def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target') data = json.loads(to_str(data)) records = [] if action in (ACTION_CREATE_STREAM, ACTION_DELETE_STREAM): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_CREATE_STREAM if action == ACTION_CREATE_STREAM else event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_DELETE_STREAM) event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data.get('StreamName'))}) elif action == ACTION_PUT_RECORD: response_body = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) event_record = { 'data': data['Data'], 'partitionKey': data['PartitionKey'], 'sequenceNumber': response_body.get('SequenceNumber') } event_records = [event_record] stream_name = data['StreamName'] lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == ACTION_PUT_RECORDS: event_records = [] response_body = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) response_records = response_body['Records'] records = data['Records'] for index in range(0, len(records)): record = records[index] event_record = { 'data': record['Data'], 'partitionKey': record['PartitionKey'], 'sequenceNumber': response_records[index].get('SequenceNumber') } event_records.append(event_record) stream_name = data['StreamName'] lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name)
def delete_function(function): """ Delete an existing function --- operationId: 'deleteFunction' parameters: - name: 'request' in: body """ arn = func_arn(function) # Stop/remove any containers that this arn uses. LAMBDA_EXECUTOR.cleanup(arn) try: arn_to_lambda.pop(arn) except KeyError: return error_response('Function does not exist: %s' % function, 404, error_type='ResourceNotFoundException') event_publisher.fire_event(event_publisher.EVENT_LAMBDA_DELETE_FUNC, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(function)}) i = 0 while i < len(event_source_mappings): mapping = event_source_mappings[i] if mapping['FunctionArn'] == arn: del event_source_mappings[i] i -= 1 i += 1 result = {} return jsonify(result)
def create_function(): """ Create new function --- operationId: 'createFunction' parameters: - name: 'request' in: body """ arn = 'n/a' try: data = json.loads(to_str( lambda_name = data['FunctionName'] event_publisher.fire_event(event_publisher.EVENT_LAMBDA_CREATE_FUNC, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(lambda_name)}) arn = func_arn(lambda_name) if arn in arn_to_lambda: return error_response('Function already exist: %s' % lambda_name, 409, error_type='ResourceConflictException') arn_to_lambda[arn] = func_details = LambdaFunction(arn) func_details.versions = {'$LATEST': {'CodeSize': 50}} func_details.handler = data['Handler'] func_details.runtime = data['Runtime'] func_details.envvars = data.get('Environment', {}).get('Variables', {}) func_details.timeout = data.get('Timeout') result = set_function_code(data['Code'], lambda_name) if isinstance(result, Response): del arn_to_lambda[arn] return result result.update({ 'DeadLetterConfig': data.get('DeadLetterConfig'), 'Description': data.get('Description'), 'Environment': {'Error': {}, 'Variables': func_details.envvars}, 'FunctionArn': arn, 'FunctionName': lambda_name, 'Handler': func_details.handler, 'MemorySize': data.get('MemorySize'), 'Role': data.get('Role'), 'Runtime': func_details.runtime, 'Timeout': data.get('Timeout'), 'TracingConfig': {}, 'VpcConfig': {'SecurityGroupIds': [None], 'SubnetIds': [None], 'VpcId': None} }) return jsonify(result or {}) except Exception as e: del arn_to_lambda[arn] return error_response('Unknown error: %s %s' % (e, traceback.format_exc()))
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): # update table definitions if data and 'TableName' in data and 'KeySchema' in data: TABLE_DEFINITIONS[data['TableName']] = data action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target') if not action: return record = { "eventID": "1", "eventVersion": "1.0", "dynamodb": { "StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES", "SequenceNumber": "1", "SizeBytes": -1 }, "awsRegion": DEFAULT_REGION, "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb" } records = [record] if action == '%s.UpdateItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: req = {'TableName': data['TableName'], 'Key': data['Key']} new_item = aws_stack.dynamodb_get_item_raw(req) if 'Item' not in new_item: if 'message' in new_item: ddb_client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('dynamodb') table_names = ddb_client.list_tables()['TableNames'] msg = ('Unable to get item from DynamoDB (existing tables: %s): %s' % (table_names, new_item['message'])) LOGGER.warning(msg) return record['eventName'] = 'MODIFY' record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = new_item['Item'] elif action == '%s.BatchWriteItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: records = [] for table_name, requests in data['RequestItems'].items(): for request in requests: put_request = request.get('PutRequest') if put_request: keys = dynamodb_extract_keys(item=put_request['Item'], table_name=table_name) if isinstance(keys, Response): return keys new_record = clone(record) new_record['eventName'] = 'INSERT' new_record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = keys new_record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = put_request['Item'] new_record['eventSourceARN'] = aws_stack.dynamodb_table_arn(table_name) records.append(new_record) elif action == '%s.PutItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: record['eventName'] = 'INSERT' keys = dynamodb_extract_keys(item=data['Item'], table_name=data['TableName']) if isinstance(keys, Response): return keys record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = keys record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = data['Item'] elif action == '%s.GetItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) # make sure we append 'ConsumedCapacity', which is properly # returned by dynalite, but not by AWS's DynamoDBLocal if 'ConsumedCapacity' not in content and data.get('ReturnConsumedCapacity') in ('TOTAL', 'INDEXES'): content['ConsumedCapacity'] = { 'CapacityUnits': 0.5, # TODO hardcoded 'TableName': data['TableName'] } response._content = json.dumps(content) response.headers['content-length'] = len(response.content) response.headers['x-amz-crc32'] = calculate_crc32(response) elif action == '%s.DeleteItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: record['eventName'] = 'REMOVE' record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] elif action == '%s.CreateTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: if 'StreamSpecification' in data: create_dynamodb_stream(data) event_publisher.fire_event(event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_CREATE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data['TableName'])}) return elif action == '%s.DeleteTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: event_publisher.fire_event(event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_DELETE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data['TableName'])}) return elif action == '%s.UpdateTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: if 'StreamSpecification' in data: create_dynamodb_stream(data) return else: # nothing to do return if 'TableName' in data: record['eventSourceARN'] = aws_stack.dynamodb_table_arn(data['TableName']) forward_to_lambda(records) forward_to_ddb_stream(records)
def create_stream( stream_name: str, delivery_stream_type: str = "DirectPut", delivery_stream_type_configuration: Dict = None, s3_destination: Dict = None, elasticsearch_destination: Dict = None, http_destination: Dict = None, tags: Dict[str, str] = None, ): """Create a firehose stream with destination configurations. In case 'KinesisStreamAsSource' is set, creates a listener to process records from the underlying kinesis stream.""" region = FirehoseBackend.get() tags = tags or {} stream = { "DeliveryStreamType": delivery_stream_type, "KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration": delivery_stream_type_configuration, "HasMoreDestinations": False, "VersionId": "1", "CreateTimestamp": time.time(), "DeliveryStreamARN": firehose_stream_arn(stream_name), "DeliveryStreamStatus": "ACTIVE", "DeliveryStreamName": stream_name, "Destinations": [], "Tags": tags, } region.delivery_streams[stream_name] = stream if elasticsearch_destination: update_destination( stream_name=stream_name, destination_id=short_uid(), elasticsearch_update=elasticsearch_destination, ) if s3_destination: update_destination( stream_name=stream_name, destination_id=short_uid(), s3_update=s3_destination, ) if http_destination: update_destination( stream_name=stream_name, destination_id=short_uid(), http_update=http_destination, ) # record event event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_FIREHOSE_CREATE_STREAM, payload={"n": event_publisher.get_hash(stream_name)}, ) if delivery_stream_type == "KinesisStreamAsSource": kinesis_stream_name = delivery_stream_type_configuration.get( "KinesisStreamARN").split("/")[1] kinesis_connector.listen_to_kinesis( stream_name=kinesis_stream_name, fh_d_stream=stream_name, listener_func=process_records, wait_until_started=True, ddb_lease_table_suffix="-firehose", ) return stream
def forward_request(self, method, path, data, headers): if method == 'OPTIONS': return 200 data = data or '' data_orig = data data = aws_stack.fix_account_id_in_arns( data, existing='%3A{}%3Astack/'.format(TEST_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID), replace='%3A{}%3Astack/'.format(MOTO_CLOUDFORMATION_ACCOUNT_ID), colon_delimiter='') data = aws_stack.fix_account_id_in_arns( data, existing='%3A{}%3AchangeSet/'.format(TEST_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID), replace='%3A{}%3AchangeSet/'.format( MOTO_CLOUDFORMATION_ACCOUNT_ID), colon_delimiter='') data = aws_stack.fix_account_id_in_arns(data, existing=TEST_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID, replace=MOTO_ACCOUNT_ID, colon_delimiter='%3A') req_data = None if method == 'POST' and path == '/': req_data = urlparse.parse_qs(to_str(data)) req_data = dict([(k, v[0]) for k, v in req_data.items()]) action = req_data.get('Action') stack_name = req_data.get('StackName') if action == 'CreateStack': event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_CLOUDFORMATION_CREATE_STACK, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(stack_name)}) if action == 'DeleteStack': client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('cloudformation') stack_resources = client.list_stack_resources( StackName=stack_name)['StackResourceSummaries'] template_deployer.delete_stack(stack_name, stack_resources) if action == 'DescribeStackEvents': # fix an issue where moto cannot handle ARNs as stack names (or missing names) run_fix = not stack_name if stack_name: if stack_name.startswith('arn:aws:cloudformation'): run_fix = True pattern = r'arn:aws:cloudformation:[^:]+:[^:]+:stack/([^/]+)(/.+)?' stack_name = re.sub(pattern, r'\1', stack_name) if run_fix: stack_names = [ stack_name ] if stack_name else self._list_stack_names() client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('cloudformation') events = [] for stack_name in stack_names: tmp = client.describe_stack_events( StackName=stack_name)['StackEvents'][:1] events.extend(tmp) events = [{'member': e} for e in events] response_content = '<StackEvents>%s</StackEvents>' % obj_to_xml( events) return make_response('DescribeStackEvents', response_content) if req_data: if action == 'ValidateTemplate': return validate_template(req_data) if action in ['CreateStack', 'UpdateStack']: do_replace_url = is_real_s3_url(req_data.get('TemplateURL')) if do_replace_url: req_data['TemplateURL'] = convert_s3_to_local_url( req_data['TemplateURL']) url = req_data.get('TemplateURL', '') is_custom_local_endpoint = is_local_service_url( url) and '://localhost:' not in url modified_template_body = transform_template(req_data) if not modified_template_body and is_custom_local_endpoint: modified_template_body = get_template_body(req_data) if modified_template_body: req_data.pop('TemplateURL', None) req_data['TemplateBody'] = modified_template_body if modified_template_body or do_replace_url: data = urlparse.urlencode(req_data, doseq=True) return Request(data=data, headers=headers, method=method) if data != data_orig or action in [ 'DescribeChangeSet', 'ExecuteChangeSet' ]: return Request(data=urlparse.urlencode(req_data, doseq=True), headers=headers, method=method) return True
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target') data = self.decode_content(data or '{}') response._content = re.sub( r'arn:aws:kinesis:[^:]+:', 'arn:aws:kinesis:%s:' % aws_stack.get_region(), to_str(response.content or '')) records = [] if action in (ACTION_CREATE_STREAM, ACTION_DELETE_STREAM): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_CREATE_STREAM if action == ACTION_CREATE_STREAM else event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_DELETE_STREAM) payload = {'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data.get('StreamName'))} if action == ACTION_CREATE_STREAM: payload['s'] = data.get('ShardCount') event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload=payload) elif action == ACTION_PUT_RECORD: response_body = self.decode_content(response.content) event_record = { 'approximateArrivalTimestamp': epoch_timestamp(), 'data': data['Data'], 'encryptionType': 'NONE', 'partitionKey': data['PartitionKey'], 'sequenceNumber': response_body.get('SequenceNumber') } event_records = [event_record] stream_name = data['StreamName'] lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == ACTION_PUT_RECORDS: event_records = [] response_body = self.decode_content(response.content) if 'Records' in response_body: response_records = response_body['Records'] records = data['Records'] for index in range(0, len(records)): record = records[index] event_record = { 'approximateArrivalTimestamp': epoch_timestamp(), 'data': record['Data'], 'encryptionType': 'NONE', 'partitionKey': record['PartitionKey'], 'sequenceNumber': response_records[index].get('SequenceNumber') } event_records.append(event_record) stream_name = data['StreamName'] lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == ACTION_UPDATE_SHARD_COUNT: # Currently kinesalite, which backs the Kinesis implementation for localstack, does # not support UpdateShardCount: # # # [Terraform]( makes the call to UpdateShardCount when it # applies Kinesis resources. A Terraform run fails when this is not present. # # The code that follows just returns a successful response, bypassing the 400 # response that kinesalite returns. # response = Response() response.status_code = 200 content = { 'CurrentShardCount': 1, 'StreamName': data['StreamName'], 'TargetShardCount': data['TargetShardCount'] } response.encoding = 'UTF-8' response._content = json.dumps(content) return response
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): bucket_name = get_bucket_name(path, headers) # No path-name based bucket name? Try host-based hostname_parts = headers['host'].split('.') if (not bucket_name or len(bucket_name) == 0) and len(hostname_parts) > 1: bucket_name = hostname_parts[0] # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect field, # which should be used to redirect a client to a new location. key = None if method == 'POST': key, redirect_url = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url( data, headers) if key and redirect_url: response.status_code = 303 response.headers['Location'] = expand_redirect_url( redirect_url, key, bucket_name) LOGGER.debug('S3 POST {} to {}'.format( response.status_code, response.headers['Location'])) parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path) bucket_name_in_host = headers['host'].startswith(bucket_name) should_send_notifications = all([ method in ('PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'), '/' in path[1:] or bucket_name_in_host, # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/ bucket_name_in_host or (len(path[1:].split('/')) > 1 and len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) > 0), # ignore bucket notification configuration requests parsed.query != 'notification' and parsed.query != 'lifecycle', ]) # get subscribers and send bucket notifications if should_send_notifications: # if we already have a good key, use it, otherwise examine the path if key: object_path = '/' + key elif bucket_name_in_host: object_path = parsed.path else: parts = parsed.path[1:].split('/', 1) object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][ 0] == '/' else '/%s' % parts[1] send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path) # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets: if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and ('/' not in path[1:] or len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) <= 0): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET if method == 'PUT' else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET) event_publisher.fire_event( event_type, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)}) # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see if method == 'PUT' and parsed.query == 'policy': response._content = '' response.status_code = 204 return response if response: # append CORS headers to response append_cors_headers(bucket_name, request_method=method, request_headers=headers, response=response) if response._content: # default content type; possibly overwritten with "text/xml" for API calls further below response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'binary/octet-stream' response_content_str = None try: response_content_str = to_str(response._content) except Exception: pass # we need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark: # # # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith('<'): is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type) response._content = re.sub(r'([^\?])>\n\s*<', r'\1><', response_content_str, flags=re.MULTILINE) if is_bytes: response._content = to_bytes(response._content) # fix content-type: if 'text/html' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', ''): response.headers[ 'Content-Type'] = 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' # update content-length headers (fix if isinstance(response._content, (six.string_types, six.binary_type)): response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): if path.startswith('/shell') or method == 'GET': return data = json.loads(to_str(data)) # update table definitions if data and 'TableName' in data and 'KeySchema' in data: TABLE_DEFINITIONS[data['TableName']] = data if response._content: # fix the table and latest stream ARNs (DynamoDBLocal hardcodes "ddblocal" as the region) content_replaced = re.sub( r'("TableArn"|"LatestStreamArn"|"StreamArn")\s*:\s*"arn:aws:dynamodb:ddblocal:([^"]+)"', r'\1: "arn:aws:dynamodb:%s:\2"' % aws_stack.get_region(), to_str(response._content) ) if content_replaced != response._content: response._content = content_replaced fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target', '') action = action.replace(ACTION_PREFIX, '') if not action: return # upgrade event version to 1.1 record = { 'eventID': '1', 'eventVersion': '1.1', 'dynamodb': { 'ApproximateCreationDateTime': time.time(), 'StreamViewType': 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES', 'SizeBytes': -1 }, 'awsRegion': aws_stack.get_region(), 'eventSource': 'aws:dynamodb' } records = [record] streams_enabled_cache = {} table_name = data.get('TableName') event_sources_or_streams_enabled = has_event_sources_or_streams_enabled(table_name, streams_enabled_cache) if action == 'UpdateItem': if response.status_code == 200 and event_sources_or_streams_enabled: existing_item = self._thread_local('existing_item') record['eventName'] = 'INSERT' if not existing_item else 'MODIFY' updated_item = find_existing_item(data) if not updated_item: return record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] if existing_item: record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = existing_item record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = updated_item record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(updated_item)) elif action == 'BatchWriteItem': records = self.prepare_batch_write_item_records(record, data) for record in records: event_sources_or_streams_enabled = (event_sources_or_streams_enabled or has_event_sources_or_streams_enabled(record['eventSourceARN'], streams_enabled_cache)) elif action == 'TransactWriteItems': records = self.prepare_transact_write_item_records(record, data) for record in records: event_sources_or_streams_enabled = (event_sources_or_streams_enabled or has_event_sources_or_streams_enabled(record['eventSourceARN'], streams_enabled_cache)) elif action == 'PutItem': if response.status_code == 200: keys = dynamodb_extract_keys(item=data['Item'], table_name=table_name) if isinstance(keys, Response): return keys # fix response if response._content == '{}': response._content = update_put_item_response_content(data, response._content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) if event_sources_or_streams_enabled: existing_item = self._thread_local('existing_item') record['eventName'] = 'INSERT' if not existing_item else 'MODIFY' # prepare record keys record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = keys record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = data['Item'] record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(data['Item'])) if existing_item: record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = existing_item elif action in ('GetItem', 'Query'): if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) # make sure we append 'ConsumedCapacity', which is properly # returned by dynalite, but not by AWS's DynamoDBLocal if 'ConsumedCapacity' not in content and data.get('ReturnConsumedCapacity') in ['TOTAL', 'INDEXES']: content['ConsumedCapacity'] = { 'TableName': table_name, 'CapacityUnits': 5, # TODO hardcoded 'ReadCapacityUnits': 2, 'WriteCapacityUnits': 3 } response._content = json.dumps(content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) elif action == 'DeleteItem': if response.status_code == 200 and event_sources_or_streams_enabled: old_item = self._thread_local('existing_item') record['eventName'] = 'REMOVE' record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = old_item elif action == 'CreateTable': if 'StreamSpecification' in data: if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response._content)) create_dynamodb_stream(data, content['TableDescription'].get('LatestStreamLabel')) event_publisher.fire_event(event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_CREATE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(table_name)}) if data.get('Tags') and response.status_code == 200: table_arn = json.loads(response._content)['TableDescription']['TableArn'] TABLE_TAGS[table_arn] = {tag['Key']: tag['Value'] for tag in data['Tags']} return elif action == 'DeleteTable': if response.status_code == 200: table_arn = json.loads(response._content).get('TableDescription', {}).get('TableArn') event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_DELETE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(table_name)} ) self.delete_all_event_source_mappings(table_arn) dynamodbstreams_api.delete_streams(table_arn) TABLE_TAGS.pop(table_arn, None) return elif action == 'UpdateTable': if 'StreamSpecification' in data: if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response._content)) create_dynamodb_stream(data, content['TableDescription'].get('LatestStreamLabel')) return elif action == 'TagResource': table_arn = data['ResourceArn'] if table_arn not in TABLE_TAGS: TABLE_TAGS[table_arn] = {} TABLE_TAGS[table_arn].update({tag['Key']: tag['Value'] for tag in data.get('Tags', [])}) return elif action == 'UntagResource': table_arn = data['ResourceArn'] for tag_key in data.get('TagKeys', []): TABLE_TAGS.get(table_arn, {}).pop(tag_key, None) return else: # nothing to do return if event_sources_or_streams_enabled and records and 'eventName' in records[0]: if 'TableName' in data: records[0]['eventSourceARN'] = aws_stack.dynamodb_table_arn(table_name) forward_to_lambda(records) forward_to_ddb_stream(records)
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response, request_handler=None): path = to_str(path) method = to_str(method) # persist this API call to disk super(ProxyListenerS3, self).return_response(method, path, data, headers, response, request_handler) # No path-name based bucket name? Try host-based bucket_name = get_bucket_name(path, headers) hostname_parts = headers['host'].split('.') if (not bucket_name or len(bucket_name) == 0) and len(hostname_parts) > 1: bucket_name = hostname_parts[0] # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect or # success_action_status field, which should be used to redirect a # client to a new location. key = None if method == 'POST': key, redirect_url = multipart_content.find_multipart_key_value(data, headers) if key and redirect_url: response.status_code = 303 response.headers['Location'] = expand_redirect_url(redirect_url, key, bucket_name) LOGGER.debug('S3 POST {} to {}'.format(response.status_code, response.headers['Location'])) key, status_code = multipart_content.find_multipart_key_value( data, headers, 'success_action_status' ) if response.status_code == 200 and status_code == '201' and key: response.status_code = 201 response._content = self.get_201_response(key, bucket_name) response.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(response._content)) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' return response parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path) bucket_name_in_host = headers['host'].startswith(bucket_name) should_send_notifications = all([ method in ('PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'), '/' in path[1:] or bucket_name_in_host or key, # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/ bucket_name_in_host or key or (len(path[1:].split('/')) > 1 and len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) > 0), self.is_query_allowable(method, parsed.query) ]) # get subscribers and send bucket notifications if should_send_notifications: # if we already have a good key, use it, otherwise examine the path if key: object_path = '/' + key elif bucket_name_in_host: object_path = parsed.path else: parts = parsed.path[1:].split('/', 1) object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][0] == '/' else '/%s' % parts[1] version_id = response.headers.get('x-amz-version-id', None) send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path, version_id) # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets: if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and ('/' not in path[1:] or len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) <= 0): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET if method == 'PUT' else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET) event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)}) # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see if method == 'PUT' and parsed.query == 'policy': response._content = '' response.status_code = 204 return response # emulate ErrorDocument functionality if a website is configured if method == 'GET' and response.status_code == 404 and parsed.query != 'website': s3_client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('s3') try: # Verify the bucket exists in the first place--if not, we want normal processing of the 404 s3_client.head_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name) website_config = s3_client.get_bucket_website(Bucket=bucket_name) error_doc_key = website_config.get('ErrorDocument', {}).get('Key') if error_doc_key: error_object = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=error_doc_key) response.status_code = 200 response._content = error_object['Body'].read() response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content) except ClientError: # Pass on the 404 as usual pass if response: reset_content_length = False # append CORS headers and other annotations/patches to response append_cors_headers(bucket_name, request_method=method, request_headers=headers, response=response) append_last_modified_headers(response=response) append_list_objects_marker(method, path, data, response) fix_location_constraint(response) fix_range_content_type(bucket_name, path, headers, response) fix_delete_objects_response(bucket_name, method, parsed, data, headers, response) fix_metadata_key_underscores(response=response) fix_creation_date(method, path, response=response) fix_etag_for_multipart(data, headers, response) append_aws_request_troubleshooting_headers(response) if method == 'PUT': set_object_expiry(path, headers) # Remove body from PUT response on presigned URL # if method == 'PUT' and ('X-Amz-Security-Token=' in path or 'X-Amz-Credential=' in path or 'AWSAccessKeyId=' in path): response._content = '' reset_content_length = True response_content_str = None try: response_content_str = to_str(response._content) except Exception: pass # Honor response header overrides # if method == 'GET': add_accept_range_header(response) add_reponse_metadata_headers(response) if is_object_expired(path): return no_such_key_error(path, headers.get('x-amz-request-id'), 400) query_map = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.query, keep_blank_values=True) for param_name, header_name in ALLOWED_HEADER_OVERRIDES.items(): if param_name in query_map: response.headers[header_name] = query_map[param_name][0] if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith('<'): is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type) response._content = response_content_str append_last_modified_headers(response=response, content=response_content_str) # We need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark: # # # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n # Note: make sure to return XML docs verbatim: if method != 'GET' or not is_object_specific_request(path, headers): response._content = re.sub(r'([^\?])>\n\s*<', r'\1><', response_content_str, flags=re.MULTILINE) # update Location information in response payload response._content = self._update_location(response._content, bucket_name) # convert back to bytes if is_bytes: response._content = to_bytes(response._content) # fix content-type: # # if 'text/html' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', '') \ and not response_content_str.lower().startswith('<!doctype html'): response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' reset_content_length = True # update content-length headers (fix if method == 'DELETE': reset_content_length = True if reset_content_length: response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path) # TODO: consider the case of hostname-based (as opposed to path-based) bucket addressing bucket_name = parsed.path.split('/')[1] # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect field, # which should be used to redirect a client to a new location. if method == 'POST': key, redirect_url = find_multipart_redirect_url(data, headers) if key and redirect_url: response.status_code = 303 response.headers['Location'] = expand_redirect_url( redirect_url, key, bucket_name) LOGGER.debug('S3 POST {} to {}'.format( response.status_code, response.headers['Location'])) # get subscribers and send bucket notifications if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and '/' in path[1:]: # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/ if len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) > 0: parts = parsed.path[1:].split('/', 1) # ignore bucket notification configuration requests if parsed.query != 'notification' and parsed.query != 'lifecycle': object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][ 0] == '/' else '/%s' % parts[1] send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path) # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets: if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and ('/' not in path[1:] or len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) <= 0): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET if method == 'PUT' else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET) event_publisher.fire_event( event_type, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)}) # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see if method == 'PUT' and parsed.query == 'policy': response._content = '' response.status_code = 204 return response # append CORS headers to response if response: append_cors_headers(bucket_name, request_method=method, request_headers=headers, response=response) response_content_str = None try: response_content_str = to_str(response._content) except Exception: pass # we need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark: # # # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith('<'): is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type) response._content = re.sub(r'([^\?])>\n\s*<', r'\1><', response_content_str, flags=re.MULTILINE) if is_bytes: response._content = to_bytes(response._content) response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): if path.startswith("/shell") or method == "GET": return data = json.loads(to_str(data)) # update table definitions if data and "TableName" in data and "KeySchema" in data: table_definitions = DynamoDBRegion.get().table_definitions table_definitions[data["TableName"]] = data if response._content: # fix the table and latest stream ARNs (DynamoDBLocal hardcodes "ddblocal" as the region) content_replaced = re.sub( r'("TableArn"|"LatestStreamArn"|"StreamArn")\s*:\s*"arn:aws:dynamodb:ddblocal:([^"]+)"', r'\1: "arn:aws:dynamodb:%s:\2"' % aws_stack.get_region(), to_str(response._content), ) if content_replaced != response._content: response._content = content_replaced fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) action = headers.get("X-Amz-Target", "") action = action.replace(ACTION_PREFIX, "") if not action: return # upgrade event version to 1.1 record = { "eventID": "1", "eventVersion": "1.1", "dynamodb": { "ApproximateCreationDateTime": time.time(), # 'StreamViewType': 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES', "SizeBytes": -1, }, "awsRegion": aws_stack.get_region(), "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb", } records = [record] streams_enabled_cache = {} table_name = data.get("TableName") event_sources_or_streams_enabled = has_event_sources_or_streams_enabled( table_name, streams_enabled_cache) if action == "UpdateItem": if response.status_code == 200 and event_sources_or_streams_enabled: existing_item = self._thread_local("existing_item") record[ "eventName"] = "INSERT" if not existing_item else "MODIFY" record["eventID"] = short_uid() updated_item = find_existing_item(data) if not updated_item: return record["dynamodb"]["Keys"] = data["Key"] if existing_item: record["dynamodb"]["OldImage"] = existing_item record["dynamodb"]["NewImage"] = updated_item record["dynamodb"]["SizeBytes"] = len(json.dumps(updated_item)) stream_spec = dynamodb_get_table_stream_specification( table_name=table_name) if stream_spec: record["dynamodb"]["StreamViewType"] = stream_spec[ "StreamViewType"] elif action == "BatchWriteItem": records, unprocessed_items = self.prepare_batch_write_item_records( record, data) for record in records: event_sources_or_streams_enabled = ( event_sources_or_streams_enabled or has_event_sources_or_streams_enabled( record["eventSourceARN"], streams_enabled_cache)) if response.status_code == 200 and any(unprocessed_items): content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) table_name = list(data["RequestItems"].keys())[0] if table_name not in content["UnprocessedItems"]: content["UnprocessedItems"][table_name] = [] for key in ["PutRequest", "DeleteRequest"]: if any(unprocessed_items[key]): content["UnprocessedItems"][table_name].append( {key: unprocessed_items[key]}) unprocessed = content["UnprocessedItems"] for key in list(unprocessed.keys()): if not unprocessed.get(key): del unprocessed[key] response._content = json.dumps(content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) elif action == "TransactWriteItems": records = self.prepare_transact_write_item_records(record, data) for record in records: event_sources_or_streams_enabled = ( event_sources_or_streams_enabled or has_event_sources_or_streams_enabled( record["eventSourceARN"], streams_enabled_cache)) elif action == "PutItem": if response.status_code == 200: keys = dynamodb_extract_keys(item=data["Item"], table_name=table_name) if isinstance(keys, Response): return keys # fix response if response._content == "{}": response._content = update_put_item_response_content( data, response._content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) if event_sources_or_streams_enabled: existing_item = self._thread_local("existing_item") # Get stream specifications details for the table stream_spec = dynamodb_get_table_stream_specification( table_name=table_name) record[ "eventName"] = "INSERT" if not existing_item else "MODIFY" # prepare record keys record["dynamodb"]["Keys"] = keys record["dynamodb"]["NewImage"] = data["Item"] record["dynamodb"]["SizeBytes"] = len( json.dumps(data["Item"])) record["eventID"] = short_uid() if stream_spec: record["dynamodb"]["StreamViewType"] = stream_spec[ "StreamViewType"] if existing_item: record["dynamodb"]["OldImage"] = existing_item elif action in ("GetItem", "Query"): if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) # make sure we append 'ConsumedCapacity', which is properly # returned by dynalite, but not by AWS's DynamoDBLocal if "ConsumedCapacity" not in content and data.get( "ReturnConsumedCapacity") in [ "TOTAL", "INDEXES", ]: content["ConsumedCapacity"] = { "TableName": table_name, "CapacityUnits": 5, # TODO hardcoded "ReadCapacityUnits": 2, "WriteCapacityUnits": 3, } response._content = json.dumps(content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) elif action == "DeleteItem": if response.status_code == 200 and event_sources_or_streams_enabled: old_item = self._thread_local("existing_item") record["eventID"] = short_uid() record["eventName"] = "REMOVE" record["dynamodb"]["Keys"] = data["Key"] record["dynamodb"]["OldImage"] = old_item record["dynamodb"]["SizeBytes"] = len(json.dumps(old_item)) # Get stream specifications details for the table stream_spec = dynamodb_get_table_stream_specification( table_name=table_name) if stream_spec: record["dynamodb"]["StreamViewType"] = stream_spec[ "StreamViewType"] elif action == "CreateTable": if "StreamSpecification" in data: if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response._content)) create_dynamodb_stream( data, content["TableDescription"].get("LatestStreamLabel")) event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_CREATE_TABLE, payload={"n": event_publisher.get_hash(table_name)}, ) if data.get("Tags") and response.status_code == 200: table_arn = json.loads( response._content)["TableDescription"]["TableArn"] DynamoDBRegion.TABLE_TAGS[table_arn] = { tag["Key"]: tag["Value"] for tag in data["Tags"] } return elif action == "DeleteTable": if response.status_code == 200: table_arn = (json.loads(response._content).get( "TableDescription", {}).get("TableArn")) event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_DELETE_TABLE, payload={"n": event_publisher.get_hash(table_name)}, ) self.delete_all_event_source_mappings(table_arn) dynamodbstreams_api.delete_streams(table_arn) DynamoDBRegion.TABLE_TAGS.pop(table_arn, None) return elif action == "UpdateTable": content_str = to_str(response._content or "") if response.status_code == 200 and "StreamSpecification" in data: content = json.loads(content_str) create_dynamodb_stream( data, content["TableDescription"].get("LatestStreamLabel")) if (response.status_code >= 400 and data.get("ReplicaUpdates") and "Nothing to update" in content_str): table_name = data.get("TableName") # update local table props (replicas) table_properties = DynamoDBRegion.get().table_properties table_properties[ table_name] = table_props = table_properties.get( table_name) or {} table_props["Replicas"] = replicas = table_props.get( "Replicas") or [] for repl_update in data["ReplicaUpdates"]: for key, details in repl_update.items(): region = details.get("RegionName") if key == "Create": details["ReplicaStatus"] = details.get( "ReplicaStatus") or "ACTIVE" replicas.append(details) if key == "Update": replica = [ r for r in replicas if r.get("RegionName") == region ] if replica: replica[0].update(details) if key == "Delete": table_props["Replicas"] = [ r for r in replicas if r.get("RegionName") != region ] # update response content schema = get_table_schema(table_name) result = {"TableDescription": schema["Table"]} update_response_content(response, json_safe(result), 200) return elif action == "DescribeTable": table_name = data.get("TableName") table_props = DynamoDBRegion.get().table_properties.get(table_name) if table_props: content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) content.get("Table", {}).update(table_props) update_response_content(response, content) elif action == "TagResource": table_arn = data["ResourceArn"] table_tags = DynamoDBRegion.TABLE_TAGS if table_arn not in table_tags: table_tags[table_arn] = {} table_tags[table_arn].update( {tag["Key"]: tag["Value"] for tag in data.get("Tags", [])}) return elif action == "UntagResource": table_arn = data["ResourceArn"] for tag_key in data.get("TagKeys", []): DynamoDBRegion.TABLE_TAGS.get(table_arn, {}).pop(tag_key, None) return else: # nothing to do return if event_sources_or_streams_enabled and records and "eventName" in records[ 0]: if "TableName" in data: records[0]["eventSourceARN"] = aws_stack.dynamodb_table_arn( table_name) # forward to kinesis stream forward_to_kinesis_stream(records) # forward to lambda and ddb_streams forward_to_lambda(records) records = self.prepare_records_to_forward_to_ddb_stream(records) forward_to_ddb_stream(records)
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target') data = json.loads(to_str(data)) print('ProxyListenerKinesis return_response data: [', data, '] action [', action, ']') records = [] if action in (ACTION_CREATE_STREAM, ACTION_DELETE_STREAM): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_CREATE_STREAM if action == ACTION_CREATE_STREAM else event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_DELETE_STREAM) payload = {'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data.get('StreamName'))} if action == ACTION_CREATE_STREAM: payload['s'] = data.get('ShardCount') print( 'ProxyListenerKinesis return_response ACTION_CREATE_STREAM, ACTION_DELETE_STREAM ' + 'event_publisher.fire_event event_type: [', event_type, '] payload[', payload, ']') event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload=payload) elif action == ACTION_PUT_RECORD: response_body = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) event_record = { 'data': data['Data'], 'partitionKey': data['PartitionKey'], 'sequenceNumber': response_body.get('SequenceNumber') } event_records = [event_record] stream_name = data['StreamName'] print( 'ProxyListenerKinesis return_response ACTION_PUT_RECORD: ' + 'lambda_api.process_kinesis_records event_record[', event_record, 'stream_name[', stream_name, ']') lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == ACTION_PUT_RECORDS: event_records = [] response_body = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) if 'Records' in response_body: response_records = response_body['Records'] records = data['Records'] for index in range(0, len(records)): record = records[index] event_record = { 'data': record['Data'], 'partitionKey': record['PartitionKey'], 'sequenceNumber': response_records[index].get('SequenceNumber') } event_records.append(event_record) stream_name = data['StreamName'] print( 'ProxyListenerKinesis return_response ACTION_PUT_RECORDS: ' + 'lambda_api.process_kinesis_records event_record[', event_records, 'stream_name[', stream_name, ']') lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == ACTION_UPDATE_SHARD_COUNT: # Currently kinesalite, which backs the Kinesis implementation for localstack, does # not support UpdateShardCount: # # # [Terraform]( makes the call to UpdateShardCount when it # applies Kinesis resources. A Terraform run fails when this is not present. # # The code that follows just returns a successful response, bypassing the 400 # response that kinesalite returns. # response = Response() response.status_code = 200 content = { 'CurrentShardCount': 1, 'StreamName': data['StreamName'], 'TargetShardCount': data['TargetShardCount'] } response.encoding = 'UTF-8' response._content = json.dumps(content) print( 'ProxyListenerKinesis return_response ACTION_UPDATE_SHARD_COUNT: response[', response, ']') return response
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target') data = self.decode_content(data or '{}') response._content = self.replace_in_encoded(response.content or '') records = [] if action in (ACTION_CREATE_STREAM, ACTION_DELETE_STREAM): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_CREATE_STREAM if action == ACTION_CREATE_STREAM else event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_DELETE_STREAM) payload = {'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data.get('StreamName'))} if action == ACTION_CREATE_STREAM: payload['s'] = data.get('ShardCount') event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload=payload) elif action == ACTION_PUT_RECORD: response_body = self.decode_content(response.content) # Note: avoid adding 'encryptionType':'NONE' in the event_record, as this breaks .NET Lambdas event_record = { 'approximateArrivalTimestamp': epoch_timestamp(), 'data': data['Data'], 'partitionKey': data['PartitionKey'], 'sequenceNumber': response_body.get('SequenceNumber') } event_records = [event_record] stream_name = data['StreamName'] lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == ACTION_PUT_RECORDS: event_records = [] response_body = self.decode_content(response.content) if 'Records' in response_body: response_records = response_body['Records'] records = data['Records'] for index in range(0, len(records)): record = records[index] # Note: avoid adding 'encryptionType':'NONE' in the event_record, as this breaks .NET Lambdas event_record = { 'approximateArrivalTimestamp': epoch_timestamp(), 'data': record['Data'], 'partitionKey': record['PartitionKey'], 'sequenceNumber': response_records[index].get('SequenceNumber') } event_records.append(event_record) stream_name = data['StreamName'] lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == ACTION_UPDATE_SHARD_COUNT: # Currently kinesalite, which backs the Kinesis implementation for localstack, does # not support UpdateShardCount: # # # [Terraform]( makes the call to UpdateShardCount when it # applies Kinesis resources. A Terraform run fails when this is not present. # # The code that follows just returns a successful response, bypassing the 400 # response that kinesalite returns. # response = Response() response.status_code = 200 content = { 'CurrentShardCount': 1, 'StreamName': data['StreamName'], 'TargetShardCount': data['TargetShardCount'] } response.encoding = 'UTF-8' response._content = json.dumps(content) return response elif action == ACTION_GET_RECORDS: sdk_v2 = self.sdk_is_v2(headers.get('User-Agent', '').split(' ')[0]) results, encoding_type = self.decode_content(response.content, True) for record in results['Records']: if sdk_v2: record['ApproximateArrivalTimestamp'] = int(record['ApproximateArrivalTimestamp'] * 1000) if not isinstance(record['Data'], str): record['Data'] = base64.encodebytes(bytearray(record['Data']['data'])) if encoding_type == APPLICATION_CBOR: response._content = cbor2.dumps(results) else: response._content = json.dumps(results) return response
def create_delivery_stream( self, context: RequestContext, delivery_stream_name: DeliveryStreamName, delivery_stream_type: DeliveryStreamType = DeliveryStreamType. DirectPut, kinesis_stream_source_configuration: KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration = None, delivery_stream_encryption_configuration_input: DeliveryStreamEncryptionConfigurationInput = None, s3_destination_configuration: S3DestinationConfiguration = None, extended_s3_destination_configuration: ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration = None, redshift_destination_configuration: RedshiftDestinationConfiguration = None, elasticsearch_destination_configuration: ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration = None, amazonopensearchservice_destination_configuration: AmazonopensearchserviceDestinationConfiguration = None, splunk_destination_configuration: SplunkDestinationConfiguration = None, http_endpoint_destination_configuration: HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration = None, tags: TagDeliveryStreamInputTagList = None, ) -> CreateDeliveryStreamOutput: region = FirehoseBackend.get() destinations: DestinationDescriptionList = [] if elasticsearch_destination_configuration: destinations.append( DestinationDescription( DestinationId=short_uid(), ElasticsearchDestinationDescription= convert_es_config_to_desc( elasticsearch_destination_configuration), )) if amazonopensearchservice_destination_configuration: destinations.append( DestinationDescription( DestinationId=short_uid(), AmazonopensearchserviceDestinationDescription= convert_opensearch_config_to_desc( amazonopensearchservice_destination_configuration), )) if s3_destination_configuration or extended_s3_destination_configuration: destinations.append( DestinationDescription( DestinationId=short_uid(), S3DestinationDescription=convert_s3_config_to_desc( s3_destination_configuration), ExtendedS3DestinationDescription= convert_extended_s3_config_to_desc( extended_s3_destination_configuration), )) if http_endpoint_destination_configuration: destinations.append( DestinationDescription( DestinationId=short_uid(), HttpEndpointDestinationDescription= convert_http_config_to_desc( http_endpoint_destination_configuration), )) if splunk_destination_configuration: LOG.warning( "Delivery stream contains a splunk destination (which is currently not supported)." ) if redshift_destination_configuration: LOG.warning( "Delivery stream contains a redshift destination (which is currently not supported)." ) stream = DeliveryStreamDescription( DeliveryStreamName=delivery_stream_name, DeliveryStreamARN=firehose_stream_arn( stream_name=delivery_stream_name, account_id=context.account_id, region_name=context.region, ), DeliveryStreamStatus=DeliveryStreamStatus.ACTIVE, DeliveryStreamType=delivery_stream_type, HasMoreDestinations=False, VersionId="1",,, Destinations=destinations, Source=convert_source_config_to_desc( kinesis_stream_source_configuration), ) FirehoseBackend.TAGS.tag_resource(stream["DeliveryStreamARN"], tags) region.delivery_streams[delivery_stream_name] = stream # record event event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_FIREHOSE_CREATE_STREAM, payload={"n": event_publisher.get_hash(delivery_stream_name)}, ) if delivery_stream_type == DeliveryStreamType.KinesisStreamAsSource: if not kinesis_stream_source_configuration: raise InvalidArgumentException( "Missing delivery stream configuration") kinesis_stream_name = kinesis_stream_source_configuration[ "KinesisStreamARN"].split("/")[1] kinesis_connector.listen_to_kinesis( stream_name=kinesis_stream_name, fh_d_stream=delivery_stream_name, listener_func=self._process_records, wait_until_started=True, ddb_lease_table_suffix="-firehose", ) return CreateDeliveryStreamOutput( DeliveryStreamARN=stream["DeliveryStreamARN"])
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): data = json.loads(to_str(data)) # update table definitions if data and 'TableName' in data and 'KeySchema' in data: TABLE_DEFINITIONS[data['TableName']] = data if response._content: # fix the table ARN (DynamoDBLocal hardcodes "ddblocal" as the region) content_replaced = re.sub(r'"TableArn"\s*:\s*"arn:aws:dynamodb:ddblocal:([^"]+)"', r'"TableArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:%s:\1"' % aws_stack.get_local_region(), to_str(response._content)) if content_replaced != response._content: response._content = content_replaced fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target') if not action: return record = { 'eventID': '1', 'eventVersion': '1.0', 'dynamodb': { 'StreamViewType': 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES', 'SizeBytes': -1 }, 'awsRegion': DEFAULT_REGION, 'eventSource': 'aws:dynamodb' } records = [record] if action == '%s.UpdateItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: updated_item = find_existing_item(data) if not updated_item: return record['eventName'] = 'MODIFY' record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = ProxyListenerDynamoDB.thread_local.existing_item record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = updated_item record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(updated_item)) elif action == '%s.BatchWriteItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: records = [] for table_name, requests in data['RequestItems'].items(): for request in requests: put_request = request.get('PutRequest') if put_request: keys = dynamodb_extract_keys(item=put_request['Item'], table_name=table_name) if isinstance(keys, Response): return keys new_record = clone(record) new_record['eventName'] = 'INSERT' new_record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = keys new_record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = put_request['Item'] new_record['eventSourceARN'] = aws_stack.dynamodb_table_arn(table_name) records.append(new_record) elif action == '%s.PutItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: existing_item = ProxyListenerDynamoDB.thread_local.existing_item ProxyListenerDynamoDB.thread_local.existing_item = None record['eventName'] = 'INSERT' if not existing_item else 'MODIFY' keys = dynamodb_extract_keys(item=data['Item'], table_name=data['TableName']) if isinstance(keys, Response): return keys record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = keys record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = data['Item'] record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(data['Item'])) elif action == '%s.GetItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) # make sure we append 'ConsumedCapacity', which is properly # returned by dynalite, but not by AWS's DynamoDBLocal if 'ConsumedCapacity' not in content and data.get('ReturnConsumedCapacity') in ('TOTAL', 'INDEXES'): content['ConsumedCapacity'] = { 'CapacityUnits': 0.5, # TODO hardcoded 'TableName': data['TableName'] } response._content = json.dumps(content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) elif action == '%s.DeleteItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: old_item = ProxyListenerDynamoDB.thread_local.existing_item record['eventName'] = 'REMOVE' record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = old_item elif action == '%s.CreateTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: if 'StreamSpecification' in data: create_dynamodb_stream(data) event_publisher.fire_event(event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_CREATE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data['TableName'])}) return elif action == '%s.DeleteTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: event_publisher.fire_event(event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_DELETE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data['TableName'])}) return elif action == '%s.UpdateTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: if 'StreamSpecification' in data: create_dynamodb_stream(data) return else: # nothing to do return if len(records) > 0 and 'eventName' in records[0]: if 'TableName' in data: records[0]['eventSourceARN'] = aws_stack.dynamodb_table_arn(data['TableName']) forward_to_lambda(records) forward_to_ddb_stream(records)
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): bucket_name = get_bucket_name(path, headers) # No path-name based bucket name? Try host-based hostname_parts = headers['host'].split('.') if (not bucket_name or len(bucket_name) == 0) and len(hostname_parts) > 1: bucket_name = hostname_parts[0] # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect field, # which should be used to redirect a client to a new location. key = None if method == 'POST': key, redirect_url = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url(data, headers) if key and redirect_url: response.status_code = 303 response.headers['Location'] = expand_redirect_url(redirect_url, key, bucket_name) LOGGER.debug('S3 POST {} to {}'.format(response.status_code, response.headers['Location'])) parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path) bucket_name_in_host = headers['host'].startswith(bucket_name) should_send_notifications = all([ method in ('PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'), '/' in path[1:] or bucket_name_in_host, # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/ bucket_name_in_host or (len(path[1:].split('/')) > 1 and len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) > 0), # don't send notification if url has a query part (some/path/with?query) # (query can be one of 'notification', 'lifecycle', 'tagging', etc) not parsed.query ]) # get subscribers and send bucket notifications if should_send_notifications: # if we already have a good key, use it, otherwise examine the path if key: object_path = '/' + key elif bucket_name_in_host: object_path = parsed.path else: parts = parsed.path[1:].split('/', 1) object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][0] == '/' else '/%s' % parts[1] send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path) # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets: if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and ('/' not in path[1:] or len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) <= 0): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET if method == 'PUT' else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET) event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)}) # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see if method == 'PUT' and parsed.query == 'policy': response._content = '' response.status_code = 204 return response if response: # append CORS headers to response append_cors_headers(bucket_name, request_method=method, request_headers=headers, response=response) response_content_str = None try: response_content_str = to_str(response._content) except Exception: pass # we need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark: # # # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith('<'): is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type) response._content = re.sub(r'([^\?])>\n\s*<', r'\1><', response_content_str, flags=re.MULTILINE) if is_bytes: response._content = to_bytes(response._content) # fix content-type: # if 'text/html' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', ''): response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content) # update content-length headers (fix if method == 'DELETE': response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response, request_handler): if method == 'POST' and path == '/': req_data = urlparse.parse_qs(to_str(data)) action = req_data.get('Action', [None])[0] event_type = None queue_url = None if action == 'CreateQueue': event_type = event_publisher.EVENT_SQS_CREATE_QUEUE response_data = xmltodict.parse(response.content) if 'CreateQueueResponse' in response_data: queue_url = response_data['CreateQueueResponse'][ 'CreateQueueResult']['QueueUrl'] elif action == 'DeleteQueue': event_type = event_publisher.EVENT_SQS_DELETE_QUEUE queue_url = req_data.get('QueueUrl', [None])[0] if event_type and queue_url: event_publisher.fire_event( event_type, payload={'u': event_publisher.get_hash(queue_url)}) # patch the response and return the correct endpoint URLs if action in ('CreateQueue', 'GetQueueUrl', 'ListQueues'): content_str = content_str_original = to_str(response.content) new_response = Response() new_response.status_code = response.status_code new_response.headers = response.headers if config.USE_SSL and '<QueueUrl>http://' in content_str: # return https://... if we're supposed to use SSL content_str = re.sub(r'<QueueUrl>\s*http://', r'<QueueUrl>https://', content_str) # expose external hostname:port external_port = get_external_port(headers, request_handler) content_str = re.sub( r'<QueueUrl>\s*([a-z]+)://[^<]*:([0-9]+)/([^<]*)\s*</QueueUrl>', r'<QueueUrl>\1://%s:%s/\3</QueueUrl>' % (HOSTNAME_EXTERNAL, external_port), content_str) new_response._content = content_str if content_str_original != new_response._content: # if changes have been made, return patched response new_response.headers['content-length'] = len( new_response._content) return new_response # Since the following 2 API calls are not implemented in ElasticMQ, we're mocking them # and letting them to return an empty response if action == 'TagQueue': new_response = Response() new_response.status_code = 200 new_response._content = ( '<?xml version="1.0"?>' '<TagQueueResponse>' '<ResponseMetadata>' # noqa: W291 '<RequestId>{}</RequestId>' # noqa: W291 '</ResponseMetadata>' # noqa: W291 '</TagQueueResponse>').format(uuid.uuid4()) return new_response elif action == 'ListQueueTags': new_response = Response() new_response.status_code = 200 new_response._content = ( '<?xml version="1.0"?>' '<ListQueueTagsResponse xmlns="{}">' '<ListQueueTagsResult/>' # noqa: W291 '<ResponseMetadata>' # noqa: W291 '<RequestId>{}</RequestId>' # noqa: W291 '</ResponseMetadata>' # noqa: W291 '</ListQueueTagsResponse>').format(XMLNS_SQS, uuid.uuid4()) return new_response
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): action = headers.get("X-Amz-Target", "").split(".")[-1] data, encoding_type = self.decode_content(data or "{}", True) response._content = self.replace_in_encoded(response.content or "") if action in ("CreateStream", "DeleteStream"): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_CREATE_STREAM if action == "CreateStream" else event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_DELETE_STREAM) payload = {"n": event_publisher.get_hash(data.get("StreamName"))} if action == "CreateStream": payload["s"] = data.get("ShardCount") event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload=payload) elif action == "PutRecord": response_body = self.decode_content(response.content) # Note: avoid adding 'encryptionType':'NONE' in the event_record, as this breaks .NET Lambdas event_record = { "approximateArrivalTimestamp": epoch_timestamp(), "data": data["Data"], "partitionKey": data["PartitionKey"], "sequenceNumber": response_body.get("SequenceNumber"), } event_records = [event_record] stream_name = data["StreamName"] lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == "PutRecords": event_records = [] response_body = self.decode_content(response.content) if "Records" in response_body: response_records = response_body["Records"] records = data["Records"] for index in range(0, len(records)): record = records[index] # Note: avoid adding 'encryptionType':'NONE' in the event_record, as this breaks .NET Lambdas event_record = { "approximateArrivalTimestamp": epoch_timestamp(), "data": record["Data"], "partitionKey": record["PartitionKey"], "sequenceNumber": response_records[index].get("SequenceNumber"), } event_records.append(event_record) stream_name = data["StreamName"] lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == "UpdateShardCount" and config.KINESIS_PROVIDER == "kinesalite": # Currently kinesalite, which backs the Kinesis implementation for localstack, does # not support UpdateShardCount: # # # [Terraform]( makes the call to UpdateShardCount when it # applies Kinesis resources. A Terraform run fails when this is not present. # # The code that follows just returns a successful response, bypassing the 400 # response that kinesalite returns. # response = Response() response.status_code = 200 content = { "CurrentShardCount": 1, "StreamName": data["StreamName"], "TargetShardCount": data["TargetShardCount"], } response.encoding = "UTF-8" response._content = json.dumps(content) return response elif action == "GetRecords": sdk_v2 = self.is_sdk_v2_request(headers) results, encoding_type = self.decode_content( response.content, True) records = results.get("Records", []) if not records: return response for record in records: if sdk_v2: record["ApproximateArrivalTimestamp"] = int( record["ApproximateArrivalTimestamp"]) tmp = record["Data"] # "tmp" is either a base64-encoded string, or a dict {"data": <data_bytes...>} is_base64_encoded = isinstance(tmp, str) if isinstance(tmp, dict): tmp = bytearray(tmp.get("data", [])) if is_base64_encoded: tmp = base64.b64decode(tmp) if encoding_type == APPLICATION_JSON: # Remove double quotes from data written in regular JSON encoding (not for CBOR!) # if len(tmp) >= 2 and tmp[0] == tmp[-1] == b'"'[0]: tmp = tmp[1:-1] if encoding_type == APPLICATION_CBOR: # Note: AWS Java SDK requires bytes embedded in CBOR encoding, not base64 strings! tmp = to_bytes(tmp) if encoding_type == APPLICATION_JSON: if is_base64_encoded: tmp = base64.b64encode(tmp) tmp = to_str(tmp) record["Data"] = tmp response._content = encode_data(results, encoding_type) return response if response.status_code >= 400: response_body = self.decode_content(response.content) if (response_body and response_body.get("__type") and not headers.get(HEADER_AMZN_ERROR_TYPE)): response.headers[HEADER_AMZN_ERROR_TYPE] = str( response_body.get("__type"))
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target', '').split('.')[-1] data, encoding_type = self.decode_content(data or '{}', True) response._content = self.replace_in_encoded(response.content or '') records = [] if action in ('CreateStream', 'DeleteStream'): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_CREATE_STREAM if action == 'CreateStream' else event_publisher.EVENT_KINESIS_DELETE_STREAM) payload = {'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data.get('StreamName'))} if action == 'CreateStream': payload['s'] = data.get('ShardCount') event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload=payload) elif action == 'PutRecord': response_body = self.decode_content(response.content) # Note: avoid adding 'encryptionType':'NONE' in the event_record, as this breaks .NET Lambdas event_record = { 'approximateArrivalTimestamp': epoch_timestamp(), 'data': data['Data'], 'partitionKey': data['PartitionKey'], 'sequenceNumber': response_body.get('SequenceNumber') } event_records = [event_record] stream_name = data['StreamName'] lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == 'PutRecords': event_records = [] response_body = self.decode_content(response.content) if 'Records' in response_body: response_records = response_body['Records'] records = data['Records'] for index in range(0, len(records)): record = records[index] # Note: avoid adding 'encryptionType':'NONE' in the event_record, as this breaks .NET Lambdas event_record = { 'approximateArrivalTimestamp': epoch_timestamp(), 'data': record['Data'], 'partitionKey': record['PartitionKey'], 'sequenceNumber': response_records[index].get('SequenceNumber') } event_records.append(event_record) stream_name = data['StreamName'] lambda_api.process_kinesis_records(event_records, stream_name) elif action == 'UpdateShardCount': # Currently kinesalite, which backs the Kinesis implementation for localstack, does # not support UpdateShardCount: # # # [Terraform]( makes the call to UpdateShardCount when it # applies Kinesis resources. A Terraform run fails when this is not present. # # The code that follows just returns a successful response, bypassing the 400 # response that kinesalite returns. # response = Response() response.status_code = 200 content = { 'CurrentShardCount': 1, 'StreamName': data['StreamName'], 'TargetShardCount': data['TargetShardCount'] } response.encoding = 'UTF-8' response._content = json.dumps(content) return response elif action == 'GetRecords': sdk_v2 = self.sdk_is_v2( headers.get('User-Agent', '').split(' ')[0]) results, encoding_type = self.decode_content( response.content, True) records = results.get('Records', []) if not records: return response for record in records: if sdk_v2: record['ApproximateArrivalTimestamp'] = int( record['ApproximateArrivalTimestamp']) if not isinstance(record['Data'], str): # Remove double quotes from data written as bytes # tmp = bytearray(record['Data']['data']) if len(tmp) >= 2 and tmp[0] == tmp[-1] == b'"'[0]: tmp = tmp[1:-1] if encoding_type == APPLICATION_JSON: record['Data'] = to_str(base64.b64encode(tmp)) else: record['Data'] = to_str(tmp) else: tmp = base64.b64decode(record['Data']) if len(tmp) >= 2 and tmp[0] == tmp[-1] == b'"'[0]: tmp = tmp[1:-1] record['Data'] = to_str(base64.b64encode(tmp)) response._content = cbor2.dumps( results) if encoding_type == APPLICATION_CBOR else json.dumps( results) return response
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response, request_handler): if method == 'POST' and path == '/': req_data = urlparse.parse_qs(to_str(data)) action = req_data.get('Action', [None])[0] event_type = None queue_url = None if action == 'CreateQueue': event_type = event_publisher.EVENT_SQS_CREATE_QUEUE response_data = xmltodict.parse(response.content) if 'CreateQueueResponse' in response_data: queue_url = response_data['CreateQueueResponse']['CreateQueueResult']['QueueUrl'] elif action == 'DeleteQueue': event_type = event_publisher.EVENT_SQS_DELETE_QUEUE queue_url = req_data.get('QueueUrl', [None])[0] if event_type and queue_url: event_publisher.fire_event(event_type, payload={'u': event_publisher.get_hash(queue_url)}) # patch the response and return the correct endpoint URLs if action in ('CreateQueue', 'GetQueueUrl', 'ListQueues'): content_str = content_str_original = to_str(response.content) new_response = Response() new_response.status_code = response.status_code new_response.headers = response.headers if config.USE_SSL and '<QueueUrl>http://' in content_str: # return https://... if we're supposed to use SSL content_str = re.sub(r'<QueueUrl>\s*http://', r'<QueueUrl>https://', content_str) # expose external hostname:port external_port = get_external_port(headers, request_handler) content_str = re.sub(r'<QueueUrl>\s*([a-z]+)://[^<]*:([0-9]+)/([^<]*)\s*</QueueUrl>', r'<QueueUrl>\1://%s:%s/\3</QueueUrl>' % (HOSTNAME_EXTERNAL, external_port), content_str) new_response._content = content_str if content_str_original != new_response._content: # if changes have been made, return patched response new_response.headers['content-length'] = len(new_response._content) return new_response # Since the following 2 API calls are not implemented in ElasticMQ, we're mocking them # and letting them to return an empty response if action == 'TagQueue': new_response = Response() new_response.status_code = 200 new_response._content = ( '<?xml version="1.0"?>' '<TagQueueResponse>' '<ResponseMetadata>' # noqa: W291 '<RequestId>{}</RequestId>' # noqa: W291 '</ResponseMetadata>' # noqa: W291 '</TagQueueResponse>' ).format(uuid.uuid4()) return new_response elif action == 'ListQueueTags': new_response = Response() new_response.status_code = 200 new_response._content = ( '<?xml version="1.0"?>' '<ListQueueTagsResponse xmlns="{}">' '<ListQueueTagsResult/>' # noqa: W291 '<ResponseMetadata>' # noqa: W291 '<RequestId>{}</RequestId>' # noqa: W291 '</ResponseMetadata>' # noqa: W291 '</ListQueueTagsResponse>' ).format(XMLNS_SQS, uuid.uuid4()) return new_response
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): if path.startswith('/shell'): return data = json.loads(to_str(data)) # update table definitions if data and 'TableName' in data and 'KeySchema' in data: TABLE_DEFINITIONS[data['TableName']] = data if response._content: # fix the table and latest stream ARNs (DynamoDBLocal hardcodes "ddblocal" as the region) content_replaced = re.sub( r'("TableArn"|"LatestStreamArn"|"StreamArn")\s*:\s*"arn:aws:dynamodb:' + 'ddblocal:([^"]+)"', r'\1: "arn:aws:dynamodb:%s:\2"' % aws_stack.get_region(), to_str(response._content)) if content_replaced != response._content: response._content = content_replaced fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target') if not action: return record = { 'eventID': '1', 'eventVersion': '1.0', 'dynamodb': { 'StreamViewType': 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES', 'SizeBytes': -1 }, 'awsRegion': aws_stack.get_region(), 'eventSource': 'aws:dynamodb' } records = [record] if action == '%s.UpdateItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: if response.status_code == 200: updated_item = find_existing_item(data) if not updated_item: return record['eventName'] = 'MODIFY' record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = self._thread_local( 'existing_item') record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = updated_item record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(updated_item)) elif action == '%s.BatchWriteItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: records = self.prepare_batch_write_item_records(record, data) elif action == '%s.TransactWriteItems' % ACTION_PREFIX: records = self.prepare_transact_write_item_records(record, data) elif action == '%s.PutItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: if response.status_code == 200: existing_item = self._thread_local('existing_item') record[ 'eventName'] = 'INSERT' if not existing_item else 'MODIFY' keys = dynamodb_extract_keys(item=data['Item'], table_name=data['TableName']) if isinstance(keys, Response): return keys # fix response if response._content == '{}': response._content = json.dumps( {'Attributes': data['Item']}) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) # prepare record keys record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = keys record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = data['Item'] record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(data['Item'])) if existing_item: record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = existing_item elif action == '%s.GetItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) # make sure we append 'ConsumedCapacity', which is properly # returned by dynalite, but not by AWS's DynamoDBLocal if 'ConsumedCapacity' not in content and data.get( 'ReturnConsumedCapacity') in ('TOTAL', 'INDEXES'): content['ConsumedCapacity'] = { 'CapacityUnits': 0.5, # TODO hardcoded 'TableName': data['TableName'] } response._content = json.dumps(content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) elif action == '%s.DeleteItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: if response.status_code == 200: old_item = self._thread_local('existing_item') record['eventName'] = 'REMOVE' record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = old_item elif action == '%s.CreateTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: if 'StreamSpecification' in data: if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response._content)) create_dynamodb_stream( data, content['TableDescription'].get('LatestStreamLabel')) event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_CREATE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data['TableName'])}) return elif action == '%s.DeleteTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_DELETE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data['TableName'])}) return elif action == '%s.UpdateTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: if 'StreamSpecification' in data: if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response._content)) create_dynamodb_stream( data, content['TableDescription'].get('LatestStreamLabel')) return else: # nothing to do return if len(records) > 0 and 'eventName' in records[0]: if 'TableName' in data: records[0]['eventSourceARN'] = aws_stack.dynamodb_table_arn( data['TableName']) forward_to_lambda(records) forward_to_ddb_stream(records)
def create_elasticsearch_domain( self, context: RequestContext, domain_name: DomainName, elasticsearch_version: ElasticsearchVersionString = None, elasticsearch_cluster_config: ElasticsearchClusterConfig = None, ebs_options: EBSOptions = None, access_policies: PolicyDocument = None, snapshot_options: SnapshotOptions = None, vpc_options: VPCOptions = None, cognito_options: CognitoOptions = None, encryption_at_rest_options: EncryptionAtRestOptions = None, node_to_node_encryption_options: NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = None, advanced_options: AdvancedOptions = None, log_publishing_options: LogPublishingOptions = None, domain_endpoint_options: DomainEndpointOptions = None, advanced_security_options: AdvancedSecurityOptionsInput = None, auto_tune_options: AutoTuneOptionsInput = None, tag_list: TagList = None, ) -> CreateElasticsearchDomainResponse: opensearch_client = aws_stack.connect_to_service( "opensearch", region_name=context.region) # If no version is given, we set our default elasticsearch version engine_version = (_version_to_opensearch(elasticsearch_version) if elasticsearch_version else constants.ELASTICSEARCH_DEFAULT_VERSION) kwargs = { "DomainName": domain_name, "EngineVersion": engine_version, "ClusterConfig": _clusterconfig_to_opensearch(elasticsearch_cluster_config), "EBSOptions": ebs_options, "AccessPolicies": access_policies, "SnapshotOptions": snapshot_options, "VPCOptions": vpc_options, "CognitoOptions": cognito_options, "EncryptionAtRestOptions": encryption_at_rest_options, "NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions": node_to_node_encryption_options, "AdvancedOptions": advanced_options, "LogPublishingOptions": log_publishing_options, "DomainEndpointOptions": domain_endpoint_options, "AdvancedSecurityOptions": advanced_security_options, "AutoTuneOptions": auto_tune_options, "TagList": tag_list, } # Filter the kwargs to not set None values at all (boto doesn't like that) kwargs = { key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if value is not None } with exception_mapper(): domain_status = opensearch_client.create_domain( **kwargs)["DomainStatus"] # record event event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_ES_CREATE_DOMAIN, payload={"n": event_publisher.get_hash(domain_name)}, ) status = _domainstatus_from_opensearch(domain_status) return CreateElasticsearchDomainResponse(DomainStatus=status)
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): path = to_str(path) method = to_str(method) bucket_name = get_bucket_name(path, headers) # No path-name based bucket name? Try host-based hostname_parts = headers['host'].split('.') if (not bucket_name or len(bucket_name) == 0) and len(hostname_parts) > 1: bucket_name = hostname_parts[0] # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect field, # which should be used to redirect a client to a new location. key = None if method == 'POST': key, redirect_url = multipart_content.find_multipart_redirect_url( data, headers) if key and redirect_url: response.status_code = 303 response.headers['Location'] = expand_redirect_url( redirect_url, key, bucket_name) LOGGER.debug('S3 POST {} to {}'.format( response.status_code, response.headers['Location'])) parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path) bucket_name_in_host = headers['host'].startswith(bucket_name) should_send_notifications = all([ method in ('PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'), '/' in path[1:] or bucket_name_in_host, # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/ bucket_name_in_host or (len(path[1:].split('/')) > 1 and len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) > 0), self.is_query_allowable(method, parsed.query) ]) # get subscribers and send bucket notifications if should_send_notifications: # if we already have a good key, use it, otherwise examine the path if key: object_path = '/' + key elif bucket_name_in_host: object_path = parsed.path else: parts = parsed.path[1:].split('/', 1) object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][ 0] == '/' else '/%s' % parts[1] version_id = response.headers.get('x-amz-version-id', None) send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path, version_id) # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets: if method in ('PUT', 'DELETE') and ('/' not in path[1:] or len(path[1:].split('/')[1]) <= 0): event_type = (event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET if method == 'PUT' else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET) event_publisher.fire_event( event_type, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)}) # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see if method == 'PUT' and parsed.query == 'policy': response._content = '' response.status_code = 204 return response if response: reset_content_length = False # append CORS headers to response append_cors_headers(bucket_name, request_method=method, request_headers=headers, response=response) append_last_modified_headers(response=response) # Remove body from PUT response on presigned URL # if method == 'PUT' and ('X-Amz-Security-Token=' in path or 'AWSAccessKeyId=' in path): response._content = '' reset_content_length = True response_content_str = None try: response_content_str = to_str(response._content) except Exception: pass # We need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark: # # # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith('<'): is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type) append_last_modified_headers(response=response, content=response_content_str) # un-pretty-print the XML response._content = re.sub(r'([^\?])>\n\s*<', r'\1><', response_content_str, flags=re.MULTILINE) # update Location information in response payload response._content = self._update_location( response._content, bucket_name) # convert back to bytes if is_bytes: response._content = to_bytes(response._content) # fix content-type: # if 'text/html' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', ''): response.headers[ 'Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' reset_content_length = True # update content-length headers (fix if method == 'DELETE': reset_content_length = True if reset_content_length: response.headers['content-length'] = len(response._content)
def forward_request(self, method, path, data, headers): if method == 'OPTIONS': return 200 req_data = None if method == 'POST' and path == '/': req_data = urlparse.parse_qs(to_str(data)) req_data = dict([(k, v[0]) for k, v in req_data.items()]) action = req_data.get('Action') stack_name = req_data.get('StackName') if action == 'CreateStack': event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_CLOUDFORMATION_CREATE_STACK, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(stack_name)}) if action == 'DeleteStack': client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('cloudformation') stack_resources = client.list_stack_resources( StackName=stack_name)['StackResourceSummaries'] template_deployer.delete_stack(stack_name, stack_resources) if action == 'DescribeStackEvents': # fix an issue where moto cannot handle ARNs as stack names (or missing names) run_fix = not stack_name if stack_name: if stack_name.startswith('arn:aws:cloudformation'): run_fix = True stack_name = re.sub( r'arn:aws:cloudformation:[^:]+:[^:]+:stack/([^/]+)(/.+)?', r'\1', stack_name) if run_fix: stack_names = [ stack_name ] if stack_name else self._list_stack_names() client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('cloudformation') events = [] for stack_name in stack_names: tmp = client.describe_stack_events( StackName=stack_name)['StackEvents'][:1] events.extend(tmp) events = [{'member': e} for e in events] response_content = '<StackEvents>%s</StackEvents>' % obj_to_xml( events) return make_response('DescribeStackEvents', response_content) if req_data: if action == 'ValidateTemplate': return validate_template(req_data) if action in ['CreateStack', 'UpdateStack']: do_replace_url = is_real_s3_url(req_data.get('TemplateURL')) if do_replace_url: req_data['TemplateURL'] = convert_s3_to_local_url( req_data['TemplateURL']) modified_request = transform_template(req_data) if modified_request: req_data.pop('TemplateURL', None) req_data['TemplateBody'] = json.dumps(modified_request) if modified_request or do_replace_url: data = urlparse.urlencode(req_data, doseq=True) return Request(data=data, headers=headers, method=method) return True
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): data = json.loads(to_str(data)) # update table definitions if data and 'TableName' in data and 'KeySchema' in data: TABLE_DEFINITIONS[data['TableName']] = data if response._content: # fix the table ARN (DynamoDBLocal hardcodes "ddblocal" as the region) content_replaced = re.sub( r'"TableArn"\s*:\s*"arn:aws:dynamodb:ddblocal:([^"]+)"', r'"TableArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:%s:\1"' % aws_stack.get_local_region(), to_str(response._content)) if content_replaced != response._content: response._content = content_replaced fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target') if not action: return record = { 'eventID': '1', 'eventVersion': '1.0', 'dynamodb': { 'StreamViewType': 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES', 'SizeBytes': -1 }, 'awsRegion': DEFAULT_REGION, 'eventSource': 'aws:dynamodb' } records = [record] if action == '%s.UpdateItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: updated_item = find_existing_item(data) if not updated_item: return record['eventName'] = 'MODIFY' record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] record['dynamodb'][ 'OldImage'] = ProxyListenerDynamoDB.thread_local.existing_item record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = updated_item record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(updated_item)) elif action == '%s.BatchWriteItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: records = [] for table_name, requests in data['RequestItems'].items(): for request in requests: put_request = request.get('PutRequest') if put_request: keys = dynamodb_extract_keys(item=put_request['Item'], table_name=table_name) if isinstance(keys, Response): return keys new_record = clone(record) new_record['eventName'] = 'INSERT' new_record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = keys new_record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = put_request[ 'Item'] new_record[ 'eventSourceARN'] = aws_stack.dynamodb_table_arn( table_name) records.append(new_record) elif action == '%s.PutItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: existing_item = ProxyListenerDynamoDB.thread_local.existing_item ProxyListenerDynamoDB.thread_local.existing_item = None record['eventName'] = 'INSERT' if not existing_item else 'MODIFY' keys = dynamodb_extract_keys(item=data['Item'], table_name=data['TableName']) if isinstance(keys, Response): return keys record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = keys record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = data['Item'] record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(data['Item'])) elif action == '%s.GetItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) # make sure we append 'ConsumedCapacity', which is properly # returned by dynalite, but not by AWS's DynamoDBLocal if 'ConsumedCapacity' not in content and data.get( 'ReturnConsumedCapacity') in ('TOTAL', 'INDEXES'): content['ConsumedCapacity'] = { 'CapacityUnits': 0.5, # TODO hardcoded 'TableName': data['TableName'] } response._content = json.dumps(content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) elif action == '%s.DeleteItem' % ACTION_PREFIX: record['eventName'] = 'REMOVE' record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] elif action == '%s.CreateTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: if 'StreamSpecification' in data: create_dynamodb_stream(data) event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_CREATE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data['TableName'])}) return elif action == '%s.DeleteTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_DELETE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(data['TableName'])}) return elif action == '%s.UpdateTable' % ACTION_PREFIX: if 'StreamSpecification' in data: create_dynamodb_stream(data) return else: # nothing to do return if len(records) > 0 and 'eventName' in records[0]: if 'TableName' in data: records[0]['eventSourceARN'] = aws_stack.dynamodb_table_arn( data['TableName']) forward_to_lambda(records) forward_to_ddb_stream(records)
def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response): if path.startswith('/shell') or method == 'GET': return data = json.loads(to_str(data)) # update table definitions if data and 'TableName' in data and 'KeySchema' in data: table_definitions = DynamoDBRegion.get().table_definitions table_definitions[data['TableName']] = data if response._content: # fix the table and latest stream ARNs (DynamoDBLocal hardcodes "ddblocal" as the region) content_replaced = re.sub( r'("TableArn"|"LatestStreamArn"|"StreamArn")\s*:\s*"arn:aws:dynamodb:ddblocal:([^"]+)"', r'\1: "arn:aws:dynamodb:%s:\2"' % aws_stack.get_region(), to_str(response._content) ) if content_replaced != response._content: response._content = content_replaced fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) action = headers.get('X-Amz-Target', '') action = action.replace(ACTION_PREFIX, '') if not action: return # upgrade event version to 1.1 record = { 'eventID': '1', 'eventVersion': '1.1', 'dynamodb': { 'ApproximateCreationDateTime': time.time(), # 'StreamViewType': 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES', 'SizeBytes': -1 }, 'awsRegion': aws_stack.get_region(), 'eventSource': 'aws:dynamodb' } records = [record] streams_enabled_cache = {} table_name = data.get('TableName') event_sources_or_streams_enabled = has_event_sources_or_streams_enabled(table_name, streams_enabled_cache) if action == 'UpdateItem': if response.status_code == 200 and event_sources_or_streams_enabled: existing_item = self._thread_local('existing_item') record['eventName'] = 'INSERT' if not existing_item else 'MODIFY' record['eventID'] = short_uid() updated_item = find_existing_item(data) if not updated_item: return record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] if existing_item: record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = existing_item record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = updated_item record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(updated_item)) stream_spec = dynamodb_get_table_stream_specification(table_name=table_name) if stream_spec: record['dynamodb']['StreamViewType'] = stream_spec['StreamViewType'] elif action == 'BatchWriteItem': records, unprocessed_items = self.prepare_batch_write_item_records(record, data) for record in records: event_sources_or_streams_enabled = (event_sources_or_streams_enabled or has_event_sources_or_streams_enabled(record['eventSourceARN'], streams_enabled_cache)) if response.status_code == 200 and any(unprocessed_items): content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) table_name = list(data['RequestItems'].keys())[0] if table_name not in content['UnprocessedItems']: content['UnprocessedItems'][table_name] = [] for key in ['PutRequest', 'DeleteRequest']: if any(unprocessed_items[key]): content['UnprocessedItems'][table_name].append({key: unprocessed_items[key]}) unprocessed = content['UnprocessedItems'] for key in list(unprocessed.keys()): if not unprocessed.get(key): del unprocessed[key] response._content = json.dumps(content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) elif action == 'TransactWriteItems': records = self.prepare_transact_write_item_records(record, data) for record in records: event_sources_or_streams_enabled = (event_sources_or_streams_enabled or has_event_sources_or_streams_enabled(record['eventSourceARN'], streams_enabled_cache)) elif action == 'PutItem': if response.status_code == 200: keys = dynamodb_extract_keys(item=data['Item'], table_name=table_name) if isinstance(keys, Response): return keys # fix response if response._content == '{}': response._content = update_put_item_response_content(data, response._content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) if event_sources_or_streams_enabled: existing_item = self._thread_local('existing_item') # Get stream specifications details for the table stream_spec = dynamodb_get_table_stream_specification(table_name=table_name) record['eventName'] = 'INSERT' if not existing_item else 'MODIFY' # prepare record keys record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = keys record['dynamodb']['NewImage'] = data['Item'] record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(data['Item'])) record['eventID'] = short_uid() if stream_spec: record['dynamodb']['StreamViewType'] = stream_spec['StreamViewType'] if existing_item: record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = existing_item elif action in ('GetItem', 'Query'): if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) # make sure we append 'ConsumedCapacity', which is properly # returned by dynalite, but not by AWS's DynamoDBLocal if 'ConsumedCapacity' not in content and data.get('ReturnConsumedCapacity') in ['TOTAL', 'INDEXES']: content['ConsumedCapacity'] = { 'TableName': table_name, 'CapacityUnits': 5, # TODO hardcoded 'ReadCapacityUnits': 2, 'WriteCapacityUnits': 3 } response._content = json.dumps(content) fix_headers_for_updated_response(response) elif action == 'DeleteItem': if response.status_code == 200 and event_sources_or_streams_enabled: old_item = self._thread_local('existing_item') record['eventID'] = short_uid() record['eventName'] = 'REMOVE' record['dynamodb']['Keys'] = data['Key'] record['dynamodb']['OldImage'] = old_item record['dynamodb']['SizeBytes'] = len(json.dumps(old_item)) # Get stream specifications details for the table stream_spec = dynamodb_get_table_stream_specification(table_name=table_name) if stream_spec: record['dynamodb']['StreamViewType'] = stream_spec['StreamViewType'] elif action == 'CreateTable': if 'StreamSpecification' in data: if response.status_code == 200: content = json.loads(to_str(response._content)) create_dynamodb_stream(data, content['TableDescription'].get('LatestStreamLabel')) event_publisher.fire_event(event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_CREATE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(table_name)}) if data.get('Tags') and response.status_code == 200: table_arn = json.loads(response._content)['TableDescription']['TableArn'] DynamoDBRegion.TABLE_TAGS[table_arn] = {tag['Key']: tag['Value'] for tag in data['Tags']} return elif action == 'DeleteTable': if response.status_code == 200: table_arn = json.loads(response._content).get('TableDescription', {}).get('TableArn') event_publisher.fire_event( event_publisher.EVENT_DYNAMODB_DELETE_TABLE, payload={'n': event_publisher.get_hash(table_name)} ) self.delete_all_event_source_mappings(table_arn) dynamodbstreams_api.delete_streams(table_arn) DynamoDBRegion.TABLE_TAGS.pop(table_arn, None) return elif action == 'UpdateTable': content_str = to_str(response._content or '') if response.status_code == 200 and 'StreamSpecification' in data: content = json.loads(content_str) create_dynamodb_stream(data, content['TableDescription'].get('LatestStreamLabel')) if response.status_code >= 400 and data.get('ReplicaUpdates') and 'Nothing to update' in content_str: table_name = data.get('TableName') # update local table props (replicas) table_properties = DynamoDBRegion.get().table_properties table_properties[table_name] = table_props = table_properties.get(table_name) or {} table_props['Replicas'] = replicas = table_props.get('Replicas') or [] for repl_update in data['ReplicaUpdates']: for key, details in repl_update.items(): region = details.get('RegionName') if key == 'Create': details['ReplicaStatus'] = details.get('ReplicaStatus') or 'ACTIVE' replicas.append(details) if key == 'Update': replica = [r for r in replicas if r.get('RegionName') == region] if replica: replica[0].update(details) if key == 'Delete': table_props['Replicas'] = [r for r in replicas if r.get('RegionName') != region] # update response content schema = get_table_schema(table_name) result = {'TableDescription': schema['Table']} update_response_content(response, json_safe(result), 200) return elif action == 'DescribeTable': table_name = data.get('TableName') table_props = DynamoDBRegion.get().table_properties.get(table_name) if table_props: content = json.loads(to_str(response.content)) content.get('Table', {}).update(table_props) update_response_content(response, content) elif action == 'TagResource': table_arn = data['ResourceArn'] table_tags = DynamoDBRegion.TABLE_TAGS if table_arn not in table_tags: table_tags[table_arn] = {} table_tags[table_arn].update({tag['Key']: tag['Value'] for tag in data.get('Tags', [])}) return elif action == 'UntagResource': table_arn = data['ResourceArn'] for tag_key in data.get('TagKeys', []): DynamoDBRegion.TABLE_TAGS.get(table_arn, {}).pop(tag_key, None) return else: # nothing to do return if event_sources_or_streams_enabled and records and 'eventName' in records[0]: if 'TableName' in data: records[0]['eventSourceARN'] = aws_stack.dynamodb_table_arn(table_name) # forward to kinesis stream forward_to_kinesis_stream(records) # forward to lambda and ddb_streams forward_to_lambda(records) records = self.prepare_records_to_forward_to_ddb_stream(records) forward_to_ddb_stream(records)