Example #1
def _user_filter_extended(Policies, userObj):
    check for extended user search expressions

    cases are:
        *@domain#key     + *@domain#key==val
        res:#key         + res:#key==val

    :param Policies: the input policies
    :param userObj: the user as User class Object
    :return: tuple of matched and empty policies
    matched_policies = {}
    empty_policies = {}

    for polname, pol in Policies.items():
        extended_user_def = pol.get("user").split(',')

        for user_def in extended_user_def:
            user_def = user_def.strip()
            res = None

            # check if there is an attribute filter in defintion
            if '#' in user_def:
                attr_comp = AttributeCompare()
                res = attr_comp.compare(userObj, user_def)

            # if no attribute filter we support as well domain filter
            elif "@" in user_def:
                domain_comp = UserDomainCompare()
                res = domain_comp.compare(userObj, user_def)

            # if there is an : in the user, we compare the resolver
            elif ":" in user_def:
                domain_comp = UserDomainCompare()
                res = domain_comp.compare(userObj, user_def)

            # any other filter is returned as ignored
                log.debug("adding %s (no resolvers) to empty_policies",
                empty_policies[polname] = pol

            if res is True:
                log.debug("adding %s to matched_policies", polname)
                matched_policies[polname] = pol
            elif res is False:
                log.debug("policy %s faild to matched policies", polname)

    return matched_policies, empty_policies
Example #2
def _user_filter_extended(Policies, userObj):
    check for extended user search expressions

    cases are:
        *@domain#key     + *@domain#key==val
        res:#key         + res:#key==val

    :param Policies: the input policies
    :param userObj: the user as User class Object
    :return: tuple of matched and empty policies
    matched_policies = {}
    empty_policies = {}

    for polname, pol in Policies.items():
        extended_user_def = pol.get("user").split(',')

        for user_def in extended_user_def:
            user_def = user_def.strip()
            res = None

            # check if there is an attribute filter in defintion
            if '#' in user_def:
                attr_comp = AttributeCompare()
                res = attr_comp.compare(userObj, user_def)

            # if no attribute filter we support as well domain filter
            elif "@" in user_def:
                domain_comp = UserDomainCompare()
                res = domain_comp.compare(userObj, user_def)

            # if there is an : in the user, we compare the resolver
            elif ":" in user_def:
                domain_comp = UserDomainCompare()
                res = domain_comp.compare(userObj, user_def)

            # any other filter is returned as ignored
                log.debug("adding %s (no resolvers) to empty_policies",
                empty_policies[polname] = pol

            if res is True:
                log.debug("adding %s to matched_policies", polname)
                matched_policies[polname] = pol
            elif res is False:
                log.debug("policy %s faild to matched policies", polname)

    return matched_policies, empty_policies
Example #3
def _filter_admin_user(policy_users, userObj):
    filter the policies, where the logged in user matches one of the
    extended policy user filters.

    Remark: currently without user attribute comparison, as the definition
            and the testing here is not completed

    :param policy_users: list of policy user definitions
    :param userObj: the logged in user as object

    :return: boolean, true if user matched policy user definition
    res = False

    for policy_user in policy_users:
        user_def = policy_user.strip()
        res = None

        # check if there is an attribute filter in defintion
        # !! currently unspecified and untested - so commented out!!
        # if '#' in  user_def:
        #    attr_comp = AttributeCompare()
        #    domUserObj = userObj
        #    u_d, _sep, av = user_def.rpartition('#')

        #    # if we have a domain match, we try the compare
        #    # literal, but the attrbute requires the existance!
        #    if '@' in u_d:
        #        if '@' in param['user']:
        #            login, _sep, realm = param['user'].rpartition('@')
        #            domUserObj = User(login=login, realm=realm)

        #    res = attr_comp.compare(userObj, user_def)

        # if no attribute filter -try domain match
        if "@" in user_def:
            domUserObj = userObj

            # in case of domain match, we do string compare
            # to use the same comparator, we have to establish the realm
            # as last part of the login (if there)
            if '@' in userObj.login:
                login, _sep, realm = userObj.login.rpartition('@')
                domUserObj = User(login=login, realm=realm)
            domain_comp = UserDomainCompare()
            res = domain_comp.compare(domUserObj, user_def)

        # or try resolver filter, BUT with existance check
        elif ':' in user_def:
            domain_comp = UserDomainCompare()
            res = domain_comp.exists(userObj, user_def)

        # any other filter is returned as ignored

        if res is True:

    return res
Example #4
def user_list_compare(policy_conditions, login):
    check if login name matches list of user policy conditions

    :param policy_condition: the condition described in the policy
    :param login: the to be compared user - either User obj or string
    :return: booleans
    conditions = [x.strip() for x in policy_conditions.split(',')]

    if isinstance(login, User):
        user = login
    elif isinstance(login, str) or isinstance(login, unicode):
        if '@' in login:
            usr, _sep, realm = login.rpartition('@')
            user = User(usr, realm)
            user = User(login)
        raise Exception("unsupported type of login")

    matched = False

    domain_comp = UserDomainCompare()
    attr_comp = AttributeCompare()

    for condition in conditions:

        if not condition:

        its_a_not_condition = False

        # we preserve the kind of match:
        # in case of a 'non condition' match, we must return immeaditly
        # and return a False to break out of the loop of conditions

        if condition[0] in ['-', '!']:
            condition = condition[1:]
            its_a_not_condition = True

        if '#' in condition:

            if ((isinstance(login, str) or isinstance(login, unicode)) and
               '@' in login):

                usr, _sep, realm = login.rpartition('@')

                if realm in getRealms():
                    c_user = User(usr, realm)
                    c_user = User(login)

                c_user = user

            identified = attr_comp.compare(c_user, condition)

        elif '@' in condition:  # domain condition requires a domain compare

            # we support fake users, where login is of type string
            # and who have an '@' in it - we rely on that real users
            # are identified up front and then login will of type User

            if ((isinstance(login, str) or isinstance(login, unicode)) and
               '@' in login):
                u_login, _, r_login = login.rpartition('@')
                c_user = User(u_login, r_login)
                c_user = user
            identified = domain_comp.compare(c_user, condition)

        elif ':' in condition:  # resolver condition - by user exists check

            # special treatment of literal user definition with an @ in login:
            # we can split last part and check if it is an existing realm. If
            # not we treat the user login as literal only

            if ((isinstance(login, str) or isinstance(login, unicode)) and
               '@' in login):

                usr, _sep, realm = login.rpartition('@')

                if realm in getRealms():
                    c_user = User(usr, realm)
                    c_user = User(login)

                c_user = user

            identified = domain_comp.exists(c_user, condition)

        else:  # simple user condition with string compare and wild cards

            identified = domain_comp.compare(user, condition)

        if identified:
            matched = True

            if its_a_not_condition:  # early exit on a not condition
                return False

    return matched
Example #5
def user_list_compare(policy_conditions, login):
    check if login name matches list of user policy conditions

    :param policy_condition: the condition described in the policy
    :param login: the to be compared user - either User obj or string
    :return: booleans
    conditions = [x.strip() for x in policy_conditions.split(',')]

    if isinstance(login, User):
        user = login
    elif isinstance(login, str) or isinstance(login, unicode):
        if '@' in login:
            usr, _sep, realm = login.rpartition('@')
            user = User(usr, realm)
            user = User(login)
        raise Exception("unsupported type of login")

    matched = False

    domain_comp = UserDomainCompare()
    attr_comp = AttributeCompare()

    for condition in conditions:

        if not condition:

        its_a_not_condition = False

        # we preserve the kind of match:
        # in case of a 'non condition' match, we must return immeaditly
        # and return a False to break out of the loop of conditions

        if condition[0] in ['-', '!']:
            condition = condition[1:]
            its_a_not_condition = True

        if '#' in condition:

            if ((isinstance(login, str) or isinstance(login, unicode)) and
               '@' in login):

                usr, _sep, realm = login.rpartition('@')

                if realm in getRealms():
                    c_user = User(usr, realm)
                    c_user = User(login)

                c_user = user

            identified = attr_comp.compare(c_user, condition)

        elif '@' in condition:  # domain condition requires a domain compare

            # we support fake users, where login is of type string
            # and who have an '@' in it - we rely on that real users
            # are identified up front and then login will of type User

            if ((isinstance(login, str) or isinstance(login, unicode)) and
               '@' in login):
                u_login, _, r_login = login.rpartition('@')
                c_user = User(u_login, r_login)
                c_user = user
            identified = domain_comp.compare(c_user, condition)

        elif ':' in condition:  # resolver condition - by user exists check

            # special treatment of literal user definition with an @ in login:
            # we can split last part and check if it is an existing realm. If
            # not we treat the user login as literal only

            if ((isinstance(login, str) or isinstance(login, unicode)) and
               '@' in login):

                usr, _sep, realm = login.rpartition('@')

                if realm in getRealms():
                    c_user = User(usr, realm)
                    c_user = User(login)

                c_user = user

            identified = domain_comp.exists(c_user, condition)

        else:  # simple user condition with string compare and wild cards

            identified = domain_comp.compare(user, condition)

        if identified:
            matched = True

            if its_a_not_condition:  # early exit on a not condition
                return False

    return matched
Example #6
def _filter_admin_user(policy_users, userObj):
    filter the policies, where the logged in user matches one of the
    extended policy user filters.

    Remark: currently without user attribute comparison, as the definition
            and the testing here is not completed

    :param policy_users: list of policy user definitions
    :param userObj: the logged in user as object

    :return: boolean, true if user matched policy user definition
    res = False

    for policy_user in policy_users:
        user_def = policy_user.strip()
        res = None

        # check if there is an attribute filter in defintion
        # !! currently unspecified and untested - so commented out!!
        # if '#' in  user_def:
        #    attr_comp = AttributeCompare()
        #    domUserObj = userObj
        #    u_d, _sep, av = user_def.rpartition('#')

        #    # if we have a domain match, we try the compare
        #    # literal, but the attrbute requires the existance!
        #    if '@' in u_d:
        #        if '@' in param['user']:
        #            login, _sep, realm = param['user'].rpartition('@')
        #            domUserObj = User(login=login, realm=realm)

        #    res = attr_comp.compare(userObj, user_def)

        # if no attribute filter -try domain match
        if "@" in user_def:
            domUserObj = userObj

            # in case of domain match, we do string compare
            # to use the same comparator, we have to establish the realm
            # as last part of the login (if there)
            if '@' in userObj.login:
                login, _sep, realm = userObj.login.rpartition('@')
                domUserObj = User(login=login, realm=realm)
            domain_comp = UserDomainCompare()
            res = domain_comp.compare(domUserObj, user_def)

        # or try resolver filter, BUT with existance check
        elif ':' in user_def:
            domain_comp = UserDomainCompare()
            res = domain_comp.exists(userObj, user_def)

        # any other filter is returned as ignored

        if res is True:

    return res