Example #1
    def test_find_multipart_redirect_url(self):
        headers = {'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'curl/7.51.0',
            'Accept': '*/*', 'Content-Length': '992', 'Expect': '100-continue',
            'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------3c48c744237517ac'}

        data1 = (b'--------------------------3c48c744237517ac\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="key"\r\n\r\n'
                 b'\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="success_action_redirect"\r\n\r\nhttp://'

        data2 = (b'--------------------------3c48c744237517ac\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="key"\r\n\r\n'

        data3 = (b'--------------------------3c48c744237517ac\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="success_action_'

        key1, url1 = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url(data1, headers)

        self.assertEqual(key1, 'uploads/20170826T181315.679087009Z/upload/pixel.png')
        self.assertEqual(url1, '')

        key2, url2 = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url(data2, headers)

        self.assertEqual(key2, 'uploads/20170826T181315.679087009Z/upload/pixel.png')
        self.assertIsNone(url2, 'Should not get a redirect URL without success_action_redirect')

        key3, url3 = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url(data3, headers)

        self.assertIsNone(key3, 'Should not get a key without provided key')
        self.assertIsNone(url3, 'Should not get a redirect URL without provided key')
Example #2
    def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response):

        path = to_str(path)
        method = to_str(method)
        bucket_name = get_bucket_name(path, headers)

        # No path-name based bucket name? Try host-based
        hostname_parts = headers['host'].split('.')
        if (not bucket_name
                or len(bucket_name) == 0) and len(hostname_parts) > 1:
            bucket_name = hostname_parts[0]

        # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect field,
        # which should be used to redirect a client to a new location.
        key = None
        if method == 'POST':
            key, redirect_url = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url(
                data, headers)

            if key and redirect_url:
                response.status_code = 303
                response.headers['Location'] = expand_redirect_url(
                    redirect_url, key, bucket_name)
                LOGGER.debug('S3 POST {} to {}'.format(
                    response.status_code, response.headers['Location']))

        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path)
        bucket_name_in_host = headers['host'].startswith(bucket_name)

        should_send_notifications = all([
            method in ('PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'),
            '/' in path[1:] or bucket_name_in_host,
            # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be
            # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/
            bucket_name_in_host or
            (len(path[1:].split('/')) > 1 and len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) > 0),
            self.is_query_allowable(method, parsed.query)

        # get subscribers and send bucket notifications
        if should_send_notifications:
            # if we already have a good key, use it, otherwise examine the path
            if key:
                object_path = '/' + key
            elif bucket_name_in_host:
                object_path = parsed.path
                parts = parsed.path[1:].split('/', 1)
                object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][
                    0] == '/' else '/%s' % parts[1]
            version_id = response.headers.get('x-amz-version-id', None)

            send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path, version_id)

        # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets:
        if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and ('/' not in path[1:] or
                                            len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) <= 0):
            event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET if method
                          == 'PUT' else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET)
                payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)})

        # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/382)
        if method == 'PUT' and parsed.query == 'policy':
            response._content = ''
            response.status_code = 204
            return response

        if response:
            reset_content_length = False

            # append CORS headers to response

            # Remove body from PUT response on presigned URL
            # https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/1317
            if method == 'PUT' and ('X-Amz-Security-Token=' in path
                                    or 'AWSAccessKeyId=' in path):
                response._content = ''
                reset_content_length = True

            response_content_str = None
                response_content_str = to_str(response._content)
            except Exception:

            # We need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark:
            # https://github.com/jserver/mock-s3/pull/9/files
            # https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/183
            # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n
            if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith('<'):
                is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type)


                # un-pretty-print the XML
                response._content = re.sub(r'([^\?])>\n\s*<',

                # update Location information in response payload
                response._content = self._update_location(
                    response._content, bucket_name)

                # convert back to bytes
                if is_bytes:
                    response._content = to_bytes(response._content)

                # fix content-type: https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/618
                #                   https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/549
                if 'text/html' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', ''):
                        'Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'

                reset_content_length = True

            # update content-length headers (fix https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/541)
            if method == 'DELETE':
                reset_content_length = True

            if reset_content_length:
                response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)
Example #3
    def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response):

        path = to_str(path)
        method = to_str(method)
        bucket_name = get_bucket_name(path, headers)

        # No path-name based bucket name? Try host-based
        hostname_parts = headers['host'].split('.')
        if (not bucket_name or len(bucket_name) == 0) and len(hostname_parts) > 1:
            bucket_name = hostname_parts[0]

        # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect field,
        # which should be used to redirect a client to a new location.
        key = None
        if method == 'POST':
            key, redirect_url = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url(data, headers)

            if key and redirect_url:
                response.status_code = 303
                response.headers['Location'] = expand_redirect_url(redirect_url, key, bucket_name)
                LOGGER.debug('S3 POST {} to {}'.format(response.status_code, response.headers['Location']))

        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path)
        bucket_name_in_host = headers['host'].startswith(bucket_name)

        should_send_notifications = all([
            method in ('PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'),
            '/' in path[1:] or bucket_name_in_host,
            # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be
            # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/
            bucket_name_in_host or (len(path[1:].split('/')) > 1 and len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) > 0),
            self.is_query_allowable(method, parsed.query)

        # get subscribers and send bucket notifications
        if should_send_notifications:
            # if we already have a good key, use it, otherwise examine the path
            if key:
                object_path = '/' + key
            elif bucket_name_in_host:
                object_path = parsed.path
                parts = parsed.path[1:].split('/', 1)
                object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][0] == '/' else '/%s' % parts[1]
            version_id = response.headers.get('x-amz-version-id', None)

            send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path, version_id)

        # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets:
        if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and ('/' not in path[1:] or len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) <= 0):
            event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET if method == 'PUT'
                else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET)
            event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)})

        # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/382)
        if method == 'PUT' and parsed.query == 'policy':
            response._content = ''
            response.status_code = 204
            return response

        # emulate ErrorDocument functionality if a website is configured

        if method == 'GET' and response.status_code == 404 and parsed.query != 'website':
            s3_client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('s3')

                # Verify the bucket exists in the first place--if not, we want normal processing of the 404
                website_config = s3_client.get_bucket_website(Bucket=bucket_name)
                error_doc_key = website_config.get('ErrorDocument', {}).get('Key')

                if error_doc_key:
                    error_object = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=error_doc_key)
                    response.status_code = 200
                    response._content = error_object['Body'].read()
                    response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)
            except ClientError:
                # Pass on the 404 as usual

        if response:
            reset_content_length = False

            # append CORS headers and other annotations to response
            append_cors_headers(bucket_name, request_method=method, request_headers=headers, response=response)
            append_list_objects_marker(method, path, data, response)

            # Remove body from PUT response on presigned URL
            # https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/1317
            if method == 'PUT' and ('X-Amz-Security-Token=' in path or
                    'X-Amz-Credential=' in path or 'AWSAccessKeyId=' in path):
                response._content = ''
                reset_content_length = True

            response_content_str = None
                response_content_str = to_str(response._content)
            except Exception:

            # Honor response header overrides
            # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html
            if method == 'GET':
                query_map = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.query, keep_blank_values=True)
                for param_name, header_name in ALLOWED_HEADER_OVERRIDES.items():
                    if param_name in query_map:
                        response.headers[header_name] = query_map[param_name][0]

            # We need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark:
            # https://github.com/jserver/mock-s3/pull/9/files
            # https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/183
            # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n
            if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith('<'):
                is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type)

                append_last_modified_headers(response=response, content=response_content_str)

                # un-pretty-print the XML
                response._content = re.sub(r'([^\?])>\n\s*<', r'\1><', response_content_str, flags=re.MULTILINE)

                # update Location information in response payload
                response._content = self._update_location(response._content, bucket_name)

                # convert back to bytes
                if is_bytes:
                    response._content = to_bytes(response._content)

                # fix content-type: https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/618
                #                   https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/549
                #                   https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/854
                if 'text/html' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', '') \
                        and not response_content_str.lower().startswith('<!doctype html'):
                    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'

                reset_content_length = True

            # update content-length headers (fix https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/541)
            if method == 'DELETE':
                reset_content_length = True

            if reset_content_length:
                response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)
Example #4
    def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response):

        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path)
        # TODO: consider the case of hostname-based (as opposed to path-based) bucket addressing
        bucket_name = parsed.path.split('/')[1]

        # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect field,
        # which should be used to redirect a client to a new location.
        if method == 'POST':
            key, redirect_url = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url(
                data, headers)
            if key and redirect_url:
                response.status_code = 303
                response.headers['Location'] = expand_redirect_url(
                    redirect_url, key, bucket_name)
                LOGGER.debug('S3 POST {} to {}'.format(
                    response.status_code, response.headers['Location']))

        # get subscribers and send bucket notifications
        if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and '/' in path[1:]:
            # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be
            # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/
            if len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) > 0:
                parts = parsed.path[1:].split('/', 1)
                # ignore bucket notification configuration requests
                if parsed.query != 'notification' and parsed.query != 'lifecycle':
                    object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][
                        0] == '/' else '/%s' % parts[1]
                    send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path)

        # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets:
        if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and ('/' not in path[1:] or
                                            len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) <= 0):
            event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET if method
                          == 'PUT' else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET)
                payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)})

        # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/382)
        if method == 'PUT' and parsed.query == 'policy':
            response._content = ''
            response.status_code = 204
            return response

        # append CORS headers to response
        if response:

            response_content_str = None
                response_content_str = to_str(response._content)
            except Exception:

            # we need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark:
            # https://github.com/jserver/mock-s3/pull/9/files
            # https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/183
            # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n
            if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith('<'):
                is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type)
                response._content = re.sub(r'([^\?])>\n\s*<',
                if is_bytes:
                    response._content = to_bytes(response._content)
                response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)
Example #5
    def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response):

        bucket_name = get_bucket_name(path, headers)

        # No path-name based bucket name?  Try host-based
        hostname_parts = headers['host'].split('.')
        if (not bucket_name or len(bucket_name) == 0) and len(hostname_parts) > 1:
            bucket_name = hostname_parts[0]

        # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect field,
        # which should be used to redirect a client to a new location.
        key = None
        if method == 'POST':
            key, redirect_url = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url(data, headers)

            if key and redirect_url:
                response.status_code = 303
                response.headers['Location'] = expand_redirect_url(redirect_url, key, bucket_name)
                LOGGER.debug('S3 POST {} to {}'.format(response.status_code, response.headers['Location']))

        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path)

        bucket_name_in_host = headers['host'].startswith(bucket_name)

        should_send_notifications = all([
            method in ('PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'),
            '/' in path[1:] or bucket_name_in_host,
            # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be
            # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/
            bucket_name_in_host or (len(path[1:].split('/')) > 1 and len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) > 0),
            # don't send notification if url has a query part (some/path/with?query)
            # (query can be one of 'notification', 'lifecycle', 'tagging', etc)
            not parsed.query

        # get subscribers and send bucket notifications
        if should_send_notifications:
            # if we already have a good key, use it, otherwise examine the path
            if key:
                object_path = '/' + key
            elif bucket_name_in_host:
                object_path = parsed.path
                parts = parsed.path[1:].split('/', 1)
                object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][0] == '/' else '/%s' % parts[1]

            send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path)

        # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets:
        if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and ('/' not in path[1:] or len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) <= 0):
            event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET if method == 'PUT'
                else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET)
            event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)})

        # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/382)
        if method == 'PUT' and parsed.query == 'policy':
            response._content = ''
            response.status_code = 204
            return response

        if response:
            # append CORS headers to response
            append_cors_headers(bucket_name, request_method=method, request_headers=headers, response=response)

            response_content_str = None
                response_content_str = to_str(response._content)
            except Exception:

            # we need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark:
            # https://github.com/jserver/mock-s3/pull/9/files
            # https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/183
            # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n
            if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith('<'):
                is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type)
                response._content = re.sub(r'([^\?])>\n\s*<', r'\1><', response_content_str, flags=re.MULTILINE)
                if is_bytes:
                    response._content = to_bytes(response._content)
                # fix content-type: https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/618
                #                   https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/549
                if 'text/html' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', ''):
                    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'

                response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)

            # update content-length headers (fix https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/541)
            if method == 'DELETE':
                response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)
Example #6
    def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response):

        bucket_name = get_bucket_name(path, headers)

        # No path-name based bucket name?  Try host-based
        hostname_parts = headers['host'].split('.')
        if (not bucket_name
                or len(bucket_name) == 0) and len(hostname_parts) > 1:
            bucket_name = hostname_parts[0]

        # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect field,
        # which should be used to redirect a client to a new location.
        key = None
        if method == 'POST':
            key, redirect_url = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url(
                data, headers)

            if key and redirect_url:
                response.status_code = 303
                response.headers['Location'] = expand_redirect_url(
                    redirect_url, key, bucket_name)
                LOGGER.debug('S3 POST {} to {}'.format(
                    response.status_code, response.headers['Location']))

        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path)

        bucket_name_in_host = headers['host'].startswith(bucket_name)

        should_send_notifications = all([
            method in ('PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'),
            '/' in path[1:] or bucket_name_in_host,
            # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be
            # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/
            bucket_name_in_host or
            (len(path[1:].split('/')) > 1 and len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) > 0),
            # ignore bucket notification configuration requests
            parsed.query != 'notification' and parsed.query != 'lifecycle',

        # get subscribers and send bucket notifications
        if should_send_notifications:
            # if we already have a good key, use it, otherwise examine the path
            if key:
                object_path = '/' + key
            elif bucket_name_in_host:
                object_path = parsed.path
                parts = parsed.path[1:].split('/', 1)
                object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][
                    0] == '/' else '/%s' % parts[1]

            send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path)

        # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets:
        if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and ('/' not in path[1:] or
                                            len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) <= 0):
            event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET if method
                          == 'PUT' else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET)
                payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)})

        # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/382)
        if method == 'PUT' and parsed.query == 'policy':
            response._content = ''
            response.status_code = 204
            return response

        if response:
            # append CORS headers to response

            if response._content:
                # default content type; possibly overwritten with "text/xml" for API calls further below
                response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'binary/octet-stream'

            response_content_str = None
                response_content_str = to_str(response._content)
            except Exception:

            # we need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark:
            # https://github.com/jserver/mock-s3/pull/9/files
            # https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/183
            # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n
            if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith('<'):
                is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type)
                response._content = re.sub(r'([^\?])>\n\s*<',
                if is_bytes:
                    response._content = to_bytes(response._content)
                # fix content-type: https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/549
                if 'text/html' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', ''):
                        'Content-Type'] = 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'

            # update content-length headers (fix https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues/541)
            if isinstance(response._content,
                          (six.string_types, six.binary_type)):
                response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)