Example #1
import load_synth_extract

from plants_all import studytreelist

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from stephen_desktop_conf_TEMP import *
    studytreelist = ["2539_6294"]
    print "loading synthottolid:",synthottolid
    print "loading studytreelist:",studytreelist
    generallogfileloc = studytreelist[0]+".log"
    ttfntreefn = studytreelist[0]+".tre"

    "41_1396",  #Feddea
    "82_5792",  #Campanula , very non monophyletic campanula
    "932_1831"  #Goodeniaceae, tons of non monophyly

studytreelistTF = [True] * len(studytreelist)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    treemloc = "treemachine-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar"  #treemachine location
    javapre = "java -Xmx8g -jar"  #java running information
    dott = "example/asterales_taxonomy.db"  #database location for taxonomy
    taxfile = "example/aster/taxonomy.tsv"  #location of taxonomy loading file
    synfile = "example/aster/synonyms.tsv"  #location of synonyms file
    dload = "example/asterales_loading.db"  #database location for loading studies
    dsynth = "example/asterales_synth.db"  #databsae location for synthesis
    synthottolid = "1042120"  #ott id for starting synthesis
    treefn = "example/asterales_synth.tre"  #filename for tree
    generallogfileloc = "example/logfile"  #log file for spitting out lots of information
    studyloc = "example/nexsons/"  #location for the nexsons

    print "loading taxonomy"
    load_taxonomy(treemloc, javapre, dott, taxfile, synfile)

    print "loading synthottolid:", synthottolid
    print "loading studytreelist:", studytreelist

    load_synth_extract.run(dott, dload, studyloc, studytreelist, javapre,
                           treemloc, generallogfileloc, dsynth, synthottolid,
                           treefn, studytreelistTF)