help_text=u"На какой сумме заканчивается диапазон.", default=50000)) config_register( PositiveIntegerValue(MYAPP_GROUP, 'TIME_START', description=u'Диапазон времени. Начало.', help_text=u"С какого времени начинается диапазон.", default=1)) config_register( PositiveIntegerValue( MYAPP_GROUP, 'TIME_END', description=u'Диапазон времени. Конец.', help_text=u"Через сколько недель заканчивается диапазон.", default=50)) config_register( StringValue(MYAPP_GROUP, 'EMAIL', description=u'Email администратора', help_text=u"Почта, куда будут приходить заявки.", default='*****@*****.**')) config_register( PercentValue(MYAPP_GROUP, 'PERCENT', description=u'Процентная ставка', help_text=u"Процентная ставка в неделю.", default=0.02))
from askbot.conf.settings_wrapper import settings from askbot.conf.super_groups import LOGIN_USERS_COMMUNICATION from livesettings import (ConfigurationGroup, BooleanValue, StringValue, LongStringValue) from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.utils.translation import string_concat register = settings.register ACCESS_CONTROL = ConfigurationGroup('ACCESS_CONTROL', _('Access control settings'), super_group=LOGIN_USERS_COMMUNICATION) register(BooleanValue(ACCESS_CONTROL, 'READ_ONLY_MODE_ENABLED', default=False, description=_('Make site read-only'))) register(StringValue( ACCESS_CONTROL, 'READ_ONLY_MESSAGE', default=_('The site is temporarily read-only. Only viewing of the content is possible at the moment.'))) register(BooleanValue(ACCESS_CONTROL, 'ASKBOT_CLOSED_FORUM_MODE', default=False, description=_('Allow only registered user to access the forum'))) EMAIL_VALIDATION_CASE_CHOICES = ( ('nothing', _('nothing - not required')), ('see-content', _('account registration')), # 'post-content', _('posting content'), ) register(StringValue(ACCESS_CONTROL, 'REQUIRE_VALID_EMAIL_FOR', default='nothing', choices=EMAIL_VALIDATION_CASE_CHOICES, description=_('Require valid email for')))
description=_("Required shipping data"), help_text=_( "Similar to'REQUIRED_BILLING_DATA', except for shipping fields."), default=('addressee', 'street1', 'city', 'postal_code', 'country'), choices=(('addressee', _("Addressee")), ('street1', _("Street")), ('street2', _("Street (second line)")), ('city', _("City")), ('state', _("State/Province")), ('postal_code', _("Postal code/ZIP")), ('country', _("Country"))))) # I am doing it this way instead of a boolean for email verification because I # intend to add a "manual approval" style of account verification. -Bruce ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION = config_register( StringValue( SHOP_GROUP, 'ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION', description=_("Account Verification"), help_text= _("Select the style of account verification. 'Immediate' means no verification needed." ), default="IMMEDIATE", choices=[('IMMEDIATE', _('Immediate')), ('EMAIL', _('Email'))])) config_register( IntegerValue(SHOP_GROUP, 'ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS', description=_('Days to verify account'), default=7, requires=ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION, requiresvalue='EMAIL'))
from askbot.conf.super_groups import EXTERNAL_SERVICES from livesettings import ConfigurationGroup, BooleanValue, StringValue SOCIAL_SHARING = ConfigurationGroup('SOCIAL_SHARING', _('Content sharing'), super_group=EXTERNAL_SERVICES) settings.register( BooleanValue(SOCIAL_SHARING, 'RSS_ENABLED', default=True, description=_('Check to enable RSS feeds'))) settings.register( StringValue(SOCIAL_SHARING, 'SHARING_SUFFIX_TEXT', default='', description=_('Hashtag or suffix to sharing messages'))) settings.register( BooleanValue( SOCIAL_SHARING, 'ENABLE_SHARING_FACEBOOK', default=True, description=_('Check to enable sharing of questions on Facebook'))) settings.register( BooleanValue( SOCIAL_SHARING, 'ENABLE_SHARING_LINKEDIN', default=True, description=_('Check to enable sharing of questions on LinkedIn')))
project_root = os.path.dirname( os.path.normpath( sys.modules[os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE']].__file__)) # default value `project_root + 'static'` is currently the best common for all Django 1.2 - 1.4 default_icon_url = urlparse.urlunsplit( ('file', '', os.path.join(project_root, 'static', 'images/sample-logo.bmp'), '', '')) #### SHOP Group #### LOGO_URI = config_register( StringValue(SHOP_GROUP, 'LOGO_URI', description=_("URI to the logo for the store"), help_text=_( ("For example or " "file:///var/www/html/images/logo.jpg")), default=default_icon_url)) ENFORCE_STATE = config_register( BooleanValue( SHOP_GROUP, 'ENFORCE_STATE', description=_('State required?'), help_text= _("Require a state during registration/checkout for countries that have states?" ), default=True)) SHOW_SITE = config_register(
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from livesettings import config_register, ConfigurationGroup, StringValue from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from product.models import Category from .utils import ModelValue # GIFT_INFO configs GIFT_INFO = ConfigurationGroup('GIFT_INFO', _('Gift configurations'), ordering=0) # Codice univoco config_register( StringValue(GIFT_INFO, 'LABEL', description=_('Label for gift orders annotation'), help_text="", default="Is a gift.")) # Gift category config_register( ModelValue(GIFT_INFO, 'GIFT_CATEGORY', description=_(u'Gift Category'), help_text=_(u"Choose which category contains gift products"), queryset=Category.objects.all(), required=False))
from livesettings import ConfigurationGroup, BooleanValue, StringValue SPAM_AND_MODERATION = ConfigurationGroup( 'SPAM_AND_MODERATION', _('Akismet spam protection'), super_group=EXTERNAL_SERVICES ) settings.register( BooleanValue( SPAM_AND_MODERATION, 'USE_AKISMET', description=_('Enable Akismet spam detection(keys below are required)'), default=False, help_text=_('To get an Akismet key please visit <a href="%(url)s">Akismet site</a>') % { 'url': const.DEPENDENCY_URLS['akismet']} ) ) settings.register( StringValue( SPAM_AND_MODERATION, 'AKISMET_API_KEY', description=_('Akismet key for spam detection') ) )
class EmailValue(StringValue): def make_field(self, **kwargs): validators = kwargs.setdefault('validators', []) validators.append(validate_email) return super(EmailValue, self).make_field(**kwargs) SHOP_CONFIG = ConfigurationGroup('SHOP_CONFIG', _(u'Shop configuration'), ordering=0) config_register( StringValue( SHOP_CONFIG, 'SHOP_NAME', description=_(u'Shop name'), help_text=_(u'The name of the site, shown on all pages and mails'), default=u"Sho Name")) config_register( IBANValue(SHOP_CONFIG, 'IBAN', description=_(u'IBAN'), help_text=_( u'your bank account code: fill in if you have chosen ' u'to accept payments via bank transfer'), default=u'')) config_register( StringValue(SHOP_CONFIG, 'ADDRESS',
"list of valid credit card numbers."), default=False), ModuleValue(PAYMENT_GROUP, 'MODULE', description=_('Implementation module'), hidden=True, default='payment.modules.payflowpro'), BooleanValue(PAYMENT_GROUP, 'CAPTURE', description=_('Capture Payment immediately?'), default=True, help_text=_('IMPORTANT: If false, a capture attempt will be ' 'made when the order is marked as shipped.')), StringValue(PAYMENT_GROUP, 'KEY', description=_("Module key"), hidden=True, default='PAYFLOWPRO'), StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, 'LABEL', description=_('English name for this group on the checkout screens'), default='Credit Cards', dummy=_('Credit Cards'), # Force this to appear on po-files help_text=_('This will be passed to the translation utility')), StringValue(PAYMENT_GROUP, 'URL_BASE', description=_( 'The url base used for constructing urlpatterns which ' 'will use this module'), default=r'^credit/'),
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from livesettings import config_register, ConfigurationGroup, PositiveIntegerValue, PercentValue, StringValue from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ # First, setup a grup to hold all our possible configs MYAPP_GROUP = ConfigurationGroup( 'MyApp', # key: internal name of the group to be created u'Настройки сайта', # name: verbose name which can be automatically translated ordering=0 # ordering: order of group in the list (default is 1) ) config_register( StringValue(MYAPP_GROUP, 'EMAIL', description=u'Email администратора', help_text=u"Почта, куда будут приходить заявки.", default='*****@*****.**')) config_register( StringValue(MYAPP_GROUP, 'PHONE', description=u'Телефон', default='+7(495) 969 88 69'))
#pylint: disable=E1102 # '_ is not callable' from livesettings import config_register, ConfigurationGroup, StringValue, \ BooleanValue, PasswordValue, IntegerValue from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ RECEIVEMAIL_GROUP = ConfigurationGroup( 'ReceiveMail', # key: internal name of the group to be created _('Receiving email Settings (POP3)'), # name: verbose name which can be automatically translated ordering=0 # ordering: order of group in the list (default is 1) ) config_register(StringValue( RECEIVEMAIL_GROUP, # group: object of ConfigurationGroup created above 'USERNAME', # key: internal name of the configuration value to be created description = _('Username'), # label for the value help_text = _("Enter the Username used to access the email account."), # help text ordering = 0 )) config_register(PasswordValue( RECEIVEMAIL_GROUP, 'PASSWORD', description='Password', help_text='Enter the password to access this mail account.', render_value=True, ordering = 1 )) config_register(StringValue( RECEIVEMAIL_GROUP,
help_text=_( u"sets the maximum number of offers to be shown in the " u"splash page"), default=Decimal('3'))) # SOCIALS_INFO configs SOCIALS_INFO = ConfigurationGroup('SOCIALS_INFO', _('Socials urls info'), ordering=0) # facebook config_register( StringValue( SOCIALS_INFO, 'FACEBOOK_URL', description=_(u'Facebook url'), help_text=_(u"Insert personal facebook url"), default="", )) # twitter config_register( StringValue( SOCIALS_INFO, 'TWITTER_URL', description=_('Twitter url'), help_text=_(u"Insert personal twitter url"), default="", )) # linkedin
from askbot.models import Group cleaned_new_name = clean_group_name(new_name.strip()) if new_name == '': # name cannot be empty return old_name group = Group.objects.get_global_group() = cleaned_new_name return new_name """ register( StringValue(GROUP_SETTINGS, 'GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME', default=_('everyone'), description=_('Global user group name'), help_text=_('All users belong to this group automatically'))) # update_callback=group_name_update_callback register( BooleanValue( GROUP_SETTINGS, 'GROUP_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_ENABLED', default=False, description=_('Enable group email adddresses'), help_text= _('If selected, users can post to groups by email "*****@*****.**"' )))
MARKUP, 'ENABLE_MATHJAX', description=_('Mathjax support (rendering of LaTeX)'), help_text=_('If you enable this feature, ' '<a href="%(url)s">mathjax</a> must be ' 'installed on your server in its own directory.') % { 'url': const.DEPENDENCY_URLS['mathjax'], }, default=False)) settings.register( StringValue(MARKUP, 'MATHJAX_BASE_URL', description=_('Base url of MathJax deployment'), help_text=_('Note - <strong>MathJax is not included with ' 'askbot</strong> - you should deploy it yourself, ' 'preferably at a separate domain and enter url ' 'pointing to the "mathjax" directory ' '(for example:'), default='')) settings.register( BooleanValue(MARKUP, 'ENABLE_AUTO_LINKING', description=_('Enable autolinking with specific patterns'), help_text=_('If you enable this feature, ' 'the application will be able to ' 'detect patterns and auto link to URLs'), default=False)) settings.register(
#!/usr/bin/env python from livesettings import config_register, BooleanValue, ConfigurationGroup, FloatValue, PositiveIntegerValue, StringValue from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ # Site domain settings DOMAIN_GROUP = ConfigurationGroup( 'DOMAIN', _('Site domain'), ordering=0 ) config_register(StringValue( DOMAIN_GROUP, 'SITE_DOMAIN', description=_('Site domain to be referenced in outgoing email.'), default='localhost:8000' )) # Email settings EMAIL_GROUP = ConfigurationGroup( 'EMAIL', _('Email'), ordering=1 ) config_register(BooleanValue( EMAIL_GROUP, 'EMAIL_ENABLED', description=_('Enable email?'), help_text=_('If enabled, notifications and activation messages will be sent via email.'),
'MODERATION', _('Content moderation'), super_group=DATA_AND_FORMATTING ) CONTENT_MODERATION_MODE_CHOICES = ( ('flags', _('audit flagged posts')), ('audit', _('audit flagged posts and watched users')), ('premoderation', _('pre-moderate watched users and audit flagged posts')), ) settings.register( StringValue( MODERATION, 'CONTENT_MODERATION_MODE', choices=CONTENT_MODERATION_MODE_CHOICES, default='flags', description=_('Content moderation method'), help_text=_("Audit is made after the posts are published, pre-moderation prevents publishing before moderator's decision.") ) ) settings.register( LongStringValue( MODERATION, 'FORBIDDEN_PHRASES', default='', description=_('Reject all posts with these phrases'), help_text=_('Enter one phrase per line (case-insensitive). ' 'Posts with these phrases will be rejected ' 'without moderation.' )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from livesettings import config_register, ConfigurationGroup, PositiveIntegerValue, PercentValue, StringValue from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ # First, setup a grup to hold all our possible configs MYAPP_GROUP = ConfigurationGroup( 'MyApp', # key: internal name of the group to be created u'Настройки сайта', # name: verbose name which can be automatically translated ordering=0 # ordering: order of group in the list (default is 1) ) config_register( StringValue(MYAPP_GROUP, 'EMAIL', description=u'Email администратора', help_text=u"Почта, куда будут приходить заявки.", default='*****@*****.**')) config_register( StringValue(MYAPP_GROUP, 'PHONE', description=u'Телефон', help_text=u"Для отображения на сайте", default='8 (926) 555-55-55')) config_register( StringValue(MYAPP_GROUP, 'ORDERS_COUNT', description=u'Кол-во заказов выполненных', help_text=u"Для отображения в шапке сайта", default='986'))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from livesettings import ConfigurationGroup, PositiveIntegerValue, MultipleStringValue, StringValue, BooleanValue, config_register, config_register_list PRODUCT_GROUP = ConfigurationGroup('PRODUCT', _('Product Settings')) config_register( StringValue(PRODUCT_GROUP, 'IMAGE_DIR', description=_("Upload Image Dir"), help_text=_("""Directory name for storing uploaded images. This value will be appended to MEDIA_ROOT. Do not worry about slashes. We can handle it any which way."""), default="images")) config_register_list( PositiveIntegerValue( PRODUCT_GROUP, 'NUM_DISPLAY', description=_("Total featured"), help_text=_("Total number of featured items to display"), default=20), PositiveIntegerValue( PRODUCT_GROUP, 'NUM_PAGINATED', description=_("Number featured"), help_text=_("Number of featured items to display on each page"), default=10), MultipleStringValue( PRODUCT_GROUP,