify_enabled")
    addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("yify_pos")
    addonplay = links.link().yify_play
    if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0' + addon_pos
    srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath

    if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true':
        links.link().setSetting("yify_enabled", 'false')
    if addon_getsettings == 'true':
        strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,
                                addon_pos + '.' + addon_id + '.strm')
        searchresponse = '"title":"%s","link":"(.+?)","post_content":".+?","image":".+?","year":"%s"' % (
            name, year)
        url = search.basic_search(links.link().yify_search, name, imdbid, year,
                                  searchresponse, 'Name')
        if url:
            playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(name + ' (' + year + ')'),
            basic.writefile(strmPath, 'w', playurl)
Example #20
def createstrm(name, imdbid, year, url):
    addon_id = links.link().kmediatorrent_id
    addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder, addon_id)
    addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("kmediatorrent_enabled")
    addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("kmediatorrent_pos")
    if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0' + addon_pos
    srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
    addonplay = links.link().kmediatorrent_play

    if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true':
        links.link().setSetting("kmediatorrent_enabled", 'false')
    if addon_getsettings == 'true':
        qual, magnet = search.ytssearch(imdbid)
        if magnet:
            for i in range(0, len(magnet)):
                strmPath = os.path.join(
                    addon_pos + '.' + addon_id + '.' + qual[i] + '.strm')
                playurl = addonplay % (urllib.quote_plus(magnet[i]))
                basic.writefile(strmPath, 'w', playurl)
Example #21
def createstrm(name, imdbid, year, url):
    addon_id = links.link().sdp_id
    addon_path = os.path.join(links.link().installfolder, addon_id)
    addon_getsettings = links.link().getSetting("sdp_enabled")
    addon_getsettingspref = links.link().getSetting("pref_sdp_source")
    addon_pos = links.link().getSetting("sdp_pos")
    if len(addon_pos) == 1: addon_pos = '0' + addon_pos
    srtmBasePath = links.link().strmPath
    addonplay = links.link().sdp_search

    if not os.path.exists(addon_path) and addon_getsettings == 'true':
        links.link().setSetting("sdp_enabled", 'false')
    if addon_getsettings == 'true':
        strmPath = os.path.join(srtmBasePath,
                                addon_pos + '.' + addon_id + '.strm')
        url = search.sdpsearch(name, imdbid)
        if url == 'MATCH':
            if addon_getsettingspref == 'All': automatic = ''
            elif addon_getsettingspref == 'Any': automatic = 'sim'
            else: automatic = addon_getsettingspref
            playurl = addonplay % (
                imdbid, urllib.quote_plus(name.replace(' (' + year + ')',
                                                       '')), automatic)
            basic.writefile(strmPath, 'w', playurl)
def results(url, auth=True, post=None):
		trakt_key = links.link().trakt_apikey
		headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'trakt-api-key': trakt_key, 'trakt-api-version': '2'}
		if not post == None: post = json.dumps(post)
		if (links.link().trakt_user == '' or links.link().trakt_password == ''): pass
		elif auth == False: pass
			token = auth_token(links.link().trakt_user, links.link().trakt_password)
			headers.update({'trakt-user-login': links.link().trakt_user, 'trakt-user-token': token})
		request = urllib2.Request(url, data=post, headers=headers)
		response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=30)
		result = response.read()
		return result
	except BaseException as e:
		basic.log(u"trakt.results ##Error: %s" % str(e))
Example #23
File: youtube.py Project: teosan5/0
def searchtrailer(name):
    ytpage = open_url(links.link().youtube_trailer_search %
    youtubeid = re.compile('"videoId": "(.+?)"').findall(ytpage)
    return youtubeid[0]
Example #24
File: tmdb.py Project: teosan5/0
def searchmovie(id):
    basic.log(u"tmdb.searchmovie id: %s" % id)
    listgenre = []
    listcast = []
    listcastr = []
    genre = ''
    title = ''
    plot = ''
    tagline = ''
    director = ''
    writer = ''
    credits = ''
    poster = ''
    fanart = ''
    temptitle = ''
    originaltitle = ''
    if getSetting("cachesites") == 'true':
        cached = localdb.get_cache(id)
        if cached:
            response = {
                "label": cached[2],
                "originallabel": cached[3],
                "poster": cached[4],
                "fanart_image": cached[5],
                "imdbid": cached[0],
                "year": cached[6],
                "info": json.loads(cached[7])
            return response
    jsonpage = basic.open_url(links.link().tmdb_info_default % (id))
        jdef = json.loads(jsonpage)
        if 'tt' in str(id):
                jdef = omdbapi.searchmovie(str(id))
                return jdef
                return False
            return False
    if LANG <> 'en':
            jsonpage = basic.open_url(links.link().tmdb_info % (id, LANG))
            j = json.loads(jsonpage)
            temptitle = j['title'].encode('ascii', 'ignore').replace(' ', '')
            if temptitle <> '': title = j['title']
            fanart = links.link().tmdb_backdropbase % (j["backdrop_path"])
            poster = links.link().tmdb_posterbase % (j["poster_path"])
            for g in j['genres']:
            genre = ', '.join(listgenre)
                plot = j['overview']
                tagline = j['tagline']
            fanart = j["backdrop_path"]
            poster = j["poster_path"]
    temptitle = jdef['title'].encode('ascii', 'ignore').replace(' ', '')
    if temptitle <> '':
        if not title: title = jdef['title']
    temporiginaltitle = jdef['original_title'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
    if temptitle == '': originaltitle = jdef['title']
    if temporiginaltitle == '': originaltitle = jdef['title']
    else: originaltitle = jdef['original_title']
    if not poster: poster = jdef['poster_path']
    if not fanart: fanart = jdef['backdrop_path']
    if not fanart: fanart = poster
    if fanart: fanart = links.link().tmdb_backdropbase % (fanart)
    if poster: poster = links.link().tmdb_posterbase % (poster)
    if genre == '':
        for g in jdef['genres']:
        genre = ', '.join(listgenre)
    if not plot: plot = jdef['overview']
    if not tagline: tagline = jdef['tagline']
        trailer = links.link().youtube_plugin % (
        trailer = ''
        year = jdef["release_date"].split("-")[0]
        year = ''
        studio = jdef['production_companies'][0]['name']
        studio = ''
    for listc in jdef['credits']['cast']:
        listcastr.append(listc['name'] + '|' + listc['character'])
    for crew in jdef['credits']['crew']:
        if crew['job'] == 'Director': director = crew['name']
    for crew in jdef['credits']['crew']:
        if crew['job'] == 'Story': credits = crew['name']
    for crew in jdef['credits']['crew']:
        if crew['job'] == 'Writer':
            writer = crew['name']
        if crew['job'] == 'Novel':
            writer = crew['name']
        if crew['job'] == 'Screenplay':
            writer = crew['name']
    duration = jdef['runtime']
    if not poster or duration == 0 and jdef['imdb_id']:
        altsearch = omdbapi.searchmovie(jdef['imdb_id'], False)
        if not poster: poster = altsearch['poster']
        if not fanart: fanart = poster
        if not plot: plot = altsearch['info']['plot']
        if not tagline: tagline = altsearch['info']['plot']
        if not listcast:
            listcast = altsearch['info']['cast']
            listcastr = []
        if not duration: duration = altsearch['info']['duration']
        if not writer: writer = altsearch['info']['writer']
        if not director: director = altsearch['info']['director']
        if not genre: genre = altsearch['info']['genre']
    info = {
        "genre": genre,
        "year": year,
        "rating": jdef['vote_average'],
        "cast": listcast,
        "castandrole": listcastr,
        "director": director,
        "plot": plot,
        "plotoutline": plot,
        "title": title,
        "originaltitle": originaltitle,
        "duration": duration,
        "studio": studio,
        "tagline": tagline,
        "writer": writer,
        "premiered": jdef['release_date'],
        "code": jdef['imdb_id'],
        "credits": credits,
        "votes": jdef['vote_count'],
        "trailer": trailer
    response = {
        "label": '%s (%s)' % (title, year),
        "originallabel": '%s (%s)' % (originaltitle, year),
        "poster": poster,
        "fanart_image": fanart,
        "imdbid": jdef['imdb_id'],
        "year": year,
        "info": info
    if getSetting("cachesites") == 'true':
        if not str(id).startswith('tt'): tmdbid = id
        else: tmdbid = jdef['id']
        localdb.save_cache(jdef['imdb_id'], tmdbid, '%s (%s)' % (title, year),
                           '%s (%s)' % (originaltitle, year), poster, fanart,
                           year, json.dumps(info))
    return response
Example #25
def searchmovie(id):
    basic.log(u"tmdb.searchmovie id: %s" % id)
    listgenre = []
    listcast = []
    listcastr = []
    genre = ""
    title = ""
    plot = ""
    tagline = ""
    director = ""
    writer = ""
    credits = ""
    poster = ""
    fanart = ""
    temptitle = ""
    originaltitle = ""
    if getSetting("cachesites") == "true":
        cached = localdb.get_cache(id)
        if cached:
            response = {
                "label": cached[2],
                "originallabel": cached[3],
                "poster": cached[4],
                "fanart_image": cached[5],
                "imdbid": cached[0],
                "year": cached[6],
                "info": json.loads(cached[7]),
            return response
    jsonpage = basic.open_url(links.link().tmdb_info_default % (id))
        jdef = json.loads(jsonpage)
        if "tt" in str(id):
                jdef = omdbapi.searchmovie(str(id))
                return jdef
                return False
            return False
    if LANG <> "en":
            jsonpage = basic.open_url(links.link().tmdb_info % (id, LANG))
            j = json.loads(jsonpage)
            temptitle = j["title"].encode("ascii", "ignore").replace(" ", "")
            if temptitle <> "":
                title = j["title"]
            fanart = links.link().tmdb_backdropbase % (j["backdrop_path"])
            poster = links.link().tmdb_posterbase % (j["poster_path"])
            for g in j["genres"]:
            genre = ", ".join(listgenre)
                plot = j["overview"]
                tagline = j["tagline"]
            fanart = j["backdrop_path"]
            poster = j["poster_path"]
    temptitle = jdef["title"].encode("ascii", "ignore").replace(" ", "")
    if temptitle <> "":
        if not title:
            title = jdef["title"]
    temporiginaltitle = jdef["original_title"].encode("ascii", "ignore")
    if temptitle == "":
        originaltitle = jdef["title"]
    if temporiginaltitle == "":
        originaltitle = jdef["title"]
        originaltitle = jdef["original_title"]
    if not poster:
        poster = jdef["poster_path"]
    if not fanart:
        fanart = jdef["backdrop_path"]
    if not fanart:
        fanart = poster
    if fanart:
        fanart = links.link().tmdb_backdropbase % (fanart)
    if poster:
        poster = links.link().tmdb_posterbase % (poster)
    if genre == "":
        for g in jdef["genres"]:
        genre = ", ".join(listgenre)
    if not plot:
        plot = jdef["overview"]
    if not tagline:
        tagline = jdef["tagline"]
        trailer = links.link().youtube_plugin % (jdef["trailers"]["youtube"][0]["source"])
        trailer = ""
        year = jdef["release_date"].split("-")[0]
        year = ""
        studio = jdef["production_companies"][0]["name"]
        studio = ""
    for listc in jdef["credits"]["cast"]:
        listcastr.append(listc["name"] + "|" + listc["character"])
    for crew in jdef["credits"]["crew"]:
        if crew["job"] == "Director":
            director = crew["name"]
    for crew in jdef["credits"]["crew"]:
        if crew["job"] == "Story":
            credits = crew["name"]
    for crew in jdef["credits"]["crew"]:
        if crew["job"] == "Writer":
            writer = crew["name"]
        if crew["job"] == "Novel":
            writer = crew["name"]
        if crew["job"] == "Screenplay":
            writer = crew["name"]
    duration = jdef["runtime"]
    if not poster or duration == 0 and jdef["imdb_id"]:
        altsearch = omdbapi.searchmovie(jdef["imdb_id"], False)
        if not poster:
            poster = altsearch["poster"]
        if not fanart:
            fanart = poster
        if not plot:
            plot = altsearch["info"]["plot"]
        if not tagline:
            tagline = altsearch["info"]["plot"]
        if not listcast:
            listcast = altsearch["info"]["cast"]
            listcastr = []
        if not duration:
            duration = altsearch["info"]["duration"]
        if not writer:
            writer = altsearch["info"]["writer"]
        if not director:
            director = altsearch["info"]["director"]
        if not genre:
            genre = altsearch["info"]["genre"]
    info = {
        "genre": genre,
        "year": year,
        "rating": jdef["vote_average"],
        "cast": listcast,
        "castandrole": listcastr,
        "director": director,
        "plot": plot,
        "plotoutline": plot,
        "title": title,
        "originaltitle": originaltitle,
        "duration": duration,
        "studio": studio,
        "tagline": tagline,
        "writer": writer,
        "premiered": jdef["release_date"],
        "code": jdef["imdb_id"],
        "credits": credits,
        "votes": jdef["vote_count"],
        "trailer": trailer,
    response = {
        "label": "%s (%s)" % (title, year),
        "originallabel": "%s (%s)" % (originaltitle, year),
        "poster": poster,
        "fanart_image": fanart,
        "imdbid": jdef["imdb_id"],
        "year": year,
        "info": info,
    if getSetting("cachesites") == "true":
        if not str(id).startswith("tt"):
            tmdbid = id
            tmdbid = jdef["id"]
            "%s (%s)" % (title, year),
            "%s (%s)" % (originaltitle, year),
    return response
def searchmovie(id,cache=True):
	basic.log(u"omdbapi.searchmovie id: %s" % id)
	listgenre = []
	listcast = []
	listcastr = []	
	genre = ''
	title = ''
	plot = ''
	tagline = ''
	director = ''
	writer = ''
	credits = ''
	poster = ''
	fanart = ''
	trailer = ''
	year = ''
	dur = 0
	if cache:
		if getSetting("cachesites") == 'true':
			cached = localdb.get_cache(id)
			if cached:
				response = { "label": cached[2], "originallabel": cached[3], "poster": cached[4], "fanart_image": cached[5], "imdbid": cached[0], "year": cached[6], "info": json.loads(cached[7]) }
				return response		
	jsonpage = basic.open_url(links.link().omdbapi_info % (id))
	jdef = json.loads(jsonpage)
	title = jdef['Title']
	poster = jdef['Poster']
	fanart = poster
	genre = jdef['Genre']
	plot = jdef['Plot']
	tagline = plot
	try: year = re.findall('(\d+)', jdef['Year'], re.DOTALL)[0]
	except: year = jdef['Year']
	listcast = jdef['Actors'].split(', ')
	director = jdef['Director']
	writer = jdef['Writer']
	duration = re.findall('(\d+) min', jdef['Runtime'], re.DOTALL)
	if duration: dur = int(duration[0])
		duration = re.findall('(\d) h', jdef['Runtime'], re.DOTALL)
		if duration: dur = int(duration[0])*60
	info = {
			"genre": genre, 
			"year": year,
			"rating": jdef['imdbRating'], 
			"cast": listcast,
			"castandrole": listcast,
			"director": director,
			"plot": plot,
			"plotoutline": plot,
			"title": title,
			"originaltitle": title,
			"duration": dur,
			"studio": '',
			"tagline": tagline,
			"writer": writer,
			"premiered": '',
			"code": id,
			"credits": '',
			"votes": jdef['imdbVotes'],
			"trailer": ''
	response = {
		"label": '%s (%s)' % (title,year),
		"originallabel": '%s (%s)' % (title,year),
		"poster": poster,
		"fanart_image": fanart,
		"imdbid": id,
		"year": year,
		"info": info
	if cache:
		if getSetting("cachesites") == 'true': localdb.save_cache(id,'','%s (%s)' % (title,year),'%s (%s)' % (originaltitle,year),poster,fanart,year,json.dumps(info))
	return response
def listmovies(url,index):
	basic.log(u"trakt.listmovies url: %s" % url)
	mainlist = []
	sendlist = [] 
	result = []
	threads = []
	order = 0
	if 'popular' in url: headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'trakt-api-version': '2', 'trakt-api-key': links.link().trakt_apikey, 'page': index, 'limit': '25' }
	elif 'trending' in url: headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'trakt-api-version': '2', 'trakt-api-key': links.link().trakt_apikey, 'page': index, 'limit': '25' }	
	print headers,url
	jsonpage = basic.open_url_headers(url,headers)
	print 'jsonpage %s' % jsonpage
	j = json.loads(jsonpage)
	for list in j:
		order += 1
		if 'trending' in url: sendlist.append([order,list['movie']['ids']['tmdb']])
		elif 'popular' in url: sendlist.append([order,list['ids']['tmdb']])
	chunks=[sendlist[x:x+5] for x in xrange(0, len(sendlist), 5)]
	for i in range(len(chunks)): threads.append(threading.Thread(name='listmovies'+str(i),target=tmdb.searchmovielist,args=(chunks[i],result, )))
	[i.start() for i in threads]
	[i.join() for i in threads]
	result = sorted(result, key=basic.getKey)
	for id,lists in result: mainlist.append(lists)
	basic.log(u"trakt.listmovies mainlist: %s" % mainlist)	
	return mainlist
Example #28
def sdpsearch(name,imdb):
	threads = []
	result = []
	for i in range(7): threads.append(threading.Thread(name=name+str(i),target=_sdpsearch,args=(name,links.link().sdp_search_add[i],result, )))
	[i.start() for i in threads]
	[i.join() for i in threads]
	if result:
		for res in result: 
			if 'MATCH' in res: return res
Example #29
        'server.socket_host': '',

        'tools.sessions.on' : True,
        'tools.sessions.storage_type' : "file",
        'tools.sessions.storage_path' : "session_files",
        'tools.sessions.timeout' : 180,

#cherrypy.tree.mount(main.shortener(),'/',config = funcs.conf)
#cherrypy.tree.mount(ut.utils(),'/ut',config = funcs.conf_ut)
cherrypy.tree.mount(unstatic.unstatic(),'/display',config = conf)
cherrypy.tree.mount(links.link(),'/',config = conf)
cherrypy.tree.mount(owners.owner(),'/owner',config = conf)
cherrypy.tree.mount(other.main(),'/other',config = conf)

#cherrypy.config.update({'error_page.404': error_page_404})
#cherrypy.server.socket_host = socket.gethostbyname(
#    socket.gethostname()   #set tu own ip, so other computers can accsess
#    )                     #May not work on Linux

#cherrypy.quickstart(shortener(), '/', conf)
def user(userID, userIDA, per, perA, andriod, ios, andA, iosA):
    # stopwords = stopwords.words('english')
    extractor = urlextract.URLExtract()
    translator = Translator()
    # stopwords = stopwords.words('english')

    # user_id=[]
    # with open('users.csv', 'rb') as fil:
    #     user = csv.reader(fil)
    #     for row in user:
    #         user_id.append(row[2])

    # total_posts=0
    # total_postsA=0

    total_posts_per_year = 0
    total_posts_per_yearA = 0

    shared = 0
    added = 0
    posted = 0
    updated = 0
    sharedA = 0
    addedA = 0
    postedA = 0
    updatedA = 0

    langu = []
    languA = []

    months = [0] * 12
    monthsA = [0] * 12

    daysX_monthsY = np.zeros([12, 31])
    daysX_monthsYA = np.zeros([12, 31])

    userOSAND = 0
    UserOSIOS = 0
    userAOSAND = 0
    UserAOSIOS = 0
    # sharedRatio=0
    # updateRatio=0
    # addRatio=0
    # postRatio=0
    # sharedRatioA=0
    # updateRatioA=0
    # addRatioA=0
    # postRatioA=0

    season = [0] * 4  # winter spring summer autumn
    seasonA = [0] * 4  # winter spring summer autumn

    hashTags = []  # store hashtags used
    number_hash = 0

    weekends = 0
    postsWeekends52 = 0
    postsWeekends51 = 0
    postsWeekends50 = 0
    weekendsA = 0
    postsWeekends52A = 0
    postsWeekends51A = 0
    postsWeekends50A = 0

    average_posts_weekEnd = 0
    average_posts_summer = 0
    average_posts_winter = 0
    average_posts_spring = 0
    average_posts_autumn = 0

    tophash = []
    tags = []
    tagnbr = []
    tagsA = []
    tagnbrA = []
    taggedposts = 0
    taggedpostsA = 0

    weekposts52 = 0
    weekposts51 = 0
    weekposts50 = 0
    weekposts52A = 0
    weekposts51A = 0
    weekposts50A = 0

    daysweek = np.zeros([3, 7]) * 4
    daysweekA = np.zeros([3, 7])

    activityM52 = 0
    activityN52 = 0
    activityM51 = 0
    activityN51 = 0
    activityM50 = 0
    activityN50 = 0

    activityM52A = 0
    activityN52A = 0
    activityM51A = 0
    activityN51A = 0
    activityM50A = 0
    activityN50A = 0

    url = []
    urlA = []
    urlSize = 0
    urlSizeA = 0

    # user=0
    # userA=5
    # shows whether they post M(1)or N(0) or 2 Both
    personalityActivityTime = [
        1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
        1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1
    # shows whether they  none 0 or add 1 share 2 update 3 post 4
    personalityTypePost = [
        2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 4, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2,
        2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2
    # shows how many times they post none 0 or hour 1 couples of day 2 once per day 3 rarely 4
    personalityDay = [
        4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 4, 1, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2,
        2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4

    path = 'dataset\user_posts_' + userID + '.csv'
    pathA = 'dataset\user_posts_' + userIDA + '.csv'

    def get_wordnet_pos(treebank_tag):

        if treebank_tag.startswith('J'):
            return wordnet.ADJ
        elif treebank_tag.startswith('V'):
            return wordnet.VERB
        elif treebank_tag.startswith('N'):
            return wordnet.NOUN
        elif treebank_tag.startswith('R'):
            return wordnet.ADV
            return wordnet.NOUN

    def lima(word, words):

        lemmatiser = WordNetLemmatizer()
        words_tag = dict(pos_tag(words))
        return lemmatiser.lemmatize(word, get_wordnet_pos(words_tag.get(word)))

    def clean(words):
        # words = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]', '', words.lower()).split()
        tknzr = TweetTokenizer()
        # tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer('\w+|\S+')
        # words=nltk.word_tokenize(words.lower())
        words = tknzr.tokenize(words)
        exclude = set(string.punctuation)
        words2 = [word for word in words if not word in exclude]
        words_tag = dict(pos_tag(words))
        words = [
            word.lower() for word in words2
            if not word in nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')
            and not word.isdigit()
        # print(words)
        words = [lima(word, words) for word in words]
        # print(words)
        words = ' '.join(words)
        # print(words)
        return words

    def display_topics(model, feature_names, no_top_words):
        for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(model.components_):
            l = "Topic %d:" % (topic_idx)
            l = " ".join([
                for i in topic.argsort()[:-no_top_words - 1:-1]

    def topic_hash(hashtags):
        vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=0.2, stop_words='english')
        X = vectorizer.fit_transform(hashtags)
        no_topics = min(10, len(hashtags))
        nmf = NMF(n_components=no_topics,
        display_topics(nmf, vectorizer.get_feature_names(), 1)

    def extract_hash(word):
        i = 0
        h = ''
        while (i < len(word)):
            s = word[i]
            if (s == '#'):
                i += 1
                while (i < len(word) and not (word[i] == '#' or word[i] == ' '
                                              or word[i] == "\n")):
                    s = word[i]
                    h += s
                    i += 1
                h = ''
                i += 1

    def get_season(now):
        if isinstance(now, datetime):
            now = now.date()
        return next(s for s, (start, end) in seasons if start <= now <= end)

    def get_tags(tag):
        tag = tag.replace('u', '')
        tag = tag.replace('[', '')
        tag = tag.replace(']', '')
        tag = tag.replace('\'', '')
        tag = (tag.split(','))
        i = 0
        while (i < len(tag)):
            if (int(tag[i]) not in tags):
            i += 1
        return tags

    def get_tags_anoamly(tagA):
        tagL = tagA.replace('u', '')
        tagL = tagL.replace('[', '')
        tagL = tagL.replace(']', '')
        tagL = tagL.replace('\'', '')
        tagL = (tagL.split(','))
        l = 0
        while (l < len(tagL)):
            if (int(tagL[l]) not in tagsA):

            l += 1
        return tagsA

    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
        posts = csv.reader(f)
        for items in posts:
            # check date time
            datetime_object = datetime.strptime(items[3], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            hour = datetime_object.hour
            month = datetime_object.month
            year = datetime_object.year
            day = datetime_object.day
            dates = datetime.date(datetime_object)

            seasons = [('winter', (date(year, 1, 1), date(year, 3, 20))),
                       ('spring', (date(year, 3, 21), date(year, 6, 20))),
                       ('summer', (date(year, 6, 21), date(year, 9, 22))),
                       ('autumn', (date(year, 9, 23), date(year, 12, 20))),
                       ('winter', (date(year, 12, 21), date(year, 12, 31)))]

            # activity in 2017
            if (year == 2017):

                total_posts_per_year += 1
                # posts/month
                months[month - 1] += 1
                # posts /day
                daysX_monthsY[month - 1][day - 1] += 1
                # week number
                weekNumber = dates.isocalendar()[1]
                # activity of last 3 weeks in 2017
                # total nbr of posts/each week
                # posts/day in each week
                # activity time in each day in each week
                if (weekNumber == 52):
                    weekend = datetime_object.weekday()
                    if (weekend == 4 or weekend == 5):
                        # weekends+=1
                        postsWeekends52 += 1
                    weekposts52 += 1
                    daysweek[0][(dates.weekday()) - 1] += 1
                    if (hour >= 6 and hour < 18):
                        activityM52 += 1
                    elif (hour >= 18 and hour < 24):
                        activityN52 += 1
                    elif (hour >= 0 and hour < 6):
                        activityN52 += 1

                if (weekNumber == 51):
                    weekend = datetime_object.weekday()
                    if (weekend == 4 or weekend == 5):
                        # weekends+=1
                        postsWeekends51 += 1
                    weekposts51 += 1
                    if (hour >= 6 and hour < 18):
                        activityM51 += 1
                    elif (hour >= 18 and hour < 24):
                        activityN51 += 1
                    elif (hour >= 0 and hour < 6):
                        activityN51 += 1
                    daysweek[1][(dates.weekday()) - 1] += 1

                if (weekNumber == 50):
                    weekend = datetime_object.weekday()
                    if (weekend == 4 or weekend == 5):
                        # weekends+=1
                        postsWeekends50 += 1
                    weekposts50 += 1
                    if (hour >= 6 and hour < 18):
                        activityM50 += 1
                    elif (hour >= 18 and hour < 24):
                        activityN50 += 1
                    elif (hour >= 0 and hour < 6):
                        activityN50 += 1
                    daysweek[2][(dates.weekday()) - 1] += 1
                # which type they use most share/add/update/post
                if (items[4] == 'added'):
                    added += 1
                elif (items[4] == 'updated'):
                    updated += 1
                elif (items[4] == 'posted'):
                    posted += 1
                    shared += 1

            # season
                if (get_season(datetime_object) == 'winter'):
                    season[0] += 1
                elif (get_season(datetime_object) == 'spring'):
                    season[1] += 1
                elif (get_season(datetime_object) == 'summer'):
                    season[2] += 1
                elif (get_season(datetime_object) == 'autumn'):
                    season[3] += 1
                weekends = len(
                    [1 for i in calendar.monthcalendar(2017, 12) if i[5] != 0])

                weekends += len(
                    [1 for i in calendar.monthcalendar(2017, 12) if i[4] != 0])

                # lang detector
                if (items[0]):
                    t = translator.detect(json.dumps(items[0].decode('utf-8')))
                    # msg=items[0]
                    # if(t.lang=="en"):
                    #     message.append(clean(msg).encode('utf-8'))
                # tags
                k = items[5]
                if (len(k) > 2):
                    taggedposts += 1

                urls = extractor.find_urls(items[0])
                urlSize += len(urls)

            # nbr of words
            # word_tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
            # mess=items[0]
            # mess = unicode(mess, errors='ignore')
            # words1 = word_tokenizer.tokenize(mess.lower())
            # words=[word for word in words1 if
            #     not word in stopwords]
            # postLength.append(len(words))

            # nbr of urls

            # extract hashTags

            # count hash tags
            number_hash += items[0].count('#')

    #  anomaly user
    with open(pathA, 'rb') as files:
        postsA = csv.reader(files)
        for anomaly in postsA:
            # check date time
            datetime_object = datetime.strptime(anomaly[3],
                                                "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            hour = datetime_object.hour
            month = datetime_object.month
            year = datetime_object.year
            day = datetime_object.day
            dates = datetime.date(datetime_object)

            seasons = [('winter', (date(year, 1, 1), date(year, 3, 20))),
                       ('spring', (date(year, 3, 21), date(year, 6, 20))),
                       ('summer', (date(year, 6, 21), date(year, 9, 22))),
                       ('autumn', (date(year, 9, 23), date(year, 12, 20))),
                       ('winter', (date(year, 12, 21), date(year, 12, 31)))]

            # activity in 2017
            if (year == 2017):

                total_posts_per_yearA += 1
                # posts/month
                monthsA[month - 1] += 1
                # posts /day
                daysX_monthsYA[month - 1][day - 1] += 1
                # week number
                weekNumber = dates.isocalendar()[1]
                # activity of last 3 weeks in 2017
                # total nbr of posts/each week
                # posts/day in each week
                # activity time in each day in each week
                if (weekNumber == 52):
                    weekend = datetime_object.weekday()
                    if (weekend == 4 or weekend == 5):
                        # weekendsA+=1
                        postsWeekends52A += 1
                    weekposts52A += 1
                    daysweekA[0][(dates.weekday()) - 1] += 1
                    if (hour >= 6 and hour < 18):
                        activityM52A += 1
                    elif (hour >= 18 and hour < 24):
                        activityN52A += 1
                    elif (hour >= 0 and hour < 6):
                        activityN52A += 1
                if (weekNumber == 51):
                    weekend = datetime_object.weekday()
                    if (weekend == 4 or weekend == 5):
                        # weekendsA+=1
                        postsWeekends51A += 1
                    weekposts51A += 1
                    if (hour >= 6 and hour < 18):
                        activityM51A += 1
                    elif (hour >= 18 and hour < 24):
                        activityN51A += 1
                    elif (hour >= 0 and hour < 6):
                        activityN51A += 1
                    daysweekA[1][(dates.weekday()) - 1] += 1

                if (weekNumber == 50):
                    weekend = datetime_object.weekday()
                    if (weekend == 4 or weekend == 5):
                        # weekendsA+=1
                        postsWeekends50A += 1
                    weekposts50A += 1
                    if (hour >= 6 and hour < 18):
                        activityM50A += 1
                    elif (hour >= 18 and hour < 24):
                        activityN50A += 1
                    elif (hour >= 0 and hour < 6):
                        activityN50A += 1
                    daysweekA[2][(dates.weekday()) - 1] += 1

                # which type they use most share/add/update/post
                if (anomaly[4] == 'added'):
                    addedA += 1
                elif (anomaly[4] == 'updated'):
                    updatedA += 1
                elif (anomaly[4] == 'posted'):
                    postedA += 1
                    sharedA += 1

            # season
                if (get_season(datetime_object) == 'winter'):
                    seasonA[0] += 1
                elif (get_season(datetime_object) == 'spring'):
                    seasonA[1] += 1
                elif (get_season(datetime_object) == 'summer'):
                    seasonA[2] += 1
                elif (get_season(datetime_object) == 'autumn'):
                    seasonA[3] += 1

                weekendsA = len(
                    [1 for i in calendar.monthcalendar(2017, 12) if i[5] != 0])

                weekendsA += len(
                    [1 for i in calendar.monthcalendar(2017, 12) if i[4] != 0])

                # tags
                kA = anomaly[5]
                if (len(kA) > 2):
                    taggedpostsA += 1

                # lang detector
                tA = translator.detect(json.dumps(anomaly[0].decode('utf-8')))

                # msgA=anomaly[0]
                # if(tA.lang=='en'):
                #     messageA.append(clean(msgA).encode('utf-8'))

                urlsA = extractor.find_urls(items[0])
                urlSizeA += len(urlsA)

            # # nbr of words
            # word_tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
            # mess=anomaly[0]
            # mess = unicode(mess, errors='ignore')
            # words1 = word_tokenizer.tokenize(mess.lower())
            # words=[word for word in words1 if
            #     not word in stopwords]
            # postLength.append(len(words))

            # # nbr of urls
            # urls = extractor.find_urls(anomaly[0])
            # urls_Size+=len(urls)

            # extract hashTags

            # count hash tags
            number_hash += anomaly[0].count('#')
    # print tags
    # print tags.__contains__(1649402345136017)
    # print(float(activityA/365.0))

    # # average number of words
    # average_nbr_words=sum(postLength)/len(postLength)

    # # average number of posts /month
    # average_nbr_posts_month=sum(months)/12.0

    # # average links in all posts
    # average_nbr_words=urls_Size/float(total_posts)

    # # total posts in weekends / total nbr of posts
    # average_posts_weekEnd=postsWeekends/float(total_posts)

    # # total posts in seasons
    # average_posts_autumn=season[3]/float(total_posts_per_year)
    # average_posts_summer=season[2]/float(total_posts_per_year)
    # average_posts_spring=season[1]/float(total_posts_per_year)
    # average_posts_winter=season[0]/float(total_posts_per_year)
    # print tagnbr
    # print tagnbrA
    # print tags
    # print tagsA

    # print langu
    # print message,messageA
    # print 'M',activityM52,activityM50,activityM51,'N',activityN52,activityN51,activityN50
    # print 'M',activityM52A,activityM50A,activityM51A,'N',activityN52A,activityN51A,activityN50A
    scoreA1 = 2
    scoreB1 = 2
    # if(andriod==andA):
    #     scoreB1+=1
    # else:
    #     scoreA1+=1
    # if(ios==iosA):
    #     scoreB1+=1
    # else:
    #     scoreA1+=1
    # print scoreA1,scoreB1
    import topicModel
    scoreTA, scoreTB = topicModel.topic(userID, userIDA, scoreA1, scoreB1, 1)
    # print scoreTA,scoreTB

    import lang
    scoreLA, scoreLB = lang.language(langu, languA, total_posts_per_year,
                                     total_posts_per_yearA, scoreA1, scoreB1,
    # print scoreLA,scoreLB
    # print added,updated,posted,shared
    # print addedA,updatedA,postedA,sharedA

    import typeOfPost
    scorePA, scorePB = typeOfPost.type_post(added, shared, updated, posted,
                                            total_posts_per_year, addedA,
                                            sharedA, updatedA, postedA,
                                            personalityTypePost[per], scoreA1,
                                            scoreB1, 1)
    # print scorePA,scorePB

    import tagged

    scoreTagA, scoreTagB = tagged.tagged(tags, tagnbr, taggedposts,
                                         total_posts_per_year, tagsA, tagnbrA,
                                         taggedpostsA, total_posts_per_yearA,
                                         scoreA1, scoreB1, 1)
    # print scoreTagA,scoreTagB
    import freq
    # print freq.activityTime(activityM52, activityM51, activityM50, activityN52, activityN51, activityN50, activityM52A, activityM51A, activityM50A, activityN52A, activityN51A, activityN50A, personalityActivityTime[0])

    # print freq.day(daysweek, daysweekA)

    # print freq.weekend(postsWeekends52,postsWeekends51,postsWeekends50,weekends,postsWeekends52A,postsWeekends51A,postsWeekends50A,weekendsA)

    scoreFA, scoreFB = freq.frequency(
        postsWeekends52, postsWeekends51, postsWeekends50, weekends,
        postsWeekends52A, postsWeekends51A, postsWeekends50A, weekendsA,
        activityM52, activityM51, activityM50, activityN52, activityN51,
        activityN50, activityM52A, activityM51A, activityM50A, activityN52A,
        activityN51A, activityN50A, personalityActivityTime[per], daysweek,
        daysweekA, season, total_posts_per_year, seasonA,
        total_posts_per_yearA, weekposts52, weekposts51, weekposts50,
        weekposts52A, weekposts51A, weekposts50A, personalityDay[per], scoreA1,
        scoreB1, 1)
    import links
    links.link(url, urlSize, total_posts_per_year, urlA, urlSizeA,
    return scoreTA, scoreTB, scoreLA, scoreLB, scorePA, scorePB, scoreTagA, scoreTagB, scoreFA, scoreFB
Example #31
File: youtube.py Project: teosan5/0
def playtrailer(url, name):
    if url == None: return
    url = links.link().youtube_plugin % (url)
    item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=url)
    item.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true")
    xbmc.Player().play(url, item)
def searchtrailer(name):
	ytpage = open_url(links.link().youtube_trailer_search % (urllib.unquote_plus(name)))
	youtubeid = re.compile('"videoId": "(.+?)"').findall(ytpage)
	return youtubeid[0]
Example #33
import math
import numpy as np

from euler_angles import eulerAnglesXYXToRotationMatrix, RMatrixXYXToEulerAngles
from kinematics import forward_kinematics, inverse_kinematics
from joints import joint
from links import link
from robot import robot
from util import deg_to_rad

#set robot
links = [
    link(np.array([0, 0, 287]), 0),
    link(np.array([-180, 0, 70]), 1),
    link(np.array([0, 0, 370]), 2),
    link(np.array([0, 0, 179.5]), 3),
    link(np.array([0, 0, 256]), 4),
    link(np.array([0, 0, 124]), 5)

joints = [
    joint(0, np.array([0, 0, 1]), [-180, 180], [0, 1]),
    joint(0, np.array([0, 1, 0]), [-138, 64], [1, 2]),
    joint(0, np.array([0, 1, 0]), [-124, 124], [2, 3]),
    joint(0, np.array([0, 0, 1]), [-180, 180], [3, 4]),
    joint(0, np.array([0, 1, 0]), [-140, 141], [4, 5]),
    joint(0, np.array([0, 0, 1]), [-math.inf, math.inf], [5, -1])
r6Robot = robot(links, joints)

#forward forward_kinematics
Example #34
File: omdbapi.py Project: teosan5/0
def searchmovie(id, an=None, cache=True):
    basic.log(u"omdbapi.searchmovie id: %s" % id)
    listgenre = []
    listcast = []
    listcastr = []
    genre = ''
    title = ''
    plot = ''
    tagline = ''
    director = ''
    writer = ''
    credits = ''
    poster = ''
    fanart = ''
    trailer = ''
    year = ''
    dur = 0
    if cache:
        if getSetting("cachesites") == 'true':
            cached = localdb.get_cache(id, an)
            if cached:
                response = {
                    "label": cached[2],
                    "originallabel": cached[3],
                    "poster": cached[4],
                    "fanart_image": cached[5],
                    "imdbid": cached[0],
                    "year": cached[6],
                    "info": json.loads(cached[7])
                return response
    if an:
        ordine = id[0]
        imagine = id[1]
        nume = id[2]
        an = id[3]
        regia = id[4]
        actori = id[5]
        gen = id[6]
        nota = id[7]
        trailer = id[8]
        descriere = id[9]
        id = '1'
        #jsonpage = basic.open_url(links.link().omdbapi_byname % (nume.encode('ascii','xmlcharrefreplace'), an))
        jsonpage = {}
        jsonpage = basic.open_url(links.link().omdbapi_info % (id))
        jdef = json.loads(jsonpage)
            nume = nume.decode('utf-8')
            nume = nume
        jdef = {
            'Title': nume,
            'Poster': imagine,
            'Genre': striphtml(gen),
            'Plot': descriere,
            'Year': an,
            'Actors': re.sub('Cu: ', '', striphtml(actori)),
            'Director': re.sub('Regia: ', '', striphtml(regia)),
            'Writer': '',
            'Runtime': '',
            'imdbRating': re.sub('IMDB: ', '', nota),
            'imdbVotes': '',
            'trailer': trailer
        title = jdef['Title']
        title = nume
        poster = jdef['Poster']
        poster = imagine
    fanart = poster
        genre = jdef['Genre']
        genre = striphtml(gen)
        plot = jdef['Plot']
        plot = descriere
    tagline = plot
        year = re.findall('(\d+)', jdef['Year'], re.DOTALL)[0]
            year = jdef['Year']
            year = an
        listcast = jdef['Actors'].split(', ')
        listcast = re.sub('Cu: ', '', striphtml(actori)).split(', ')
        director = jdef['Director']
        director = re.sub('Regia: ', '', striphtml(regia))
        writer = jdef['Writer']
        writer = ''
        duration = re.findall('(\d+) min', jdef['Runtime'], re.DOTALL)
        if duration: dur = int(duration[0])
            duration = re.findall('(\d) h', jdef['Runtime'], re.DOTALL)
            if duration: dur = int(duration[0]) * 60
        duration = ''
        rating = jdef['imdbRating']
        rating = re.sub('IMDB: ', '', nota)
        votes = jdef['imdbVotes']
        votes = ''
        trailer = jdef['trailer']
        trailer = ''
    info = {
        "genre": genre,
        "year": year,
        "rating": rating,
        "cast": listcast,
        "castandrole": listcast,
        "director": director,
        "plot": plot,
        "plotoutline": plot,
        "title": title,
        "originaltitle": title,
        "duration": dur,
        "studio": '',
        "tagline": tagline,
        "writer": writer,
        "premiered": '',
        "code": id,
        "credits": '',
        "votes": votes,
        "trailer": trailer
    response = {
        "label": '%s (%s)' % (title, year),
        "originallabel": '%s (%s)' % (title, year),
        "poster": poster,
        "fanart_image": fanart,
        "imdbid": id,
        "year": year,
        "info": info
    if cache:
        if getSetting("cachesites") == 'true':
            localdb.save_cache(id, '', '%s (%s)' % (title, year),
                               '%s (%s)' % (title, year), poster, fanart, year,
                               json.dumps(info), an)
    return response
def playtrailer(url,name):
	if url == None: return	
	url = links.link().youtube_plugin % (url)
	item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=url)
	item.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true")
	xbmc.Player().play(url, item)
def searchmovie(id, cache=True):
    basic.log(u"omdbapi.searchmovie id: %s" % id)
    listgenre = []
    listcast = []
    listcastr = []
    genre = ''
    title = ''
    plot = ''
    tagline = ''
    director = ''
    writer = ''
    credits = ''
    poster = ''
    fanart = ''
    trailer = ''
    year = ''
    dur = 0
    if cache:
        if getSetting("cachesites") == 'true':
            cached = localdb.get_cache(id)
            if cached:
                response = {
                    "label": cached[2],
                    "originallabel": cached[3],
                    "poster": cached[4],
                    "fanart_image": cached[5],
                    "imdbid": cached[0],
                    "year": cached[6],
                    "info": json.loads(cached[7])
                return response
    jsonpage = basic.open_url(links.link().omdbapi_info % (id))
    jdef = json.loads(jsonpage)
    title = jdef['Title']
    poster = jdef['Poster']
    fanart = poster
    genre = jdef['Genre']
    plot = jdef['Plot']
    tagline = plot
        year = re.findall('(\d+)', jdef['Year'], re.DOTALL)[0]
        year = jdef['Year']
    listcast = jdef['Actors'].split(', ')
    director = jdef['Director']
    writer = jdef['Writer']
    duration = re.findall('(\d+) min', jdef['Runtime'], re.DOTALL)
    if duration: dur = int(duration[0])
        duration = re.findall('(\d) h', jdef['Runtime'], re.DOTALL)
        if duration: dur = int(duration[0]) * 60
    info = {
        "genre": genre,
        "year": year,
        "rating": jdef['imdbRating'],
        "cast": listcast,
        "castandrole": listcast,
        "director": director,
        "plot": plot,
        "plotoutline": plot,
        "title": title,
        "originaltitle": title,
        "duration": dur,
        "studio": '',
        "tagline": tagline,
        "writer": writer,
        "premiered": '',
        "code": id,
        "credits": '',
        "votes": jdef['imdbVotes'],
        "trailer": ''
    response = {
        "label": '%s (%s)' % (title, year),
        "originallabel": '%s (%s)' % (title, year),
        "poster": poster,
        "fanart_image": fanart,
        "imdbid": id,
        "year": year,
        "info": info
    if cache:
        if getSetting("cachesites") == 'true':
            localdb.save_cache(id, '', '%s (%s)' % (title, year),
                               '%s (%s)' % (originaltitle, year), poster,
                               fanart, year, json.dumps(info))
    return response