Example #1
    def render(self,
               axis: Axes,
               view: np.ndarray = np.eye(3),
               normalize: bool = False,
               colors: Tuple = ('b', 'r', 'k'),
               linewidth: float = 2) -> None:
        Renders the box in the provided Matplotlib axis.
        :param axis: Axis onto which the box should be drawn.
        :param view: <np.array: 3, 3>. Define a projection in needed (e.g. for drawing projection in an image).
        :param normalize: Whether to normalize the remaining coordinate.
        :param colors: (<Matplotlib.colors>: 3). Valid Matplotlib colors (<str> or normalized RGB tuple) for front,
            back and sides.
        :param linewidth: Width in pixel of the box sides.
        corners = view_points(self.corners(), view, normalize=normalize)[:2, :]

        def draw_rect(selected_corners, color):
            prev = selected_corners[-1]
            for corner in selected_corners:
                axis.plot([prev[0], corner[0]], [prev[1], corner[1]],
                prev = corner

        # Draw the sides
        for i in range(4):
            axis.plot([corners.T[i][0], corners.T[i + 4][0]],
                      [corners.T[i][1], corners.T[i + 4][1]],

        # Draw front (first 4 corners) and rear (last 4 corners) rectangles(3d)/lines(2d)
        draw_rect(corners.T[:4], colors[0])
        draw_rect(corners.T[4:], colors[1])

        # Draw line indicating the front
        center_bottom_forward = np.mean(corners.T[2:4], axis=0)
        center_bottom = np.mean(corners.T[[2, 3, 7, 6]], axis=0)
        axis.plot([center_bottom[0], center_bottom_forward[0]],
                  [center_bottom[1], center_bottom_forward[1]],
Example #2
 def _render_helper(self, color_channel: int, ax: Axes, view: np.ndarray,
                    x_lim: Tuple[float, float], y_lim: Tuple[float, float],
                    marker_size: float) -> None:
     Helper function for rendering.
     :param color_channel: Point channel to use as color.
     :param ax: Axes on which to render the points.
     :param view: <np.float: n, n>. Defines an arbitrary projection (n <= 4).
     :param x_lim: (min, max).
     :param y_lim: (min, max).
     :param marker_size: Marker size.
     points = view_points(self.points[:3, :], view, normalize=False)
     ax.scatter(points[0, :],
                points[1, :],
                c=self.points[color_channel, :],
     ax.set_xlim(x_lim[0], x_lim[1])
     ax.set_ylim(y_lim[0], y_lim[1])
Example #3
    def render_cv2(self,
                   im: np.ndarray,
                   view: np.ndarray = np.eye(3),
                   normalize: bool = False,
                   colors: Tuple = ((0, 0, 255), (255, 0, 0), (155, 155, 155)),
                   linewidth: int = 2) -> None:
        Renders box using OpenCV2.
        :param im: <np.array: width, height, 3>. Image array. Channels are in BGR order.
        :param view: <np.array: 3, 3>. Define a projection if needed (e.g. for drawing projection in an image).
        :param normalize: Whether to normalize the remaining coordinate.
        :param colors: ((R, G, B), (R, G, B), (R, G, B)). Colors for front, side & rear.
        :param linewidth: Linewidth for plot.
        corners = view_points(self.corners(), view, normalize=normalize)[:2, :]

        def draw_rect(selected_corners, color):
            prev = selected_corners[-1]
            for corner in selected_corners:
                cv2.line(im, (int(prev[0]), int(prev[1])),
                         (int(corner[0]), int(corner[1])), color, linewidth)
                prev = corner

        # Draw the sides
        for i in range(4):
            cv2.line(im, (int(corners.T[i][0]), int(corners.T[i][1])),
                     (int(corners.T[i + 4][0]), int(corners.T[i + 4][1])),
                     colors[2][::-1], linewidth)

        # Draw front (first 4 corners) and rear (last 4 corners) rectangles(3d)/lines(2d)
        draw_rect(corners.T[:4], colors[0][::-1])
        draw_rect(corners.T[4:], colors[1][::-1])

        # Draw line indicating the front
        center_bottom_forward = np.mean(corners.T[2:4], axis=0)
        center_bottom = np.mean(corners.T[[2, 3, 7, 6]], axis=0)
            im, (int(center_bottom[0]), int(center_bottom[1])),
            (int(center_bottom_forward[0]), int(center_bottom_forward[1])),
            colors[0][::-1], linewidth)
Example #4
    def project_kitti_box_to_image(box: Box, p_left: np.ndarray, imsize: Tuple[int, int]) \
            -> Union[None, Tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
        Projects 3D box into KITTI image FOV.
        :param box: 3D box in KITTI reference frame.
        :param p_left: <np.float: 3, 4>. Projection matrix.
        :param imsize: (width, height). Image size.
        :return: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). Bounding box in image plane or None if box is not in the image.

        # Create a new box.
        box = box.copy()

        # KITTI defines the box center as the bottom center of the object.
        # We use the true center, so we need to adjust half height in negative y direction.
        box.translate(np.array([0, -box.wlh[2] / 2, 0]))

        # Check that some corners are inside the image.
        corners = np.array([corner for corner in box.corners().T if corner[2] > 0]).T
        if len(corners) == 0:
            return None

        # Project corners that are in front of the camera to 2d to get bbox in pixel coords.
        imcorners = view_points(corners, p_left, normalize=True)[:2]
        bbox = (np.min(imcorners[0]), np.min(imcorners[1]), np.max(imcorners[0]), np.max(imcorners[1]))

        # Crop bbox to prevent it extending outside image.
        bbox_crop = tuple(max(0, b) for b in bbox)
        bbox_crop = (min(imsize[0], bbox_crop[0]),
                     min(imsize[0], bbox_crop[1]),
                     min(imsize[0], bbox_crop[2]),
                     min(imsize[1], bbox_crop[3]))

        # Detect if a cropped box is empty.
        if bbox_crop[0] >= bbox_crop[2] or bbox_crop[1] >= bbox_crop[3]:
            return None

        return bbox_crop
Example #5
    def project_pts_to_image(self, pointcloud: LidarPointCloud, token: str) -> np.ndarray:
        Project lidar points into image.
        :param pointcloud: The LidarPointCloud in nuScenes lidar frame.
        :param token: Unique KITTI token.
        :return: <np.float: N, 3.> X, Y are points in image pixel coordinates. Z is depth in image.

        # Copy and convert pointcloud.
        pc_image = LidarPointCloud(points=pointcloud.points.copy())
        pc_image.rotate(self.kitti_to_nu_lidar_inv)  # Rotate to KITTI lidar.

        # Transform pointcloud to camera frame.
        transforms = self.get_transforms(token, root=self.root)

        # Project to image.
        depth = pc_image.points[2, :]
        points_fov = view_points(pc_image.points[:3, :], transforms['p_combined'], normalize=True)
        points_fov[2, :] = depth

        return points_fov
Example #6
def _nuscenes(path: str) -> Dataset:  # noqa
    images: Dataset.Images = []
    classes: Dataset.Classes = DETECTION_NAMES
    annotations: Dataset.Annotations = {}

    nusc = NuScenes(version="v1.0-trainval", dataroot=path)

    for sample in nusc.sample:
        for cam in CAMERAS:
            cam_token = sample['data'][cam]

            #Returns the data path as well as all annotations related to that sample_data.
            #Note that the boxes are transformed into the current sensor's coordinate frame.
            data_path, boxes, camera_intrinsic = nusc.get_sample_data(
                cam_token, box_vis_level=BoxVisibility.ALL)
            annotations[data_path] = []

            for box in boxes:
                img_corners = view_points(box.corners(),
                                          normalize=True)[:2, :]
                # Take an outer rect of the 3d projection
                xmin = img_corners[0].min()
                xmax = img_corners[0].max()
                ymin = img_corners[1].min()
                ymax = img_corners[1].max()

                bounds = Bounds2D(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin)
                label = category_to_detection_name(box.name)
                if label is not None:
                    class_index = classes.index(
                        bounds, class_index))

    return Dataset(DATASET_NAME, images, classes, annotations)
Example #7
    def render_sample_data(self,
                           token: str,
                           sensor_modality: str = 'lidar',
                           with_anns: bool = True,
                           axes_limit: float = 30,
                           ax: Axes = None,
                           view_3d: np.ndarray = np.eye(4),
                           color_func: Any = None,
                           augment_previous: bool = False,
                           box_linewidth: int = 2,
                           filter_classes: List[str] = None,
                           max_dist: float = None,
                           out_path: str = None,
                           render_2d: bool = False) -> None:
        Render sample data onto axis. Visualizes lidar in nuScenes lidar frame and camera in camera frame.
        :param token: KITTI token.
        :param sensor_modality: The modality to visualize, e.g. lidar or camera.
        :param with_anns: Whether to draw annotations.
        :param axes_limit: Axes limit for lidar data (measured in meters).
        :param ax: Axes onto which to render.
        :param view_3d: 4x4 view matrix for 3d views.
        :param color_func: Optional function that defines the render color given the class name.
        :param augment_previous: Whether to augment an existing plot (does not redraw pointcloud/image).
        :param box_linewidth: Width of the box lines.
        :param filter_classes: Optionally filter the classes to render.
        :param max_dist: Maximum distance in m to still draw a box.
        :param out_path: Optional path to save the rendered figure to disk.
        :param render_2d: Whether to render 2d boxes (only works for camera data).
        # Default settings.
        if color_func is None:
            color_func = NuScenesExplorer.get_color

        boxes = self.get_boxes(token, filter_classes=filter_classes, max_dist=max_dist)  # In nuScenes lidar frame.

        if sensor_modality == 'lidar':
            # Load pointcloud.
            pc = self.get_pointcloud(token, self.root)  # In KITTI lidar frame.
            pc.rotate(self.kitti_to_nu_lidar.rotation_matrix)  # In nuScenes lidar frame.
            # Alternative options:
            # depth = pc.points[1, :]
            # height = pc.points[2, :]
            intensity = pc.points[3, :]

            # Project points to view.
            points = view_points(pc.points[:3, :], view_3d, normalize=False)
            coloring = intensity

            if ax is None:
                _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 9))

            if not augment_previous:
                ax.scatter(points[0, :], points[1, :], c=coloring, s=1)
                ax.set_xlim(-axes_limit, axes_limit)
                ax.set_ylim(-axes_limit, axes_limit)

            if with_anns:
                for box in boxes:
                    color = np.array(color_func(box.name)) / 255
                    box.render(ax, view=view_3d, colors=(color, color, 'k'), linewidth=box_linewidth)

        elif sensor_modality == 'camera':
            im_path = KittiDB.get_filepath(token, 'image_2', root=self.root)
            im = Image.open(im_path)

            if ax is None:
                _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 16))

            if not augment_previous:
                ax.set_xlim(0, im.size[0])
                ax.set_ylim(im.size[1], 0)

            if with_anns:
                if render_2d:
                    # Use KITTI's 2d boxes.
                    boxes_2d, names = self.get_boxes_2d(token, filter_classes=filter_classes)
                    for box, name in zip(boxes_2d, names):
                        color = np.array(color_func(name)) / 255
                        ax.plot([box[0], box[0]], [box[1], box[3]], color=color, linewidth=box_linewidth)
                        ax.plot([box[2], box[2]], [box[1], box[3]], color=color, linewidth=box_linewidth)
                        ax.plot([box[0], box[2]], [box[1], box[1]], color=color, linewidth=box_linewidth)
                        ax.plot([box[0], box[2]], [box[3], box[3]], color=color, linewidth=box_linewidth)
                    # Project 3d boxes to 2d.
                    transforms = self.get_transforms(token, self.root)
                    for box in boxes:
                        # Undo the transformations in get_boxes() to get back to the camera frame.
                        box.rotate(self.kitti_to_nu_lidar_inv)  # In KITTI lidar frame.
                        box.translate(transforms['velo_to_cam']['T'])  # In KITTI camera frame, un-rectified.
                        box.rotate(Quaternion(matrix=transforms['r0_rect']))  # In KITTI camera frame, rectified.

                        # Filter boxes outside the image (relevant when visualizing nuScenes data in KITTI format).
                        if not box_in_image(box, transforms['p_left'][:3, :3], im.size, vis_level=BoxVisibility.ANY):

                        # Render.
                        color = np.array(color_func(box.name)) / 255
                        box.render(ax, view=transforms['p_left'][:3, :3], normalize=True, colors=(color, color, 'k'),
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized modality {}.".format(sensor_modality))


        # Render to disk.
        if out_path is not None:
Example #8
def get_2d_boxes(sample_data_token: str,
                 visibilities: List[str]) -> List[OrderedDict]:
    Get the 2D annotation records for a given `sample_data_token`.
    :param sample_data_token: Sample data token belonging to a camera keyframe.
    :param visibilities: Visibility filter.
    :return: List of 2D annotation record that belongs to the input `sample_data_token`

    # Get the sample data and the sample corresponding to that sample data.
    sd_rec = nusc.get('sample_data', sample_data_token)

    assert sd_rec[
        'sensor_modality'] == 'camera', 'Error: get_2d_boxes only works for camera sample_data!'
    if not sd_rec['is_key_frame']:
        raise ValueError(
            'The 2D re-projections are available only for keyframes.')

    s_rec = nusc.get('sample', sd_rec['sample_token'])

    # Get the calibrated sensor and ego pose record to get the transformation matrices.
    cs_rec = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', sd_rec['calibrated_sensor_token'])
    pose_rec = nusc.get('ego_pose', sd_rec['ego_pose_token'])
    camera_intrinsic = np.array(cs_rec['camera_intrinsic'])

    # Get all the annotation with the specified visibilties.
    ann_recs = [
        nusc.get('sample_annotation', token) for token in s_rec['anns']
    ann_recs = [
        ann_rec for ann_rec in ann_recs
        if (ann_rec['visibility_token'] in visibilities)

    repro_recs = []

    for ann_rec in ann_recs:
        # Augment sample_annotation with token information.
        ann_rec['sample_annotation_token'] = ann_rec['token']
        ann_rec['sample_data_token'] = sample_data_token

        # Get the box in global coordinates.
        box = nusc.get_box(ann_rec['token'])

        # Move them to the ego-pose frame.

        # Move them to the calibrated sensor frame.

        # Filter out the corners that are not in front of the calibrated sensor.
        corners_3d = box.corners()
        in_front = np.argwhere(corners_3d[2, :] > 0).flatten()
        corners_3d = corners_3d[:, in_front]

        # Project 3d box to 2d.
        corner_coords = view_points(corners_3d, camera_intrinsic,
                                    True).T[:, :2].tolist()

        # Keep only corners that fall within the image.
        final_coords = post_process_coords(corner_coords)

        # Skip if the convex hull of the re-projected corners does not intersect the image canvas.
        if final_coords is None:
            min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = final_coords

        # Generate dictionary record to be included in the .json file.
        repro_rec = generate_record(ann_rec, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y,
                                    sample_data_token, sd_rec['filename'])

    return repro_recs
Example #9
def visualize_sample(nusc: NuScenes,
                     sample_token: str,
                     gt_boxes: EvalBoxes,
                     pred_boxes: EvalBoxes,
                     nsweeps: int = 1,
                     conf_th: float = 0.15,
                     eval_range: float = 50,
                     verbose: bool = True,
                     savepath: str = None) -> None:
    Visualizes a sample from BEV with annotations and detection results.
    :param nusc: NuScenes object.
    :param sample_token: The nuScenes sample token.
    :param gt_boxes: Ground truth boxes grouped by sample.
    :param pred_boxes: Prediction grouped by sample.
    :param nsweeps: Number of sweeps used for lidar visualization.
    :param conf_th: The confidence threshold used to filter negatives.
    :param eval_range: Range in meters beyond which boxes are ignored.
    :param verbose: Whether to print to stdout.
    :param savepath: If given, saves the the rendering here instead of displaying.
    # Retrieve sensor & pose records.
    sample_rec = nusc.get('sample', sample_token)
    sd_record = nusc.get('sample_data', sample_rec['data']['LIDAR_TOP'])
    cs_record = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', sd_record['calibrated_sensor_token'])
    pose_record = nusc.get('ego_pose', sd_record['ego_pose_token'])

    # Get boxes.
    boxes_gt_global = gt_boxes[sample_token]
    boxes_est_global = pred_boxes[sample_token]

    # Map GT boxes to lidar.
    boxes_gt = boxes_to_sensor(boxes_gt_global, pose_record, cs_record)

    # Map EST boxes to lidar.
    boxes_est = boxes_to_sensor(boxes_est_global, pose_record, cs_record)

    # Add scores to EST boxes.
    for box_est, box_est_global in zip(boxes_est, boxes_est_global):
        box_est.score = box_est_global.detection_score

    # Get point cloud in lidar frame.
    pc, _ = LidarPointCloud.from_file_multisweep(nusc, sample_rec, 'LIDAR_TOP', 'LIDAR_TOP', nsweeps=nsweeps)

    # Init axes.
    _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 9))

    # Show point cloud.
    points = view_points(pc.points[:3, :], np.eye(4), normalize=False)
    dists = np.sqrt(np.sum(pc.points[:2, :] ** 2, axis=0))
    colors = np.minimum(1, dists / eval_range)
    ax.scatter(points[0, :], points[1, :], c=colors, s=0.2)

    # Show ego vehicle.
    ax.plot(0, 0, 'x', color='black')

    # Show GT boxes.
    for box in boxes_gt:
        box.render(ax, view=np.eye(4), colors=('g', 'g', 'g'), linewidth=2)

    # Show EST boxes.
    for box in boxes_est:
        # Show only predictions with a high score.
        assert not np.isnan(box.score), 'Error: Box score cannot be NaN!'
        if box.score >= conf_th:
            box.render(ax, view=np.eye(4), colors=('b', 'b', 'b'), linewidth=1)

    # Limit visible range.
    axes_limit = eval_range + 3  # Slightly bigger to include boxes that extend beyond the range.
    ax.set_xlim(-axes_limit, axes_limit)
    ax.set_ylim(-axes_limit, axes_limit)

    # Show / save plot.
    if verbose:
        print('Rendering sample token %s' % sample_token)
    if savepath is not None:
def pointcloud_color_from_image(
        nusc: NuScenes, pointsensor_token: str,
        camera_token: str) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]:
    Given a point sensor (lidar/radar) token and camera sample_data token, load point-cloud and map it to the image
    plane, then retrieve the colors of the closest image pixels.
    :param nusc: NuScenes instance.
    :param pointsensor_token: Lidar/radar sample_data token.
    :param camera_token: Camera sample data token.
    :return (coloring <np.float: 3, n>, mask <np.bool: m>). Returns the colors for n points that reproject into the
        image out of m total points. The mask indicates which points are selected.

    cam = nusc.get('sample_data', camera_token)
    pointsensor = nusc.get('sample_data', pointsensor_token)

    pc = LidarPointCloud.from_file(
        osp.join(nusc.dataroot, pointsensor['filename']))
    im = Image.open(osp.join(nusc.dataroot, cam['filename']))

    # Points live in the point sensor frame. So they need to be transformed via global to the image plane.
    # First step: transform the point-cloud to the ego vehicle frame for the timestamp of the sweep.
    cs_record = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor',

    # Second step: transform to the global frame.
    poserecord = nusc.get('ego_pose', pointsensor['ego_pose_token'])

    # Third step: transform into the ego vehicle frame for the timestamp of the image.
    poserecord = nusc.get('ego_pose', cam['ego_pose_token'])

    # Fourth step: transform into the camera.
    cs_record = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', cam['calibrated_sensor_token'])

    # Fifth step: actually take a "picture" of the point cloud.
    # Grab the depths (camera frame z axis points away from the camera).
    depths = pc.points[2, :]

    # Take the actual picture (matrix multiplication with camera-matrix + renormalization).
    points = view_points(pc.points[:3, :],

    # Remove points that are either outside or behind the camera. Leave a margin of 1 pixel for aesthetic reasons.
    mask = np.ones(depths.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, depths > 0)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[0, :] > 1)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[0, :] < im.size[0] - 1)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[1, :] > 1)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[1, :] < im.size[1] - 1)
    points = points[:, mask]

    # Pick the colors of the points
    im_data = np.array(im)
    coloring = np.zeros(points.shape)
    for i, p in enumerate(points.transpose()):
        point = p[:2].round().astype(np.int32)
        coloring[:, i] = im_data[point[1], point[0], :]

    return coloring, mask