Example #1
import subprocess

import config
from localdb import dbcursor

#htmlDirs = ['/var/www/html', '/afs/cern.ch/user/y/yiiyama/www/metscan']
htmlDirs = ['/var/www/html']

messages = '    <p><span style="color:red;">The system is currently re-scanning the entire dataset.</span></p>\n'
messages += '    <p><a href="nov18/index.html">Status as of November 18</a></p>\n'
messages += '    <p>Golden JSON used is: ' + config.goldenJson + '</p>\n'
messages += '    <p>Silver JSON used is: ' + config.silverJson + '</p>\n'
messages += '    <p>Page last updated: ' + time.asctime() + '</p>'

dbcursor.execute('SELECT `status`+0 FROM `scanstatus` WHERE `status` LIKE \'done\'')
DONE = dbcursor.fetchall()[0][0]

dbcursor.execute('SELECT `recoid`, `name` FROM `reconstructions` ORDER BY `recoid`')
recos = [(row[0], row[1]) for row in dbcursor]

dbcursor.execute('SELECT `datasetid`, `name` FROM `primarydatasets` ORDER BY `name`')
pds = [(pdid, pdname) for pdid, pdname in dbcursor]

status = dict([(reco[0], dict([(pdid, {}) for pdid, name in pds])) for reco in recos])
dbcursor.execute('SELECT `recoid`, `datasetid`, `run`, `lumi`, `status`+0 FROM `scanstatus`')
for recoid, pdid, run, lumi, st in dbcursor:
    if recoid not in status:
        status[recoid] = {}
    if pdid not in status[recoid]:
        status[recoid][pdid] = {}
    if run not in status[recoid][pdid]:
Example #2
from das import dasQuery, datasetList
from localdb import dbcursor

### STEP 1 ###################################################
### Find lumisections to be processed from DAS             ###

recoids = {}
for reco in config.reconstructions:
    dbcursor.execute('SELECT `recoid` FROM `reconstructions` WHERE `name` LIKE %s', (reco,))
    if dbcursor.rowcount <= 0:
        # insert new reconstruction version
        dbcursor.execute('INSERT INTO `reconstructions` (name) VALUES (%s)', (reco,))
        recoids[reco] = dbcursor.lastrowid
        recoids[reco] = dbcursor.fetchall()[0][0]

dbcursor.execute('SELECT `datasetid`, `name` FROM `primarydatasets`')
knownPDs = dict([(name, datasetid) for datasetid, name in dbcursor])

# list of dataset full names (PD + reconstruction version)
# There isn't really a need to query das every time. Providing a hard-coded dataset list is another option..
datasets = datasetList()

# DCS-only JSON mask
dcsMask = {}
for fileName in config.dcsJsons:
    with open(fileName) as dcsJson:
        maskJSON = eval(dcsJson.read())

    for runStr, lumiRanges in maskJSON.items():
Example #3
from das import dasQuery, datasetList
from localdb import dbcursor

### STEP 1 ###################################################
### Find lumisections to be processed from DAS             ###

recoids = {}
for reco in config.reconstructions:
    dbcursor.execute('SELECT `recoid` FROM `reconstructions` WHERE `name` LIKE %s', (reco,))
    if dbcursor.rowcount <= 0:
        # insert new reconstruction version
        dbcursor.execute('INSERT INTO `reconstructions` (name) VALUES (%s)', (reco,))
        recoids[reco] = dbcursor.lastrowid
        recoids[reco] = dbcursor.fetchall()[0][0]

dbcursor.execute('SELECT `datasetid`, `name` FROM `primarydatasets`')
knownPDs = dict([(name, datasetid) for datasetid, name in dbcursor])

# list of dataset full names (PD + reconstruction version)
# There isn't really a need to query das every time. Providing a hard-coded dataset list is another option..
datasets = datasetList()

for reco in config.reconstructions:
    print 'Checking for new lumis in', reco

    recoid = recoids[reco]

    # loop over primary datasets
    for pd, recoVersion in [ds for ds in datasets if ds[1][:ds[1].rfind('-v')] == reco]:
Example #4
#crabConfig.JobType.outputFiles = ['tags.txt', 'eventdata.txt', 'lumis.txt']
crabConfig.Data.splitting = 'LumiBased'
#crabConfig.Data.totalUnits = 1 # TESTING
crabConfig.Data.outLFNDirBase = config.eosdir.replace('/eos/cms', '') + '/' + timestamp
crabConfig.Site.storageSite = 'T2_CH_CERN'


for reco in config.reconstructions:
    print 'Creating ntuplizer jobs for', reco

    dbcursor.execute('SELECT `recoid` FROM `reconstructions` WHERE `name` LIKE %s', (reco,))
    recoid = dbcursor.fetchall()[0][0]

    crabConfig.JobType.psetName = config.installdir + '/cmssw/' + config.cmsswbases[reco][1] + '/src/ntuplize.py'

    for pd, datasetid in knownPDs.items():
        dbcursor.execute('SELECT `run`, `lumi` FROM `scanstatus` WHERE `recoid` = %s AND `datasetid` = %s AND (`status` LIKE \'new\' OR `status` LIKE \'failed\') ORDER BY `run`, `lumi`', (recoid, datasetid))
        if dbcursor.rowcount <= 0:
            print ' No job to submit for', pd

        lumis = [(run, lumi) for run, lumi in dbcursor]

        if len(lumis) == 0:

        print ' ' + pd
Example #5
            for fname in os.listdir('/'.join((config.scratchdir, 'merged', reco, pd))):
                if fname.endswith('.root'):
                    sourcePaths[reco][pd].append('/'.join((config.scratchdir, 'merged', reco, pd, fname)))
                    nFiles += 1
                if NMAX > 0 and nFiles > NMAX:
                    raise MaxFiles

except MaxFiles:

for reco in sourcePaths.keys():
    dbcursor.execute('SELECT `recoid` FROM `reconstructions` WHERE `name` LIKE %s', (reco,))
        recoid = dbcursor.fetchall()[0][0]
    except IndexError:

    for pd, paths in sourcePaths[reco].items():
        dbcursor.execute('SELECT `datasetid` FROM `primarydatasets` WHERE `name` LIKE %s', (pd,))
            datasetid = dbcursor.fetchall()[0][0]
        except IndexError:

        for sourcePath in paths:
            print 'Analyzing', sourcePath

            status = dumper.dump(sourcePath, recoid, datasetid)