def compress(files, file): """Compress folder or file or list of files to file. Args: files: str or list if str, files should be file or folder path; if list, files should be file path list. file: str, compression files name. Return: compression files name. """ if gfile.isdir(files): mat = file.split('.')[-1] if mat in ['zip']: with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as z: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in gfile.walk(files): fpath = dirpath.replace(startdir, '') fpath = fpath and fpath + os.sep or '' for filename in filenames: z.write(gfile.path_join(dirpath, filename), gfile.path_join(fpath, filename)) elif mat in ['tar']: with, 'w') as tar: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in gfile.walk(files): fpath = dirpath.replace(startdir, '') fpath = fpath and fpath + os.sep or '' for filename in filenames: tar.add(gfile.path_join(dirpath, filename), gfile.path_join(fpath, filename)) else: raise ValueError("`file` should be type of ['.tar', '.zip'].") else: if isinstance(files, str): files = [files] assert isinstance(files, list), 'files should be file or list of files path.' for i in files: assert gfile.isfile( i), 'files should be file or list of files path.' mat = file.split('.')[-1] if mat in ['zip']: with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as z: for i in files: z.write(i) elif mat in ['tar']: with tarfile.TarFile(file, 'w') as t: for i in files: t.add(i) elif mat in ['bz2']: with bz2.BZ2File(file, 'w') as b: for i in files: with open(i, 'rb') as f: b.write( else: raise ValueError( "`file` should be type of ['.tar', '.zip', '.bz2'].") return file
def assert_dirs(root, root_dir=None, delete=True, make_root_dir=True): if root is None: root = './' assert gfile.isdir(root), '{} should be directory.'.format(root) if root_dir is not None: assert isinstance(root_dir, str), '{} should be str.'.format(root_dir) task_path = gfile.path_join(root, root_dir) if gfile.exists(task_path): if delete: gfile.remove(task_path) gfile.makedirs(task_path) else: if make_root_dir: gfile.makedirs(task_path) return task_path else: gfile.makedirs(root) return root
def mnist_kuzushiji_kanji(root=None, dataset=True, verbose=1): """Kuzushiji-Kanji dataset from Kuzushiji-Kanji is a large and highly imbalanced 64x64 dataset of 3832 Kanji characters, containing 140,426 images of both common and rare characters. Attention: if exist dirs `root/mnist_kuzushiji_kanji`, api will delete it and create it. Data storage directory: root = `/user/.../mydata` mnist_kuzushiji_kanji data: `root/mnist_kuzushiji_kanji/train/U+55C7/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji_kanji/train/U+7F8E/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji_kanji/train/U+9593/xx.png` Args: root: str, Store the absolute path of the data directory. example:if you want data path is `/user/.../mydata/mnist_kuzushiji_kanji`, root should be `/user/.../mydata`. dataset: whether to return a object. verbose: Verbosity mode, 0 (silent), 1 (verbose) Returns: Store the absolute path of the data directory, is `root/mnist_kuzushiji_kanji. """ if root is None: root = './' p = Progbar(10, verbose=verbose) task_path = assert_dirs(root, 'mnist_kuzushiji_kanji', make_root_dir=False) p.add(1) get_file(Param.mnist_kuzushiji_kanji[0], gfile.path_join(root, url.split('/')[-1]), verbose=0) p.add(7) decompress(gfile.path_join(root, url.split('/')[-1]), task_path) p.add(1) gfile.rename(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'kkanji2'), gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train')) gfile.remove(gfile.path_join(root, 'kkanji.tar')) p.add(1) if dataset: return (from_class_folder(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train'), label_encoder=1).split({'train': 1})) return task_path
def mnist_tibetan(root=None, dataset=True, verbose=1): """Tibetan-MNIST from Tibetan-MNIST is a drop-in replacement for the MNIST dataset (28x28 grayscale, 70,000 images), provided in the original MNIST format as well as a NumPy format. Since MNIST restricts us to 10 classes, we chose one character to represent each of the 10 rows of Hiragana when creating Tibetan-MNIST. Each sample is an gray image (in 3D NDArray) with shape (28, 28, 1). Attention: if exist dirs `root/mnist_tibetan`, api will delete it and create it. Data storage directory: root = `/user/.../mydata` mnist_tibetan data: `root/mnist_tibetan/train/0/xx.png` `root/mnist_tibetan/train/2/xx.png` `root/mnist_tibetan/train/6/xx.png` `root/mnist_tibetan/test/0/xx.png` `root/mnist_tibetan/test/2/xx.png` `root/mnist_tibetan/test/6/xx.png` Args: root: str, Store the absolute path of the data directory. example:if you want data path is `/user/.../mydata/mnist_tibetan`, root should be `/user/.../mydata`. dataset: whether to return a object. verbose: Verbosity mode, 0 (silent), 1 (verbose) Returns: Store the absolute path of the data directory, is `root/mnist_tibetan`. """ p = Progbar(10, verbose=verbose) task_path = assert_dirs(root, 'mnist_tibetan') p.add(1) data = pd.DataFrame() for url in Param.mnist_tibetan: s = requests.get(url).content data = pd.concat([ data, pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')), header=None, dtype='uint8') ]) p.add(3) train = data.loc[:, 1:].values.reshape(-1, 28, 28) train_label = data.loc[:, 0].values for i in set(train_label): gfile.makedirs(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train', str(i))) p.add(1) for idx in range(train.shape[0]): save_image( gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train', str(train_label[idx]), str(idx) + '.png'), array_to_image(train[idx].reshape(28, 28, 1))) p.add(2) if dataset: return (from_class_folder(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train'), label_encoder=1).split({ 'train': 1 }).join({ 'test': from_class_folder(gfile.path_join( task_path, 'test'), label_encoder=1) })) return task_path
def mnist_kuzushiji49(root=None, dataset=True, verbose=1): """Kuzushiji-49 from Kuzushiji-49, as the name suggests, has 49 classes (28x28 grayscale, 270,912 images), is a much larger, but imbalanced dataset containing 48 Hiragana characters and one Hiragana iteration mark. Each sample is an gray image (in 3D NDArray) with shape (28, 28, 1). Attention: if exist dirs `root/mnist_kuzushiji49`, api will delete it and create it. Data storage directory: root = `/user/.../mydata` mnist_kuzushiji49 data: `root/mnist_kuzushiji49/train/0/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji49/train/2/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji49/train/6/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji49/test/0/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji49/test/2/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji49/test/6/xx.png` Args: root: str, Store the absolute path of the data directory. example:if you want data path is `/user/.../mydata/mnist_kuzushiji49`, root should be `/user/.../mydata`. dataset: whether to return a object. verbose: Verbosity mode, 0 (silent), 1 (verbose) Returns: Store the absolute path of the data directory, is `root/mnist_kuzushiji49`. """ p = Progbar(10, verbose=verbose) task_path = assert_dirs(root, 'mnist_kuzushiji49') p.add(1) for url in Param.mnist_kuzushiji49: get_file(url, gfile.path_join(task_path, url.split('/')[-1]), verbose=0) p.add(1) train = np.load(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'k49-train-imgs.npz'))['arr_0'] train_label = np.load(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'k49-train-labels.npz'))['arr_0'] test = np.load(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'k49-test-imgs.npz'))['arr_0'] test_label = np.load(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'k49-test-labels.npz'))['arr_0'] p.add(1) for i in set(train_label): gfile.makedirs(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train', str(i))) for i in set(test_label): gfile.makedirs(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'test', str(i))) p.add(1) for idx in range(train.shape[0]): save_image( gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train', str(train_label[idx]), str(idx) + '.png'), array_to_image(train[idx].reshape(28, 28, 1))) p.add(1) for idx in range(test.shape[0]): save_image( gfile.path_join(task_path, 'test', str(test_label[idx]), str(idx) + '.png'), array_to_image(test[idx].reshape(28, 28, 1))) p.add(1) for url in Param.mnist_kuzushiji49: gfile.remove(gfile.path_join(task_path, url.split('/')[-1])) p.add(1) if dataset: return (from_class_folder(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train'), label_encoder=1).split({ 'train': 1 }).join({ 'test': from_class_folder(gfile.path_join( task_path, 'test'), label_encoder=1) })) return task_path
def mnist_kuzushiji10(root=None, dataset=True, verbose=1): """Kuzushiji-MNIST from Kuzushiji-MNIST is a drop-in replacement for the MNIST dataset (28x28 grayscale, 70,000 images), provided in the original MNIST format as well as a NumPy format. Since MNIST restricts us to 10 classes, we chose one character to represent each of the 10 rows of Hiragana when creating Kuzushiji-MNIST. Each sample is an gray image (in 3D NDArray) with shape (28, 28, 1). Attention: if exist dirs `root/mnist_kuzushiji10`, api will delete it and create it. Data storage directory: root = `/user/.../mydata` mnist_kuzushiji10 data: `root/mnist_kuzushiji10/train/0/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji10/train/2/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji10/train/6/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji10/test/0/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji10/test/2/xx.png` `root/mnist_kuzushiji10/test/6/xx.png` Args: root: str, Store the absolute path of the data directory. example:if you want data path is `/user/.../mydata/mnist_kuzushiji10`, root should be `/user/.../mydata`. dataset: whether to return a object. verbose: Verbosity mode, 0 (silent), 1 (verbose) Returns: Store the absolute path of the data directory, is `root/mnist_kuzushiji10`. """ p = Progbar(10, verbose=verbose) task_path = assert_dirs(root, 'mnist_kuzushiji10') p.add(1) for url in Param.mnist_kuzushiji10: get_file(url, gfile.path_join(task_path, url.split('/')[-1]), verbose=0) p.add(1) train = np.load(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'kmnist-train-imgs.npz'))['arr_0'] train_label = np.load(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'kmnist-train-labels.npz'))['arr_0'] test = np.load(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'kmnist-test-imgs.npz'))['arr_0'] test_label = np.load(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'kmnist-test-labels.npz'))['arr_0'] p.add(1) for i in set(train_label): gfile.makedirs(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train', str(i))) for i in set(test_label): gfile.makedirs(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'test', str(i))) p.add(1) for idx in range(train.shape[0]): save_image( gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train', str(train_label[idx]), str(idx) + '.png'), array_to_image(train[idx].reshape(28, 28, 1))) p.add(1) for idx in range(test.shape[0]): save_image( gfile.path_join(task_path, 'test', str(test_label[idx]), str(idx) + '.png'), array_to_image(test[idx].reshape(28, 28, 1))) p.add(1) for url in Param.mnist_kuzushiji10: gfile.remove(gfile.path_join(task_path, url.split('/')[-1])) p.add(1) if dataset: return (from_class_folder(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train'), label_encoder=1).split({ 'train': 1 }).join({ 'test': from_class_folder(gfile.path_join( task_path, 'test'), label_encoder=1) })) return task_path
def mnist(root=None, dataset=True, verbose=1): """MNIST handwritten digits dataset from Each sample is an gray image (in 3D NDArray) with shape (28, 28, 1). Attention: if exist dirs `root/mnist`, api will delete it and create it. Data storage directory: root = `/user/.../mydata` mnist data: `root/mnist/train/0/xx.png` `root/mnist/train/2/xx.png` `root/mnist/train/6/xx.png` `root/mnist/test/0/xx.png` `root/mnist/test/2/xx.png` `root/mnist/test/6/xx.png` Args: root: str, Store the absolute path of the data directory. example:if you want data path is `/user/.../mydata/mnist`, root should be `/user/.../mydata`. dataset: whether to return a object. verbose: Verbosity mode, 0 (silent), 1 (verbose) Returns: Store the absolute path of the data directory, is `root/mnist`. """ p = Progbar(10, verbose=verbose) task_path = assert_dirs(root, 'mnist') p.add(1) for url in Param.mnist: get_file(url, gfile.path_join(task_path, url.split('/')[-1]), verbose=0) p.add(1) with, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz'), 'rb') as lbpath: train_label = np.frombuffer(, np.uint8, offset=8) with, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz'), 'rb') as imgpath: train = np.frombuffer(, np.uint8, offset=16).reshape(len(train_label), 28, 28) with, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz'), 'rb') as lbpath: test_label = np.frombuffer(, np.uint8, offset=8) with, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz'), 'rb') as imgpath: test = np.frombuffer(, np.uint8, offset=16).reshape(len(test_label), 28, 28) p.add(1) for i in set(train_label): gfile.makedirs(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train', str(i))) for i in set(test_label): gfile.makedirs(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'test', str(i))) p.add(1) for idx in range(train.shape[0]): save_image( gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train', str(train_label[idx]), str(idx) + '.png'), array_to_image(train[idx].reshape(28, 28, 1))) p.add(1) for idx in range(test.shape[0]): save_image( gfile.path_join(task_path, 'test', str(test_label[idx]), str(idx) + '.png'), array_to_image(test[idx].reshape(28, 28, 1))) p.add(1) for url in Param.mnist: gfile.remove(gfile.path_join(task_path, url.split('/')[-1])) p.add(1) if dataset: return (from_class_folder(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train'), label_encoder=1).split({ 'train': 1 }).join({ 'test': from_class_folder(gfile.path_join( task_path, 'test'), label_encoder=1) })) return task_path
def mnist_kannada(root=None, dataset=True, verbose=1): """kannada-MNIST from The Kannada-MNIST dataset was created an a drop-in substitute for the standard MNIST dataset. Each sample is an gray image (in 3D NDArray) with shape (28, 28, 1). Attention: if exist dirs `root/mnist_kannada`, api will delete it and create it. Data storage directory: root = `/user/.../mydata` mnist_kannada data: `root/mnist_kannada/train/0/xx.png` `root/mnist_kannada/train/2/xx.png` `root/mnist_kannada/train/6/xx.png` `root/mnist_kannada/test/0/xx.png` `root/mnist_kannada/test/2/xx.png` `root/mnist_kannada/test/6/xx.png` Args: root: str, Store the absolute path of the data directory. example:if you want data path is `/user/.../mydata/mnist_kannada`, root should be `/user/.../mydata`. dataset: bool, whether to return a object. verbose: Verbosity mode, 0 (silent), 1 (verbose) Returns: Store the absolute path of the data directory, is `root/mnist_kannada` or """ p = Progbar(10, verbose=verbose) task_path = assert_dirs(root, 'mnist_kannada') p.add(1) zip_path = get_file(Param.mnist_kannada[0], task_path + '/', verbose=0) p.add(2) unzip_path = decompress(task_path + '/') p.add(1) train = pd.read_csv(gfile.path_join( task_path, 'kannada_MNIST/kannada_MNIST_train.csv'), header=None, dtype='uint8') test = pd.read_csv(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'kannada_MNIST/kannada_MNIST_test.csv'), header=None, dtype='uint8') p.add(2) for i in set(train[0]): gfile.makedirs(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train', str(i))) gfile.makedirs(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'test', str(i))) p.add(1) for i in range(len(train)): save_image( gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train', str(train.iat[i, 0]), str(i) + '.png'), array_to_image(train.iloc[i, 1:].values.reshape(28, 28, 1))) p.add(1) for i in range(len(test)): save_image( gfile.path_join(task_path, 'test', str(test.iat[i, 0]), str(i) + '.png'), array_to_image(test.iloc[i, 1:].values.reshape(28, 28, 1))) p.add(1) gfile.remove(zip_path) gfile.remove(unzip_path) p.add(1) if dataset: return (from_class_folder(gfile.path_join(task_path, 'train'), label_encoder=1).split({ 'train': 1 }).join({ 'test': from_class_folder(gfile.path_join( task_path, 'test'), label_encoder=1) })) return task_path