Example #1
 def decomposition_display(self):
     factors = self.decomp
     if len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
         return 'simple'
     ans = ''
     for factor in factors:
         if ans != '':
             ans += '$\\times$ '
         if factor[1] == 1:
             ans += av_display_knowl(factor[0]) + ' '
             ans += av_display_knowl(factor[0]) + '<sup> {0} </sup> '.format(factor[1])
     return ans
Example #2
 def decomposition_display(self):
     factors = self.decomp
     if len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
         return 'simple'
     ans = ''
     for factor in factors:
         if ans != '':
             ans += '$\\times$ '
         if factor[1] == 1:
             ans += av_display_knowl(factor[0]) + ' '
             ans += av_display_knowl(factor[0]) + '<sup> {0} </sup> '.format(factor[1])
     return ans
Example #3
def decomposition_display(factors):
    if len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
        return "simple"
    factor_str = ""
    for factor in factors:
        if factor_str != "":
            factor_str += " $\\times$ "
        factor_str += av_display_knowl(factor[0])
        if factor[1] > 1:
            factor_str += "<sup> {0} </sup>".format(factor[1])
    return factor_str
Example #4
 def twist_display(self, show_all):
     if not self.twists:
         return "This isogeny class has no twists."
     if show_all:
         ans = "Below is a list of all twists of this isogeny class."
         ans = "Below are some of the twists of this isogeny class."
     ans += '<table class = "ntdata">\n'
     ans += "<tr><td>Twist</td><td>Extension Degree</td><td>Common base change</td></tr>\n"
     i = 0
     for twist in self.twists:
         if twist[2] <= 3 or show_all or i < 3:
             if self.q**twist[2] <= maxq(self.g, self.p):
                 bc = av_display_knowl(twist[1])
                 bc = "(not in LMFDB)"
             ans += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>$%s$</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % (
                 av_display_knowl(twist[0]), str(twist[2]), bc)
             i += 1
     ans += "</table>\n"
     return ans
Example #5
 def basechange_display(self):
     models = self.prim_models
     if len(models) == 0:
         return 'primitive'
     ans = '<table class = "ntdata">\n'
     ans += '<tr><td>Subfield</td><td>Primitive Model</td></tr>\n'
     for model in models:
         ans += '  <tr><td class="center">$%s$</td><td>'%(self.field(model.split('.')[1]))
         ans += av_display_knowl(model) + ' '
         ans += '</td></tr>\n'
     ans += '</table>\n'
     return ans
Example #6
 def basechange_display(self):
     models = self.prim_models
     if len(models) == 0:
         return 'primitive'
     ans = '<table class = "ntdata">\n'
     ans += '<tr><td>Subfield</td><td>Primitive Model</td></tr>\n'
     for model in models:
         ans += '  <tr><td class="center">$%s$</td><td>'%(self.field(model.split('.')[1]))
         ans += av_display_knowl(model) + ' '
         ans += '</td></tr>\n'
     ans += '</table>\n'
     return ans
Example #7
 def basechange_display(self):
     if self.is_primitive:
         return "primitive"
         models = self.primitive_models
         ans = '<table class = "ntdata">\n'
         ans += "<tr><td>Subfield</td><td>Primitive Model</td></tr>\n"
         for model in models:
             ans += '  <tr><td class="center">${0}$</td><td>'.format(self.field(model.split(".")[1]))
             ans += av_display_knowl(model) + " "
             ans += "</td></tr>\n"
         ans += "</table>\n"
         return ans
Example #8
def non_simple_loop(p, factors):
    ans = '<ul style="margin-top: 5px;margin-bottom: 8px;">\n'
    for factor in factors:
        ans += "<li>"
        ans += av_display_knowl(factor[0])
        if factor[1] > 1:
            ans += "<sup> {0} </sup>".format(factor[1])
        ans += " : "
        end_alg = describe_end_algebra(p, factor[0])
        if end_alg is None:
            ans += no_endo_data()
        elif factor[1] == 1:
            ans += end_alg[1]
            ans += matrix_display(factor, end_alg)
        ans += "</li>\n"
    ans += "</ul>\n"
    return ans
Example #9
 def display_endo_info(self, degree, do_describe=True):
     # When degree > 1 we find the factorization by looking at the extension database
     if degree > 1:
         factors = self.endo_extension_by_deg(degree)
         if not factors:
             return "The data at degree %s is missing." % degree, do_describe
         ans = "The base change of $A$ to ${0}$ is ".format(
         factors = list(
             zip(self.simple_distinct, self.simple_multiplicities))
         if self.is_simple:
             ans = "The endomorphism algebra of this simple isogeny class is "
             ans = "The isogeny class factors as "
     dec_display = decomposition_display(factors)
     if dec_display == "simple":
         end_alg = describe_end_algebra(self.p, factors[0][0])
         if end_alg is None:
             return no_endo_data(), do_describe
         if degree > 1:
             ans += "the simple isogeny class "
             ans += av_display_knowl(factors[0][0])
             ans += " and its endomorphism algebra is "
         ans += end_alg[1]
     elif len(factors) == 1:
         end_alg = describe_end_algebra(self.p, factors[0][0])
         if end_alg is None:
             return no_endo_data(), do_describe
         ans += dec_display + " and its endomorphism algebra is "
         ans += matrix_display(factors[0], end_alg)
         ans += dec_display
         if do_describe:
             ans += " and its endomorphism algebra is a direct product of the endomorphism algebras for each isotypic factor"
             do_describe = False
         ans += ". The endomorphism algebra for each factor is: \n"
         ans += non_simple_loop(self.p, factors)
     return ans, do_describe