Example #1
def list_task(args):
	status = 'all'
	if args.completed:
		status = 'completed'
	elif args.deleted:
		status = 'deleted'
	elif args.expired:
		status = 'expired'

	parent_ids = [a[:-1] for a in args if re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a)]
	if parent_ids and not all(re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a) for a in args):
		raise NotImplementedError("Can't mix 'id/' with others")
	assert len(parent_ids) <= 1, "sub-tasks listing only supports single task id"
	ids = [a[:-1] if re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a) else a for a in args]

	client = XunleiClient(args.username, args.password, args.cookies)
	if parent_ids:
		args[0] = args[0][:-1]
		tasks = search_tasks(client, args, status=status)
		assert len(tasks) == 1
		tasks = client.list_bt(tasks[0])
		#tasks = client.list_bt(client.get_task_by_id(parent_ids[0]))
		tasks.sort(key=lambda x: int(x['index']))
	elif len(ids):
		tasks = search_tasks(client, args, status=status)
	elif args.category:
		tasks = client.read_all_tasks_by_category(from_native(args.category))
	elif status == 'all':
		tasks = client.read_all_tasks()
	elif status == 'completed':
		tasks = filter(lambda x: x['status_text'] == 'completed', client.read_all_tasks()) # by #139
	elif status == 'deleted':
		tasks = client.read_all_deleted()
	elif status == 'expired':
		tasks = client.read_all_expired()
		raise NotImplementedError(status)
	columns = ['n', 'id', 'name', 'status', 'size', 'progress', 'speed', 'date', 'dcid', 'gcid', 'original-url', 'download-url']
	columns = filter(lambda k: getattr(args, k), columns)

	output_tasks(tasks, columns, args, not parent_ids)
Example #2
def download_task(args):
	import lixian_download_tools
	download = lixian_download_tools.get_tool(args.tool)
	download_args = {'output':args.output, 'output_dir':args.output_dir, 'delete':args.delete, 'resuming':args._args['continue'], 'overwrite':args.overwrite, 'mini_hash':args.mini_hash, 'no_hash': not args.hash, 'no_bt_dir': not args.bt_dir, 'save_torrent_file':args.save_torrent_file}
	client = XunleiClient(args.username, args.password, args.cookies)
	links = None
	if len(args) or args.input:
		tasks = find_tasks_to_download(client, args)
		if args.output:
			assert len(tasks) == 1
			download_single_task(client, download, tasks[0], download_args)
			download_multiple_tasks(client, download, tasks, download_args)
	elif args.all:
		tasks = client.read_all_tasks()
		download_multiple_tasks(client, download, tasks, download_args)
	elif args.category:
		tasks = client.read_all_tasks_by_category(from_native(args.category))
		download_multiple_tasks(client, download, tasks, download_args)
		usage(doc=lixian_help.download, message='Not enough arguments')