def query_handler(query): '''Manage query and return taxa from uBio.''' # Get taxa from pickled objects or via uBio. try: # Queries are cached as pickled objects. taxapic = open('queries/' + query, 'rb') taxa = pickle.load(taxapic) taxapic.close() except: #TODO Handle connection problems, better at ubio = uBio() taxa = ubio.search_name(query) # Save query as pickled object. taxapic = open('queries/' + query, 'wb') pickle.dump(taxa, taxapic) taxapic.close() return taxa
def taxon_page(request, slug): '''Taxon page.''' # Search form. form = SearchForm() # Get or create taxon instance. try: taxon = Taxon.objects.select_related().get(slug=slug) except: # Pretend it is a regular query. query = slug.replace('-', ' ') # Call uBio to help. ubio = uBio() taxa = ubio.search_name(query) # Uppercase the first letter of the first word. words = query.split(' ') words[0] = words[0].title() name = ' '.join(words) # Scan query results to check if the slug (taxon) exists. # It must be an exact match to a known uBio entry to create the taxon. for entry in taxa: if entry['name'].lower() == query.lower(): taxon = Taxon(name=name) else: #XXX What happens when taxon object is not created? pass # Get all related articles. articles = taxon.articles.all() # Check if a query object was created recently. try: last_query = Query.objects.filter(taxon=taxon).order_by('-timestamp')[0] except: last_query = '' # Top ten authors in number of publications with the taxon. #TODO Explore possibilities. try: top_authors = articles.values('authors__forename', 'authors__surname').annotate(Count('authors')).order_by('-authors__count')[:10] except: top_authors = [] # Number of publications per year. if articles: data = get_yearly(articles) else: data = {} # Calls for reference fetching. fetching = False if not last_query: fetching = True else: now = if (now - last_query.timestamp) > timedelta(minutes=1): fetching = True # Calculate the ratio of existent and fetched articles. if last_query: fetch_ratio = get_ratio(articles.count(), last_query.total_results) else: fetch_ratio = 0 user_list = taxon.taxon_users.values_list('id', flat=True) variables = RequestContext(request, { 'taxon': taxon, 'last_query': last_query, 'articles': articles, 'top_authors': top_authors, 'fetching': fetching, 'fetch_ratio': fetch_ratio, 'form': form, 'user_list': user_list, 'data': data, }) return render_to_response('taxon.html', variables)