Example #1
 def wolf(w, step):
     a_up, a_down = 0, 0
     a = step
     current_loss = loss(w, x, y)
     gradient = grad(w, x, y)
     w_new = w - a * gradient
     cond1 = (loss(w_new, x, y) > current_loss +
              w_eps1 * a * np.square(np.linalg.norm(gradient)))
     cond2 = (-np.dot(grad(w_new, x, y).T, gradient) <
              -w_eps2 * np.square(np.linalg.norm(gradient)))
     while cond1 or cond2:
         if cond1:
             a_up = a
         elif cond2:
             a_down = a
             if a_up == 0:
                 a = a_down * w_theta1
                 w_new = w - a * gradient
                 cond1 = (loss(w_new, x, y) > current_loss +
                          w_eps1 * a * np.square(np.linalg.norm(gradient)))
                 cond2 = (-np.dot(grad(w_new, x, y).T, gradient) <
                          -w_eps2 * np.square(np.linalg.norm(gradient)))
         a = a_up * w_theta2 + a_down * (1 - w_theta2)
         w_new = w - a * gradient
         cond1 = (loss(w_new, x, y) > current_loss +
                  w_eps1 * a * np.square(np.linalg.norm(gradient)))
         cond2 = (-np.dot(grad(w_new, x, y).T, gradient) <
                  -w_eps2 * np.square(np.linalg.norm(gradient)))
     return a
Example #2
 def armiho(w, stp):
     step = stp
     step /= a_theta
     current_loss = loss(w, x, y)
     gradient = grad(w, x, y)
     w_new = w - step * gradient
     while loss(w_new, x, y) > current_loss - a_eps * step * np.dot(
             gradient.T, gradient):
         step *= a_theta
         w_new = w - step * gradient
     return step
Example #3
def plot_performance(time_vec, point_vec, prb, mode, lbl, color, freq):
    """ Performance plotting function """
    loss = prb.loss
    true_loss = prb.true_loss
    x, y = prb.x, prb.y
    if mode:  #1 => iterations, 0 => time
        plt.plot(range(0, len(point_vec)*freq, freq), [np.log10(np.abs(loss(elem, x, y) - true_loss)) for\
                                                              elem in point_vec], color, label=lbl)
        plt.plot(time_vec, [np.log10(np.abs(loss(elem, x, y) - true_loss)) for\
                                                              elem in point_vec], color, label=lbl)
Example #4
def stoch_gradient_descent(prb, stop_tol, max_iter, freq):
    update_rate = 5
    step0 = 0.1
    gamma = 0.5  #used in the step size rule

    #Retrieving parameters
    x, y, true_loss, w0 = prb.x, prb.y, prb.true_loss, prb.w0
    one_func_grad = prb.one_grad

    #Resetting the counters
    w = w0
    start = time.clock()
    time_vec = []
    iteration_counter = 0
    point_vec = []
    current_loss = loss(w, x, y)
    #last_grads_matrix = np.ones(x.shape)
    random_matr = np.random.random_integers(0, x.shape[0] - 1,
                                            (update_rate * y.size, ))

    while (
            iteration_counter < max_iter * y.size
    ):  #(np.linalg.norm(np.sum(last_grads_matrix, axis = 0)) / y.size > stop_tol) and \
        if iteration_counter % (x.shape[0] * freq) == 0:
            time_vec.append(time.clock() - start)
            print("SG Iteration ", iteration_counter)  #, ": ",\
            #        np.linalg.norm(np.sum(last_grads_matrix, axis = 0))/ y.size)

        i = random_matr[iteration_counter % (y.size * update_rate)]
        if (iteration_counter % (y.size * update_rate) == 0):
            random_matr = np.random.random_integers(0, x.shape[0] - 1,
                                                    (update_rate * y.size, ))
        gradient = one_func_grad(w, x, y, i)
        # last_grads_matrix[iteration_counter % y.size] = gradient
        step = step0 / np.power(iteration_counter + 1, gamma)
        w = w - step * gradient
        iteration_counter += 1
    time_vec.append(time.clock() - start)
    return (point_vec, time_vec)
Example #5
import numpy as np
from numpy import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as op
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerLine2D
import time
from linreg import true_loss, grad, loss, batch_loss, batch_grad
from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_file
from pylab import *

random_seed_w0 = 32
mu, sigma1 = 0, 10

x_d, y_d = load_svmlight_file('datasets/abalone_scale.txt')
x = np.concatenate((x_d.toarray(), np.ones((x_d.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)
y = y_d.reshape((y_d.size, 1))
dim = x.shape[1]
data_name = 'Abalone'
#Generating the starting point
w0 = np.random.normal(mu, sigma1, (dim, 1))
n = y.size
m = x.shape[1]

opt_res = op.minimize(fun=lambda w: loss(w.reshape((w.size, 1)), x, y),
                      tol=1e-6)  #, options={'maxiter': 30})
true_loss = opt_res['fun']
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("\nTrue loss: ", true_loss)
Example #6
def stoch_average_gradient(prb, stop_tol, max_iter, freq):
    #Retrieving the parameters
    x, y, true_loss, w0 = prb.x, prb.y, prb.true_loss, prb.w0
    loss, one_func_loss, one_func_grad = prb.loss, prb.one_loss, prb.one_grad

    update_rate = 10
    l = 10
    eps = 0.5

    def stoch_grad(w, x, y, i, gradient):
        local_grad = one_func_grad(w, x, y, i)
        gradient += (local_grad - grad_matrix[i].reshape(w.shape)) / y.size
        grad_matrix[i] = local_grad.reshape(w.shape[0], )
        return gradient

    w = w0
    # Resetting counters
    start = time.clock()
    time_vec = []
    iteration_counter = 0
    point_vec = []

    #Setting the required variables
    grad_matrix = np.zeros(x.shape)
    current_loss = loss(w, x, y)
    random_matr = np.random.random_integers(0, x.shape[0] - 1,
                                            (update_rate * y.size, ))
    i = random_matr[iteration_counter % (y.size * update_rate)]
    gradient = np.zeros(w.shape)
    gradient = stoch_grad(w, x, y, i, gradient)

    while (
            iteration_counter < max_iter * y.size
    ):  #((np.linalg.norm(gradient) > stop_tol) or (iteration_counter < 2 * x.shape[0])) and \
        if iteration_counter % (x.shape[0] * freq) == 0:
            time_vec.append(time.clock() - start)
            print("SAG Iteration ", iteration_counter, ": ",

        i = random_matr[iteration_counter % (y.size * update_rate)]
        if (iteration_counter % (y.size * update_rate) == 0):
            random_matr = np.random.random_integers(0, x.shape[0] - 1,
                                                    (update_rate * y.size, ))
        cur_one_func_grad = one_func_grad(w, x, y, i)
        cur_one_func_loss = one_func_loss(w, x, y, i)
        l *= np.power(2, -1 / x.shape[0])
        w_new = w - cur_one_func_grad / l
        while (one_func_loss(w_new, x, y, i)) > \
                    cur_one_func_loss - eps * np.dot(cur_one_func_grad.T, cur_one_func_grad) / l:
            l *= 2
            w_new = w - cur_one_func_grad / l

        step = 1 / l
        w = w - step * gradient
        iteration_counter += 1
        gradient = stoch_grad(w, x, y, i, gradient)
    print("SAG Iteration ", iteration_counter, ": ", np.linalg.norm(gradient))
    time_vec.append(time.clock() - start)
    return (point_vec, time_vec)
Example #7
"""This module is for importing datasets for linear regression"""
import numpy as np
from numpy import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as op
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerLine2D
import time
from linreg import true_loss, grad, loss, batch_loss, batch_grad
from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_file
from pylab import *

random_seed_w0 = 32
mu, sigma1 = 0, 10

x_d, y_d = load_svmlight_file('datasets/abalone_scale.txt')
x = np.concatenate((x_d.toarray(), np.ones((x_d.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)
y = y_d.reshape((y_d.size, 1))
dim = x.shape[1]
data_name = 'Abalone'
#Generating the starting point
seed (random_seed_w0)
w0 = np.random.normal(mu, sigma1, (dim, 1))
n = y.size
m = x.shape[1]

opt_res = op.minimize(fun=lambda w: loss(w.reshape((w.size, 1)), x, y), x0=w0, tol=1e-6) #, options={'maxiter': 30})
true_loss = opt_res['fun']
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("\nTrue loss: ", true_loss)