def open_config(): app.hide() # Set the config fields if config_rw.read_current("consumer_key", the_loader.get_paths("config_path")) == "" and \ config_rw.read_current("consumer_secret", the_loader.get_paths("config_path")) == "" and \ config_rw.read_current("token_key", the_loader.get_paths("config_path")) == "" and \ config_rw.read_current("token_secret", the_loader.get_paths("config_path")) == "": app.clearAllEntries() else: app.setEntry( "consumer_key_field", config_rw.read_current("consumer_key", the_loader.get_paths("config_path"))) app.setEntry( "consumer_secret_field", config_rw.read_current("consumer_secret", the_loader.get_paths("config_path"))) app.setEntry( "token_key_field", config_rw.read_current("token_key", the_loader.get_paths("config_path"))) app.setEntry( "token_secret_field", config_rw.read_current("token_secret", the_loader.get_paths("config_path"))) # Make the config visible app.showSubWindow("sub_config")
def auto_oauth(): print("Trying auto login to tumblr") # Lock the config button app.disableButton("check_button") # Set the check ico to loading app.setImage("chk_oauth", the_loader.get_paths("icon_path") + "auth_icon_checking.gif") if the_loader.check_auth( config_rw.read_current("consumer_key", the_loader.get_paths("config_path")), config_rw.read_current("consumer_secret", the_loader.get_paths("config_path")), config_rw.read_current("token_key", the_loader.get_paths("config_path")), config_rw.read_current("token_secret", the_loader.get_paths("config_path"))): # Switch to finished ico app.setImage( "chk_oauth", the_loader.get_paths("icon_path") + "auth_icon_success.gif") print("Oauth successful. Unlock download button") app.enableButton("download_button") else: print("Not possible. OAuth failed") app.setImage( "chk_oauth", the_loader.get_paths("icon_path") + "auth_icon_denied.gif") app.enableButton("check_button")
def set_tools(): # Set frame for all the buttons and indicators app.startLabelFrame("", row=0, column=0) app.setSticky("ew") # app.setPadding(20, 0) app.addButton("check_button", open_config, row=0, column=0) app.setButton("check_button", "Config OAuth") app.addImage("chk_oauth", the_loader.get_paths("icon_path") + "auth_icon_pending.gif", row=0, column=1) app.addHorizontalSeparator(row=1, column=0, colspan=2) app.addButton("download_button", init_download, row=2, column=0) app.setButton("download_button", "Start Download") app.addImage("down_ring", the_loader.get_paths("icon_path") + "auth_icon_placeholder.gif", row=2, column=1) app.setImage( "down_ring", the_loader.get_paths("icon_path") + "auth_icon_placeholder.gif") # Disable download button until unlock by auto or manual app.disableButton("download_button") # Stop this frame app.stopLabelFrame() # Set Frame for showing what is downloaded app.startFrame("down_section", row=0, column=1) app.setSticky("ew") # app.setPadding(0, 2) app.addLabel("top_text_download", "Download:", row=0, column=0) app.addLabel("bottom_text_download", "img_title", row=1, column=0) app.addHorizontalSeparator(row=2, column=0) app.addLabel("spacer", "", row=3, column=0) app.addLabel("bottom_text", "Downloading 0 of 0", row=4, column=0) app.setLabel("bottom_text_download", "") # Stop this frame too app.stopFrame()
def main(): set_main() set_sub_config() set_sub_info() # Check the config file config_rw.init_check(the_loader.get_paths("config_path")) # Auto OAuth app.thread(auto_oauth) # When all is set and done app.go()
def exit_config(): # Check for config difference in .cfg and fields if config_rw.chk_config(app.getEntry("consumer_key_field"), app.getEntry("consumer_secret_field"), app.getEntry("token_key_field"), app.getEntry("token_secret_field"), the_loader.get_paths("config_path")): if app.yesNoBox( "Exit config", "There are unsaved changes.\n You really want to exit?"): app.hideSubWindow("sub_config") else: app.hideSubWindow("sub_config")
def set_sub_config(): app.startSubWindow("sub_config", title="Configure OAuth", modal=True) # app.setIcon(the_loader.get_paths("icon_path")+"app_icon.ico") app.setSticky("news") app.setExpand("both") app.setSize(600, 450) app.setResizable(canResize=False) app.setStopFunction(exit_config) # Add the stop function later app.addLabel("Consumer Key:") app.addEntry("consumer_key_field") app.addLabel("Consumer Secret:") app.addEntry("consumer_secret_field") # Get some spacing app.addLabel(" ") app.addLabel("Token Key:") app.addEntry("token_key_field") app.addLabel("Token Secret:") app.addEntry("token_secret_field") # Get some spacing app.addLabel(" ") app.addImage("vali_img", the_loader.get_paths("icon_path") + "auth_icon_pending.gif") app.addLabel("vali_txt", text="Awaiting check") # Get some spacing app.addLabel(" ") # First placeholder is for updating oauth data in the config and the second is for discarding changes app.addButton("Check", close_config) # Set the default texts app.setEntryDefault("consumer_key_field", "") app.setEntryDefault("consumer_secret_field", "") app.setEntryDefault("token_key_field", "") app.setEntryDefault("token_secret_field", "") # Finalize the sub-window app.stopSubWindow()
def set_sub_info(): app.startSubWindow("sub_info", title="About", modal=True) app.setResizable(canResize=False) app.setSize(500, 120) app.setSticky("w") app.setFont(10) app.addImage("creator_icon", the_loader.get_paths("icon_path") + "user_allDigital.gif", 0, 0) app.addLabel("created_who") app.setLabel( "created_who", "TumblrSnap v1.2 BETA - Copyright (C) 2018 Lukas W.\n" "----------------------------------------------------------------\n" "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n" "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it " "under certain conditions.") # Stop SubWindow app.stopSubWindow()
def close_config(): # Save the config if oauth_check(): config_rw.write_current(app.getEntry("consumer_key_field"), app.getEntry("consumer_secret_field"), app.getEntry("token_key_field"), app.getEntry("token_secret_field"), the_loader.get_paths("config_path")) app.hideSubWindow("sub_config") # Give message of success app.infoBox("Authentication successful", "Logged in.\nDownload can be started now") # Run auto-check again app.thread(auto_oauth) else: app.errorBox( "Authentication failed", "Unable to authenticate with given credentials.\n" "Check for any typos and try again")
def down_tumblr(): # Set the variable for killing the download global stop_down # Make another check? chk_login = the_loader.tumblr_login(the_loader.get_paths("config_path")) if chk_login: # Get me the user and favorites count user = the_loader.get_username() fav_count = the_loader.get_user_fav_count() # Check for the download folder the_loader.chk_download_store( user, the_loader.get_images_path(user, "no_user")) # Counter to keep track of where we are my_counter = 0 # Amounts the system can go full 20 at my_limit my_rounds_tot = the_loader.counter_run(fav_count / 20) # The current rounds taken my_rounds_cur = 0 # The limit on how many images (Not more than 20) my_limit = 20 # Set "stop down" to False, because we start here stop_down = False # Label text to show in download label_download = 1 # Set an empty timestamp, since offset limits me to 1000 only after_timestamp = 0 # Keep track value track_count_success = 0 track_count_fail = 0 while my_counter <= fav_count and not stop_down: # Get my like list if after_timestamp == 0: # print("First load. Going with offset") like_list = the_loader.get_likes("offset", my_limit, my_counter) else: # print("Switched to after. Bye bye offset") like_list = the_loader.get_likes("before", my_limit, after_timestamp) # Counter für die limit downloads cur = 0 true_len = len(like_list["liked_posts"]) - 1 # Set the current possiton up by the true_len counter (Shit my calcs don't allow that dynamic) if the_loader.chk_current(my_rounds_cur, my_rounds_tot): my_counter = my_counter + 20 else: my_counter = the_loader.fav_remain(fav_count, my_counter) while cur < true_len and not stop_down: # Debug lines if enable_debug == True: print("DEBUG:", "\nfav_count amount: ", fav_count, "\nMy_Counter position: ", my_counter, "\nAfter_Timestamp: ", after_timestamp) print("True_Len: ", true_len, "\n") # Get post type post_type = like_list["liked_posts"][cur]["type"] # When post type is photo if post_type == "photo": # Check for multiple images within the same post # See if it's actually more posts multi = the_loader.check_multiple_ulr(likes=like_list, current=cur) # Would print if multiple images are found # print(multi[0]) if multi[0]: # Set a val to count with v1 = 0 while v1 < multi[1]: # Set the current URL cur_url = the_loader.gen_url(likes=like_list, current=cur, counter=v1) # Split the url to get the file name to display title_part = the_loader.gen_file_name(url=cur_url, part="part") # Split the url to get the file name to use to download title_full = the_loader.gen_file_name(url=cur_url, part="full") # Set the title for the gui app.setLabel("bottom_text_download", title_part) # Make int into str and display (Shorted that) and apply app.setLabel( "bottom_text", "Downloading " + str(label_download) + " of " + str(fav_count)) # Check for exsisting file in folder if the_loader.chk_img(user, title_full): if not the_loader.download_likes( cur_url, the_loader.get_images_path( user, "with_user"), title_full): app.errorBox( "Download Error", "While trying to download an image the download function could'nt connect to the server." "\nSkipping. Also pray it's working now again. Else you'll see me more often ;)" ) else: print( "Image with same title exists already. Skipping that ;D." "\nYou don't have to thank me\n") # Update the v1 v1 = v1 + 1 else: # Set the current URL cur_url = the_loader.gen_url(likes=like_list, current=cur, counter=0) # Split the url to get the file name to display title_part = the_loader.gen_file_name(url=cur_url, part="part") # Split the url to get the file name to use to download title_full = the_loader.gen_file_name(url=cur_url, part="full") # Set the title for the gui app.setLabel("bottom_text_download", title_part) # Make int into str and display (Shorted that) and apply app.setLabel( "bottom_text", "Downloading " + str(label_download) + " of " + str(fav_count)) # Check for existing file in folder if the_loader.chk_img(user, title_part): if not the_loader.download_likes( cur_url, the_loader.get_images_path( user, "with_user"), title_full): app.errorBox( "Download Error", "While trying to download an image the download function could'nt connect to the server." "\nSkipping. Also pray it's working now again. Else you'll see me more often ;)" ) track_count_fail = track_count_fail + 1 else: track_count_success = track_count_success + 1 else: print( "Image with same title exists already. Skipping that ;D." "\nYou don't have to thank me\n") else: # The post isn't marked as "photo" and will be skipped right here. Happy code digging print( "Skipped a non photo post.\nYou don't need to thank me ;D" ) # Set the last timestamp of the post contacted after_timestamp = like_list["liked_posts"][cur][ "liked_timestamp"] # Set the current pointer one up cur = cur + 1 # Set the label one image counter up label_download = label_download + 1 # See where we stand with the counter_cur if the_loader.chk_current(my_rounds_cur, my_rounds_tot): my_rounds_cur = my_rounds_cur + 1 else: my_limit = the_loader.fav_remain(fav_count, my_counter) # What will happen when stop down is set before all is done and gone ;D if my_counter <= fav_count and stop_down: app.infoBox( "Download aborted", "Download stopped by user before all images where downloaded") elif stop_down: print( "Seems like you killed the download on the last image.\nCongrats" ) elif my_counter == fav_count: app.infoBox( "Finished", "Your download has been finished successfully." "\nSuccessful images downloaded: " + str(track_count_success) + "\nImages failed to download: " + str(track_count_fail)) app.enableButton("download_button")