def fitModel(self, params: lmfit.Parameters = None, max_nfev: int = 100): """ Fits the model by adjusting values of parameters based on differences between simulated and provided values of floating species. Parameters ---------- params: starting values of parameters max_nfev: maximum number of function evaluations Example ------- f.fitModel() """ ParameterDescriptor = collections.namedtuple( "ParameterDescriptor", "params method std minimizer minimizerResult") block = Logger.join(self._loggerPrefix, "fitModel") guid = self.logger.startBlock(block) self._initializeRoadrunnerModel() if self.parametersToFit is None: # Compute fit and residuals for base model self.params = None else: if params is None: params = self.mkParams() # Fit the model to the data using one or more methods. # Choose the result with the lowest residual standard deviation paramDct = {} for method in self._fitterMethods: for _ in range(self._numFitRepeat): minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer(self._residuals, params, max_nfev=max_nfev) try: minimizerResult = minimizer.minimize(method=method, max_nfev=max_nfev) except Exception as excp: msg = "Error minimizing for method: %s" % method self.logger.error(msg, excp) continue params = minimizerResult.params std = np.std(self._residuals(params)) if method in paramDct.keys(): if std >= paramDct[method].std: continue paramDct[method] = ParameterDescriptor( params=params.copy(), method=method, std=std, minimizer=minimizer, minimizerResult=minimizerResult, ) if len(paramDct) == 0: msg = "*** Minimizer failed for this model and data." raise ValueError(msg) # Select the result that has the smallest residuals sortedMethods = sorted(paramDct.keys(), key=lambda m: paramDct[m].std) bestMethod = sortedMethods[0] self.params = paramDct[bestMethod].params self.minimizer = paramDct[bestMethod].minimizer self.minimizerResult = paramDct[bestMethod].minimizerResult # Ensure that residualsTS and fittedTS match the parameters self.updateFittedAndResiduals(params=self.params) self.logger.endBlock(guid)
def run_mcmc(log_like_fcn, params, error_param_dict, comparisons, nworkers=8, ntemps=1, nsteps=1000, nwalk=100, nburn=500, thin=5, start='optimum', fcn_args=None, fcn_kws=None): """ Sample from the posterior using emcee. NOTE: The code save the "raw" chains (i.e. no burning or thinning) for later use. Args: log_like_fcn: Obj. Function returning total likelihood as a Float. The first argument must accept an LMFit 'Parameters' object params: Obj. LMFit 'Parameters' object error_param_dict: Dict. Maps observed series to error terms e.g. {'Observed Q':'err_q'} Error terms must be named 'err_XXX' comparisons: List. Datasets to be compared skip_timesteps: Int. Number of steps to skip before performing comparison nworkers: Int. Number of processes to use for parallelisation ntemps: Int. Number of temperature for parallel-tempering. Use 1 to run the standard 'ensemble sampler' nsteps: Int. Number of steps per chain nwalk: Int. Number of chains/walkers nburn: Int. Number of steps to discrad from the start of each chain as 'burn-in' thin: Int. Keep only every 'thin' steps start: Str. Either 'optimum' or 'uniform'. If 'optimum', MCMC chains will be randomly initialised from within a small "Gaussian ball" in the vicinty of the supplied parameter values; if 'uniform', the chains will start from random locations sampled uniformly from the prior parameter ranges fcn_args: List. Additional positional arguments to pass to log_like_fcn fcn_kws: Dict. Additional keyword arguments to pass to log_like_fcn Returns: LMFit emcee result object. """ # Check user input assert start in ( 'optimum', 'uniform'), "'start' must be either 'optimum' or 'uniform'." error_params = [i for i in params.keys() if i.split('_')[0] == 'err'] for error_param in error_params: if np.isfinite(params[error_param].min): assert params[error_param].min > 0, \ 'Minimum bound for %s must be >0.' % error_param # Set starting locations for chains varying = np.asarray([par.vary for par in params.values()]) lower_bounds = np.asarray([i.min for i in params.values()])[varying] upper_bounds = np.asarray([i.max for i in params.values()])[varying] if (ntemps == 1) and (start == 'uniform'): starting_guesses = list( np.random.uniform(low=lower_bounds, high=upper_bounds, size=(nwalk, len(lower_bounds)))) elif (ntemps > 1) and (start == 'uniform'): starting_guesses = list( np.random.uniform(low=lower_bounds, high=upper_bounds, size=(ntemps, nwalk, len(lower_bounds)))) else: starting_guesses = None # Run MCMC start = time.time() mcmc = lmfit.Minimizer( log_like_fcn, params, fcn_args=fcn_args, fcn_kws=fcn_kws, nan_policy='omit', ) result = mcmc.emcee( params=params, burn=nburn, steps=nsteps, nwalkers=nwalk, thin=thin, ntemps=ntemps, workers=nworkers, pos=starting_guesses, float_behavior='posterior', ) end = time.time() print('Time elapsed running emcee: %.2f minutes.\n' % ((end - start) / 60)) #print('EMCEE average acceptance rate: %.2f' % np.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction)) return result
def fit_models( distances, sig, fit="log", n_iter=1, method=["nelder", "leastsq", "least-squares"], p_power=None, p_exp=None, p_pow_exp=None, p_exp_exp=None, ): # add many takes input as a tuple (value, vary, min, max) if p_power is None: p_power = lmfit.Parameters() p_power.add_many( ("p_init", 0.5, True, 1e-10), ("p_decay_const", -0.5, True, -np.inf, -1e-10), ("intercept", 1e-5, True, 1e-10), ) if p_exp is None: p_exp = lmfit.Parameters() p_exp.add_many( ("e_init", 0.5, True, 1e-10), ("e_decay_const", 0.1, True, 1e-10), ("intercept", 1e-5, True, 1e-10), ) if p_pow_exp is None: p_pow_exp = lmfit.Parameters() p_pow_exp.add_many( ("e_init", 0.5, True, 1e-19), ("e_decay_const", 0.1, True, 1e-10), ("p_init", 0.5, True, 1e-10), ("p_decay_const", -0.5, True, -np.inf, -1e-10), ("intercept", 1e-5, True, 1e-10), ) results_power_min = lmfit.Minimizer( model_res, p_power, fcn_args=(distances, sig, fit, powerlaw_decay), nan_policy="omit", ) results_power = [ fit_model_iter(results_power_min, n_iter=n_iter, **{"method": meth}) for meth in method ] results_power = results_power[np.argmin([i.aic for i in results_power])] results_exp_min = lmfit.Minimizer(model_res, p_exp, fcn_args=(distances, sig, fit, exp_decay), nan_policy="omit") results_exp = [ fit_model_iter(results_exp_min, n_iter=n_iter, **{"method": meth}) for meth in method ] results_exp = results_exp[np.argmin([i.aic for i in results_exp])] results_pow_exp_min = lmfit.Minimizer( model_res, p_pow_exp, fcn_args=(distances, sig, fit, pow_exp_decay), nan_policy="omit", ) results_pow_exp = [ fit_model_iter(results_pow_exp_min, n_iter=n_iter, **{"method": meth}) for meth in method ] results_pow_exp = results_pow_exp[np.argmin( [i.aic for i in results_pow_exp])] best_fit_model = np.array(["pow", "exp", "pow_exp", "concat"])[np.argmin( [results_power.aic, results_exp.aic, results_pow_exp.aic])] return results_power, results_exp, results_pow_exp, best_fit_model
def run_fit(fit_filename, params, data, cl_fitmethod): """Perform the fit.""" util.header1("Fit") fit_config = util.read_cfg_file(fit_filename) if not fit_config.sections(): fit_config.add_section("Standard Calculation") for section in fit_config.sections(): util.header2(section) items = fit_config.items(section) parameters.set_param_status(params, items) clusters = find_independent_clusters(data, params) fitmethod = fit_config.get(section, "fitmethod", fallback=cl_fitmethod) if fitmethod not in ALLOWED_FITMETHODS.keys(): exit("The fitting method '{}', as specified in section ['{}']," "is invalid! Please choose from:\n {}".format( fitmethod, section, list(sorted(ALLOWED_FITMETHODS.keys())))) print("Fitting method: {}\n".format(ALLOWED_FITMETHODS[fitmethod])) for c_name, c_data, c_params in clusters: if len(clusters) > 1: print(f"[{c_name}]") print("Chi2 / Reduced Chi2:") c_func = c_data.calculate_residuals c_minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer(c_func, c_params) try: if fitmethod == "brute": c_result = c_minimizer.minimize(method=fitmethod, keep="all") else: c_result = c_minimizer.minimize(method=fitmethod) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write( "\n -- Keyboard Interrupt: minimization stopped\n") c_result = c_minimizer.minimize( params=c_minimizer.result.params, maxfev=1) for name, param in c_result.params.items(): params[name] = param print("") if len(clusters) > 1: minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer(data.calculate_residuals, params) result = minimizer.prepare_fit() result.residual = data.calculate_residuals(params, verbose=False) result.params = params result._calculate_statistics() result.method = fitmethod else: result = c_result print(f"Final Chi2 : {result.chisqr:.3e}") print(f"Final Reduced Chi2: {result.redchi:.3e}") if result.method != "leastsq": print( "\nWarning: uncertainties and covariance of fitting parameters are only" ) print(" calculated when using the 'leastsq' fitting method!") return result
def fit_basic( x, y, dy=None, model="line", init={}, fix=None, method="leastsq", emcee=False, plot_corner=False, **kwargs, ): if model in "linear": func = linear elif model in "power": func = power elif model in "quadratic": func = quadratic elif model in "exponential": func = exponential else: raise ValueError("Model {} not defined.".format(model)) model = Model(func, nan_policy="omit") pars = init_pars(model, init, x, y) if fix is not None: for vn in fix: pars[vn].set(value=fix[vn], vary=0) if dy is not None: dy = np.abs(dy) wgt = np.array( [1.0 / dy[i] if dy[i] > 0 else 0 for i in range(len(y))]) is_weighted = True else: wgt = None is_weighted = False if emcee: mi = lmfit.minimize( residual, pars, args=(x, model), kws={ "data": y, "eps": wgt }, method="nelder", nan_policy="omit", ) # mi.params.add('f', value=1, min=0.001, max=2) mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual, mi.params, fcn_args=(x, model), fcn_kws={ "data": y, "eps": wgt }) out = mini.emcee(burn=300, steps=1000, thin=20, params=mi.params, is_weighted=is_weighted) out, fit_report = get_ml_solution(out, fix) print(list(out.params.valuesdict().values())) if plot_corner: corner.corner( out.flatchain, labels=out.var_names, truths=list(out.params.valuesdict().values()), ) else: out = lmfit.minimize( residual, pars, args=(x, model), method=method, kws={ "data": y, "eps": wgt }, nan_policy="omit", **kwargs, ) fit_report = lmfit.fit_report(out) pars_arr = np.zeros((len(pars), 2)) for i, vn in enumerate(pars): pars_arr[i, 0] = out.params[vn].value pars_arr[i, 1] = out.params[vn].stderr if out.params[vn].stderr else 0 if not emcee: gof = np.array([out.chisqr, out.redchi, out.bic, out.aic]) else: gof = 0 return pars_arr, gof, out, fit_report, model
parameters.add('ptsrcy', value=ptsrcy, min=ptsrcy - 5, max=ptsrcy + 5) parameters.add('ptsrcamp', value=0.004, min=0.001, max=0.6) parhist[band][len(parameters)] = [] result3 = lmfit.minimize(residual, parameters, epsfcn=epsfcn) print("Smoothed linear fit parameters with point source:") result3.params.pretty_print() #print("red Chi^2: {0:0.3g}".format(result3.chisqr / (ndata - result3.nvarys))) print("red Chi^2: {0:0.3g}".format(result3.redchi)) print(result3.message) print() bestdiskplussourcemod = model(**result3.params) parameters.add('ptsrcwid', value=0.04, min=0.01, max=0.1) parhist[band][len(parameters)] = [] minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer(residual, parameters, epsfcn=epsfcn) result4 = minimizer.minimize() print( "Smoothed linear fit parameters with horizontally smeared point source:" ) result4.params.pretty_print() #print("red Chi^2: {0:0.3g}".format(result4.chisqr / (ndata - result4.nvarys))) print("red Chi^2: {0:0.3g}".format(result4.redchi)) print(result4.message) print() bestdiskplussmearedsourcemod = model(**result4.params) # remove the source sourceless_pars = dict(**result4.params) sourceless_pars['ptsrcamp'] = 0
def run(self, p0, fix=None): """ do phase-determination fitting Args: p0 (list of floats): background, c1, phase difference in radians """ self.initpars = lmfit.Parameters() self.initpars.add("c1", value=p0[1], min=0) if fix == "both": self.initpars.add("bg", value=p0[0], min=1e-4, vary=False) self.initpars.add( "delphi", value=p0[2], min=1e-4, max=np.pi, vary=False ) elif fix == "background": self.initpars.add("bg", value=p0[0], min=1e-4, vary=False) self.initpars.add("delphi", value=p0[2], min=1e-4, max=np.pi) elif fix == "phase": self.initpars.add("bg", value=p0[0], min=1e-4) self.initpars.add( "delphi", value=p0[2], min=1e-4, max=np.pi, vary=False ) else: self.initpars.add("bg", value=p0[0], min=0) self.initpars.add("delphi", value=p0[2], min=1e-4, max=np.pi) self.fitter = lmfit.Minimizer( self.resid, self.initpars, fcn_args=(self.x, self.y) ) self.optres = self.fitter.minimize() # extract fitted parameters _popt = self.optres.params, self.bg_stderr = _popt["bg"].value, _popt["bg"].stderr self.c1, self.c1_stderr = _popt["c1"].value, _popt["c1"].stderr self.delphi = _popt["delphi"].value self.delphi_err = _popt["delphi"].stderr self.phase = rad2deg(_popt["delphi"].value) self.phase_stderr = rad2deg(_popt["delphi"].stderr) _str = ( "SHG_B = {:.2f} +/- {:<.2f}\n" "C1 = {:.2e} +/- {:<.2e}\n" "Δφ = {:.2f}˚ +/- {:<.2f}˚\n" "in radians, {:.3f} +/- {:.3f}" ) fmt = PartialFormatter() self.res_str = fmt.format( _str, *[, self.bg_stderr, self.c1, self.c1_stderr, self.phase, self.phase_stderr, self.delphi, self.delphi_err, ], ) self.model = lambda x: self.f([, self.c1, self.delphi], x) self.set_fit()
def test_brute(): # The tests below are to make sure that the implementation of the brute # method in lmfit works as intended. # restore original settings for paramers 'x' and 'y' params_lmfit.add_many(('x', -4.0, True, -4.0, 4.0, None, None), ('y', -2.0, True, -2.0, 2.0, None, None)) # TEST 1: only upper bound and brute_step specified, using default Ns=20 Ns = 20 params_lmfit['x'].set(min=-np.inf) params_lmfit['x'].set(brute_step=0.25) fitter = lmfit.Minimizer(f_lmfit, params_lmfit) resbrute_lmfit = fitter.minimize(method='brute') grid_x_expected = np.linspace( params_lmfit['x'].max - Ns * params_lmfit['x'].brute_step, params_lmfit['x'].max, Ns, False) grid_x = np.unique([par.ravel() for par in resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid][0]) assert_almost_equal(grid_x_expected, grid_x, verbose=True) grid_y = np.unique([par.ravel() for par in resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid][1]) grid_y_expected = np.linspace(params_lmfit['y'].min, params_lmfit['y'].max, Ns) assert_almost_equal(grid_y_expected, grid_y, verbose=True) # TEST 2: only lower bound and brute_step specified, using Ns=15 Ns = 15 params_lmfit['y'].set(max=np.inf) params_lmfit['y'].set(brute_step=0.1) fitter = lmfit.Minimizer(f_lmfit, params_lmfit) resbrute_lmfit = fitter.minimize(method='brute', Ns=15) grid_x_expected = np.linspace( params_lmfit['x'].max - Ns * params_lmfit['x'].brute_step, params_lmfit['x'].max, Ns, False) grid_x = np.unique([par.ravel() for par in resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid][0]) assert_almost_equal(grid_x_expected, grid_x, verbose=True) grid_y = np.unique([par.ravel() for par in resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid][1]) grid_y_expected = np.linspace( params_lmfit['y'].min, params_lmfit['y'].min + Ns * params_lmfit['y'].brute_step, Ns, False) assert_almost_equal(grid_y_expected, grid_y, verbose=True) # TEST 3: only value and brute_step specified, using Ns=15 Ns = 15 params_lmfit['x'].set(max=np.inf) params_lmfit['x'].set(min=-np.inf) params_lmfit['x'].set(brute_step=0.1) fitter = lmfit.Minimizer(f_lmfit, params_lmfit) resbrute_lmfit = fitter.minimize(method='brute', Ns=15) grid_x_expected = np.linspace( params_lmfit['x'].value - (Ns // 2) * params_lmfit['x'].brute_step, params_lmfit['x'].value + (Ns // 2) * params_lmfit['x'].brute_step, Ns) grid_x = np.unique([par.ravel() for par in resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid][0]) assert_almost_equal(grid_x_expected, grid_x, verbose=True) grid_y = np.unique([par.ravel() for par in resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid][1]) grid_y_expected = np.linspace( params_lmfit['y'].min, params_lmfit['y'].min + Ns * params_lmfit['y'].brute_step, Ns, False) assert_almost_equal(grid_y_expected, grid_y, verbose=True) # TEST 3: only value and brute_step specified, using Ns=15 fitter = lmfit.Minimizer(f_lmfit, params_lmfit) resbrute_lmfit = fitter.minimize(method='brute', Ns=15) grid_x_expected = np.linspace( params_lmfit['x'].value - (Ns // 2) * params_lmfit['x'].brute_step, params_lmfit['x'].value + (Ns // 2) * params_lmfit['x'].brute_step, Ns) grid_x = np.unique([par.ravel() for par in resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid][0]) assert_almost_equal(grid_x_expected, grid_x, verbose=True) grid_y = np.unique([par.ravel() for par in resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid][1]) grid_y_expected = np.linspace( params_lmfit['y'].min, params_lmfit['y'].min + Ns * params_lmfit['y'].brute_step, Ns, False) assert_almost_equal(grid_y_expected, grid_y, verbose=True) # TEST 4: check for correct functioning of keep argument and candidates attribute params_lmfit.add_many( # restore original settings for paramers 'x' and 'y' ('x', -4.0, True, -4.0, 4.0, None, None), ('y', -2.0, True, -2.0, 2.0, None, None)) fitter = lmfit.Minimizer(f_lmfit, params_lmfit) resbrute_lmfit = fitter.minimize(method='brute') assert (len(resbrute_lmfit.candidates) == 50 ) # default number of stored candidates resbrute_lmfit = fitter.minimize(method='brute', keep=10) assert (len(resbrute_lmfit.candidates) == 10) assert (isinstance(resbrute_lmfit.candidates[0].params, lmfit.Parameters))
def test_brute_lmfit_vs_scipy(): # The tests below are to make sure that the implementation of the brute # method in lmfit gives identical results to scipy.optimize.brute, when # using finite bounds for all varying parameters. # TEST 1: using bounds, with (default) Ns=20 and no stepsize specified assert (not params_lmfit['x'].brute_step) # brute_step for x == None assert (not params_lmfit['y'].brute_step) # brute_step for y == None rranges = ((-4, 4), (-2, 2)) resbrute = optimize.brute(f, rranges, args=params, full_output=True, Ns=20, finish=None) fitter = lmfit.Minimizer(f_lmfit, params_lmfit) resbrute_lmfit = fitter.minimize(method='brute', Ns=20) assert_equal(resbrute[2], resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid, verbose=True) # grid identical assert_equal(resbrute[3], resbrute_lmfit.brute_Jout, verbose=True) # function values on grid identical assert_equal(resbrute[0][0], resbrute_lmfit.brute_x0[0], verbose=True) # best fit x value identical assert_equal(resbrute[0][0], resbrute_lmfit.params['x'].value, verbose=True) # best fit x value stored correctly assert_equal(resbrute[0][1], resbrute_lmfit.brute_x0[1], verbose=True) # best fit y value identical assert_equal(resbrute[0][1], resbrute_lmfit.params['y'].value, verbose=True) # best fit y value stored correctly assert_equal(resbrute[1], resbrute_lmfit.brute_fval, verbose=True) # best fit function value identical assert_equal(resbrute[1], resbrute_lmfit.chisqr, verbose=True) # best fit function value stored correctly # TEST 2: using bounds, setting Ns=40 and no stepsize specified assert (not params_lmfit['x'].brute_step) # brute_step for x == None assert (not params_lmfit['y'].brute_step) # brute_step for y == None rranges = ((-4, 4), (-2, 2)) resbrute = optimize.brute(f, rranges, args=params, full_output=True, Ns=40, finish=None) fitter = lmfit.Minimizer(f_lmfit, params_lmfit) resbrute_lmfit = fitter.minimize(method='brute', Ns=40) assert_equal(resbrute[2], resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid, verbose=True) # grid identical assert_equal(resbrute[3], resbrute_lmfit.brute_Jout, verbose=True) # function values on grid identical assert_equal(resbrute[0][0], resbrute_lmfit.params['x'].value, verbose=True) # best fit x value identical assert_equal(resbrute[0][1], resbrute_lmfit.params['y'].value, verbose=True) # best fit y value identical assert_equal(resbrute[1], resbrute_lmfit.chisqr, verbose=True) # best fit function value identical # TEST 3: using bounds and specifing stepsize for both parameters params_lmfit['x'].set(brute_step=0.25) params_lmfit['y'].set(brute_step=0.25) assert_equal(params_lmfit['x'].brute_step, 0.25, verbose=True) assert_equal(params_lmfit['y'].brute_step, 0.25, verbose=True) rranges = (slice(-4, 4, 0.25), slice(-2, 2, 0.25)) resbrute = optimize.brute(f, rranges, args=params, full_output=True, Ns=20, finish=None) fitter = lmfit.Minimizer(f_lmfit, params_lmfit) resbrute_lmfit = fitter.minimize(method='brute') assert_equal(resbrute[2], resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid, verbose=True) # grid identical assert_equal(resbrute[3], resbrute_lmfit.brute_Jout, verbose=True) # function values on grid identical assert_equal(resbrute[0][0], resbrute_lmfit.params['x'].value, verbose=True) # best fit x value identical assert_equal(resbrute[0][1], resbrute_lmfit.params['y'].value, verbose=True) # best fit y value identical assert_equal(resbrute[1], resbrute_lmfit.chisqr, verbose=True) # best fit function value identical # TEST 4: using bounds, Ns=10, adn specifing stepsize for parameter 'x' params_lmfit['x'].set(brute_step=0.15) params_lmfit['y'].set(brute_step=0) # brute_step for y == None assert_equal(params_lmfit['x'].brute_step, 0.15, verbose=True) assert (not params_lmfit['y'].brute_step) rranges = (slice(-4, 4, 0.15), (-2, 2)) resbrute = optimize.brute(f, rranges, args=params, full_output=True, Ns=10, finish=None) fitter = lmfit.Minimizer(f_lmfit, params_lmfit) resbrute_lmfit = fitter.minimize(method='brute', Ns=10, keep='all') assert_equal(resbrute[2], resbrute_lmfit.brute_grid, verbose=True) # grid identical assert_equal(resbrute[3], resbrute_lmfit.brute_Jout, verbose=True) # function values on grid identical assert_equal(resbrute[0][0], resbrute_lmfit.params['x'].value, verbose=True) # best fit x value identical assert_equal(resbrute[0][1], resbrute_lmfit.params['y'].value, verbose=True) # best fit y value identical assert_equal(resbrute[1], resbrute_lmfit.chisqr, verbose=True) # best fit function value identical
def sequence_preparing(config_file, scanned_parameter, sequence_type, data_label, redo_prepare, redo_h5, plot_data, gaussian_reconstruction, plot_rois, bin_image, n_bins, bin_time, n_bins_t, undo_shear, w_fit): h5_file_name = 'processed_data/' + sequence_type + '.h5' if not redo_h5: try: print('Loading data from h5 file...') keys = ['t', 'sorted_od', 'rois_array'] data_dict = raf.h5_to_dict(h5_file_name, keys) t = data_dict['t'] sorted_od = data_dict['sorted_od'] rois_array = data_dict['rois_array'] except Exception as e: print('Data not found') print(e) t = np.nan sorted_od = np.nan rois_array = np.nan else: print('Preparing data again') parser = ConfigParser() # sections = parser.sections() date = np.array(parser.get(data_label, 'date').split(' , '), dtype=int) sequence_indices = [] for sequence in parser.get(data_label, 'sequence_indices').split(' , '): sequence_indices.append(np.array(sequence.split(' '), dtype=int)) x_rois = np.array(parser.get(data_label, 'x_rois').split(' '), dtype=int) y_rois = np.array(parser.get(data_label, 'y_rois').split(' '), dtype=int) x_offset =, 'x_offset')) y_offset =, 'y_offset')) n_rois = len(x_rois) sorted_od = [] camera = 'XY_Mako' for i, date in enumerate(date): for sequence in sequence_indices[i]: df, ods = data_processing(camera, date, sequence, sequence_type, scanned_parameter=scanned_parameter, long_image=False, redo_prepare=redo_prepare) sorted_od.append(ods) sorted_od = np.nanmean(np.array(sorted_od), axis=0) # t = df[scanned_parameter].values # print(t.shape) # idx = np.argmax(np.diff(t)) # print(idx) # print(t[idx]) # print(t[idx+1]) # print(t) if bin_time: sorted_od = bin_trace(sorted_od, n_bins_t) t = bin_trace(df[scanned_parameter].values, n_bins_t) else: t = df[scanned_parameter].values nan_idx = np.isfinite(sorted_od[:,0,0]) t = t[nan_idx] sorted_od = sorted_od[nan_idx] idx = 0 od = sorted_od[idx] n_rois = len(x_rois) weights = np.array([1, 0.9245, 1.11739]) weights = np.array([1, 1, 1]) yvals = range(od.shape[0]) xvals = range(od.shape[1]) xy_grid = np.meshgrid(xvals, yvals) wx = w_fit wy = w_fit mask = np.zeros(od.shape) if plot_data: od = sorted_od[idx] plt.imshow(od, vmin=-0.05, vmax=0.9) plt.colorbar(label='OD') plt.xlabel('x pixel') plt.ylabel('y pixel') for x0, y0 in zip(x_rois, y_rois): mask += puck(xy_grid, x0, wx, y0, wy) if plot_data: plt.imshow(od*mask, vmin=-0.05, vmax=1) rois_array = make_rois_array(sorted_od, x_rois, y_rois, n_rois, wx, wy, only_one=False, weights=weights) if plot_data: plt.imshow(rois_array.sum(axis=1)[idx]) x_rois += x_offset y_rois += y_offset if plot_rois: mask = np.zeros(od.shape) for x0, y0 in zip(x_rois, y_rois): mask += puck(grid(od), x0, wx, y0, wy) #mask = mask.clip(0.9) plt.title('Rois') plt.imshow(sorted_od[0]*mask, vmin=-0.05) plt.imshow(sorted_od[sorted_od.shape[0]-10] * mask, vmin=-0.05) if undo_shear: shear_m = 0.051#0.065 shear_p = -0.051 n_cut = 5 shear_size = w_fit +n_cut x0 = x_offset y0 = y_offset print(x0) print(y0) shears = [shear_m, 0, shear_p] for i in tqdm(range(sorted_od.shape[0])): for j in range(0,3): x_i = x_rois[j]-shear_size x_f = x_rois[j]+shear_size y_i = y_rois[j]-shear_size y_f = y_rois[j]+shear_size # plt.imshow(sorted_od[i, y_i:y_f, x_i:x_f]) # sorted_od[i, y_i:y_f, x_i:x_f] = shear_array(sorted_od[i, y_i:y_f, x_i:x_f], x0, y0, shears[j], plotme=False) if gaussian_reconstruction: print(x_offset) print(y_offset) print('initial rois:') print(x_rois) print(y_rois) od = sorted_od[0] xy_vals = make_xy_grid(od) w = 60 delta_x = 10 if n_rois == 3: x1, x2, x3 = x_rois + x_offset y1, y2, y3 = y_rois + y_offset else: x1, x2 = x_rois y1, y2 = y_rois x3,y3 = [80, 80] rois_before_opt = make_rois_array(od, x_rois, y_rois, n_rois, w, w, only_one=True, weights=weights)[0] for xx in range(2): params = lmfit.Parameters() params.add('x1', value= x1, vary=True, min=x1-delta_x, max=x1+delta_x) params.add('x2', value= x2, vary=False)#, min=x2-delta_x, max=x2+delta_x) params.add('x3', value= x3, vary=True, min=x3-delta_x, max=x3+delta_x) params.add('y1', value= y1, vary=True, min=y1-delta_x, max=y1+delta_x) params.add('y2', value= y2, vary=False)#, min=y2-delta_x, max=y2+delta_x) params.add('y3', value= y3, vary=True, min=y3-delta_x, max=y3+delta_x) params.add('w', value= w, vary=False) params.add('bkg', value= 0.019, vary=False)#, min=-0.1, max=0.1) params.add('amp', value=1.034, vary=True, min=0.8, max=1.4) params.add('x0', value=w, vary=True, min=w-10, max=w+10) params.add('sigmax', value=52, vary=True, min=40, max=60) params.add('y0', value=w, vary=True)#, min=w-10, max=w+10) params.add('sigmay', value=56, vary=True)#, min=40, max=60) params.add('s1', value=1, vary=False)#, min=0.5, max=1.5) params.add('s2', value=1, vary=True)#, min=0.5, max=1.5) params.add('s3', value=1, vary=True)#min=0.5, max=1.5) minner = lmfit.Minimizer(residuals, params, fcn_args=(xy_vals, od)) result = minner.minimize(method='powell') params_dict = result.params.valuesdict() x1 = params_dict['x1'] x2 = params_dict['x2'] x3 = params_dict['x3'] y1 = params_dict['y1'] y2 = params_dict['y2'] y3 = params_dict['y3'] w = params_dict['w'] wx = w wy = w n_rois=3 x_rois = np.array([x1, x2, x3], dtype=int) y_rois = np.array([y1, y2, y3], dtype=int) rois_array = make_rois_array(od, x_rois, y_rois, n_rois, wx, wy, only_one=True, weights=weights)[0] rois_sum = np.zeros_like(rois_array) for i in range(3): rois_sum[i] = rois_array[i]*result.params['s%s'%(i+1)].value rois_sum = rois_sum.sum(axis=0) plt.figure(figsize=(3.5*5,3)) gs = GridSpec(1,5) plt.subplot(gs[0]) plt.imshow(rois_before_opt.sum(axis=0)) plt.title('Initial rois recombined') plt.subplot(gs[2]) gauss_fit = residuals(result.params, make_xy_grid(od)).reshape((2*w,2*w), order='F') plt.imshow(gauss_fit) plt.title('Gaussian fit') plt.subplot(gs[3]) res = residuals( result.params, make_xy_grid(od), od).reshape((2*w,2*w), order='F') plt.imshow(res, cmap='RdBu',vmin=-0.4, vmax=0.4) plt.title('Optimized residuals') plt.subplot(gs[1]) plt.imshow(rois_sum) plt.title('Optimal rois recombined') plt.subplot(gs[4]) mask = np.zeros(od.shape) for x0, y0 in zip(x_rois, y_rois): mask += puck(grid(od), x0, wx+10, y0, wy+10) #mask = mask.clip(0.9) plt.title('Rois') plt.imshow(od*mask, vmin=-0.05, vmax=0.75) print(result.params['x0'].value) print(result.params['y0'].value) print('optimized rois:') print(x_rois) print(y_rois) w = w_fit wx = w+20*0 wy = w rois_array_start = make_rois_array(sorted_od, x_rois, y_rois, n_rois, wx, wy, only_one=False) if bin_image: rois_array = [] for rois in rois_array_start: rois_array.append(bin_image_arr(rois, n_rois, n_bins)) rois_array = np.array(rois_array) x_rois = x_rois / n_bins y_rois = y_rois / n_bins w = int(w / n_bins) wx = int(wx / n_bins) wy = int(wy / n_bins) else: rois_array = rois_array_start with h5py.File(h5_file_name) as h5f: print('Saving new processed data') try: del h5f['t'] del h5f['sorted_od'] del h5f['rois_array'] raf.h5_save(h5f, 'sorted_od', sorted_od) raf.h5_save(h5f, 'rois_array', rois_array) raf.h5_save(h5f, 't', t) # del h5f['prepare_params'] except: raf.h5_save(h5f, 'sorted_od', sorted_od) raf.h5_save(h5f, 'rois_array', rois_array) raf.h5_save(h5f, 't', t) # raf.h5_save(h5f, 'prepare_params', prepare_params) return t, sorted_od, rois_array
def PNLF_analysis(galaxy_name, loc, data, data_err, obs_comp, M_5007, m_5007, dM_in=31.5, c2_in=0.307, vary_dict={"dM":True, "M_star":False, "c1":False, "c2":False, "c3":False}, mcmc=False, min_stat="KS_1samp", comp_lim=False): """This is the execution function to fit the PNLF to a given data set of m_5007 of PNe. First, setup the paramters class from LMfit, then make a lmfit.Minimizer function. Second, use the .minimize method to execute the fitting. There is an if statement to check if mcmc is to be used. Otherwise, returns an LMfit dict object that contains the best-fit results from the LMfit package. Parameters ---------- galaxy_name : [str] Name of the galaxy. loc : [str] pointing location: center, halo or middle. data : [list / array] PNe apparent magnitudes, in [OIII]. obs_comp : [list / array] Observed completeness profile / ratio for the galaxy. M_5007 : [list / array] Absolute magnitude, in [OIII], array (-4.53 to 0.53). m_5007 : [list / array] Apparent magnitude, in [OIII], array (26.0 to 31.0). dM_in : float, optional Starting guess for the value of distance modulus, by default 31.5. c2_in : float, optional Starting guess for the c2 paramter, by default 0.307. vary_dict : dict, optional A dictionary with a series of boolean switches, deciding which paramters will be fitted. By default {"dM":True, "M_star":False, "c1":False, "c2":False, "c3":False}. mcmc : bool, optional A check of whether an mcmc minimisation should also be run on the PNLF fitting function. By default False. Returns ------- [dict] LMfit object containing the fit results from the PNLF and PNe CDF minimisation. """ PNLF_params = Parameters() if loc == "center": PNLF_params.add("dM", value=dM_in, min=dM_in-2, max=dM_in+2, vary=vary_dict["dM"], brute_step=0.001) elif loc in ["middle", "halo"]: gal_df = pd.read_csv("exported_data/galaxy_dataframe.csv", index_col=("Galaxy", "loc")) center_dM = gal_df.loc[(galaxy_name, "center"), "PNLF dM"] PNLF_params.add("dM", value=center_dM, min=29.5, max=33.0, vary=False) PNLF_params.add("c1", value=1, min=0.00, vary=vary_dict["c1"], brute_step=0.001) PNLF_params.add("c2", value=c2_in, min=c2_in-1.5, max=c2_in+1.5, vary=vary_dict["c2"], brute_step=0.001) PNLF_params.add("c3", value=3., min=0.0001, max=10, vary=vary_dict["c3"], brute_step=0.001) PNLF_params.add("M_star", value=-4.53, min=-4.7, max=-4.3, vary=vary_dict["M_star"], brute_step=0.001) PNLF_minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer(PNLF_fitter, PNLF_params, fcn_args=(data, data_err, obs_comp, M_5007, m_5007, min_stat, comp_lim), nan_policy="propagate") if min_stat == "chi2": PNLF_results = PNLF_minimizer.minimize() elif min_stat == "KS_1samp": PNLF_results = PNLF_minimizer.scalar_minimize(method="slsqp", tol=1e-6)#, options={"initial_simplex":np.array([[c2_in-0.3, dM_in-0.2] , [c2_in+0.3, dM_in] , [c2_in-0.3, dM_in+0.2] ])}) ## testing if mcmc == True: PNLF_results.params.add('__lnsigma', value=np.log(0.1), min=np.log(0.001), max=np.log(20)) res = lmfit.minimize(PNLF_fitter, args=(data, data_err, obs_comp, M_5007, m_5007, min_stat, comp_lim), method='emcee', nan_policy='omit', nwalkers=200, burn=700, steps=3000, thin=20, params=PNLF_results.params, is_weighted=False, progress=True) return res else: return PNLF_results
def thindiskcurve_fitter(xsep, velo, error=None, mguess=20 * u.M_sun, rinner=20 *, router=50 *, fixedmass=False, conf_int=False, **kwargs): parameters = lmfit.Parameters() parameters.add( 'mass', value=u.Quantity(mguess, u.M_sun).value, min=min([10, mguess.value]), max=25, vary=not fixedmass, ) parameters.add('rinner', value=u.Quantity(rinner,, min=3, max=50) parameters.add('delta', value=20, min=10, max=50) parameters.add('router', value=u.Quantity(router,, min=20, max=100, expr='rinner+delta') parameters.add('vcen', value=vcen.value, min=3.5, max=7.5) fcn_kws = kwargs fcn_kws.update({ 'xsep': u.Quantity(xsep,, 'velo': u.Quantity(velo, / u.s), 'error': error }) minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer(thindiskcurve_residual, parameters, epsfcn=0.005, fcn_kws=fcn_kws) result = minimizer.minimize() result.params.pretty_print() if fixedmass: assert parameters['mass'].value == mguess.value if conf_int: lmfit.report_fit(result.params, min_correl=0.5) ci, trace = lmfit.conf_interval(minimizer, result, sigmas=[1, 2], trace=True, verbose=False) lmfit.printfuncs.report_ci(ci) return result, ci, trace, minimizer return result
def fit_map(self, lm_prefit=True, verbose=True, guess_t0=False): init_params = self.init_params par = get_par(get_theta(init_params), if guess_t0: par['t0'].value = self.args[0].mean() args = self.args lm_logprob = -np.inf if lm_prefit: par['k'].vary = False par['r'].vary = False par['ls'].vary = False par['q1'].vary = False par['q2'].vary = False par['p'].vary = False res = lmfit.minimize(residual_lm, par, args=args[:4]) if res.success: self.map_par = res.params.copy() print("Initial L-M least squares fit successful") if verbose: print(lmfit.report_fit(res.params, show_correl=False)) print("Transit depth: {0:.0f} [ppm]".format( res.params['k'].value**2 * 1e6)) print("Transit duration: {0:.2f} [h]".format(self.t14 * 24)) par = res.params.copy() lm_logprob = logprob_lm(par, *args) print("Log-probability: {}".format(lm_logprob)) else: print("Initial L-M least squares fit failed") par['t0'].vary = False par['ls'].vary = True mini = lmfit.Minimizer(lambda *x: -logprob_lm(*x), par, fcn_args=args, nan_policy='propagate') try: res = mini.minimize(method='nelder-mead') except: print("Nelder-Mead failed, attempting Powell minimization") res = mini.minimize(method='powell') if verbose: print(res.success) print(lmfit.report_fit(res.params)) print("Transit depth: {0:.0f} [ppm]".format( res.params['k'].value**2 * 1e6)) print("Transit duration: {0:.2f} [h]".format(self.t14 * 24)) map_logprob = logprob_lm(res.params, *args) print("Log-probability: {}".format(lm_logprob)) if not res.success: print("WARNING: fit unsuccessful") self.map_par = par else: self.map_par = res.params.copy() self.map_par['t0'].vary = True self.map_par['k'].vary = True self.map_par['r'].vary = True self.map_par['q1'].vary = True self.map_par['q2'].vary = True self.map_par['p'].vary = True
def fit_mcmc(self, steps=1000, nwalkers=100, two_stage=False, nproc=1, use_priors='all', verbose=True, vary_per=True): if self.map_par is not None: par = self.map_par.copy() else: par = get_par(get_theta(self.init_params), if not vary_per: par['p'].vary = False theta = [v for k, v in par.items() if par[k].vary] ndim = len(theta) pos0 = sample_ball(theta, [1e-4] * ndim, nwalkers) args = copy.deepcopy(self.args) if use_priors == 'none': args[-1] = {} elif type(use_priors) is list or type(use_priors) is tuple: for prior in 'ld per t0 rho'.split(): if prior not in use_priors: args[-1].pop(prior) elif type(use_priors) == dict: args[-1] = use_priors mini = lmfit.Minimizer(logprob_lm, par, fcn_args=args) if two_stage: print("Running stage 1 MCMC (250 steps)...") res = mini.emcee(burn=0, steps=250, thin=1, pos=pos0, workers=nproc) highest_prob = np.argmax(res.lnprob) hp_loc = np.unravel_index(highest_prob, res.lnprob.shape) theta = res.chain[hp_loc] pos0 = sample_ball(theta, [1e-5] * ndim, nwalkers) print("Running production MCMC for {} steps...".format(steps)) res = mini.emcee(burn=0, steps=steps, thin=1, pos=pos0, workers=nproc) self.res_mcmc = res highest_prob = np.argmax(res.lnprob) hp_loc = np.unravel_index(highest_prob, res.lnprob.shape) self.map_soln = res.chain[hp_loc] par = res.params.copy() par_vary = [k for k, v in par.items() if par[k].vary] for k, v in zip(par_vary, self.map_soln): par[k].set(v) self.map_par = par nbv = = self.map_soln[-nbv:] if not self.map_par['p'].vary: par = self.map_par.copy() par_names = list(par.valuesdict().keys()) idx = par_names.index('p') = list(self.map_soln[:idx]) + [par['p'].value] + list( self.map_soln[idx:]) else: = self.map_soln if verbose: print(lmfit.report_fit(res.params, show_correl=False))
p['p4'] * phase_hst**3. + p['p5'] * phase_hst**4. + 1.0 ) #Simple transit model is baseline flux X transit model return model def model_fine(p): params.rp = p['rprs'].value # Set Batman rprs to new fit rprs params.t0 = p['t0'].value # Set Batman rprs to new fit rprs m = batman.TransitModel(params, t_fine) #initializes model transit_mjd = m.light_curve(params) #Calculates Fine-Grid Tranist model model_fine = transit_mjd * p['f0'] return model_fine # create Minimizer mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual, p, nan_policy='omit') # first solve with Nelder-Mead #out1 = mini.minimize(method='Nelder') # then solve with Levenberg-Marquardt using the # Nelder-Mead solution as a starting point # result = mini.minimize(method='leastsq') #result = mini.minimize(method='leastsq', params=out1.params) print(dir(result)) # To View All Atributes of the print("redchi", result.redchi) print("chi2", result.chisqr) print("nfree", result.nfree) print("bic", result.bic) print("aic", result.aic) print("L-M FIT Variable") print(lmfit.fit_report(result.params))
def main(): breaks = np.array( [14.3076, 14.5415, 14.5760, 14.5889, 14.6051, 14.4015, 14.5930]) breaks_e = np.array( [0.0002, 0.0005, 0.0004, 0.0003, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0.0003]) slope1s = np.array([0.0006, 0.0317, 0.0475, 0.0116, 0.0297, 0.0458]) slope1s_e = np.array([0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001]) slope2s = np.array( [0.2105, 0.1538, 0.2799, 0.2245, 0.1853, 0.2244, 0.2043]) slope2s_e = np.array( [0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0005, 0.0004, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0.0004]) print(np.mean(breaks), np.sqrt(np.std(breaks)**2 + np.sum(breaks_e**2))) print(np.mean(slope1s), np.sqrt(np.std(slope1s)**2 + np.sum(slope1s_e**2))) print(np.mean(slope2s), np.sqrt(np.std(slope2s)**2 + np.sum(slope2s_e**2))) # slope1_e = np.array([0.001398, 0.001097, 0.001361, 0.000996, 0.001060, 0.001053, 0.001044]) # slope1s = np.array([0.273295, 0.118976, 0.135172, 0.152629, 0.078017, 0.249216, 0.141438]) # print(np.mean(slopes), np.sqrt(np.std(slopes)**2 + np.sum(slope_e**2))) # print(np.std(slopes)) # exit() root_dir = "../data/" # OBs = ["OB1_stitched", "OB3_stitched", "OB4_stitched", "OB5_stitched", "OB6_stitched", "OB7_stitched", "OB8_stitched"] # OBs = ["OB1_stitched", "OB3_stitched"] OBs = ["weighted_spectrum"] fig, (ax1, ax2) = pl.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={ 'height_ratios': [3, 1], 'hspace': 0 }) amp = [] slope = [] for ii in range(len(OBs)): data = np.genfromtxt("../data/%s.dat" % OBs[ii]) wl, flux, error = data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2] mask = ((wl > 11600) & (wl < 22500)) | ((wl > 5650) & (wl < 9800)) | ((wl > 3200) & (wl < 5550)) flux[((wl > 13300) & (wl < 15100)) | ((wl > 17400) & (wl < 20500))] = None mask = (mask & ~np.isnan(flux)) # & (flux/error > 30) # tell_mask = ((wl > 13300) & (wl < 15100)) | ((wl > 17400) & (wl < 20000)) wl, flux, error = wl[mask], flux[mask], error[mask] nu = (wl * u.angstrom).to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral()) f_nu = (flux * u.erg ***-2 * u.s**-1 * u.angstrom**-1).to( u.erg ***-2 * u.s**-1 * u.Hz**-1, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(wl * u.angstrom)) # f_nu_e = (error * u.erg /**2 / u.s / u.angstrom).to(u.erg /**2 / u.s / u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(wl * u.angstrom)) f_nu_el = ((flux - error) * u.erg ***-2 * u.s**-1 * u.angstrom**-1).to(u.erg ***-2 * u.s**-1 * u.Hz**-1, equivalencies=u.spectral_density( wl * u.angstrom)) f_nu_eh = ((flux + error) * u.erg ***-2 * u.s**-1 * u.angstrom**-1).to(u.erg ***-2 * u.s**-1 * u.Hz**-1, equivalencies=u.spectral_density( wl * u.angstrom)) f_nu_e = np.mean( [f_nu.value - f_nu_el.value, f_nu_eh.value - f_nu.value], axis=0) ax1.errorbar(np.log10(nu.value), np.log10(f_nu.value), yerr=[ np.log10(f_nu.value) - np.log10(f_nu_el.value), np.log10(f_nu_eh.value) - np.log10(f_nu.value) ], fmt=".", color="black", alpha=0.2, rasterized=True) # pl.plot(np.log10(nu.value), medfilt(np.log10(f_nu_e.value), 21)) # # exit() NUV = np.genfromtxt("../data/crabNUV.txt") NUV_wl, NUV_flux = NUV[50:-20, 0], medfilt(NUV[50:-20, 1], 1) dust_ext = correct_for_dust(NUV_wl, 0.52) NUV_nu = (NUV_wl * u.angstrom).to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral()) NUV_f_nu = (dust_ext * NUV_flux * u.erg ***-2 * u.s**-1 * u.angstrom**-1).to(u.erg ***-2 * u.s**-1 * u.Hz**-1, equivalencies=u.spectral_density( NUV_wl * u.angstrom)) ax1.plot(np.log10(NUV_nu.value), np.log10(NUV_f_nu.value), zorder=1, rasterized=True) # # # exit() mask = (flux <= 1e-16) #| (flux/error < 10) #| (wl > 10000) x, y, yerr = nu.value[~mask][::1], f_nu.value[~mask][::1], f_nu_e[ ~mask][::1] logx = np.log10(x) logx_n = np.arange(12, 16, 0.001)[::-1] # print(logx, logx_n) # exit() logy = np.log10(y) logyerr = np.log10(np.array(y) + np.array(yerr)) - logy # print(logx) # exit() p = lmfit.Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) p.add_many(('amp_pow', -40, True, -np.inf, np.inf), ('break_pos', 14.5, True, 14, 15), ('slope1_pow', 0.27, True, 0, 1), ('slope2_pow', 0.27, True, 0, 1)) mi = lmfit.minimize(residual, p, method='leastsq', args=(logx, logy, logyerr)) print(lmfit.report_fit(mi)) exit() # print(lmfit.report_fit(mi.params)) # ax1.plot(logx, residual(mi.params, logx), lw = 3, zorder=2) # pl.ylim((-1e-18, 1e-16)) # # exit() def lnprob(pars): """ This is the log-likelihood probability for the sampling. """ model = residual(pars, logx) return -0.5 * np.sum(( (model - logy) / logyerr)**2 + np.log(2 * np.pi * logyerr**2)) mini = lmfit.Minimizer(lnprob, mi.params) nwalkers = 100 v = mi.params.valuesdict() res = mini.emcee(nwalkers=nwalkers, burn=100, steps=1000, thin=1, ntemps=20, is_weighted=True, params=mi.params, seed=12345) print(mini.sampler.thermodynamic_integration_log_evidence()) for i in ["amp_pow", "break_pos", "slope1_pow", "slope2_pow"]: mcmc = np.percentile(res.flatchain[i], [16, 50, 84]) q = np.diff(mcmc) print(mcmc[1], q[0], q[1]) p_lo, p_hi = 50 - 99.9999999 / 2, 50 + 99.9999999 / 2 out_arr = add_powerlaws(res.flatchain, logx_n) # out_arr = out_arr/np.median(out_arr, axis=0) ax1.plot(logx_n, np.percentile(out_arr, 50, axis=0), lw=2, zorder=10, color="firebrick", linestyle="dashed", rasterized=True) ax1.fill_between(logx_n, np.percentile(out_arr, p_lo, axis=0), np.percentile(out_arr, p_hi, axis=0), alpha=0.5, zorder=9, color="firebrick", rasterized=True) bf = np.percentile(out_arr, 50, axis=0) f = interpolate.interp1d(logx_n, bf, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan) ax2.errorbar(np.log10(nu.value), np.log10(f_nu.value) - f(np.log10(nu.value)), yerr=[ np.log10(f_nu.value) - np.log10(f_nu_el.value), np.log10(f_nu_eh.value) - np.log10(f_nu.value) ], fmt=".", color="black", alpha=0.2, rasterized=True) ax2.plot(np.log10(NUV_nu.value), medfilt( np.log10(NUV_f_nu.value) - f(np.log10(NUV_nu.value)), 11), zorder=1, rasterized=True) ax2.plot(logx_n, bf - bf, lw=2, zorder=10, color="firebrick", linestyle="dashed", rasterized=True) ax2.fill_between(logx_n, np.percentile(out_arr, p_lo, axis=0) - bf, np.percentile(out_arr, p_hi, axis=0) - bf, alpha=0.5, zorder=9, color="firebrick", rasterized=True) # print(out_arr.shape) ax1.set_xlim(14, 15.3) ax1.set_ylim(-25.99, -25.01) ax2.set_ylim(-0.05, 0.10) ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\log (\nu/\mathrm{Hz})$") # ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\log \mathrm{F}_\nu$ [$\mathrm{erg}~\mathrm{s}^{-1}~\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\mathrm{Hz}^{-1}$]') ax1.set_ylabel( r'$\log (F_\nu / \mathrm{erg}~\mathrm{s}^{-1}~\mathrm{cm}^{-2}~\mathrm{\AA}^{-1}$)' ) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\delta \log F_\nu$') # Add wavlength axis ax3 = ax1.twiny() # get axis limits xmin, xmax = ax1.get_xlim() ax3.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) def co(angs): return (np.log10(3e18 / (angs))) nu_arr = np.array([2000, 3000, 5000, 9000, 15000, 25000]) ax3.set_xticks(co(nu_arr)) ax3.set_xticklabels(nu_arr) ax3.set_xlabel(r"$ \lambda_{\mathrm{obs}}/\mathrm{\AA}$") pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig("../figures/power_broken_law.pdf") # pl.clf() import corner corner.corner(res.flatchain, labels=[ "k", r"$\nu_\mathrm{break}$", r"$\alpha_{\nu,1}$", r"$\alpha_{\nu,2}$" ], quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], show_titles=True) pl.savefig("../figures/Cornerplot_broken_powerlaw.pdf", clobber=True)
x = np.linspace(1, 10, 250) np.random.seed(0) y = 3.0 * np.exp(-x / 2) - 5.0 * np.exp( -(x - 0.1) / 10.) + 0.1 * np.random.randn(x.size) p = lmfit.Parameters() p.add_many(('a1', 4.), ('a2', 4.), ('t1', 3.), ('t2', 3.)) def residual(p): return p['a1'] * np.exp(-x / p['t1']) + p['a2'] * np.exp( -(x - 0.1) / p['t2']) - y # create Minimizer mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual, p, nan_policy='propagate') # first solve with Nelder-Mead algorithm out1 = mini.minimize(method='Nelder') # then solve with Levenberg-Marquardt using the # Nelder-Mead solution as a starting point out2 = mini.minimize(method='leastsq', params=out1.params) lmfit.report_fit(out2.params, min_correl=0.5) ci, trace = lmfit.conf_interval(mini, out2, sigmas=[1, 2], trace=True) lmfit.printfuncs.report_ci(ci) # plot data and best fit plt.figure()
def GaussianFit(nxs_filename, recording_dir, xLabel='', yLabel='', verbose=False): ''' Fit sensor_x vs sensor_y with a Gaussian. Parameters ---------- nxs_filename : str nexus filename recording_dir : str directory where the nexus file is stored xLabel : str exact name of the x sensor, as it appears in the data stamps yLabel : str exact name of the y sensor, as it appears in the data stamps verbose : bool, optional verbose mode Returns ------- array_like xData, an array containing the list of x values array_like yData, an array containing the list of y values array_like yFit, an array containing the list of fitted y values Raises ------ SystemExit('Nexus not found') when Nexus file not found SystemExit('Sensor not found') when sensor not found ''' xData, yData = Extract(nxs_filename, recording_dir, xLabel, yLabel, show_data_stamps=False, verbose=verbose) # Create the graph fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Fit the data using LMFIT # Define the parameters and first guess fitparams = lm.Parameters() nbpts = xData.shape[0] B = (yData[nbpts - 1] - yData[0]) / (xData[nbpts - 1] - xData[0]) A = yData[nbpts - 1] - B * xData[nbpts - 1] fitparams.add_many( ('Linear_Cste', A, True, -np.inf, yData.max() * 1.0, None), ('Linear_Coeff', B, True, -10 * B, 10 * B, None), ('Amplitude', yData.max(), True, 0.0, yData.max() * 1.1, None), ('sigma', np.abs(xData.max() - xData.min()) / 3., True, 0.0, xData.max() - xData.min(), None), ('mu', (xData.min() + xData.max()) / 2., True, xData.min(), xData.max(), None), ) # Fit initialisation and fit fitter = lm.Minimizer(ResidualsNormFunction, fitparams, fcn_args=(xData, yData)) result = fitter.minimize() # Print result if asked via verbose if verbose: print(lm.fit_report(result)) yFit = NormalFunction(xData, result.params['mu'], result.params['sigma'], result.params['Linear_Cste'], result.params['Linear_Coeff'], result.params['Amplitude']) # Plot first guess #ax.plot(xData,NormalFunction(xData,fitparams['mu'], fitparams['sigma'], fitparams['Linear_Cste'], fitparams['Linear_Coeff'], fitparams['Amplitude']), 'k--', lw=1) # plot the fitted data ax.plot(xData, yData, 'o-', label=nxs_filename[nxs_filename.rfind('_') + 1:nxs_filename.rfind('.')]) # plot the fit result ax.plot(xData, yFit, 'r-', lw=2) ax.legend(fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel(xLabel, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(yLabel, fontsize=16) ax.tick_params(labelsize=16) ax.yaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize(16) ax.text(xData.min() * 1.05, yData.max() * 0.75, 'Center %3.4g' % (result.params['mu']), fontsize=14) ax.text(xData.min() * 1.05, yData.max() * 0.65, 'FWHM %3.4g' % (2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.)) * result.params['sigma']), fontsize=14) ax.set_title('Gaussian Fit', fontsize=14) return xData, yData, yFit
def run( self, fit_method="leastsq", fixpars=None, use_previous=True, **fit_kws ): # initial parameters, if doesnt exist, use default if self.optres is None: init_pars = self.params.copy() else: # Otherwise, use previous fits. Useful for MCMC init_pars = self.optres.params.copy() # do "reasonable" initial guesses y_at_xmax = self.y[np.argmax(self.x)].mean() y_at_xmin = self.y[np.argmin(self.x)].mean() init_pars["Kd"].value = geometric_mean(self.x) init_pars["offset"].value = y_at_xmin if "alpha" in init_pars.keys(): if self.modality == "TPF": init_pars["alpha"].value = (y_at_xmax - y_at_xmin) / y_at_xmin elif self.modality == "SHG": init_pars["alpha"].value = ( np.sqrt((y_at_xmax - y_at_xmin) / 100.0 + 1) - 1.0 ) if "Amplitude" in init_pars.keys(): init_pars["Amplitude"].value = y_at_xmax - y_at_xmin # if 'fixpars' is passed, then the parameters will be fixed with given value if fixpars is not None: if isinstance(fixpars, dict): for par_name, par_value in fixpars.items(): if par_name in init_pars.keys(): init_pars[par_name].value = par_value init_pars[par_name].vary = False else: raise KeyError( "Parameter {:s} is not recognized.".format(par_name) ) elif fixpars == "all": for par_name in init_pars.keys(): init_pars[par_name].vary = False else: raise ValueError("fixpars argument is not recognized.") else: # if no parameters are fixed, check if using previous result if use_previous and self.optres is not None: init_pars = self.optres.params.copy() if self.valid: # if the model if valid, try to do the fitting try: if fit_method == "emcee": # if using emcee, check if residual is weighted by known # sigmas (passed to object as 'sy') emceepars = {"is_weighted": self.weighted} minpars = {**fit_kws, **emceepars} else: minpars = fit_kws self.minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer( userfcn=self.fcn, params=init_pars, fcn_args=(self.x,), fcn_kws={ "data": self.y, "sigma":, "modality": self.modality, }, ) self.optres = self.minimizer.minimize( method=fit_method, **minpars ) except ValueError: print("####### Oops something happened here. DEBUG #######") print("Initial parameters") for par_name, par in init_pars.items(): print(par_name, par.value) raise self.model = self._form_model( self.optres.params, modality=self.modality ) # use self.model to form ideal/fitted curve self._form_ideal() else: # invalid model is not fitted, so all parameters are fixed # because we still need to run the minimizer to get result init_pars = self.params.copy() for par_name in init_pars.keys(): init_pars[par_name].vary = False self.minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer( fcn=self.fcn, params=init_pars, fcn_args=(self.x,), fcn_kws={ "data": self.y, "sigma":, "modality": self.modality, }, ) self.optres = self.minimizer.minimize(method=fit_method, **fit_kws) for param_key in self.optres.params.keys(): self.optres.params[param_key].value = np.nan
def GaussianRepartitionFit(nxs_filename, recording_dir, xLabel='', yLabel='', verbose=False): ''' Fit sensor_x vs sensor_y with an Erf function. Parameters ---------- nxs_filename : str nexus filename recording_dir : str directory where the nexus file is stored xLabel : str exact name of the x sensor, as it appears in the data stamps yLabel : str exact name of the y sensor, as it appears in the data stamps verbose : bool, optional verbose mode Returns ------- array_like xData, an array containing the list of x values array_like yData, an array containing the list of y values array_like yFit, an array containing the list of fitted y values Raises ------ SystemExit('Nexus not found') when Nexus file not found SystemExit('Sensor not found') when sensor not found ''' xData, yData = Extract(nxs_filename, recording_dir, xLabel, yLabel, show_data_stamps=False, verbose=verbose) # Find the decrease direction if xData[0] < xData[xData.shape[0] - 1]: if yData[0] < yData[xData.shape[0] - 1]: sens = 1. else: sens = -1. else: if yData[0] > yData[xData.shape[0] - 1]: sens = -1. else: sens = 1. # Fit the data using LMFIT # Define the parameters and first guess fitparams = lm.Parameters() fitparams.add_many( ('Constant_Coeff', yData.min(), True, yData.min() * 0.9, yData.max() * 1.1, None), ('Amplitude', yData.max() - yData.min(), True, 0.0, yData.max() * 1.1, None), ('sigma', np.abs(xData.max() - xData.min()) / 3., True, 0.0, xData.max() - xData.min(), None), ('mu', (xData.min() + xData.max()) / 2., True, xData.min(), xData.max(), None), ) # Fit initialisation and fit fitter = lm.Minimizer(ResidualsNormRepFunction, fitparams, fcn_args=(xData, yData, sens)) result = fitter.minimize() # Print result if asked via verbose if verbose: print(lm.fit_report(result)) yFit = NormRepFunction(xData, result.params['mu'], result.params['sigma'], result.params['Amplitude'], result.params['Constant_Coeff'], sens) # Create the graph fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Plot first guess #ax.plot(xData,NormRepFunction(xData,fitparams['mu'], fitparams['sigma'], fitparams['Amplitude'], fitparams['Constant_Coeff'], sens), 'k--', lw=1) # Plot the fitted data ax.plot(xData, yData, 'o-', label=nxs_filename[nxs_filename.rfind('_') + 1:nxs_filename.rfind('.')]) # Plot the fit result ax.plot(xData, yFit, 'r-', lw=2) # Plot the associated gaussian function ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot(xData, NormalFunction(xData, result.params['mu'], result.params['sigma'], 0.0, 0.0, result.params['Amplitude']), 'b-', lw=1) ax.legend(fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel(xLabel, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(yLabel, fontsize=16) ax.tick_params(labelsize=16) ax.yaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize(16) ax2.yaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize(16) ax2.tick_params(labelsize=16) if sens == 1: fig.text(0.2, 0.65, 'Center %3.4g' % (result.params['mu']), fontsize=14) fig.text(0.2, 0.60, 'FWHM %3.4g' % (2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.)) * result.params['sigma']), fontsize=14) else: fig.text(0.7, 0.60, 'Center %3.4g' % (result.params['mu']), fontsize=14) fig.text(0.7, 0.55, 'FWHM %3.4g' % (2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.)) * result.params['sigma']), fontsize=14) ax.set_title('Normal Repartition Function Fit', fontsize=14) return xData, yData, yFit
def bayes_fit(xdata, ydata, distribution, burn=100, steps=1000, thin=20): """Identify and fit an arbitrary number of peaks in a 1-d spectrum array. Parameters ---------- xdata : 1-d array X data. ydata : 1-d array Y data. Returns ------- results : lmfit.MinimizerResults. results of the fit. To get parameters, use `results.params`. """ # Identify peaks index = find_peaks_cwt(ydata, widths=np.arange(1, 100)) # Number of peaks n_peaks = len(index) # Construct initial guesses parameters = lmfit.Parameters() for peak_i in range(n_peaks): idx = index[peak_i] # Add center parameter parameters.add(name='peak_{}_center'.format(peak_i), value=xdata[idx]) # Add height parameter parameters.add(name='peak_{}_height'.format(peak_i), value=ydata[idx]) # Add width parameter parameters.add( name='peak_{}_width'.format(peak_i), value=.1, ) # Minimize the above residual function. ML_results = lmfit.minimize(residual, parameters, args=[distribution, xdata], kws={'ydata': ydata}) # Add a noise term for the Bayesian fit ML_results.params.add('noise', value=1, min=0.001, max=2) # Define the log probability expression for the emcee fitter def lnprob(params=ML_results.params): noise = params['noise'] return -0.5 * np.sum((residual(params, distribution, xdata, ydata) / noise)**2 + np.log(2 * np.pi * noise**2)) # Build a minizer object for the emcee search mini = lmfit.Minimizer(lnprob, ML_results.params) # Use the emcee version of minimizer class to perform MCMC sampling bayes_results = mini.emcee(burn=burn, steps=steps, thin=thin, params=ML_results.params) return bayes_results, parameters
plt.plot(x, y, 'b') plt.plot(x, residual(mi.params) + y, 'r') # plt.savefig('../doc/_images/emcee_dbl_exp2.png') # add a noise parameter mi.params.add('noise', value=1, min=0.001, max=2) def lnprob(p): noise = p['noise'] return -0.5 * np.sum((residual(p) / noise)**2 + np.log(2 * np.pi * noise**2)) mini = lmfit.Minimizer(lnprob, mi.params) res = mini.emcee(burn=300, steps=1000, thin=20, params=mi.params) if HASPYLAB and HASCORNER: emcee_corner = corner.corner(res.flatchain, labels=res.var_names, truths=list(res.params.valuesdict().values())) # emcee_corner.savefig('../doc/_images/emcee_corner.png') print("\nmedian of posterior probability distribution") print('--------------------------------------------') lmfit.report_fit(res.params) # find the maximum likelihood solution highest_prob = np.argmax(res.lnprob)
def LMminimizer(guess_dict: dict, data_dict: dict, method: str = 'leastsq', hops: int = 10, steps: int = 1000, walkers: int = 100, burn: int = 100, thin: int = 20, as_weight: float = None, lock_g: bool = None, lock_q: bool = None): """ Minimizes the provided data to a binary star model, with initial provided guesses and a search radius :param as_weight: weight to give to the astrometric data, optional. :param hops: int designating the number of hops if basinhopping is selected :param method: string to indicate what method to be used, 'leastsq' or 'bqsinhopping' or 'emcee' :param guess_dict: dictionary containing guesses and 'to-vary' flags for the 11 parameters :param data_dict: dictionary containing observational data of RV and/or separations :param steps: integer giving the number of steps each walker in the MCMC should perform :param walkers: integer giving the number of independent walkers to be running :param burn: integer giving the number of samples to be discarded ("burned") at the start :param thin: integer indicating to accept only 1 every thin samples :param lock_g: boolean to indicate whether to lock gamma1 to gamma2 :param lock_q: boolean to indicate whether to lock k2 to k1/q, and that q is supplied rather than k2 in that field :return: result from the lmfit minimization routine. It is a MinimizerResult object. """ # setup data for the solver rv1s = None rv2s = None aas = None # we need to store this on module level so the function to minimize knows quickly which data is # included or not global RV1, RV2, AS RV1 = RV2 = AS = False global LAS, LRV LAS = LRV = 0 if 'RV1' in data_dict: rv1s = data_dict['RV1'] RV1 = True LRV = len(data_dict['RV1']) if 'RV2' in data_dict: rv2s = data_dict['RV2'] RV2 = True LRV += len(data_dict['RV2']) if 'AS' in data_dict: aas = data_dict['AS'] AS = True LAS = 2 * len(data_dict['AS']) # setup Parameters object for the solver params = lm.Parameters() # populate with parameter data params.add_many( ('e', guess_dict['e'][0], guess_dict['e'][1], 0, 1 - 1e-5), ('i', guess_dict['i'][0], guess_dict['i'][1]), ('omega', guess_dict['omega'][0], guess_dict['omega'][1]), ('Omega', guess_dict['Omega'][0], guess_dict['Omega'][1]), ('t0', guess_dict['t0'][0], guess_dict['t0'][1]), ('p', guess_dict['p'][0], guess_dict['p'][1], 0), ('mt', guess_dict['mt'][0], guess_dict['mt'][1], 0), ('d', guess_dict['d'][0], guess_dict['d'][1], 0), ('k1', guess_dict['k1'][0], guess_dict['k1'][1], 0), ('gamma1', guess_dict['gamma1'][0], guess_dict['gamma1'][1]), ('k2', guess_dict['k2'][0], guess_dict['k2'][1], 0), ('gamma2', guess_dict['gamma2'][0], guess_dict['gamma2'][1]) ) if lock_g: params['gamma2'].set(expr='gamma1') if lock_q: params.add('q', value=params['k1'] / params['k2'], vary=False) params['k2'].set(expr='k1/q') # put e to a non zero value to avoid conditioning problems in MCMC if params['e'].value < 1e-8: print('Warning: eccentricity is put to 1e-8 to avoid conditioning issues!') params['e'].set(value=1e-8) if RV1 and RV2: if not AS: for key in 'd', 'i', 'Omega', 'mt': params[key].set(vary=False) elif RV1: for key in 'k2', 'gamma2', 'd': params[key].set(vary=False) if not AS: for key in 'i', 'Omega', 'mt': params[key].set(vary=False) elif AS: for key in 'k1', 'gamma1', 'k2', 'gamma2': params[key].set(vary=False) else: raise ValueError('No data supplied! Cannot minimize.') # build a minimizer object minimizer = lm.Minimizer(fcn2min, params, fcn_args=(rv1s, rv2s, aas, as_weight)) print('Starting Minimization with {}{}{}...'.format('primary RV data, ' if RV1 else '', 'secondary RV data, ' if RV2 else '', 'astrometric data' if AS else '')) tic = time.time() if method == 'leastsq': result = minimizer.minimize() elif method == 'basinhopping': result = minimizer.minimize(method=method, disp=True, niter=hops, T=5, minimizer_kwargs={'method': 'Nelder-Mead'}) elif method == 'emcee': localresult = minimizer.minimize() mcminimizer = lm.Minimizer(fcn2min, params=localresult.params, fcn_args=(rv1s, rv2s, aas)) print('Starting MCMC sampling using the minimized parameters...') result = mcminimizer.emcee(steps=steps, nwalkers=walkers, burn=burn, thin=thin) else: print('method not implemented') return toc = time.time() print('Minimization Complete in {} s!\n'.format(toc - tic)) lm.report_fit(result.params) print('\n') rms_rv1, rms_rv2, rms_as = 0, 0, 0 system = System(result.params.valuesdict()) if RV1: # weigh with number of points for RV1 data rms_rv1 = np.sqrt( np.sum((system.primary.radial_velocity_of_hjds(rv1s[:, 0]) - rv1s[:, 1]) ** 2) / len( rv1s[:, 1])) if RV2: # Same for RV2 rms_rv2 = np.sqrt( np.sum( (system.secondary.radial_velocity_of_hjds(rv2s[:, 0]) - rv2s[:, 1]) ** 2) / len( rv2s[:, 1])) if AS: # same for AS omc2E = np.sum((system.relative.east_of_hjds(aas[:, 0]) - aas[:, 1]) ** 2) omc2N = np.sum((system.relative.north_of_hjds(aas[:, 0]) - aas[:, 2]) ** 2) rms_as = np.sqrt((omc2E + omc2N) / LAS) return result, rms_rv1, rms_rv2, rms_as
def do_emcee(self, fit_keys, models_list, params_list=None, model_kwargs=None, param_kwargs=None, emcee_kwargs=None, **kwargs): r"""Run simulatneous MCMC sampling on the temp/pwr data for several parameters. Results are stored in either the ``emcee_results`` or ``emcee_joint_results`` attribute depending on whether one or multiple keys are passed to `fit_keys`. Parameters ---------- fit_keys : list-like A list of keys that correspond to existing data. Any combination of keys from `self.keys()`` is acceptable, but duplicates are not permitted. models_list : list-like A list of fit functions, one per key in `fit_keys`. Function must return a residual of the form: ``residual = (model-data)/sigma`` where ``residual``, ``model``, and ``data`` are all ``numpy`` arrays. Function signature is ``model_func(params, temps, powers, data=None, sigmas=None)``. If ``data==None`` the functions must return the model calculated at ``temps`` and ``powers``. The model functions should also gracefully handle ``np.NaN`` or ``None`` values. params_list : list-like A list of ``lmfit.Parameters`` objects, one for each key in `fit_keys`. Parameters sharing the same name will be merged so that the fit is truly joint. Alternately, a list of functions that return ``lmfit.Parameters`` objects may be passed. In this case, one should use `param_kwargs` to pass any needed options to the functions. Default is ``None`` and is equivalent to setting ``use_lmfit_params = True``. model_kwargs : list-like (optional) A list of ``dict`` objects to pass to the individual model functions as kwargs. ``None`` is also an acceptable entry if there are no kwargs to pass to a model function. Default is ``None.`` param_kwargs : list-like (optional) A list of ``dict`` objects to pass to the individual params functions as kwargs. ``None`` is also an acceptable entry if there are no kwargs to pass to a model function. Default is ``None.`` emcee_kwargs : dict (optional) Keyword arguments to pass options to the fitter Keyword Arguments ----------------- min_temp : numeric Lower limit of temperature to fit. Default is 0. max_temp : numeric Upper limit of temerature to fit. Default is infinity. min_pwr : numeric Lower limit of temperature to fit. Default is -infinity. max_pwr : numeric Upper limit of temperature to fit. Default is infinity. use_lmfit_params : bool Whether or not to use the resulting best-fit ``lmfit.Paramters`` object that resulted from calling ``ResonatorSweep.do_lmfit()`` as the starting value for the MCMC sampler. Default is True. raw_data : string {'lmfit', 'emcee', 'mle'} Whether to use the values returned by lmfit, or the values returned by the emcee fitter (either the 50th percentile or the maximum liklihood). This also chooses which set of errorbars to use: either those from the lmfit covariance matrix, or those from the 16th and 84th percentiles of the posterior probablility distribution. Default is 'lmfit'. Note ---- If the fits are succesful, the resulting fit data (ie the best fit surface) will be added to the self dict in the form of a ``pandas.DataFrame`` under the following keys: For a joint fit (``len(fit_keys) > 1``):: 'emcee_joint_'+joint_key+'_'+key for each key in fit_keys For a single fit (``len(fit_keys) == 1``):: 'emcee_'+key """ #Figure out which data to fit raw_data = kwargs.pop('raw_data', 'lmfit') assert raw_data in ['lmfit', 'emcee', 'mle'], "raw_data must be 'lmfit' or 'emcee'." #Set some limits min_temp = kwargs.pop('min_temp', min(self.tvec)) max_temp = kwargs.pop('max_temp', max(self.tvec)) t_filter = (self.tvec >= min_temp) * (self.tvec <= max_temp) min_pwr = kwargs.pop('min_pwr', min(self.pvec)) max_pwr = kwargs.pop('max_pwr', max(self.pvec)) p_filter = (self.pvec >= min_pwr) * (self.pvec <= max_pwr) if params_list is not None: assert len(fit_keys) == len(models_list) == len(params_list), "Make sure argument lists match in number." else: assert len(fit_keys) == len(models_list), "Make sure argument lists match in number." #Make some empty dictionaries just in case so we don't break functions #by passing None as a kwargs if model_kwargs is None: model_kwargs = [{}]*len(fit_keys) if param_kwargs is None: params_kwargs = [{}]*len(fit_keys) if emcee_kwargs is None: emcee_kwargs = {} #Check to see if this should go in the joint_fits dict, and build a key if needed. if len(fit_keys) > 1: joint_key = '+'.join(fit_keys) else: joint_key = None #If possible (and desired) then we should use the existing best fit as a starting point #For the MCMC sampling. If not, build params from whatever is passed in. use_lmfit_params = kwargs.pop('use_lmfit_params', True) if (params_list is not None) and (use_lmfit_params == False): #Check if params looks like a lmfit.Parameters object. #If not, assume is function and try to set params by calling it for px, p in enumerate(params_list): if not hasattr(p, 'valuesdict'): assert params_kwargs[px] is not None, "If passing functions to params, must specfify params_kwargs." params_list[px] = p(**param_kwargs[px]) #Combine the different params objects into one large list #Only the first of any duplicates will be transferred merged_params = lf.Parameters() if len(params_list) > 1: for p in params_list: for key in p.keys(): if key not in merged_params.keys(): merged_params[key] = p[key] else: merged_params = params_list[0] else: if joint_key is not None: assert joint_key in self.lmfit_joint_results.keys(), "Can't use lmfit params. They don't exist." merged_params = self.lmfit_joint_results[joint_key].params else: assert fit_keys[0] in self.lmfit_results.keys(), "Can't use lmfit params. They don't exist." merged_params = self.lmfit_results[fit_keys[0]].params #Get all the possible temperature/power combos into two grids ts, ps = np.meshgrid(self.tvec[t_filter], self.pvec[p_filter]) #Create grids to hold the fit data and the sigmas fit_data_list = [] fit_sigmas_list = [] #Get the data that corresponds to each temperature power combo and #flatten it to match the ts/ps combinations #Transposing is important because numpy matrices are transposed from #Pandas DataFrames for key in fit_keys: if raw_data == 'emcee': key = key + '_mc' elif raw_data == 'mle': key = key + '_mle' if raw_data in ['emcee', 'mle']: err_bars = (self[key+'_sigma_plus_mc'].loc[t_filter, p_filter].values.T+ self[key+'_sigma_minus_mc'].loc[t_filter, p_filter].values.T) else: err_bars = self[key+'_sigma'].loc[t_filter, p_filter].values.T fit_data_list.append(self[key].loc[t_filter, p_filter].values.T) fit_sigmas_list.append(err_bars) #Create a new model function that will be passed to the minimizer. #Basically this runs each fit and passes all the residuals back out def model_func(params, models, ts, ps, data, sigmas, kwargs): residuals = [] for ix in range(len(fit_keys)): residuals.append(models[ix](params, ts, ps, data[ix], sigmas[ix], **kwargs[ix])) return np.asarray(residuals).flatten() #Create a lmfit minimizer object minObj = lf.Minimizer(model_func, merged_params, fcn_args=(models_list, ts, ps, fit_data_list, fit_sigmas_list, model_kwargs)) #Call the lmfit minimizer method and minimize the residual emcee_result = minObj.emcee(**emcee_kwargs) #Put the result in the appropriate dictionary if joint_key is not None: self.emcee_joint_results[joint_key] = emcee_result else: self.emcee_results[fit_keys[0]] = emcee_result #Calculate the best-fit model from the params returned #And put it into a pandas DF with the appropriate key. #The appropriate key format is: 'lmfit_joint_'+joint_key+'_'+key #or, for a single fit: 'lmfit_'+key for ix, key in enumerate(fit_keys): #Call the fit model without data to have it return the model returned_model = models_list[ix](emcee_result.params, ts, ps) #Build the appropriate key if joint_key is not None: new_key = 'emcee_joint_'+joint_key+'_'+key else: new_key = 'emcee_'+key #Make a new dict entry to the self dictioary with the right key. #Have to transpose the matrix to turn it back into a DF self[new_key] = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=self.tvec, columns=self.pvec) self[new_key].loc[self.tvec[t_filter], self.pvec[p_filter]] = returned_model.T
y = 3.0 * np.exp(-x / 2) - 5.0 * np.exp( -(x - 0.1) / 10.) + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(x)) p = lmfit.Parameters() p.add_many(('a1', 4.), ('a2', 4.), ('t1', 3.), ('t2', 3.)) def residual(p): return p['a1'] * np.exp(-x / p['t1']) + p['a2'] * np.exp( -(x - 0.1) / p['t2']) - y print y # create Minimizer mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual, p) # first solve with Nelder-Mead out1 = mini.minimize(method='Nelder') # then solve with Levenberg-Marquardt using the # Nelder-Mead solution as a starting point out2 = mini.minimize(method='leastsq', params=out1.params) lmfit.report_fit(out2.params, min_correl=0.5) ci, trace = lmfit.conf_interval(mini, out2, sigmas=[1, 2], trace=True, verbose=False)
def geom_min(params): import pandas launcher = ensemble_refine_launcher.RefineLauncher(params) df = pandas.read_pickle(params.geometry.input_pkl) if params.geometry.first_n is not None: df = df.iloc[:params.geometry.first_n] if COMM.rank==0: print("Will optimize using %d experiments" %len(df)) launcher.load_inputs(df, refls_key=params.geometry.refls_key) # same on every rank: det_params = DetectorParameters(params, launcher.panel_groups_refined, launcher.n_panel_groups) # different on each rank crystal_params = CrystalParameters(launcher.Modelers) crystal_params.parameters = COMM.bcast(COMM.reduce(crystal_params.parameters)) LMP = lmfit.Parameters() LMP.add_many(*(crystal_params.parameters + det_params.parameters)) LMP_index_mapping = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(LMP.keys())} for i_shot in launcher.Modelers: Modeler = launcher.Modelers[i_shot] set_group_id_slices(Modeler, launcher.panel_group_from_id) # attached some objects to SIM for convenience launcher.SIM.panel_reference_from_id = launcher.panel_reference_from_id launcher.SIM.panel_group_from_id = launcher.panel_group_from_id launcher.SIM.panel_groups_refined = launcher.panel_groups_refined # compute gradients, depending on the refinement method do_grads = params.geometry.optimize_method == "lbfgsb" if not do_grads: assert params.geometry.optimize_method == "nelder" # set the GPU device launcher.SIM.D.device_Id = COMM.rank % params.refiner.num_devices if COMM.rank==0: print("Allocating %d pixels on rank %d") npx_str = "(rnk%d, dev%d): %d pix" %(COMM.rank, launcher.SIM.D.device_Id, launcher.NPIX_TO_ALLOC) npx_str = COMM.gather(npx_str) if COMM.rank==0: print("How many pixels each rank will allocate for on its device:") print("; ".join(npx_str)) launcher.SIM.D.Npix_to_allocate = launcher.NPIX_TO_ALLOC # configure diffBragg instance for gradient computation # TODO: fix flags currently unsupported in lmfit with gradients? One can always "fix" a parameter by # setting the range in DetectorParameters/CrystalParameters to be infinitesimal, e.g. +-1e-10 if do_grads: #if not params.fix.RotXYZ: for i_rot in range(3): launcher.SIM.D.refine(ROTXYZ_ID[i_rot]) #if not params.fix.Nabc: launcher.SIM.D.refine(hopper_utils.NCELLS_ID) #if not params.fix.ucell: for i_ucell in range(launcher.SIM.num_ucell_param): launcher.SIM.D.refine(hopper_utils.UCELL_ID_OFFSET + i_ucell) for i, diffbragg_id in enumerate(PAN_OFS_IDS): #if not params.geometry.fix.panel_rotations[i]: launcher.SIM.D.refine(diffbragg_id) for i, diffbragg_id in enumerate(PAN_XYZ_IDS): #if not params.geometry.fix.panel_translations[i]: launcher.SIM.D.refine(diffbragg_id) # do a barrel roll! target = Target() fcn_args = [LMP_index_mapping, launcher.Modelers, launcher.SIM, params, do_grads] fcn_kws = {} lbfgs_kws = {} if do_grads: lbfgs_kws = {"jac": target.jac, "options": {"ftol": params.ftol, "gtol": 1e-10, "maxfun":1e5, "maxiter":params.lbfgs_maxiter}} minzer = lmfit.Minimizer(userfcn=target, params=LMP, fcn_args=fcn_args, fcn_kws=fcn_kws, iter_cb=target.callbk, scale_covar=False, calc_covar=False) result = minzer.minimize(method=params.geometry.optimize_method, params=LMP, **lbfgs_kws) if COMM.rank == 0: save_opt_det(params, result.params, launcher.SIM)
a, b, t1, t2 = 2, 3, 2, 10 # Real values y_true = a * np.exp(-x / t1) + b * np.exp(-x / t2) sigma = 0.02 y = y_true + np.random.randn(x.size) * sigma def residuals(paras): a = paras['a'].value b = paras['b'].value t1 = paras['t1'].value t2 = paras['t2'].value return a * np.exp(-x / t1) + b * np.exp(-x / t2) - y # fit the data with lmfit. mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residuals, params) result = mini.leastsq() lmfit.report_errors(result.params) # create lnfunc and starting distribution. lnfunc, guess = create_all(result) nwalkers, ndim = 30, len(guess) p0 = emcee.utils.sample_ball(guess, 0.1 * np.array(guess), nwalkers) sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnfunc) steps = 500 sampler.run_mcmc(p0, steps) if HASPYLAB: fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 9)) for (i, name, rv) in zip(range(5), list(params.keys()) + ['sigma'],
def match(image, headinfo, target_coords, syntax, catalog_syntax, filter_, data, fwhm): """ Match positions from catalog with locations on image to check for source aboove threshold level given by 'bkg_level' in syntax Input: - image: Numpy 2D array - headinfo: - target_coords: astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate.SkyCoord - syntax: dict - catalog_syntax: dict - filter_: str - data: pandas DataFrame - fwhm: float Output: - data_new_frame: pandas DataFrame """ import warnings if not syntax['catalog_warnings'] or syntax['master_warnings']: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import lmfit from autophot.packages.functions import gauss_sigma2fwhm, gauss_2d, gauss_fwhm2sigma from autophot.packages.functions import moffat_2d, moffat_fwhm from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats from photutils import DAOStarFinder from autophot.packages.functions import pix_dist, gauss_2d import logging from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) x_new_source = [] y_new_source = [] x_new_cen = [] y_new_cen = [] cp_dist = [] dist2target_list = [] cat_idx = [] non_detections = [] detections = [] fwhm_list = [] # Remove values that don't have matching value in selected value data_update = data[~np.isnan(data[catalog_syntax[filter_]])] # Look at most accuarte measurements first based on errors try: data_update.sort_values(by=[catalog_syntax[filter_ + '_err']], inplace=True, na_position='last') except: data_update[filter_ + '_err'] = np.nan * len(data_update) pass # Grid of close-up mathcing scale of image x = np.arange(0, 2 * syntax['scale']) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, x) k = 0 # Wiggle room for catalog matching dx = syntax['catalog_matching_dx'] dy = syntax['catalog_matching_dy'] useable_sources = 0 if syntax['use_moffat']:'Using Moffat Profile for fitting') fitting_model = moffat_2d fitting_model_fwhm = moffat_fwhm else:'Using Gaussian Profile for fitting') fitting_model = gauss_2d fitting_model_fwhm = gauss_sigma2fwhm try: logger.debug('Matching sources to catalog') for i in range(len(data_update.index.values)): idx = np.array(data_update.index.values)[i] print('\rMatching catalog source to image: %d / %d ' % (float(i), len(data_update.index)), end='') if useable_sources >= syntax['max_catalog_sources']: break try: # Skip if source location is off the image if data_update.x_pix[idx] <= 0 or data_update.y_pix[idx] <= 0: x_new_cen.append(np.nan) y_new_cen.append(np.nan) cp_dist.append(np.nan) dist2target_list.append(np.nan) continue # catalog pixel coordinates of source take as an approximate location y = data_update.y_pix[idx] x = data_update.x_pix[idx] # Add index key for original catalog file comparision and matching cat_idx.append(int(idx)) # Add x and y pxel location x_new_source.append(x) y_new_source.append(y) # Create cutout image of size (2*syntax['scale'],2*syntax['scale']) close_up = image[int(y - syntax['scale']):int(y + syntax['scale']), int(x - syntax['scale']):int(x + syntax['scale'])] # Cutout not possible - too close to edge or invalue pixel data i.e. nans of infs if close_up.shape != (2 * syntax['scale'], 2 * syntax['scale']): x_new_cen.append(np.nan) y_new_cen.append(np.nan) cp_dist.append(np.nan) dist2target_list.append(np.nan) fwhm_list.append(np.nan) continue # Preset pixel error popup skip this source if 1e-5 in close_up or np.isnan(np.min(close_up)): x_new_cen.append(np.nan) y_new_cen.append(np.nan) cp_dist.append(np.nan) dist2target_list.append(np.nan) fwhm_list.append(np.nan) continue # Get close up image properties mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats( close_up, sigma=syntax['source_sigma_close_up'], maxiters=syntax['iters']) # Preform source detection with threshold set in input.yml daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=syntax['bkg_level'] * std, roundlo=-1.0, roundhi=1.0, sharplo=0.2, sharphi=1.0) sources = daofind(close_up - median) if sources == None: sources = [] if len(sources) == 0: non_detections.append( data_update[catalog_syntax[filter_]].loc[[idx ]].values[0]) x_new_cen.append(np.nan) y_new_cen.append(np.nan) cp_dist.append(np.nan) dist2target_list.append(np.nan) fwhm_list.append(np.nan) continue # Approximate location of source xc_guess = np.array(sources['xcentroid'])[0] yc_guess = np.array(sources['ycentroid'])[0] # If more than one source detected in close up # assume source closest to center is desired source if len(sources) >= 2: r_vals = pix_dist(syntax['scale'], np.array(sources['xcentroid']), syntax['scale'], np.array(sources['ycentroid'])) r_idx = np.argmin(r_vals) # if closest source is too far away from predicted loction - ignore if r_vals[r_idx] > syntax['match_dist']: x_new_cen.append(xc_guess) y_new_cen.append(yc_guess) cp_dist.append(np.nan) dist2target_list.append(np.nan) fwhm_list.append(np.nan) continue xc_guess = np.array(sources['xcentroid'])[r_idx] yc_guess = np.array(sources['ycentroid'])[r_idx] try: pars = lmfit.Parameters() pars.add('A', value=np.nanmax(close_up), min=0) pars.add('x0', value=close_up.shape[1] / 2, min=0.5 * close_up.shape[1] - dx, max=0.5 * close_up.shape[1] + dx) pars.add('y0', value=close_up.shape[0] / 2, min=0.5 * close_up.shape[0] - dy, max=0.5 * close_up.shape[0] + dy) pars.add('sky', value=np.nanmedian(close_up)) def residual(p): p = p.valuesdict() return (close_up - fitting_model( (xx, yy), p['x0'], p['y0'], p['sky'], p['A'], syntax['image_params']).reshape( close_up.shape)).flatten() mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual, pars, nan_policy='omit') result = mini.minimize(method='least_squares') xcen = result.params['x0'].value ycen = result.params['y0'].value S = result.params['sky'].value H = result.params['A'].value sigma = fitting_model_fwhm(syntax['image_params']) except Exception as e: x_new_cen.append(np.nan) y_new_cen.append(np.nan) cp_dist.append(np.nan) dist2target_list.append(np.nan) fwhm_list.append(np.nan) logger.exception(e) continue k += 1 # Add new source location accounting for difference in fitted location / expected location centroid_x = xcen - syntax['scale'] + x centroid_y = ycen - syntax['scale'] + y x_new_cen.append(centroid_x) y_new_cen.append(centroid_y) dist2target = pix_dist(syntax['target_x_pix'], centroid_x, syntax['target_y_pix'], centroid_y) cp_dist.append( np.sqrt((xcen - syntax['scale'])**2 + (ycen - syntax['scale'])**2)) dist2target_list.append(dist2target) detections.append( data_update[catalog_syntax[filter_]].loc[[idx]].values[0]) fwhm_list.append(sigma * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) useable_sources += 1 if syntax['source_plot']: if len(sources) == 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(close_up) ax.set_title( 'Source @ x = ' + '{0:.3f}'.format(xcen + x - syntax['scale']) + ' : y = ' + '{0:.3f}'.format(ycen + y - syntax['scale'])) small_ap = plt.Circle( (xcen, ycen), syntax['ap_size'] * headinfo['FWHM'], color='r', fill=False, label='Aperture') big_ap = plt.Circle( (xcen, ycen), syntax['inf_ap_size'] * headinfo['FWHM'], color='b', fill=False, label='Aperture Correction') ax.add_artist(small_ap) ax.add_artist(big_ap) ax.plot([], [], ' ', label='Sky =' + '{0:.3f}'.format(S) + 'Height =' + '{0:.3f}'.format(H)) ax.scatter(syntax['scale'], syntax['scale'], marker='+', s=100, color='r', linewidths=0.01, label='Catalog') ax.scatter( xc_guess, yc_guess, marker='+', s=100, color='b', linewidths=0.01, label='Source detection [closest object to catalog]' ) ax.scatter(xcen, ycen, marker='+', s=100, color='green', linewidths=0.01, label='Least square fit') ax.legend(loc='upper right') plt.tight_layout() plt.close() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) x_new_cen.append(xc_guess) y_new_cen.append(yc_guess) cp_dist.append(np.nan) dist2target.append(np.nan) fwhm_list.append(np.nan) continue if syntax['show_nondetect_plot']: non_detections = np.array(non_detections)[np.isfinite( non_detections)] detections = np.array(detections)[np.isfinite(detections)] if len(non_detections) == 0: logger.debug('All sources detected') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.hist(non_detections, bins='auto', align='mid', color='green', histtype='step', label='Non-Detection') ax.hist(detections, bins='auto', align='mid', color='red', histtype='step', label='Detection') ax.set_title('Non - Detections') ax.set_xlabel('Magnitude') ax.set_ylabel('Binned Occurance') ax.legend(loc='best') # print(' ... done') frame_data = [ np.array(cat_idx).astype(int), np.array(data_update[catalog_syntax['RA']]), # np.array(data_update[catalog_syntax['RA_err']]), np.array(data_update[catalog_syntax['DEC']]), # np.array(data_update[catalog_syntax['DEC_err']]), np.array(x_new_source), np.array(y_new_source), np.array(x_new_cen), np.array(y_new_cen), np.array(cp_dist), np.array(dist2target_list), np.array(fwhm_list) ] frame_cols = [ 'cat_idx', 'ra', # 'ra_err', 'dec', # 'dec_err', 'x_pix_source', 'y_pix_source', 'x_pix', 'y_pix', 'cp_dist', 'dist2target', 'fwhm' ] data_new_frame = pd.DataFrame(frame_data).T data_new_frame.columns = frame_cols data_new_frame.set_index('cat_idx', inplace=True) data_new_frame['cat_' + filter_] = data_update[catalog_syntax[filter_]] data_new_frame['cat_' + filter_ + '_err'] = data_update[catalog_syntax[filter_ + '_err']] # for building colour terms include corrosponding colour # standards used in color terhsm consitently throughout AutoPhoT dmag = { 'U': ['U', 'B'], 'B': ['B', 'V'], 'V': ['B', 'V'], 'R': ['V', 'R'], 'I': ['R', 'I'], 'u': ['u', 'g'], 'g': ['g', 'r'], 'r': ['g', 'r'], 'i': ['r', 'i'], 'z': ['i', 'z'] } # ct = [i for i in dmag[filter_] if i != filter_][0] for ct in list(dmag.keys()): try: if ct not in catalog_syntax: continue data_new_frame['cat_' + ct] = data_update[catalog_syntax[ct]] data_new_frame['cat_' + ct + '_err'] = data_update[catalog_syntax[ct + '_err']] except Exception: # logger.exception(e) continue data_new_frame = data_new_frame[~np.isnan(data_new_frame['x_pix'])] data_new_frame = data_new_frame[~np.isnan(data_new_frame['y_pix'])] warnings.filterwarnings("default") except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) cp_dist.append(np.nan) return data_new_frame, syntax
def __call__(self, filename: str) -> List[float]: """Start the fitting procedure on the given file. Args: filename: Name of file to fit. Returns: List of final values of parameters, ordered in the same way as the return value of parameters() """ # fix any parameters? for cmp_name, cmp in self.objects['components'].items(): # loop all parameters of this component for param_name in cmp.param_names: # do we have parameters to fix and is this one of them? if self._fixparams and cmp_name in self._fixparams and param_name in self._fixparams[ cmp_name]: 'Fixing "%s" of component "%s" to its initial value of %f.', param_name, cmp_name, cmp[param_name]) cmp.set(param_name, vary=False) else: # otherwise make it a free parameter cmp.set(param_name, vary=True) # Load spectrum self._load_spectrum(filename) # create weight array'Creating weights array...') self._weight = np.ones((len(self._spec))) if self._weights is not None: # loop all weights for w in self._weights: # multiply weights array with new weights self._weight *= w(self._spec, filename) # adjusting valid mask for weights self._valid &= ~np.isnan(self._weight) # less than 50% of pixels valid? if np.sum(self._valid) < self._min_valid_pixels * len(self._valid): self.log.warning( 'Less then %d percent of pixels valid, skipping...', self._min_valid_pixels * 100) return [None] * (len(self.columns()) - 2) + [False, 0] # initialize multiplicative polynomial with ones self._mult_poly = Legendre(self._spec, self._poly_degree) # get parameters params = Parameters() for cmp in self.components: params += cmp.make_params() # open PDF if self._plot_iterations: self._iterations_pdf = PdfPages(filename.replace('.fits', '.pdf')) # start minimization'Starting fit...') minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer(self._fit_func, params, iter_cb=self._callback, max_nfev=self._max_fev, nan_policy='raise', xtol=self._xtol, ftol=self._ftol, epsfcn=self._epsfcn, factor=self._factor) result = minimizer.leastsq()'Finished fit.') # close PDF file if self._plot_iterations: self._iterations_pdf.close() # get best fit best_fit = self._get_model(result.params) # estimate SNR snr = None if best_fit is None else self._spec.estimate_snr(best_fit)'Estimated S/N of %.2f.', snr) # successful, if minimization was a success success = result.success # get message message = "" if result.lmdif_message is None else result.lmdif_message.replace( "\n", " ") # if any of the parameters was fitted close to their edge, fit failed for pn in result.params: # ignore all sigma values if pn.lower().find("sig") != -1 or pn.lower().find( "tellurics") != -1: continue # get param p = result.params[pn] # get position of value within range for parameter pos = (p.value - p.min) / (p.max - p.min) # if pos < 0.01 or pos > 0.99, i.e. closer than 1% to the edge, fit failes if p.vary and (pos < 0.01 or pos > 0.99): success = False message = "Parameter %s out of range: %.2f" % (, p.value) break # fill statistics dict stats = { 'success': success, 'errorbars': result.errorbars, 'nfev': result.nfev, 'chisqr': result.chisqr, 'redchi': result.redchi, 'nvarys': result.nvarys, 'ndata': result.ndata, 'nfree': result.nfree, 'msg': message, 'snr': snr } # write results back to file self._write_results_to_file(filename, result, best_fit, stats) # all components components = self._cmps if self._tellurics is not None: components.append(self._tellurics) # build list of results and return them results = [] for cmp in self._cmps: # parse parameters cmp.parse_params(result.params) # loop params for n in cmp.param_names: p = '%s%s' % (cmp.prefix, n) results += [ cmp.parameters[n]['value'], cmp.parameters[n]['stderr'] ] # success? results += [success, result.redchi] return results
interceptQs = np.zeros_like(popt) for i in range(popt.shape[0]): params = lmfit.Parameters() params.add('Qr', value=a.Qr(freq, popt[i])) params.add('Qc', value=2e-1) params.add('C', value=a.C) params.add('A', value=0.) params.add('normI', value=a.S21(freq, P_opt=popt[i]).real.max()) params.add('normQ', value=a.S21(freq, P_opt=popt[i]).real.max()) params.add('slopeI', value=0.) params.add('slopeQ', value=0.) params.add('interceptI', value=0.) params.add('interceptQ', value=0.) minner = lmfit.Minimizer(resid, params, fcn_args=(freq, a.S21(freq, P_opt=popt[i]).real, a.S21(freq, P_opt=popt[i]).imag)) r = minner.minimize() p = np.array([ r.params['Qr'].value, r.params['Qc'].value, r.params['C'].value, r.params['A'].value, r.params['normI'].value, r.params['normQ'].value, r.params['slopeI'].value, r.params['slopeQ'].value, r.params['interceptI'].value, r.params['interceptQ'].value ]) qr[i] = p[0] tau0n[i] = p[1] cn[i] = p[2] aarray[i] = p[3] norms[i] = p[4] slopeIs[i] = p[5] slopeQs[i] = p[6]