Example #1
def _storeConfigDB(key, val, typ=None, desc=None):
    insert or update the entry with  key, value, type and
    description in the config DB

    value = val

    log_value = val
    if typ == 'password':
        log_value = "XXXXXXX"
    log.debug('key %r : value %r', key, log_value)

    if (not key.startswith("linotp.")):
        key = "linotp." + key

    if typ and typ == 'password':
        value = encryptPassword(val)
        en = decryptPassword(value)
        if (en != val):
            raise Exception("Error during encoding password type!")

    if type(value) not in [str, unicode]:
        return _storeConfigEntryDB(key, value, typ=typ, desc=desc)

    # for strings or unicode, we support continued entries
    # check if we have to split the value
    number_of_chunks = (len(value) / MAX_VALUE_LEN)
    if number_of_chunks == 0:
        return _storeConfigEntryDB(key, value, typ=typ, desc=desc)

    # the continuous type is a split over multiple entries:
    # * every entry will have an enumerated key but the first one which has the
    #   original one.
    # * For all the type is 'C', but the last one which contains the original
    #   type.
    # * For description all entries contains the enumeration, but the last the
    #   original description

    for i in range(number_of_chunks + 1):
        # iterate through the chunks, the last one might be empty though
        cont_value = value[i * MAX_VALUE_LEN: (i + 1) * MAX_VALUE_LEN]

        cont_typ = "C"
        cont_desc = "%d:%d" % (i, number_of_chunks)
        cont_key = "%s__[%d:%d]" % (key, i, number_of_chunks)

        if i == 0:
            # first one will contain the correct key, but type is continuous
            cont_key = key
        elif i == number_of_chunks:
            # the last one will contain the type and the description
            cont_typ = typ
            cont_desc = desc

        res = _storeConfigEntryDB(cont_key, cont_value,

    return res
Example #2
def getResolverInfo(resolvername):
    return the resolver info of the given resolvername

    :param resolvername: the requested resolver
    :type  resolvername: string

    :return : dict of resolver description
    resolver_dict = {}
    typ = ""
    resolvertypes = get_resolver_types()

    descr = {}

    conf = context.get('Config')
    # conf = getLinotpConfig()

    for entry in conf:

        for typ in resolvertypes:

            if entry.startswith("linotp." + typ) and entry.endswith(resolvername):
                # the realm might contain dots "."
                # so take all after the 3rd dot for realm
                resolver = entry.split(".", 3)
                # An old entry without resolver name
                if len(resolver) <= 3:

                # get the typed values of the descriptor!
                resolver_conf = get_resolver_class_config(typ)
                if typ in resolver_conf:
                    descr = resolver_conf.get(typ).get('config', {})
                    descr = resolver_conf

                value = conf.get(entry)
                if resolver[2] in descr:
                    configEntry = resolver[2]
                    if descr.get(configEntry) == 'password':

                        # do we already have the decrypted pass?
                        if 'enc' + entry in conf:
                            value = conf.get('enc' + entry)
                            # if no, we take the encpass and decrypt it
                            value = conf.get(entry)
                                en = decryptPassword(value)
                                value = en
                                log.info("Decryption of resolver passwd failed: compatibility issue?")

                resolver_dict[resolver[2]] = value
                # Dont check the other resolver types


    return {"type": typ, "data": resolver_dict, "resolver": resolvername}
Example #3
def getResolverInfo(resolvername):
    return the resolver info of the given resolvername

    :param resolvername: the requested resolver
    :type  resolvername: string

    :return : dict of resolver description
    resolver_dict = {}
    typ = ""
    resolvertypes = get_resolver_types()

    descr = {}

    conf = context.get('Config')
    # conf = getLinotpConfig()

    for entry in conf:

        for typ in resolvertypes:

            # get the typed values of the descriptor!
            resolver_conf = get_resolver_classConfig(typ)
            if typ in resolver_conf:
                descr = resolver_conf.get(typ).get('config', {})
                descr = resolver_conf

            if entry.startswith("linotp." + typ) and entry.endswith(resolvername):
                # the realm might contain dots "."
                # so take all after the 3rd dot for realm
                resolver = entry.split(".", 3)
                # An old entry without resolver name
                if len(resolver) <= 3:

                value = conf.get(entry)
                if resolver[2] in descr:
                    configEntry = resolver[2]
                    if descr.get(configEntry) == 'password':

                        # do we already have the decrypted pass?
                        if 'enc' + entry in conf:
                            value = conf.get('enc' + entry)
                            # if no, we take the encpass and decrypt it
                            value = conf.get(entry)
                                en = decryptPassword(value)
                                value = en
                                log.info("Decryption of resolver passwd failed: compatibility issue?")

                resolver_dict[ resolver[2] ] = value
                # Dont check the other resolver types


    return {"type": typ, "data": resolver_dict, "resolver": resolvername}
Example #4
def _retrieveAllConfigDB():

    config = {}
    delay = False
    for conf in Session.query(Config).all():
        log.debug("[retrieveAllConfigDB] key %r:%r" % (conf.Key, conf.Value))
        key = conf.Key
        if (not key.startswith("linotp.")):
            key = "linotp." + conf.Key
        nVal = _expandHere(conf.Value)
        config[key] = nVal
        myTyp = conf.Type
        if myTyp is not None:
            if myTyp == 'password':
                if hasattr(c, 'hsm') == True and isinstance(c.hsm, dict):
                    hsm = c.hsm.get('obj')
                    if hsm is not None and hsm.isReady() == True:
                        config['enc' + key] = decryptPassword(conf.Value)
                    delay = True

    return (config, delay)
Example #5
def _retrieveAllConfigDB():

    config = {}
    delay = False
    for conf in Session.query(Config).all():
        log.debug("[retrieveAllConfigDB] key %r:%r" % (conf.Key, conf.Value))
        key = conf.Key
        if (not key.startswith("linotp.")):
            key = "linotp." + conf.Key
        nVal = _expandHere(conf.Value)
        config[key] = nVal
        myTyp = conf.Type
        if myTyp is not None:
            if myTyp == 'password':
                if hasattr(c, 'hsm') == True and isinstance(c.hsm, dict):
                    hsm = c.hsm.get('obj')
                    if hsm is not None and hsm.isReady() == True:
                        config['enc' + key] = decryptPassword(conf.Value)
                    delay = True

    return (config, delay)
Example #6
def _storeConfigDB(key, val, typ=None, desc=None):
    value = val
    log.debug('storeConfigDB: key %r : value %r' % (key, value))

    if (not key.startswith("linotp.")):
        key = "linotp." + key

    confEntries = Session.query(Config).filter(Config.Key == unicode(key))
    theConf = None

    if typ is not None and typ == 'password':
        value = encryptPassword(val)
        en = decryptPassword(value)
        if (en != val):
            raise Exception("StoreConfig: Error during encoding password type!")

    # # update
    if confEntries.count() == 1:
        theConf = confEntries[0]
        theConf.Value = unicode(value)
        if (typ is not None):
            theConf.Type = unicode(typ)
        if (desc is not None):
            theConf.Description = unicode(desc)

    # # insert
    elif confEntries.count() == 0:
        theConf = Config(
    if theConf is not None:

    return 101
Example #7
def _storeConfigDB(key, val, typ=None, desc=None):
    value = val
    log.debug('storeConfigDB: key %r : value %r' % (key, value))

    if (not key.startswith("linotp.")):
        key = "linotp." + key

    confEntries = Session.query(Config).filter(Config.Key == unicode(key))
    theConf = None

    if typ is not None and typ == 'password':
        value = encryptPassword(val)
        en = decryptPassword(value)
        if (en != val):
            raise Exception(
                "StoreConfig: Error during encoding password type!")

    # # update
    if confEntries.count() == 1:
        theConf = confEntries[0]
        theConf.Value = unicode(value)
        if (typ is not None):
            theConf.Type = unicode(typ)
        if (desc is not None):
            theConf.Description = unicode(desc)

    # # insert
    elif confEntries.count() == 0:
        theConf = Config(Key=unicode(key),
    if theConf is not None:

    return 101
Example #8
def _retrieveAllConfigDB():
    get the server config from database with one call

    remark: for support for continous entries dedicated dicts for
            description and type are used for interim processing

    :return: config dict

    config = {}
    delay = False

    conf_dict = {}
    type_dict = {}
    desc_dict = {}
    cont_dict = {}

    # put all information in the dicts for later processing
    for conf in Session.query(Config).all():
        log.debug("[retrieveAllConfigDB] key %r:%r" % (conf.Key, conf.Value))
        conf_dict[conf.Key] = conf.Value
        type_dict[conf.Key] = conf.Type
        desc_dict[conf.Key] = conf.Description

        # a continous entry is indicated by the type 'C' and the description
        # starting with '0:'
        if conf.Type == 'C' and conf.Description[:len('0:')] == '0:':
            _start, num = conf.Description.split(':')
            cont_dict[conf.Key] = int(num)

    # cleanup the config from contious entries
    for key, number in cont_dict.items():
        value = conf_dict[key]
        for i in range(number + 1):
            search_key = "%s__[%d:%d]" % (key, i, number)
            if search_key in conf_dict:
                value = value + conf_dict[search_key]
                del conf_dict[search_key]
        conf_dict[key] = value
        search_key = "%s__[%d:%d]" % (key, number, number)
        type_dict[key] = type_dict[search_key]
        desc_dict[key] = desc_dict[search_key]

    # normal processing as before continous here
    for key, value in conf_dict.items():
        if key.startswith("linotp.") is False:
            key = "linotp." + key
        nVal = _expandHere(value)
        config[key] = nVal

    for key, value in config.items():
        myTyp = type_dict.get(key)
        if myTyp is not None:
            if myTyp == 'password':
                if hasattr(c, 'hsm') == True and isinstance(c.hsm, dict):
                    hsm = c.hsm.get('obj')
                    if hsm is not None and hsm.isReady() == True:
                        config['enc' + key] = decryptPassword(value)
                    delay = True

    return (config, delay)
Example #9
def _retrieveAllConfigDB():
    get the server config from database with one call

    remark: for support for continous entries dedicated dicts for
            description and type are used for interim processing

    :return: config dict

    config = {}
    delay = False

    conf_dict = {}
    type_dict = {}
    desc_dict = {}
    cont_dict = {}

    # put all information in the dicts for later processing
    for conf in Session.query(Config).all():
        log.debug("[retrieveAllConfigDB] key %r:%r" % (conf.Key, conf.Value))
        conf_dict[conf.Key] = conf.Value
        type_dict[conf.Key] = conf.Type
        desc_dict[conf.Key] = conf.Description

        # a continous entry is indicated by the type 'C' and the description
        # starting with '0:'
        if conf.Type == 'C' and conf.Description[:len('0:')] == '0:':
            _start, num = conf.Description.split(':')
            cont_dict[conf.Key] = int(num)

    # cleanup the config from contious entries
    for key, number in cont_dict.items():
        value = conf_dict[key]
        for i in range(number + 1):
            search_key = "%s__[%d:%d]" % (key, i, number)
            if search_key in conf_dict:
                value = value + conf_dict[search_key]
                del conf_dict[search_key]
        conf_dict[key] = value
        search_key = "%s__[%d:%d]" % (key, number, number)
        type_dict[key] = type_dict[search_key]
        desc_dict[key] = desc_dict[search_key]

    # normal processing as before continous here
    for key, value in conf_dict.items():
        if key.startswith("linotp.") is False:
            key = "linotp." + key
        nVal = _expandHere(value)
        config[key] = nVal

    for key, value in config.items():
        myTyp = type_dict.get(key)
        if myTyp is not None:
            if myTyp == 'password':
                if hasattr(c, 'hsm') is True and isinstance(c.hsm, dict):
                    hsm = c.hsm.get('obj')
                    if hsm is not None and hsm.isReady() is True:
                        config['enc' + key] = decryptPassword(value)
                    delay = True

    return (config, delay)
Example #10
def _storeConfigDB(key, val, typ=None, desc=None):
    insert or update the entry with  key, value, type and
    description in the config DB

    value = val

    log_value = val
    if typ == 'password':
        log_value = "XXXXXXX"
    log.debug('key %r : value %r', key, log_value)

    if (not key.startswith("linotp.")):
        key = "linotp." + key

    if typ and typ == 'password':
        value = encryptPassword(val)
        en = decryptPassword(value)
        if (en != val):
            raise Exception("Error during encoding password type!")

    if type(value) not in [str, unicode]:
        return _storeConfigEntryDB(key, value, typ=typ, desc=desc)

    # for strings or unicode, we support continued entries
    # check if we have to split the value

    # the continuous type is a split over multiple entries:
    # * every entry will have an enumerated key but the first one which has the
    #   original one.
    # * For all the type is 'C', but the last one which contains the original
    #   type.
    # * For description all entries contains the enumeration, but the last the
    #   original description

    # we check the split algorithm depending on the value data -
    # in case of only ascii, we can use the much faster simple algorithm
    # in case of unicode characters we have to take the much slower one

    chunks = []
    if len(value) < len(value.encode('utf-8')):
        text_slice = utf8_slice
        text_slice = simple_slice

    # the number of chunks is oriented toward the max length defined
    # by utf8 in bytes + the clipping of 6 bytes each. But as this could
    # vary, we could not calculate the number of chunks and thus benefit
    # from the iterator

    for cont_value in text_slice(value, MAX_VALUE_LEN):

    number_of_chunks = len(chunks)

    # special simple case: either empty value or single entry
    if number_of_chunks == 1:
        return _storeConfigEntryDB(key, value, typ=typ, desc=desc)

    for i, cont_value in enumerate(chunks):

        cont_typ = "C"
        cont_desc = "%d:%d" % (i, number_of_chunks)
        cont_key = "%s__[%d:%d]" % (key, i, number_of_chunks)

        if i == 0:
            # first one will contain the correct key, but type is continuous
            cont_key = key
        elif i == number_of_chunks:
            # the last one will contain the type and the description
            cont_typ = typ
            cont_desc = desc

        res = _storeConfigEntryDB(cont_key, cont_value,

    return res
Example #11
def getResolverInfo(resolvername, passwords=False):
    return the resolver info of the given resolvername

    :param resolvername: the requested resolver
    :type  resolvername: string

    :return : dict of resolver description

    result = {"type": None, "data": {}, "resolver": resolvername}

    resolver_dict = {}
    descr = {}

    resolver_entries = {}
    resolvertypes = get_resolver_types()

    linotp_config = context.get('Config')

    for typ in resolvertypes:
        for config_entry in linotp_config:
            if (config_entry.startswith("linotp." + typ)
                    and config_entry.endswith(resolvername)):
                resolver_entries[config_entry] = linotp_config.get(

    if not resolver_entries:
        return result

    resolver_parts = resolver_entries.keys()[0].split('.')

    # TODO: remove legacy code: An old entry without resolver name
    if len(resolver_parts) <= 3:
        return result

    # get the type descriptions for the resolver type

    resolver_type = resolver_parts[1]
    resolver_conf = get_resolver_class_config(resolver_type)

    if resolver_type in resolver_conf:
        resolver_descr = resolver_conf.get(resolver_type).get('config', {})
        resolver_descr = resolver_conf

    # build up the resolver dictionary

    for key, value in resolver_entries.items():
        resolver_key = key.split(".")[2]

        if resolver_key in resolver_descr:

            if (resolver_descr.get(resolver_key) == 'password'
                    and passwords is True):

                # do we already have the decrypted pass?
                if 'enc%s' % key in linotp_config:
                    value = linotp_config.get('enc%s' % key)
                    # if no, we take the entry and try to de crypt it
                    value = linotp_config.get(key)

                        value = decryptPassword(value)
                    except Exception as exc:
                            "Decryption of resolver entry "
                            "failed: %r", exc)

        resolver_dict[resolver_key] = value

    result["type"] = resolver_type
    result["data"] = resolver_dict

    return result
Example #12
def _retrieveAllConfigDB():
    get the server config from database with one call

    remark: for support for continous entries dedicated dicts for
            description and type are used for interim processing

    :return: config dict

    config = {}
    delay = False

    conf_dict = {}
    type_dict = {}
    desc_dict = {}
    cont_dict = {}

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # first read all config db information into dicts for later processing

    for conf in Session.query(Config).all():
        conf_dict[conf.Key] = conf.Value
        type_dict[conf.Key] = conf.Type
        desc_dict[conf.Key] = conf.Description

        # a continuous entry is indicated by the type 'C' and the description
        # search for the entry which starts with '0:' as it will provide the
        # number of continuous entries

        if conf.Type == 'C' and conf.Description[:len('0:')] == '0:':
            _start, num = conf.Description.split(':')
            cont_dict[conf.Key] = int(num)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # cleanup the config from continuous entries

    for key, number in cont_dict.items():

        value = conf_dict[key]

        for i in range(number + 1):

            search_key = "%s__[%d:%d]" % (key, i, number)

            if search_key in conf_dict:
                value = value + conf_dict[search_key]
                del conf_dict[search_key]

        conf_dict[key] = value

        search_key = "%s__[%d:%d]" % (key, number, number)
        type_dict[key] = type_dict[search_key]
        desc_dict[key] = desc_dict[search_key]

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # finally put the entries into the to be returned config dictionary
    # caring for the linotp. prefix and the exanding of config values

    for key, value in conf_dict.items():

        if key.startswith("linotp.") is False:
            key = "linotp." + key

        nVal = _expandHere(value)
        config[key] = nVal

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # special treatment of passwords, which are provided decrypted as
    # 'enclinotp.' linotp-config entries
    # TODO: here will be the hook for the replacement of decrpyted values
    #       with a password object in the linotp_config

    for key, value in config.items():

        myTyp = type_dict.get(key)
        if not myTyp or myTyp != 'password':

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # for password decryption we require an working hsm or we
        # will delay the decoding of the config entries

        if not hasattr(c, 'hsm') or not isinstance(c.hsm, dict):
            delay = True

        hsm = c.hsm.get('obj')
        if not hsm or not hsm.isReady():
            delay = True

        # !!! dont try to utf-8 decode the passwords as they
        #     are already "magically" correct:
        # - when retrieved from DB, they are already in unicode format,
        #   which is sufficient for further processing :)

        config['enc' + key] = decryptPassword(value)

    return (config, delay)
Example #13
def getResolverInfo(resolvername, passwords=False):
    return the resolver info of the given resolvername

    :param resolvername: the requested resolver
    :type  resolvername: string

    :return : dict of resolver description

    result = {"type": None, "data": {}, "resolver": resolvername}

    linotp_config = context.get('Config')
    resolver_types = context.get('resolver_types').values()

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # lookup, which resolver type is associated with this resolver name

    for config_entry in linotp_config:

        if config_entry.endswith("." + resolvername):

            # check if this is a resolver definition, starting with linotp.
            # and continuing with a resolver type

            part = config_entry.split('.')

            if (len(part) > 3 and part[0] == 'linotp'
                    and part[1] in resolver_types):

                resolver_type = part[1]

        return result

    # now we can load the resolver config unsing the resolver class

    resolver_cls = getResolverClass(resolver_type)
    res_conf, _missing = resolver_cls.filter_config(linotp_config,

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # now prepare the resolver config output, which should contain
    # - no global entries, starting with 'linotp.'
    # - adjusted passwords
    # - all values as text

    for key in res_conf.keys():

        # suppress global config entries

        if key.startswith("linotp."):
            del res_conf[key]

        # should passwords be displayed?

        if passwords and key in resolver_cls.crypted_parameters:
                res_conf[key] = decryptPassword(res_conf[key])
            except Exception as exc:
                log.exception("Decryption of resolver entry "
                              "failed: %r", exc)

        # as we have in the resolver config typed values, this might
        # lead to some trouble. so we prepare for output comparison
        # the string representation

        if (not isinstance(res_conf[key], str)
                and not isinstance(res_conf[key], unicode)):
            res_conf[key] = "%r" % res_conf[key]

    result["type"] = resolver_type
    result["data"] = res_conf

    return result