def get_element_by_lookup(self, element_name):
     Get an element by the lookup
     :param element_name: look up term to match
     :return: webelement
     return self.driver.find_element(*get_element_selector(element_name))
    def find_button_to_select(self, button_name):
        Find a button in the page by name

        :return: the button element on the page
        button_selector = get_element_selector(button_name)
        button_element = self.driver.find_element(*button_selector)
        return button_element
    def verify_obs_field_not_displayed(self, obs_field):
        Locate a specific field in an observation form and verifies it is not

        :param obs_field: the observation field to look for
        field_selector = get_element_selector(obs_field)
        obs_fields = self.driver.find_element(*field_selector)
        return not self.element_is_displayed(obs_fields)
 def get_clinical_risk_in_popup(self, cli_risk_expected):
     Locates and returns the risk from an observation in the confirmation
     :param cli_risk_expected: value expected to be returned
     :return: string in specified element
     element_locator = get_element_selector(cli_risk_expected)
     popup_element = self.driver.find_element(*element_locator)
     if popup_element:
         return popup_element.text
    def verify_obs_form_displayed(self, obs_type):
        Finds the data-type attribute for the currently open observation form
        and compares the result to the expected data-type as per the obs_type

        :param obs_type: the observation selected
        obs_form = self.driver.find_element_by_id('obsForm')
        return self.get_data_model_from_form() == \
def input_value_in_field(context, value, input_type, input_field):
    Inputs or selects a specified value into a field

    :param context: behave context
    :param value: a value/option to input/select
    :param input_type: either input or select field
    :param input_field: name of field to locate
    field_selector = get_element_selector(input_field)
    obs_page = DataEntryPage(context.driver)
    field_input = context.driver.find_element(*field_selector)
    field_locator = obs_page.locate_attribute_path(field_input)
    if input_type == 'inputted':
        obs_page.fill_input_field(field_locator, value)
    elif input_type == 'selected':
        obs_page.fill_select_field(field_locator, value)