Example #1
    def _delete_cmd_builder(self, handler_function: Callable) -> click.Command:
        if hasattr(handler_function, '__file_inputs__'):
            file_inputs = handler_function.__file_inputs__
            file_inputs = default_file_inputs_handler()
        print_result = True
        if hasattr(handler_function, '__print_result__'):
            print_result = handler_function.__print_result__

        def cmd(ctx: click.Context, environment_name: str, file_content: Any, ignore_missing: bool, pwd: str = None, client_secret: str = None, **kwargs):
            ctl = self._get_controller()
            with ctl.tnco_client_safety_net():
                tnco_client = ctl.get_tnco_client(environment_name, input_pwd=pwd, input_client_secret=client_secret)
                result = handler_function(tnco_client, ctx=ctx, file_content=file_content, ignore_missing=ignore_missing, **kwargs)
                if result is not None and print_result:
                    ctl.io.print(f'Removed: {result}')
        # Add any extra arguments or options decorated on the handler_function
        if hasattr(handler_function, '__click_params__'):
        # Build final command
        cmd_kwargs = {} if not hasattr(handler_function, '__cmd_kwargs__') else handler_function.__cmd_kwargs__
        if 'help' not in cmd_kwargs:
            help = f'Delete {self.display_name}'
            help += f'\n\n If "-f, --file" option is set then the target {self.display_name} will be discovered from this file'
            cmd_kwargs['help'] = help
        if 'short_help' not in cmd_kwargs:
            cmd_kwargs['short_help'] = f'Delete {self.display_name}'
        cmd = click.command(**cmd_kwargs)(cmd)
        return cmd
Example #2
    def _update_cmd_builder(self, handler_function: Callable) -> click.Command:
        if hasattr(handler_function, '__file_inputs__'):
            file_inputs = handler_function.__file_inputs__
            file_inputs = default_file_inputs_handler()
        print_result = True
        if hasattr(handler_function, '__print_result__'):
            print_result = handler_function.__print_result__

        def cmd(ctx: click.Context, environment_name: str, file_content: Any, set_values: Any, pwd: str = None, client_secret: str = None, **kwargs):
            ctl = self._get_controller()
            with ctl.tnco_client_safety_net():
                tnco_client = ctl.get_tnco_client(environment_name, input_pwd=pwd, input_client_secret=client_secret)
                result = handler_function(tnco_client, ctx=ctx, file_content=file_content, set_values=set_values, **kwargs)
                if result is not None and print_result:
                    ctl.io.print(f'Updated: {result}')
        # Add any extra arguments or options decorated on the handler_function
        if hasattr(handler_function, '__click_params__'):
        # Build final command
        cmd_kwargs = {} if not hasattr(handler_function, '__cmd_kwargs__') else handler_function.__cmd_kwargs__
        if 'help' not in cmd_kwargs:
            help = f'Update {self.display_name}'
            help += f'\n\nUse the "-f, --file" option to parse a file in a supported format: {list(file_inputs.formats.keys())}'
            help += f'\n\nOtherwise, use "--set" option to set attributes as key=value pairs'
            cmd_kwargs['help'] = help
        if 'short_help' not in cmd_kwargs:
            cmd_kwargs['short_help'] = f'Update {self.display_name}'
        cmd = click.command(**cmd_kwargs)(cmd)
        return cmd
Example #3
class DescriptorTemplatesTable(Table):

    columns = [
        Column('name', header='Name'),
               accessor=lambda x: (x.get('description')[:75].strip() + '..')
               if x.get('description', None) is not None and len(
                   x.get('description')) > 75 else x.get('description'))

output_formats = common_output_format_handler(table=DescriptorTemplatesTable())
render_output_formats = default_output_format_handler()
file_inputs = default_file_inputs_handler()

class DescriptorTemplates(TNCOTarget):
    name = 'descriptortemplate'
    plural = 'descriptortemplates'
    display_name = 'Descriptor Template'

    def genfile(self, ctx: click.Context, name: str):
        return {
            'name': name,
            'properties': {
                'injected_prop': {
                    'type': 'string'