def get_live_data(self):
        """Find the objects which match the request.

        This function scans a list of objects (hosts, services, etc.) and
        applies the filter functions first. The remaining objects are
        converted to simple dicts which have only the keys that were
        requested through Column: attributes. """
        # We will use prefiltercolumns here for some serious speedup.
        # For example, if nagvis wants Filter: host_groups >= hgxy
        # we don't have to use the while list of hostgroups in
        # the innermost loop
        # Filter: host_groups >= linux-servers
        # host_groups is a service attribute
        # We can get all services of all hosts of all hostgroups and filter at the end
        # But it would save a lot of time to already filter the hostgroups. This means host_groups must be hard-coded
        # Also host_name, but then we must filter the second step.
        # And a mixture host_groups/host_name with FilterAnd/Or? Must have several filter functions

        handler = self.objects_get_handlers.get(self.table, None)
        if not handler:
            print("Got unhandled table: %s" % (self.table))
            return []

        # Get the function which implements the Filter: statements
        filter_func = self.filter_stack.get_stack()
        without_filter = len(self.filtercolumns) == 0

        cs = LiveStatusConstraints(filter_func, without_filter, self.authuser)
        result = handler(self, cs)

        # A LiveStatusWaitQuery is launched several times, so we need to
        # put back the big filter function
        return result
Example #2
    def launch_query(self):
        """ Prepare the request object's filter stacks """

        # The Response object needs to access the Query

        # A minimal integrity check
        if not self.table:
            return []

        # Ask the cache if this request was already answered under the same
        # circumstances. (And f not, whether this query is cacheable at all)
        cacheable, cache_hit, cached_response = self.query_cache.get_cached_query(
        if cache_hit:
            self.columns = cached_response['columns']
            self.response.columnheaders = cached_response['columnheaders']
            return cached_response['result']

        # Make columns unique
        self.filtercolumns = list(set(self.filtercolumns))
        self.prefiltercolumns = list(set(self.prefiltercolumns))
        self.stats_columns = list(set(self.stats_columns))

        if self.stats_query:
            if len(self.columns) > 0:
                # StatsGroupBy is deprecated. Columns: can be used instead
                self.stats_group_by = self.columns
            elif len(self.stats_group_by) > 0:
                self.columns = self.stats_group_by + self.stats_columns
            #if len(self.stats_columns) > 0 and len(self.columns) == 0:
            if len(self.stats_columns) > 0:
                self.columns = self.stats_columns + self.columns
            if len(self.columns) == 0:
                self.outputcolumns = list_livestatus_attributes(self.table)
                self.outputcolumns = self.columns

        # Make one big filter where the single filters are anded

        # Get the function which implements the Filter: statements
        filter_func = self.filter_stack.get_stack()
        without_filter = len(self.filtercolumns) == 0
        cs = LiveStatusConstraints(filter_func, without_filter, self.authuser)

            # Remember the number of stats filters. We need these numbers as columns later.
            # But we need to ask now, because get_live_data() will empty the stack
            num_stats_filters = self.stats_filter_stack.qsize()
            if self.table == 'log':
                result = self.get_live_data_log(cs)
                # If the pnpgraph_present column is involved, then check
                # with each request if the pnp perfdata path exists
                if 'pnpgraph_present' in self.columns + self.filtercolumns + self.prefiltercolumns and self.pnp_path and os.access(
                        self.pnp_path, os.R_OK):
                    self.pnp_path_readable = True
                    self.pnp_path_readable = False
                # Apply the filters on the broker's host/service/etc elements

                result = self.get_live_data(cs)

            if self.stats_query:
                self.columns = range(num_stats_filters)
                if self.stats_group_by:
                    self.columns = tuple(
                        list(self.stats_group_by) + list(self.columns))
                if len(self.aliases) == 0:
                    # If there were Stats: staments without "as", show no column headers at all
                    self.response.columnheaders = 'off'
                    self.response.columnheaders = 'on'

            if self.stats_query:
                result = self.statsify_result(result)
                # statsify_result returns a dict with column numers as keys
            elif self.table == 'columns':
                # With stats_request set to True, format_output expects result
                # to be a list of dicts instead a list of objects
                self.stats_query = True

        except Exception, e:
            import traceback
            print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
            print e
            print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
            result = []