def make_pdf_histos(var, weight, samples, sn, sampn, cuts, cuts_antiiso, outdir, channel, coupling, binning=None, plot_range=None, asymmetry=None, mtmetcut=None): if sn == "qcd" and coupling == "powheg": hname = "%s__%s__%s__%s" % (var, sn, "pdf", "up") write_histogram(var, hname, str(weight), samples, sn, sampn, cuts, cuts_antiiso, outdir, channel, coupling, binning=binning, plot_range=plot_range, asymmetry=asymmetry, mtmetcut=mtmetcut) hname = "%s__%s__%s__%s" % (var, sn, "pdf", "down") write_histogram(var, hname, str(weight), samples, sn, sampn, cuts, cuts_antiiso, outdir, channel, coupling, binning=binning, plot_range=plot_range, asymmetry=asymmetry, mtmetcut=mtmetcut) return if sampn.startswith("Single") or coupling != "powheg": return nPDFSet_size = 44 weight_str = str(weight) samp = samples[sampn] hname_up = "%s__%s__pdf__up" % (var, sn) hname_down = "%s__%s__pdf__down" % (var, sn) #outfile = File(outdir + "/%s_%s.root" % (sampn,hname), "RECREATE") outfile = TFile(outdir + "/%s_%s_pdf.root" % (sampn, var), "RECREATE") if sn=="DATA": weight_str = "1" if var == "eta_lj": var = "abs("+var+")" hist_orig = create_histogram_for_fit(sn, samp, str(weight), cuts, cuts_antiiso, channel, coupling, var, binning=binning, plot_range=plot_range, asymmetry=asymmetry, qcd_extra=None, mtmetcut=mtmetcut) hist_std = create_histogram_for_fit(sn, samp, weight_str, cuts, cuts_antiiso, channel, coupling, var, binning=binning, plot_range=plot_range, asymmetry=asymmetry, qcd_extra=None, mtmetcut=mtmetcut) hist_plus = hist_orig.Clone(hname_up) hist_minus = hist_orig.Clone(hname_down) print sn, samp weighted_histos = [] for i in range(nPDFSet_size): #print "pdf nr = ", i #weight_str = str(weight * Weights.pdf_refweight * Weight("pdf_weights_MSTW2008nlo68cl["+str(i)+"]")) #weight_str = str(weight * Weights.pdf_refweight * Weight("pdf_weights_CT10.pdf_weights_CT10["+str(i)+"]")) weight_str = str(weight * Weight("pdf_weights_cteq66["+str(i)+"]")) hist = create_histogram_for_fit(sn, samp, weight_str, cuts, cuts_antiiso, channel, coupling, var, binning=binning, plot_range=plot_range, asymmetry=asymmetry, qcd_extra=None, mtmetcut=mtmetcut) hist.SetDirectory(0) weighted_histos.append(hist) #Must cd after histogram creation (hist_plus, hist_minus) = calculate_PDF_uncertainties(hist_std, weighted_histos, hist_plus, hist_minus, orig=hist_orig) #hist_std.Write() hist_plus.Write() hist_minus.Write() #Write histogram to file"Writing histogram %s to file %s" % (hist.GetName(), outfile.GetPath()))"%i entries, %.2f events" % (hist.GetEntries(), hist.Integral())) #(a,b) = hist.GetName().split("_")[0], hist.GetName().split("_")[1] #print "YIELD", a+"_"+b, hist.Integral() #hist.SetName(hname) #hist.SetDirectory(outfile) outfile.Write() outfile.Close() samples = None
def write_histogram(var, hname, weight, samples, sn, sampn, cuts, cuts_antiiso, outdir, channel, coupling, binning=None, plot_range=None, asymmetry=None, mtmetcut=None): weight_str = weight samp = samples[sampn] outfile = TFile(outdir + "/%s_%s.root" % (sampn,hname), "RECREATE") if sn=="DATA": weight_str = "1" if var == "eta_lj": var = "abs("+var+")" qcd_extra = None #This is a really ugly way of adding the QCD shape variation, but works. Restructure the whole thing in the future if "iso__down" in hname: if var == "abs(eta_lj)": cuts_antiiso = str(Cuts.eta_fit_antiiso_down(channel)) qcd_extra = str(Cuts.eta_fit_antiiso(channel)) #hack for now else: cut = "1" for x in str(cuts_antiiso).split("&&"): if "mva" in x: cut = x cut = cut.replace("(","").replace(")","") cuts_antiiso = str(Cuts.mva_antiiso_down(channel, mva_var=var)) + " && ("+cut+")" qcd_extra = str(Cuts.mva_antiiso(channel, mva_var=var)) + " && ("+cut+")" #hack for now elif "iso__up" in hname: if var == "abs(eta_lj)": cuts_antiiso = str(Cuts.eta_fit_antiiso_up(channel)) qcd_extra = str(Cuts.eta_fit_antiiso(channel)) #hack for now else: cut = "1" for x in str(cuts_antiiso).split("&&"): if "mva" in x: cut = x cut = cut.replace("(","").replace(")","") cuts_antiiso = str(Cuts.mva_antiiso_up(channel, mva_var=var)) + " && ("+cut+")" qcd_extra = str(Cuts.mva_antiiso(channel, mva_var=var)) + " && ("+cut+")" #hack for now hist = create_histogram_for_fit(sn, samp, weight_str, cuts, cuts_antiiso, channel, coupling, var, binning=binning, plot_range=plot_range, asymmetry=asymmetry, qcd_extra=qcd_extra, mtmetcut=mtmetcut, hname=hname) #Must cd after histogram creation #Write histogram to file"Writing histogram %s to file %s" % (hist.GetName(), outfile.GetPath()))"%i entries, %.2f events" % (hist.GetEntries(), hist.Integral())) #(a,b) = hist.GetName().split("_")[0], hist.GetName().split("_")[1] #print "YIELD", a+"_"+b, hist.Integral() hist.SetName(hname) hist.SetDirectory(outfile) outfile.Write() outfile.Close() samples = None