Example #1
    def lower_finalize_func(self, lower):
        Lower the generator's finalizer.
        fnty = Type.function(Type.void(),
        function = lower.module.get_or_insert_function(
            fnty, name=self.gendesc.llvm_finalizer_name)
        entry_block = function.append_basic_block('entry')
        builder = Builder(entry_block)

        genptrty = self.context.get_value_type(self.gentype)
        genptr = builder.bitcast(function.args[0], genptrty)
        self.lower_finalize_func_body(builder, genptr)
Example #2
    def lower_finalize_func(self, lower):
        Lower the generator's finalizer.
        fnty = Type.function(Type.void(),
        function = lower.module.get_or_insert_function(
            fnty, name=self.gendesc.llvm_finalizer_name)
        entry_block = function.append_basic_block('entry')
        builder = Builder(entry_block)

        genptrty = self.context.get_value_type(self.gentype)
        genptr = builder.bitcast(function.args[0], genptrty)
        self.lower_finalize_func_body(builder, genptr)
Example #3
class CodeGenerator(Printable):
    def __init__(self):
        # TODO: come up with a less naive way of handling the symtab and types
        self.classes = None
        self.symtab = {}
        self.typetab = {}
        self.is_break = False
        self.current_class = None

        self.loop_end_blocks = []
        self.loop_cond_blocks = []
        context = ir.Context()
        self.module = Module(name='opal-lang', context=context)
        self.blocks = []
        self.scope = {}


        func_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), [])
        func = Function(self.module, func_ty, 'main')

        self.current_function = func
        entry_block = self.add_block('entry')
        exit_block = self.add_block('exit')

        self.function_stack = [func]
        self.builder = Builder(entry_block)
        self.exit_blocks = [exit_block]
        self.block_stack = [entry_block]

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.module)

    def _add_builtins(self):
        malloc_ty = ir.FunctionType(Int8.as_llvm().as_pointer(),
        ir.Function(self.module, malloc_ty, 'malloc')

        free_ty = ir.FunctionType(Any.as_llvm(), [Int8.as_llvm().as_pointer()])
        ir.Function(self.module, free_ty, 'free')

        puts_ty = ir.FunctionType(Integer.as_llvm(),
        ir.Function(self.module, puts_ty, 'puts')

        int_to_string_ty = ir.FunctionType(Int8.as_llvm().as_pointer(), [
        ir.Function(self.module, int_to_string_ty, 'int_to_string')

        printf_ty = ir.FunctionType(Integer.as_llvm(),
        ir.Function(self.module, printf_ty, 'printf')

        vector_init_ty = ir.FunctionType(Any.as_llvm(),
        ir.Function(self.module, vector_init_ty, 'vector_init')

        vector_append_ty = ir.FunctionType(
        ir.Function(self.module, vector_append_ty, 'vector_append')

        vector_get_ty = ir.FunctionType(
        ir.Function(self.module, vector_get_ty, 'vector_get')

        vector_size_ty = ir.FunctionType(Integer.as_llvm(),
        ir.Function(self.module, vector_size_ty, 'vector_size')

    def alloc(self, typ, name=''):
        return self.builder.alloca(typ, name=name)

    def alloc_and_store(self, val, typ, name=''):
        var_addr = self.alloc(typ, name)
        self.builder.store(val, var_addr)
        return var_addr

    def add_block(self, name):
        return self.current_function.append_basic_block(name)

    def assign(self, name, value, typ, is_class=False):
        if is_class:
            self.symtab[name] = value
            self.typetab[name] = typ
            return value

        old_val = self.symtab.get(name)
        if old_val:
            new_val = self.builder.store(value, old_val)
            self.symtab[name] = new_val.operands[1]
            return new_val

        var_address = self.alloc_and_store(value, typ, name=name)

        self.symtab[name] = var_address
        self.typetab[name] = typ
        return var_address

    def get_var(self, name):
        return self.symtab[name]

    def get_var_type(self, name):
        return self.typetab[name]

    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
    def bitcast(self, value, type_):
        return self.builder.bitcast(value, type_)

    def branch(self, block):
        return self.builder.branch(block)

    # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
    def cbranch(self, cond, true_block, false_block):
        return self.builder.cbranch(cond, true_block, false_block)

    def gep(self, ptr, indices, inbounds=False, name=''):
        return self.builder.gep(ptr, indices, inbounds, name)

    def generate_code(self, code):
        visitor = ASTVisitor()
        ast = visitor.transform(parser.parse(f"{code}\n"))
        self.classes = visitor.classes

        for klass in self.classes:

        assert isinstance(ast, Program)
        return ast.accept(self)

    def load(self, ptr, name=''):
        return self.builder.load(ptr, name)

    def position_at_end(self, block):
        return self.builder.position_at_end(block)

    def select(self, val, true, false):
        return self.builder.select(val, true, false)

    def insert_const_string(module, string):
        text = Constant.stringz(string)
        name = CodeGenerator.get_string_name(string)
        gv = module.globals.get(name)
        if gv is None:
            gv = module.add_global_variable(text.type, name=name)
            gv.linkage = PRIVATE_LINKAGE
            gv.unnamed_addr = True
            gv.global_constant = True
            gv.initializer = text

        return gv

    def get_string_name(string):
        m = sha3_256()

        return '_'.join(['str', str(m.hexdigest())])

    def call(self, name, args):
        func = self.module.get_global(name)

        return self.builder.call(func, args)

    def const(self, val):
        # has to come first because freaking `isinstance(True, int) == True`
        if isinstance(val, bool):
            return ir.Constant(Bool.as_llvm(), val and 1 or 0)
        if isinstance(val, int):
            return ir.Constant(Integer.as_llvm(), val)
        if isinstance(val, float):
            return ir.Constant(Float.as_llvm(), val)

        raise NotImplementedError

    def generic_codegen(node):
        raise NotImplementedError('No visit_{} method'.format(

    def visit(self, node: ASTNode):
        Dynamically invoke the code generator for each specific node
        :param node: ASTNode

        if self.is_break:

        can_code_gen = hasattr(node, 'code')
        if can_code_gen:
            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
            return node.code(codegen=self)

        method = 'visit_' + type(node).__name__.lower()  # pragma: no cover

        return getattr(self, method,
                       self.generic_codegen)(node)  # pragma: no cover

    # TODO: refactor to create smaller, specific functions
    def generate_classes_metadata(self, klass: Klass):
        name = klass.name
        parent = klass.parent

        undefined_parent_class = name != 'Object' and parent not in [
            c.name for c in self.classes

        if undefined_parent_class:
            raise CodegenError(f'Parent class {parent} not defined')

        vtable_typ_name = f"{name}_vtable_type"
        vtable_typ = self.module.context.get_identified_type(vtable_typ_name)
        type_ = self.module.context.get_identified_type(name)

        funk_types = OrderedDict()
        funktions = OrderedDict()

        object_type = self.module.context.get_identified_type('Object')

        for func in klass.functions:
            funk_name = f'{name}::{func.name}'

            signature = [
                get_param_type(param.type, object_type)
                for param in func.params
            if func.ret_type:
                ret = get_param_type(func.ret_type, object_type)
                ret = ir.VoidType()

            func_ty = ir.FunctionType(ret, [type_.as_pointer()] + signature)
            funk_types[funk_name] = func_ty
            funk = Function(self.module, func_ty, funk_name)
            funktions[funk_name] = funk

        vtable_name = f"{name}_vtable"

        vtable_elements = [el.type for el in funktions.values()]

        vtable_type_name = f"{parent}_vtable_type"

        parent_type = \
            parent and self.module.context.get_identified_type(vtable_type_name) or vtable_typ

        vtable_elements.insert(0, parent_type.as_pointer())
        vtable_elements.insert(1, ir.IntType(8).as_pointer())

        # --
        class_string = CodeGenerator.insert_const_string(self.module, name)
        if klass.parent:
            parent_table_typ = self.module.context.get_identified_type(
            vtable_constant = ir.Constant(
            vtable_constant = ir.Constant(vtable_typ.as_pointer(), None)

        fields = [vtable_constant, class_string.gep(INDICES)]

        fields += [
            ir.Constant(item.type, item.get_reference())
            for item in funktions.values()

        vtable = self.module.add_global_variable(vtable_typ, name=vtable_name)
        vtable.linkage = PRIVATE_LINKAGE
        vtable.unnamed_addr = False
        vtable.global_constant = True
        vtable.initializer = vtable_typ(fields)

        type_ = self.module.context.get_identified_type(name)

        elements = []
        elements.insert(0, vtable_typ.as_pointer())

    def vector_get(self, vector, index):
        val = self.call('vector_get', [vector, index])
        val = self.builder.ptrtoint(val, Integer.as_llvm())
        return val

    def cast(self, from_, to):
        if from_.type == Integer.as_llvm() and to is Bool:
            result = self.alloc_and_store(from_, Integer.as_llvm())
            result = self.load(result)
            return self.builder.icmp_signed('!=', result, self.const(0))
        if from_.type == Float.as_llvm() and to is Bool:
            result = self.alloc_and_store(from_, Float.as_llvm())
            result = self.load(result)
            return self.builder.fcmp_ordered('!=', result, self.const(0.0))

        raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported cast')

    def get_klass_by_name(self, name):
        for klass in self.classes:
            if klass.name == name:
                return klass