Example #1
    def make_constant_array(self, builder, typ, ary):
        assert typ.layout == 'C'                # assumed in typeinfer.py
        ary = numpy.ascontiguousarray(ary)
        flat = ary.flatten()

        # Handle data
        if self.is_struct_type(typ.dtype):
            # FIXME
            raise TypeError("Do not support structure dtype as constant "
                            "array, yet.")

        values = [self.get_constant(typ.dtype, flat[i])
                  for i in range(flat.size)]

        lldtype = values[0].type
        consts = Constant.array(lldtype, values)
        data = cgutils.global_constant(builder, ".const.array.data", consts)

        # Handle shape
        llintp = self.get_value_type(types.intp)
        shapevals = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in ary.shape]
        cshape = Constant.array(llintp, shapevals)

        # Handle strides
        stridevals = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in ary.strides]
        cstrides = Constant.array(llintp, stridevals)

        # Create array structure
        cary = self.make_array(typ)(self, builder)
        cary.data = builder.bitcast(data, cary.data.type)
        cary.shape = cshape
        cary.strides = cstrides
        return cary._getvalue()
Example #2
    def make_constant_array(self, builder, typ, ary):
        assert typ.layout == 'C'                # assumed in typeinfer.py
        ary = numpy.ascontiguousarray(ary)
        flat = ary.flatten()

        # Handle data
        if self.is_struct_type(typ.dtype):
            # FIXME
            raise TypeError("Do not support structure dtype as constant "
                            "array, yet.")

        values = [self.get_constant(typ.dtype, flat[i])
                  for i in range(flat.size)]

        lldtype = values[0].type
        consts = Constant.array(lldtype, values)
        data = cgutils.global_constant(builder, ".const.array.data", consts)

        # Handle shape
        llintp = self.get_value_type(types.intp)
        shapevals = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in ary.shape]
        cshape = Constant.array(llintp, shapevals)

        # Handle strides
        stridevals = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in ary.strides]
        cstrides = Constant.array(llintp, stridevals)

        # Create array structure
        cary = self.make_array(typ)(self, builder)
        cary.data = builder.bitcast(data, cary.data.type)
        cary.shape = cshape
        cary.strides = cstrides
        return cary._getvalue()
Example #3
    def get_constant(self, ty, val):
        assert not self.is_struct_type(ty)

        lty = self.get_value_type(ty)

        if ty == types.none:
            assert val is None
            return self.get_dummy_value()

        elif ty == types.boolean:
            return Constant.int(Type.int(1), int(val))

        elif ty in types.signed_domain:
            return Constant.int_signextend(lty, val)

        elif ty in types.unsigned_domain:
            return Constant.int(lty, val)

        elif ty in types.real_domain:
            return Constant.real(lty, val)

        elif isinstance(ty, types.UniTuple):
            consts = [self.get_constant(ty.dtype, v) for v in val]
            return Constant.array(consts[0].type, consts)

        raise NotImplementedError(ty)
Example #4
    def get_constant(self, ty, val):
        assert not self.is_struct_type(ty)

        lty = self.get_value_type(ty)

        if ty == types.none:
            assert val is None
            return self.get_dummy_value()

        elif ty == types.boolean:
            return Constant.int(Type.int(1), int(val))

        elif ty in types.signed_domain:
            return Constant.int_signextend(lty, val)

        elif ty in types.unsigned_domain:
            return Constant.int(lty, val)

        elif ty in types.real_domain:
            return Constant.real(lty, val)

        elif isinstance(ty, types.UniTuple):
            consts = [self.get_constant(ty.dtype, v) for v in val]
            return Constant.array(consts[0].type, consts)

        raise NotImplementedError(ty)
Example #5
    def make_keywords(self, kws):
        strings = []
        stringtype = Type.pointer(Type.int(8))
        for k in kws:

        kwlist = Constant.array(stringtype, strings)
        kwlist = cgutils.global_constant(self.module, ".kwlist", kwlist)
        return Constant.bitcast(kwlist, Type.pointer(stringtype))
Example #6
    def make_keywords(self, kws):
        strings = []
        stringtype = Type.pointer(Type.int(8))
        for k in kws:

        kwlist = Constant.array(stringtype, strings)
        kwlist = cgutils.global_constant(self.module, ".kwlist", kwlist)
        return Constant.bitcast(kwlist, Type.pointer(stringtype))
Example #7
def define_ctor(ctx, mutants):
    sets up global ctor that will initialize a linked list
    with mutant information
    fn = CTor(ctx.module.id, mutants)(ctx.module)

    value = Constant.int(Type.int(32), 65535)
    value = Constant.struct([value, fn])
    value = Constant.array(value.type, [value])

    ctors = ctx.module.add_global_variable(value.type, "llvm.global_ctors")
    ctors.linkage = core.LINKAGE_APPENDING
    ctors.initializer = value
Example #8
    def make_keywords(self, kws):
        strings = []
        stringtype = Type.pointer(Type.int(8))
        for k in kws:


        kwlist = Constant.array(stringtype, strings)

        gv = self.module.add_global_variable(kwlist.type, name=".kwlist")
        gv.global_constant = True
        gv.initializer = kwlist
        gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL

        return Constant.bitcast(gv, Type.pointer(stringtype))
Example #9
    def make_keywords(self, kws):
        strings = []
        stringtype = Type.pointer(Type.int(8))
        for k in kws:


        kwlist = Constant.array(stringtype, strings)

        gv = self.module.add_global_variable(kwlist.type, name=".kwlist")
        gv.global_constant = True
        gv.initializer = kwlist
        gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL

        return Constant.bitcast(gv, Type.pointer(stringtype))
Example #10
def make_constant_array(vals):
    consts = [Constant.int(TIMEDELTA64, v) for v in vals]
    return Constant.array(TIMEDELTA64, consts)
Example #11
def array(ls):
    '''Helper for building arrays'''
    return Constant.array(Type.int(), ls)