def getHTML(self): ''' Returns html for a page where users mark either breaks or prominence ''' pageTemplate = join(constants.htmlDir, "wavTemplate.html") txtFN = join(self.txtDir, self.transcriptName + ".txt") sentenceList = loader.loadTxtFile(txtFN) testType = self.pageName # Construct the HTML here htmlTxt = _doBreaksOrProminence(testType, 0, 0,, self.textDict[self.instructText], self.textDict['play_button'], sentenceList, self.presentAudio, self.boundaryToken, self.syllableDemarcator)[0] if self.presentAudio is True: embedTxt = "" embed = audio.generateEmbed(self.wavDir, [, ], self.webSurvey.audioExtList, "audio") embedTxt += "\n\n" + embed embedTxt += _getKeyPressEmbed(self.bindPlayKeyID, self.bindSubmitID) else: embedTxt = "" embedTxt += "\n\n" htmlTxt = html.makeNoWrap(htmlTxt) return htmlTxt, pageTemplate, {'embed': embedTxt}
def getHTML(self): ''' Listeners hear two files and decide if they are the same or different ''' pageTemplate = join(self.webSurvey.htmlDir, "axbTemplate.html") availableFunctions = getToggleButtonsJS(1, "range%d") txtFN = join(self.txtDir, self.transcriptName + ".txt") sentenceList = loader.loadTxtFile(txtFN) transcriptTxt = "<br /><br />\n\n".join(sentenceList) audioLabel = self.textDict['play_button'] playBtnSnippet = audio.generateAudioButton(self.mediaName, 0, audioLabel, 0, False) runOnMinThresholdJS = "enable_checkboxes();" embedTxt = "" mediaNames = [self.mediaName, ] if self.audioOrVideo == "audio": extList = self.webSurvey.audioExtList else: extList = self.webSurvey.videoExtList embedTxt += "\n\n" + audio.generateEmbed(self.wavDir, list(set(mediaNames)), extList, self.audioOrVideo) embedTxt += "\n\n" + availableFunctions description = self.textDict[self.instructionText] htmlText = description + self._getHTMLTxt() htmlText %= (playBtnSnippet + "<br />" + transcriptTxt) return htmlText, pageTemplate, {'embed': embedTxt}
def getHTML(self): ''' Returns html for a page where users mark both breaks and prominence Subjects first mark up the boundaries. They are then shown the same utterance with their original markings still present. They are then asked to mark boundaries. 'focus' - either 'meaning' or 'acoustics' -- used to print the correct instructions ''' pageTemplate = join(constants.htmlDir, "wavTemplate.html") txtFN = join(self.txtDir, self.transcriptName + ".txt") sentenceList = loader.loadTxtFile(txtFN) # Construct the HTML here # There are two passes of the utterance. The first is for boundaries. # After wordIDNum = 0 htmlTxt = '<div id="ShownDiv" style="DISPLAY: block">' # HTML boundaries audioLabel = self.textDict['play_button'] stepOneInstructText = self.textDict[self.stepOneInstructText] tmpHTMLTxt, numWords = _doBreaksOrProminence(self.pageName, wordIDNum, 0,, stepOneInstructText, audioLabel, sentenceList, self.presentAudio, self.boundaryToken, None) htmlTxt += "<div>%s</div>" % tmpHTMLTxt # HTML from transitioning from the boundary portion of text # to the prominence portion continueButtonTxt = self.textDict['continue_button'] htmlTxt += '''<br /><br /><input type="button" value="%s" id="halfwaySubmitButton" onclick="ShowHide(audioLoader.verifyFirstAudioPlayed(), %s)"></button>''' % (continueButtonTxt, _getTogglableWordEmbed(self)) htmlTxt += '</div>\n\n<div id="HiddenDiv" style="DISPLAY: none">\n\n' # HTML prominence stepTwoInstructText = self.textDict[self.stepTwoInstructText] htmlTxt += _doBreaksOrProminence(self.pageName, numWords, 1,, stepTwoInstructText, audioLabel, sentenceList, self.presentAudio, self.boundaryToken, None)[0] htmlTxt += "</div>" # Add the javascript and style sheets here if self.presentAudio is True: embedTxt = "" embed = audio.generateEmbed(self.wavDir, [, ], self.webSurvey.audioExtList, "audio") embedTxt += "\n\n" + embed embedTxt += "\n\n" + _getKeyPressEmbed(self.bindPlayKeyID, self.bindSubmitID, True) else: embedTxt = "" htmlTxt = html.makeNoWrap(htmlTxt) return htmlTxt, pageTemplate, {'embed': embedTxt}
def getHTML(self): ''' Listeners hear two files and decide if they are the same or different ''' pageTemplate = join(self.webSurvey.htmlDir, "axbTemplate.html") availableFunctions = getToggleButtonsJS(len(self.responseButtonList)) # Generate the media buttons playBtnLabelRow = '' playBtnSnippet = '' template = "<td class='buttons'>%s</td>" for i in range(len(self.mediaList)): # Don't generate an audio button if the list is empty if len(self.mediaList[i]) == 0: continue audioLabel = self.textDict['play_button'] mediaButtonHTML = audio.generateAudioButton(self.mediaList[i], i, audioLabel, self.pauseDuration, False) if self.buttonLabelList is not None: label = self.textDict[self.buttonLabelList[i]] playBtnLabelRow += template % label playBtnSnippet += template % mediaButtonHTML # Add optional button labels playBtnSnippet = '<tr>%s</tr>' % playBtnSnippet if self.buttonLabelList is not None: playBtnLabelRow = '<tr>%s</tr>' % playBtnLabelRow playBtnSnippet = playBtnLabelRow + playBtnSnippet # Add optional speech transcripts if self.transcriptList is not None: transcriptList = [loader.loadTxtFile(join(self.txtDir, transcript + ".txt")) for transcript in self.transcriptList] transcriptList = ["<td>%s</td>" % "<br />".join(transcript) for transcript in transcriptList] transcriptTxt = "<tr>%s</tr>" % "".join(transcriptList) playBtnSnippet = playBtnSnippet + transcriptTxt playBtnSnippet = ('<table class="center">%s</table>') % playBtnSnippet runOnMinThresholdJS = "enable_checkboxes();" embedTxt = "" mediaNames = [mediaName for mediaSubList in self.mediaList for mediaName in mediaSubList] if self._doPlayMedia(): if self.audioOrVideo == "video": extList = self.webSurvey.videoExtList else: extList = self.webSurvey.audioExtList embedTxt += "\n\n" + audio.generateEmbed(self.wavDir, list(set(mediaNames)), extList, self.audioOrVideo) embedTxt += "\n\n" + availableFunctions embedTxt += self._getKeyPressEmbed() description = self.textDict[self.instructionText] htmlText = description + self._getHTMLTxt() htmlText %= (playBtnSnippet + "<br />") return htmlText, pageTemplate, {'embed': embedTxt}
def transposeRPT(path, txtPath, pageName, outputPath): ''' Transposes RPT data Input files: one file per subject Output files: one file per stimuli ''' utils.makeDir(outputPath) # Load response data responseDataList = [] fnList = utils.findFiles(path, filterExt=".csv") for fn in fnList: a = user_response.loadUserResponse(join(path, fn)) responseDataList.append(a) # Load the demarcator, if there is one # and load the order info if present demarcator = None pageName, pageArgs, _, _ = responseDataList[0][0] if pageName == "syllable_marking": # The demarcator can either be an arg or a keyword arg. # Either way, it should be the last item in the list demarcator = pageArgs[-1] if "syllableDemarcator" in demarcator: demarcator = demarcator.split("=")[1] # Sort response if sequence order information is available parsedTuple = transpose_utils.parseResponse(responseDataList) responseDataList, _, orderListOfLists = parsedTuple orderList = [] if len(orderListOfLists) > 0: orderList = [",".join(row) for row in utils.safeZip(orderListOfLists, True)] # Load Words txtDict = {} for fn in utils.findFiles(txtPath, filterExt=".txt"): name = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] txtList = loader.loadTxtFile(join(txtPath, fn)) txtList = [tmpTxt.replace(" ", ",") for tmpTxt in txtList] # Remove HTML tags txtList = [word for word in txtList if "<" not in word] txt = ",".join(txtList) if demarcator is None: txtDict[name] = [word for word in txt.split(",") if word != ""] else: txtDict[name] = [syllable for word in txt.split(",") if word != "" for syllable in word.split(demarcator)] returnDict, idKeyList = _transposeRPT(responseDataList) doUserSeqHeader = len(orderListOfLists) > 0 headerRow, anonHeaderRow = _buildHeader(fnList, pageName, doUserSeqHeader, idKeyList[0]) # Format the output rpt scores aggrOutputList = [headerRow, anonHeaderRow] for i in range(len(idKeyList)): stimulusID = idKeyList[i] wordList = txtDict[stimulusID.split(",")[2]] stimulusIDList = [stimulusID for _ in wordList] aspectSumList = [stimulusIDList, wordList, ] aspectList = [] try: bScoreList, bSumList = _getScores(returnDict[stimulusID], B) except KeyError: pass try: pScoreList, pSumList = _getScores(returnDict[stimulusID], P) except KeyError: pass if pageName == "boundary": aspectSumList.extend([bSumList, ]) aspectList.extend([bScoreList, ]) elif pageName in ["prominence", "syllable_marking"]: aspectSumList.extend([pSumList, ]) aspectList.extend([pScoreList, ]) elif pageName == "boundary_and_prominence": aspectSumList.extend([bSumList, pSumList, ]) aspectList.extend([bScoreList, pScoreList, ]) # Extend header with sequence order information if doUserSeqHeader: orderStr = orderList[i] numAnnotators = range(max([len(bSumList), len(pSumList)])) tmpOrderList = [orderStr for _ in numAnnotators] aspectList.extend([tmpOrderList, ]) dataList = aspectSumList + aspectList combinedList = [_unifyRow(row) for row in utils.safeZip(dataList, enforceLength=True)] aggrOutputList.extend([",".join(row) for row in combinedList]) outputTxt = "\n".join(aggrOutputList) outputFN = join(outputPath, pageName + ".csv") with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write(outputTxt)
def transposeRPT(path, txtPath, pageName, outputPath): ''' Transposes RPT data Input files: one file per subject Output files: one file per stimuli ''' utils.makeDir(outputPath) # Load response data responseDataList = [] fnList = utils.findFiles(path, filterExt=".csv") for fn in fnList: a = user_response.loadUserResponse(join(path, fn)) responseDataList.append(a) # Load the demarcator, if there is one # and load the order info if present demarcator = None pageName, pageArgs, _, _ = responseDataList[0][0] if pageName == "syllable_marking": # The demarcator can either be an arg or a keyword arg. # Either way, it should be the last item in the list demarcator = pageArgs[-1] if "syllableDemarcator" in demarcator: demarcator = demarcator.split("=")[1] # Sort response if sequence order information is available parsedTuple = transpose_utils.parseResponse(responseDataList) responseDataList, _, orderListOfLists = parsedTuple orderList = [] if len(orderListOfLists) > 0: orderList = [ ",".join(row) for row in utils.safeZip(orderListOfLists, True) ] # Load Words txtDict = {} for fn in utils.findFiles(txtPath, filterExt=".txt"): name = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] txtList = loader.loadTxtFile(join(txtPath, fn)) txtList = [tmpTxt.replace(" ", ",") for tmpTxt in txtList] # Remove HTML tags txtList = [word for word in txtList if "<" not in word] txt = ",".join(txtList) if demarcator is None: txtDict[name] = [word for word in txt.split(",") if word != ""] else: txtDict[name] = [ syllable for word in txt.split(",") if word != "" for syllable in word.split(demarcator) ] returnDict, idKeyList = _transposeRPT(responseDataList) doUserSeqHeader = len(orderListOfLists) > 0 headerRow, anonHeaderRow = _buildHeader(fnList, pageName, doUserSeqHeader, idKeyList[0]) # Format the output rpt scores aggrOutputList = [headerRow, anonHeaderRow] for i in range(len(idKeyList)): stimulusID = idKeyList[i] wordList = txtDict[stimulusID.split(",")[2]] stimulusIDList = [stimulusID for _ in wordList] aspectSumList = [ stimulusIDList, wordList, ] aspectList = [] try: bScoreList, bSumList = _getScores(returnDict[stimulusID], B) except KeyError: pass try: pScoreList, pSumList = _getScores(returnDict[stimulusID], P) except KeyError: pass if pageName == "boundary": aspectSumList.extend([ bSumList, ]) aspectList.extend([ bScoreList, ]) elif pageName in ["prominence", "syllable_marking"]: aspectSumList.extend([ pSumList, ]) aspectList.extend([ pScoreList, ]) elif pageName == "boundary_and_prominence": aspectSumList.extend([ bSumList, pSumList, ]) aspectList.extend([ bScoreList, pScoreList, ]) # Extend header with sequence order information if doUserSeqHeader: orderStr = orderList[i] numAnnotators = range(max([len(bSumList), len(pSumList)])) tmpOrderList = [orderStr for _ in numAnnotators] aspectList.extend([ tmpOrderList, ]) dataList = aspectSumList + aspectList combinedList = [ _unifyRow(row) for row in utils.safeZip(dataList, enforceLength=True) ] aggrOutputList.extend([",".join(row) for row in combinedList]) outputTxt = "\n".join(aggrOutputList) outputFN = join(outputPath, pageName + ".csv") with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write(outputTxt)