Example #1
 def test_equals(self):
     location = Location(1, 2)
     bombs = 3
     first = State(location, bombs)
     second = State(location, bombs)
     self.assertEqual(first, second)
     second.bombs += 1
     self.assertNotEqual(first, second)
Example #2
 def next_state(self, state):
     if not self.in_range(state.location):
     for next_location in state.location.neighborhood():
         if not self.in_range(next_location):
         if self[next_location].is_wall and state.bombs > 0:
             yield State(next_location, state.bombs - 1)
         elif not self[next_location].is_wall:
             yield State(next_location, state.bombs)
Example #3
 def get_info(locations, final_state):
     info = SearchInfo()
     info.final_state = final_state
     states = [State(location, 0) for location in locations]
     states = [None] + states
     for i in range(1, len(states)):
         info.add(state=states[i], parent=states[i - 1], distance=(i - 1))
     return info
Example #4
 def test_empty(self):
     map_ = ["..",
     labyrinth = Labyrinth3d([map_, map_])
     info = self.get_info([Location(0, 0, 0),
                           Location(1, 0, 0),
                           Location(1, 1, 0),
                           Location(1, 1, 1)],
                          State(Location(1, 1, 1), 0))
     expected = ['X.',
     self.assertEqual(find_path(labyrinth, info), expected)
Example #5
 def test_easy(self):
     map_ = [[".#",
     labyrinth = Labyrinth3d(map_)
     info = self.get_info([Location(0, 0, 0),
                           Location(0, 0, 1),
                           Location(0, 1, 1),
                           Location(1, 1, 1),
                           Location(1, 1, 0)],
                          State(Location(1, 1, 0), 0))
     solve_info = solve(labyrinth, Location(0, 0, 0), Location(1, 1, 0), 0)
     path = find_path(labyrinth, solve_info)
     expected = find_path(labyrinth, info)
     self.assertEqual(path, expected)
Example #6
 def test_empty(self):
     map_ = ["...",
     labyrinth = Labyrinth3d([map_, map_])
     info = self.get_info([Location(0, 0, 0),
                           Location(0, 0, 1),
                           Location(0, 1, 1),
                           Location(0, 2, 1),
                           Location(1, 2, 1),
                           Location(2, 2, 1)],
                          State(Location(2, 2, 1), 0))
     solve_info = solve(labyrinth, Location(0, 0, 0), Location(2, 2, 1), 0)
     path = find_path(labyrinth, solve_info)
     expected = find_path(labyrinth, info)
     self.assertEqual(path, expected)
Example #7
 def test_next_state(self):
     map_ = ["...",
     labyrinth = Labyrinth(map_)
     location = Location(1, 1)
     out_of_range_location = Location(0, 4)
     state = State(out_of_range_location, 1)
     self.check_next_state(labyrinth, state, [])
     expected_next_states = [State(Location(0, 1), 1),
                             State(Location(1, 0), 0),
                             State(Location(1, 2), 0),
                             State(Location(2, 1), 0)]
     state = State(location, 1)
     self.check_next_state(labyrinth, state, expected_next_states)
     state = State(Location(0, 0), 1)
     self.check_next_state(labyrinth, state, expected_next_states[0:2])
Example #8
def solve(labyrinth, start, end, bombs):
    """Find path from start to end in labyrinth with bombs"""
    start_state = State(start, bombs)
    info = SearchInfo()
    heap = []
    heappush(heap, (bombs, 0, start_state))
    info.add(state=start_state, parent=None, distance=0)
    while len(heap) != 0:
        current = heappop(heap)[2]
        if current.location == end:
            info.final_state = current
            return info
        for state in labyrinth.next_state(current):
            if state not in info.used:
                         distance=info.dist[current] + 1)
                heappush(heap, (-state.bombs, info.dist[state], state))
    return None
Example #9
 def test_bombs(self):
     map_ = [["....",
     labyrinth = Labyrinth3d(map_)
     info = self.get_info([Location(0, 0, 0),
                           Location(1, 0, 0),
                           Location(1, 0, 1),
                           Location(1, 1, 1),
                           Location(1, 2, 1),
                           Location(2, 2, 1)],
                          State(Location(2, 2, 1), 0))
     expected = ["X...",
     self.assertEqual(find_path(labyrinth, info), expected)
Example #10
 def test_init(self):
     location = Location(1, 1)
     bombs = 10
     state = State(location, bombs)
     self.assertEqual(state.location, location)
     self.assertEqual(state.bombs, bombs)
Example #11
 def test_lt(self):
     first = State(Location(1, 2), 3)
     second = State(Location(1, 2), 4)
     self.assertLess(first, second)
Example #12
 def test_hash(self):
     location = Location(1, 2)
     bombs = 3
     first = State(location, bombs)
     second = State(location, bombs)
     self.assertEqual(hash(first), hash(second))
Example #13
 def test_str(self):
     state = State(Location(1, 2), 3)
     self.assertEqual(str(state), "State: Location: 1 2 0. Count of bombs: 3")