Example #1
def dumpVtk(filename, grid, scalars, vectors, D, structured="auto"):
  """ Write data to file. If structured="yes" then structured gird will be used; if structure="no" then unstructured grid will be used; if structured="auto" then structured grid will be used if "grid" form a cubic lattice (see listR.listFormCubicLattice for info on cubic lattice).
  # setup grid
  structured = structured.lower();
  if structured == "yes": use_structured_grid = True;
  if structured == "no": use_structured_grid = False;
  if structured == "auto":
    form_lattice_D = listFormCubicLatticeD(grid);
    use_structured_grid = form_lattice_D["answer"];

  if use_structured_grid == False: # unstructured grid; simple
    grid_cmd = "UnstructuredGrid(grid)";
  else: # structured grid; more labor
    [grid, permutation] = tracedSort(grid); # sort it so x changes 1st, y changes 2nd, etc
    scalars = [applyOrderList(permutation, x) for x in scalars];
    vectors = [applyOrderList(permutation, x) for x in vectors];
    grid_cmd = "StructuredGrid("+str(form_lattice_D["dim"])+", "+str(grid)+")";

  # fill in objects
  object_strings = [];

  scalars_keys = D["scalar"].keys();
  for ii in range(len(scalars_keys)):
    object_strings.append("Scalars(scalars["+str(ii)+"], name='"+scalars_keys[ii]+"')");

  vectors_keys = D["vector"].keys();
  for ii in range(len(vectors_keys)):
    object_strings.append("Vectors(vectors["+str(ii)+"], name='"+vectors_keys[ii]+"')");

  # call VtkData
  exec("VtkData("+grid_cmd+", PointData("+','.join(object_strings)+")).tofile(filename)");
Example #2
def preExePost(argValueList,
               sleepTime=0):  # exeFile="" to do nothing
		Execute exeFile with a choice of arguments specified in
		argNameList. argValueList is a nested list, elements from
		each sublist consist a "choice" of arguments. order is applied
		before this choice of arguments is used. For each possible
		combination of values of arguments, preFncs are executed first,
		then exeFile is executed, then postFncs are executed.

		preFnc is used to do some possible clean work between each
		run, it has one parameter: a list of choice of parameters.
		postFun is similar, only executed after each run.

		Note that exeFile is a string that contains the executable
		file, and the string can contain other arguments, as long as
		these arguments are positioned in front of those automatically
		generated arguments list of the form argNameList. The list
		argValueList is very free, for example, the list
		[["1 2","3 4"],...] will use "1 2" or "3 4" as the first
		generated parameter. This is especially useful if a program
		reads argument for a loop to generate one file.
    for valueCmb in listR.outer(
            map(listR.toList, listR.toList(argValueList)
                )):  # take a perticular list of possible combination of values
        valueCmb = list(listR.FL(valueCmb))
        # execute preFnc
        if preFncs != []:
            for pre_func in listR.toList(preFncs):

        # execute exeFile with given choice of arguments
        if exeFile != "":
                exeFile + " " +
                listR.listToStr(listR.applyOrderList(order, valueCmb)),
                os.path.dirname(exeFile), sleepTime)

        # execute postFnc
        if postFncs != []:
            for post_func in listR.toList(postFncs):
Example #3
def preExePost(argValueList, preFncs=[], exeFile="", postFncs=[], order=[], sleepTime=0): # exeFile="" to do nothing
    Execute exeFile with a choice of arguments specified in
    argNameList. argValueList is a nested list, elements from
    each sublist consist a "choice" of arguments. order is applied
    before this choice of arguments is used. For each possible
    combination of values of arguments, preFncs are executed first,
    then exeFile is executed, then postFncs are executed.

    preFnc is used to do some possible clean work between each
    run, it has one parameter: a list of choice of parameters.
    postFun is similar, only executed after each run.

    Note that exeFile is a string that contains the executable
    file, and the string can contain other arguments, as long as
    these arguments are positioned in front of those automatically
    generated arguments list of the form argNameList. The list
    argValueList is very free, for example, the list
    [["1 2","3 4"],...] will use "1 2" or "3 4" as the first
    generated parameter. This is especially useful if a program
    reads argument for a loop to generate one file.
  for valueCmb in listR.outer(map(listR.toList, listR.toList(argValueList))): # take a perticular list of possible combination of values
    valueCmb = list(listR.FL(valueCmb))
    # execute preFnc
    if preFncs!=[]:
      for pre_func in listR.toList(preFncs):

    # execute exeFile with given choice of arguments
    if exeFile!="":
      runCommand(exeFile + " " + listR.listToStr(listR.applyOrderList(order,valueCmb)), path.dirname(exeFile), sleepTime)

    # execute postFnc
    if postFncs!=[]:
      for post_func in listR.toList(postFncs):